Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 188 Going Home

Li Changge gained insight into a hidden fact through his conversation with Qi Xuansu.

In fact, the differences between Qi Xuansu and him were not as big as imagined.

Although Qi Xuansu is good at debating, and this time he really had nothing to say, Qi Xuansu did not directly refute his views. Most of them agreed, and the main disagreement was still focused on the issue of Xidaomen.

Qi Xuansu's point of view is whether Xidaomen is one of his own, which is not the same thing as Li Changge's question of whether it should be redeemed.

In the end, Qi Xuansu came to the conclusion that Xidaomen was his own, and there was no so-called redemption or not, which cleverly bypassed the problem raised by Li Changge.

What if Xidaomen is not one of our own?

Qi Xuansu did not give a very clear answer.

At the debate level, Qi Xuansu seized on Li Changge's flaws and counterattacked. But on the fundamental issue, Qi Xuansu did not refute.

Can't refute? Still don’t want to refute?

This is very thought-provoking.

However, Li Changge did not mention this matter to anyone else, including Master Qingwei and the Imperial Master.

Three generations, three ideas, this is normal.

The most obvious ones are Tianshi, Zhang Jucheng, and Zhang Yuelu. The conflicts between them have been made public and cannot be concealed at all.

The more hidden ones are the three generations of the Li family, Guoshi, Qingweizhenren, and Li Changge. They are not exposed publicly, but it does not mean that they do not exist.

There are also three people, Earth Master, Donghua Zhenren, and Qi Xuansu. Now it seems that Earth Master and Donghua Zhenren have revealed conflicts, but Donghua Zhenren and Qi Xuansu seem to have no problems.

As for the specific situation, only Qi Xuansu himself knows.

After the Third Master actually deposed the Grand Master, the impact was so far-reaching that it could be said to have destroyed the biggest consensus of the Taoist sect since Xuansheng, and directly caused the Taoist sect to begin to split. The Taoist sect has reached a critical node, and all knowledgeable people are aware of it. When it comes to change, papering cannot stop it.

The key is how to change.

Some are radical and some are conservative. Some people seek from outside, and some seek from within.

Li Changge is a radical on the surface, while Qi Xuansu is a hidden radical.

Qi Xuansu's current ecological position was not chosen by himself, but what was left after others had chosen it. In other words, he had no choice but to take this path.

As for whether Qi Xuansu recognized it or not, at least he seemed to agree with it.

But Qi Xuansu also knows that if we cannot unite and redeem, what should come will eventually come, and in the end we have to use the lowest level of logic - violence.

A person's worldview is basically formed around the age of twenty.

What was Qi Xuansu's status when he was twenty years old? What are you doing again?

At that time, he was not a big shot, just an insignificant little character, flopping in the quagmire of the bottom, so many of his ideas were essentially more in line with the bottom, especially the young and strong men at the bottom.

These people have a characteristic: they are treated like cattle and horses, and they are treated like chopping firewood. Sometimes they are numbers, and sometimes they are ants. The upper-level officials were unwilling to give up the benefits when erecting the archway, so they sought compensation from them. When the people above want to suffer, they most likely won't be able to escape.

How would Qi Xuansu, who grew up in this environment, view the world?

An old man who is gradually unable to keep up with the times, and makes a decision that affects the entire world with just a slap on the forehead?

In the name of morality, going crazy for selfish desires?

I am not guilty, but my sins are everywhere?

This world will continue to function normally without anyone leaving it, and the sun will still rise as usual. But the more senior you are, the less aware you are of this. The illusion brought about by powerful power makes them begin to ignore the voices of ordinary people and always take them for granted.

Qi Xuansu never told others about some of his thoughts and always said the right things.

But Zhang Yuelu is an exception.

When the Heavenly Master stopped Zhang Yuelu's new policy, Qi Xuansu said half jokingly and half consolingly: "The old people have old minds, don't be as knowledgeable as them. When we get to the position, we will change all their ways, and there is nothing they can do." . This world is theirs and ours, and it is still ours after all.”

"Old-minded" is Qi Xuansu's assessment.

The old man is a double-edged sword. He who is experienced must be old-fashioned at the same time. You cannot have both.

Youth is an advantage, but the disadvantage is a shallow foundation.

If Qi Xuansu at this time was a Second Tribulation Immortal who could dominate the world, it would be hard to say how he would express his views on the world.

When the flying boat landed with a crash, Qi Xuansu finally returned to Yujing after a long absence.

A few months is not a short period of time. The last time I came back, I was still with Huangfuji, and I was burdened with a huge responsibility, including reporting on my work and Jinque. Unlike this time, I had no official position and was light-hearted.

But having said that, others obviously won't think that Qi Xuansu is really an ordinary real person now.

Everyone from Ziweitang, including Chen Jianchou, came to greet Qi Xuansu, and the battle was quite big.

There are even spiritual officials responsible for evacuating the crowd and providing warning.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that it is a "mansion in the sky" and a spiritual officer is dispatched. This is a big shot at the level of Zhenzhenzhen who has come to Beijing.

Qi Xuansu did not expect such a battle. He wanted to criticize it for being too ostentatious, but then he thought about it. Wu Niang was still on the boat. Even though he was not the real person of Shenzhi, Wu Niang was a veritable real person of Pingzhang. It was used to welcome Wu Niang. There was nothing wrong with it. He could not cancel the treatment given to Wu Niang on his own initiative.

So Qi Xuansu asked Wu Niang to go first, and he followed, followed by Deputy Hall Master Xu, Lu Yujue and others.

In fact, these people are really here to greet Qi Xuansu. After all, it has been decided that Qi Xuansu will be promoted to the Supreme Master, sooner or later.

But they didn't expect Qi Xuansu to be cautious and give this treatment to Wuniang. The key point is that none of them know Wuniang, especially the people from Ziweitang. They have been in contact with personnel in Yujing for a long time. , All of you, Master Pingzhang, all know each other. Who is this? Never seen it.

I couldn't help but be a little confused.

It was Deputy Hall Master Xu who found out what was going on and immediately said loudly: "This is Jinque's newly appointed Great Master Pingzhang!"

After saying this, the people in Ziweitang immediately understood, and they were still a little scared: "Master Qi is still prudent, and a big problem almost happened."

Isn't it going to be a big problem to leave Master Pingzhang alone and go to meet Master Qi Xuansu, the quasi-censored master? Master Pingzhang was dissatisfied and thought it was Qi Xuansu who ordered them to do this. It was a loss of face for him, and Qi Xuansu would naturally not accept their favor, offending both sides.

Chen Jianchou helped Qi Xuansu open the car door, and Qi Xuansu ordered: "I'm in the same car with Da Zhenren, and you accompany Assistant Manager Lu."

Chen Jianqiu responded and walked to the second car.

Qi Xuansu got into the car and asked, "Wu Niang, are you going back to Zixiao Palace? Or do you have other plans?"

Wu Niang thought for a while: "To be honest, I am really tired of Zixiao Palace. After living here for hundreds of years, I would never get tired of anyone else. I have also visited Kunlun Cave. By the way, I heard that you have a new house? "

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "If Wu Niang is willing to condescend to go, the humble house will be full of glory."

Wuniang said: "Well, let's go to your house first."

Qi Xuansu was going to go home first and tidy up before going to see Master Donghua.

Poor little Yin still doesn't know that her happy days are coming to an end.

Qi Xuansu had no time to care about her, and Wu Niang was very free. In a sense, Wu Niang was like a grown-up Xiao Yin.

The convoy entered Yujing in a mighty manner and was quickly divided into several groups. After all, they were going to different places and not everyone lived in Taishangfang.

The carriage stopped in front of the gate of Princess Xuanzhen's mansion. Qi Xuansu saw Xiao Yin walking with a young woman at a glance.

Qi Xuansu got off the carriage and called Xiao Yin. Xiao Yin saw Qi Xuansu and ran over immediately. The woman stood there without moving, but hesitated for a moment, saluted Qi Xuansu from a distance, then turned and left.

Qi Xuansu was a little strange, and suddenly remembered who this woman was. Wasn't she Princess Chiying? We met once during his apprenticeship ceremony and also met once in the Imperial Capital.

This is even more strange. How come Princess Chiying is with Xiao Yin? What is Li Changge’s intention?

Qi Xuansu asked: "Xiao Yin, why are you with Princess Chiying?"

Xiao Yin asked back: "Who is Princess Chiying?"

Qi Xuansu said: "That's the woman who was with you just now."

Xiao Yin said: "Is she a princess? She said her name is Qin Henghua, and she also said calling her by her first name is insulting, so she asked me to call her cousin Hua Wan. By the way, Lao Qi, what is your cousin's name?"

Qi Xuansu said: "My cousin is Tianyuan."

"Okay, Tianyuan." Xiao Yin said, "I will call you Tianyuan from now on."

Qi Xuansu patted her head: "Do you want to rebel against Tiangang?"

Xiao Yin always goes off topic when talking: "She said that I am a married woman, so I don't have a cousin at this age. Lao Qi, what is my cousin?"

Qi Xuansu responded casually: "Your nickname is 'Wan Miao', and your nickname is 'Dabai'."

Then Qi Xuansu realized something was wrong and returned to the topic: "No matter who she is, why are you with her?"

"Isn't that a neighbor? Lao Zhang said that if there is harmony between neighbors, we must have a good relationship." Xiao Yin spoke plausibly and already knew how to use Zhang Yuelu's words to silence Qi Xuansu.

At this moment, Wu Niang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly appeared and grabbed Xiao Yin.

Xiao Yin was frightened and struggled hard, but how could her cultivation level be compared with that of Wuniang? Naturally, she couldn't break free.

Wu Niang raised Xiao Yin in front of her and looked left and right with interest, a little curious.

Xiao Yin was like a large toy in Wu Niang's hands.

It cannot be said that Wu Niang has never seen children, but children like Xiao Yin are special, and even the first two generations of Emperor Liu cannot generalize.

Xiao Yin could clearly sense Wu Niang's power, and was obviously a little frightened. She was grinning, but she didn't dare to cry if she wanted to.

As an elder who was older than the first generation of Emperor Liu, Wu Niang naturally couldn't bully the younger ones, so she quickly hugged her and coaxed her a few times. Not to mention, she was quite impressive.

Xiao Yin was no longer so afraid, and became bolder again: "Who are you?"

Wu Niang replied: "I am Wu Niang."

Xiao Yin asked curiously: "Are you Qiniang's sister?"

Wu Niang laughed: "What do you think?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Okay, Wu Niang and Qiniang have nothing to do with each other. Don't stand here, go in first."

Xiao Yin kept asking: "Who is Liu Niang? Is there any Sanniang?"

Qi Xuansu was annoyed and said: "If you act three, you can also call me Sanniang."

Xiao Yin was shocked: "Scared! Why didn't I know?"

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