Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 190 Cleaning up the mess

Like Qi Xuansu, Li Minghuang was from a lower-class background and was not from an aristocratic family, so he had the advantage of being able to afford it and let it go, and not so concerned about face.

Qi Xuansu didn't want to seriously injure Li Minghuang, but wanted to humiliate him more.

After all, this is Yujing, not a local Taoist government. Qi Xuansu cannot be unscrupulous. It is one thing to throw Li Minghuang out. This is not Li Minghuang's home, but Lu Yujue's home. No matter what, it is easy to say. But if Qi Xuansu brazenly shot and injured Li Minghuang, he would be giving Taiping Dao a knife to stab himself.

At this critical moment, Qi Xuansu didn't want to get too involved.

Li Minghuang stood up with both hands, gave Qi Xuansu a hard look, turned and left.

He also knew that he was no match for Qi Xuansu, and the only one who could compete with Qi Xuansu now was Li Changge. Whether it's a battle of wits or direct action.

Therefore, Li Minghuang did not refute Qi Xuansu's words. He was indeed inferior to Li Changge. Regardless of how many resources Li Changge used, Daomen only cares about the results.

In this case, if he continues to stay here, he will only bring humiliation to himself. There is no point in it. It is better to leave directly.

Of course, there is no need to be harsh.

If Taiping Dao could really do something to Qi Xuansu, they would have taken action already. Is it because Taiping Dao is benevolent that they haven't taken action yet?

After Li Minghuang left, Lu Yujue said sincerely: "Thank you, chief, for taking the initiative."

Qi Xuansu has resigned as chief, and Lu Yujue still uses the title "chief". This is to deliberately highlight the relationship between the two, and to regard himself as the old department is also a disguised expression of loyalty.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and pointedly said: "Old Lu, don't act out of emotion, justice should be in the heart of the people."

Lu Yujue nodded and said: "I remember it, chief, please rest assured."

Qi Xuansu looked at Zhou Xiaosong who was at a loss and said: "Master Zhou, please take care of yourself."

After that, Qi Xuansu didn't look at Zhou Xiaosong's reaction and left directly with Chen Jianchou.

Next, Qi Xuansu stopped going home and went directly to Donghua Zhenren.

The two were traveling in the same car.

"Yuzheng, do you already know about Xie Jiaofeng?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Chen Jianchou said softly: "I know."

Qi Xuansu said: "In the final analysis, women's problems are matters of personal ethics. If they are not targeted by others, the impact will generally be limited. Even if they are put on the scale, they may not be able to crush them to death. Looking at such a large avenue, there will not be only one Li Minghuang. But economic issues are very complicated. It is a matter of public ethics to harm the interests of the Taoist community. It is easy to say anything if it is not on the scale, but once it is on the scale, it will be difficult to save it, especially at this time, when internal strife is intensifying. The problem must be weaponized.”

"Xie Jiaofeng is also a secretary, and he is Donghua's secretary. But if something like this happens, no one can save him. Even Zhang Zhenren is almost implicated by him. You are my secretary, I propose that you Master Donghua has agreed to take over Xie Jiaofeng's position. I hope you will hold on to yourself and not make the same mistake again."

Chen Jianchou was a little surprised. He only knew that he would be the deputy palace master, but he did not expect to go one step further and directly jump from the bottom deputy palace master to the fourth deputy palace master in charge of Lion City.

Without Qi Xuansu, he could have been promoted to Deputy Palace Master by relying on his adoptive mother Xu Jiaorong, but without Qi Xuansu, he would never have been able to become the fourth Deputy Palace Master in one go. This was a bit of a blessing.

Chen Jianqiu expressed his position: "Please rest assured, Master, I will never let down Master's expectations."

Qi Xuansu was noncommittal: "There are still some problems in Nanyang now, such as some interest groups. Some people in these groups have special status and can be considered to have contributed to the Taoist sect. However, they rely on their own merits to fight against the Taoist sect. If they act recklessly, it will cause some bad effects. , but if you let it go, you are irresponsible to the Taoist sect. The problem is mainly concentrated in Lion City. How do you plan to solve this problem when you go to Lion City to take up the post? "

Chen Jianchou thought seriously for a moment and replied: "It's nothing more than starting from within, dividing, uniting a group of people, wooing a group of people, and suppressing a group of people."

Qi Xuansu smiled: "Let's talk about the classic method of Emperor Taizu of the Wei Dynasty in detail."

"Yes." Chen Jianqiu said, "First of all, stop the relevant actions immediately to avoid further intensification and escalation of the conflict. In fact, Tianshi has already done this."

Qi Xuansu nodded in approval.

Chen Jianqiu continued: "Secondly, we need to figure out the specific situation and be aware of it. This is what Chief Zhang has already done."

Qi Xuansu nodded again.

"In fact, both the Celestial Master and Chief Zhang can do the following finishing touches, but the Celestial Master will not care about such trivial matters. Chief Zhang's time in Nanyang is running out and there is no time to do it."

"If I were to do it, I would do it in three steps. The first step is to divide these groups of veteran Taoist priests into different levels according to the severity of the circumstances based on the situation we have learned, and at the same time introduce different policies for each level. "

“If the circumstances are relatively minor, there is no need to deal with it, but only a serious warning; if the circumstances are ordinary, the handling can be suspended or dealt with lightly; and if the circumstances are more serious, those who take the lead in making trouble, or even have illegal circumstances, will be dealt with severely and promptly in accordance with the law. , kill the chicken to scare the monkey.”

"The second step, maybe these old Taoist priests themselves have nothing to fear, but their children, nephews, and grandchildren still have to develop in the Taoist sect, including but not limited to parents, children, grandparents, uncles, nephews, aunts, nephews, etc., for the above people Conduct conversations and exert indirect pressure. If necessary, evaluations and promotions can be suspended, and in serious cases, employees can be suspended. "

"The third step is to let the Fengxiantang branch intervene. At the beginning, we will investigate and deal with the old Taoist priests who have serious cases. After entering the third step, the Taoist officials made a strong statement and used the Fengxiantang branch to investigate the Taoist internal affairs. All links and departments exert pressure. After all, these old Taoist priests have held positions in the Taoist sect, and their connections are intricate. You have me in you, and you have me in you. The protective umbrella that protects the old Taoist priests from wind and rain within the Taoist government must be deterred. If necessary, , the Fengxian Hall branch can open a case for investigation."

"In addition, corresponding public opinion control must be done. Although there is a suspicion of covering up the lid, it is also to prevent these old Taoist priests from creating a momentum within the Taoist sect, thereby complicating the problem. When necessary, the Taoist priests can also give way. The government will use the pen to make public characterization from the official level, report to Jinque, and make it public. "

"Of course, this series of actions must receive strong support from the Taoist level. I alone cannot do it."

After listening to this, Qi Xuansu nodded and asked: "What if the old Taoist priests are doing their old tricks again? There is really an old Taoist priest who is so determined that he puts up his life, sets up spiritual flags, and wears hemp clothes like snow, forcing the spiritual officials to go to the streets to form arrays. How should you deal with it?"

Chen Jianchou smiled bitterly: "In this situation, even Chief Zhang can't suppress it, and it's even less possible for me to suppress it. I can only ask the Taoist government to come forward."

Qi Xuansu said: "Some people use their own lives as chess pieces to play chess with the immortals. In the end, they win half of the immortal's pieces in order to win half of the heaven's pieces. If someone really dares to sacrifice his life to join the game, there is nothing he can do about it. He won't even give up his life. So what if I let his son-in-law?”

"Don't worry, I will support you, and the Taoist government will also support you. Just go ahead and do it."

Chen Jianchou understood what Qi Xuansu meant.

Master Donghua is not in Ziweitang today, but in his own home. No matter how busy you are, you can still spare half a day. But if you are sending someone to the Southern Continent, it would take at least six or seven days to go back and forth. That would be different.

The residence of Master Donghua is naturally also in Xuandu, not far from Ziweitang. If the Taoist residences are divided into grades, Zixiao Palace, the residence of the Grand Master, is the only one, and Zifu is the first. , Xuandu is the second level, and Taishangfang is the third level.

The residences in Taishangfang are mainly expensive, while the residences in Xuandu are not about money, but belong to Taoist distribution. Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu and others can also live in Xuandu, but they are definitely not qualified to live in a big house. Zhang Yuelu has a small house here, which is almost equivalent to a corner of Cihang's real house. In addition to the good location, other aspects are definitely It's not as good as the Princess Mansion in Taishangfang.

From the people from Ziweitang going to greet Qi Xuansu, it can be seen that Donghua Zhenren has already made arrangements. Although Qi Xuansu was delayed for a while because of Lu Yujue's affairs, it still did not affect the overall situation.

Gong Jiaojun was already waiting at the door of Donghua Zhenren's residence.

After Qi Xuansu got out of the car, Gong Jiaojun immediately came over and said, "Master Qi is finally here."

Qi Xuansu explained: "Some things happened and I came too late."

Gong Jiaojun obviously did not blame Qi Xuansu for arriving late, and said softly: "Zhenren Yao has already arrived first."

Qi Xuansu was slightly startled.

Which Yao Zhenren?

But Qi Xuansu reacted quickly: "Is it Yao Suyi?"

Gong Jiaojun nodded.

Yao Pei is Qi Xuansu's nominal senior sister.

Speaking of which, the two are still classmates. Qi Xuansu went to the Shanggong of Wanxiang Taoist Palace twice to study. The first time was when he was promoted to the fourth grade Jijiu Taoist priest. He was a classmate with Yao Pei. The two experienced many things together in the Taoist palace, including secretly entering the library. , witnessed Zhang Wuhen’s resurrection and so on. Qi Xuansu felt regretful now. He was about to become the real person in charge of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, which meant that he had helped Yao Pei to steal his own things from his own house.

As for the second time Qi Xuansu went to the Shang Palace of Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further training, he was promoted to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest and went with Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu said that he knew what was going on and walked straight inside.

Gong Jiaojun was one step behind, walking side by side with Chen Jianchou.

One of them is the secretary of the master, and the other is the secretary of the disciple. They are two generations, and they still have many common topics. Moreover, Chen Jianqiu has been released to the outside world. Seeing that his future is limitless, Gong Jiaojun will also be released to the outside world sooner or later. Without Donghua Zhenren, he will not have such great power, so he will naturally have a good relationship with Chen Jianqiu.

Because Taoism wants to abolish Confucian etiquette, many simplifications have been made in etiquette, such as Qi Xuansu's apprenticeship ceremony. Therefore, Qi Xuansu does not need to go to the master's house to go through complicated procedures such as communication, and just go directly to the main hall.

Qi Xuansu just walked into the main hall, with a smile on his face: "Master, Senior Sister."

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