Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 191 Master and Disciple

There were only two people talking in the hall at this time, namely Zhenren Donghua and Yao Pei.

Master Donghua sat still, while Yao Pei stood up to welcome Qi Xuansu's arrival.

"Senior sister, when did you come back?" Qi Xuansu asked proactively.

He knew that Yao Pei went to the Taoist Palace of the Western Regions and made many achievements there. In fact, some places are prone to achievements, such as the Southern Continent and the Western Regions. The situation here is complicated and there are many conflicts. As the saying goes, heroes emerge from troubled times, and peace leads to peace. You can only get through seniority. As long as you have the ability, the more chaotic the place, the easier it is to stand out.

Yao Pei replied, "I have just returned to Yujing."

After Qi Xuansu met Yao Pei, he was very casual, "I didn't know that Senior Sister was coming, so I didn't prepare a gift for Senior Sister. I only prepared a gift for Master. Please forgive me."

Yao Pei still looked half-dead, shaking his head slightly, "It doesn't matter."

Qi Xuansu took out the ancient Daqi paintings he had prepared and handed them into the hands of Master Donghua. "Master likes calligraphy and painting. I recently got this painting "Ten Thousand Mountains and Thousands of Flows", and I would like to ask Master to appreciate it."

"You are the only one who has too many thoughts." Master Donghua's words seemed to be an accusation, but upon closer inspection, it was not the case.

With that said, Master Donghua opened the wooden box and took out the scroll. Qi Xuansu grabbed one end, and Master Donghua stood up and took the other end. Together, they slowly unfolded the painting.

This painting is majestic and majestic, as if there are tens of thousands of mountains standing and thousands of rivers flowing. There is nothing else. No wonder it is called "Ten Thousand Mountains and Thousands of Streams".

Of course this has a meaning. Mountains and rivers are also called rivers and mountains, and rivers and mountains refer to the world.

Xuansheng said that the world is not the world of any one person, but the world of everyone in the world.

Xuansheng's original intention is that everyone in the world owns the world together.

However, in the context of Fenglinzhou, there is also the term "people of the world", which means those who end the troubled times and unify the world.

Therefore, some people refer to the Great Master as a "people of the world", or simply become the person who dominates the world. Let's see whose family controls the world today. Naturally, it is the world of the Great Master.

Qi Xuansu gave him "Jiangshan Sheji" as a gift, which was naturally a very good wish and also a kind of favor.

When you reach the status of Master Donghua, ordinary rare treasures are naturally inconspicuous, that is, you are in that position.

No matter how harsh Master Donghua is, you still have to be happy.

Some Taoist friends get to the top by flattery. Qi Xuansu does not rely on this, but on his actual achievements, but he does not mind using such means to add icing on the cake.

Master Donghua was indeed very happy. He accepted the gift and asked, "Is this painting unusual?"

, where did you get it? If it's a swindle, I won't spare you. "

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "Master didn't even think about it. I went to the Southern Continent. How could there be such elegant things there? I just wanted to take advantage of it, and at most I could get some exotic artifacts. It was Uncle Zhang's who gave me this painting." , I am a rough man, and if it falls into my hands, it is like a cow chewing peonies, so it is better to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha. "

Master Donghua nodded and agreed with this statement. He also did not forget to fulfill his duties as a master. "Of course you have to hone your cultivation in daily life, but also don't forget to strengthen your cultural accomplishment. I don't ask you to be a great master in learning. At least Don’t make any more jokes.”

Qi Xuansu responded immediately.

Then Donghua Zhenren handed the painting to Gong Jiaojun and asked him to put it away. The three of them sat down and talked together again.

Although there was some unhappiness between Master Donghua and Earth Master, Yao Pei did not seem to be affected. In other words, based on Yao Pei's current situation, no one can tell whether it has any impact. He probably really doesn't care. This is also the function of "Tai Shang Forgetting Love Sutra", which not only suppresses positive emotions, but also suppresses negative emotions.

This is the genuine "Tai Shang Wang Qing Sutra", the same as Zhang Yuelu's genuine "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Zhengfa". As for Zhou Mengyao's "Tai Shang Wang Qing Jing", it was imitated from the "Taiping Qing Ling Jing" and naturally does not have such effectiveness, just like Qi Xuan Su's "Thirteen Swords of Tai Yin", which only has its form but no spirit. .

Qi Xuan Suruo accidentally started the conversation, "I heard that the old chief of Ziweitang is retiring?"

This old chief was the former second deputy head of Ziwei Hall. He had been there for many years and was a very senior real person, similar to Li Tianlan. Unfortunately, he knew that he could never get over this step. After Yao Shu took office as the real person in charge of the Borneo Taoist House, he was promoted to chief. However, seeing that Zhenzhi Zhenzhen had no hope, he was somewhat discouraged and planned to retire. In the future, he would focus on cultivating his character and racing against the three corpse gods in his body. , strive to live past the 120-year-old mark.

This is also the helplessness of many people. Of course, the immortals can work until they die. If it were not restricted by the heavenly tribulation, many immortals would not even mind working for another lifetime.

But people who are not immortals have to consider the issue of lifespan. Immortals are limited by the heavenly calamity, and people who are not immortals are limited by the three corpse gods. If you retire early, focus on maintaining your health and prolonging your life, suppressing the Three Corpse Gods, you can live for more than ten years. If you are busy with official duties, neglect to suppress the Three Corpse Gods, and allow them to make trouble, attack and destroy lives, you may not survive One hundred years old.

Power is good, but it also comes with poison.

This is a question of trade-offs.

The old chief probably figured it out. If he could be promoted to a true Taoist master and become a true high-level member of the Taoist sect, he would have to live a few years longer. But if you can't go up, then your life is still the most important thing. Leaving early and leaving late are retreats, so it is better to leave early.

Donghua Zhenren gave an affirmative answer, "It has been decided. Now is the stay-at-home period. We will completely retire when the new chief arrives."

Qi Xuansu glanced at Yao Pei and said, "Senior Sister, you should have a good chance."

Donghua Zhen said, "Of course there is a good chance."

Qi Xuansu immediately understood why Yao Pei appeared here.

At this critical moment, Donghua Zhenren partially compromised with the Yao family and allowed Yao Pei to be promoted to the chief deputy head of Ziwei Hall, parallel to Zhang Yuelu and Li Changge. This also revealed a deeper signal that sooner or later the position of Earth Master would belong to the Yao family.

If the competition fails, Qi Xuansu, as Li Changge's main competitor, will definitely be the key target of the Li family's suppression. If he is unlucky, he will be completely destroyed and his life will be at risk. Even if he is lucky, he will be isolated and marginalized if he becomes a real person in charge of the palace or a real person in charge of the palace. For example, he will be sent to Dongpo Suozhou to guard the border.

Under such circumstances, Qi Xuansu certainly could not be an earth master.

In fact, Qi Xuansu has only one path in Huashan. Either he can successfully reach the summit, or he can fail or be doomed. There is no intermediate option like becoming the deputy head master, because Qi Xuansu has no foundation and is not from one of the three major families. .??.

As long as Qi Xuansu is dealt with, Qi Xuansu's faction will basically collapse. Looking back at the three major families, they are intertwined and luxuriant. If any one family is disturbed, it will shake its foundation.

To put it bluntly, Master Donghua is also gambling. If he becomes the Grand Master, it will naturally be easy to arrange. Whether he regrets letting Qi Xuansu be the Earth Master or strives for his master and apprentice to be re-elected as the Grand Master, he can make plans. If he can't be the Great Headmaster, and Qi Xuansu can't be the Great Headmaster, then it doesn't matter. It belongs to the Yao family, of course.

In today's situation, Qi Xuansu was the first to be promoted to the position of Chief Minister, and became the real person in charge of the Palace. Next is Li Changge, who is not only the chief of Shangsantang, but also the Taoist envoy. Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei are only the chiefs.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while, but still didn't congratulate Yao Pei.

On the one hand, it seemed that he was showing off, and on the other hand, even if Yao Pei was like this, she wouldn't care.

Qi Xuansu said, "It would be best if the senior sister becomes the master's deputy. My disciples should be trustworthy and reliable."

Master Donghua seemed to have thought of Qi Jianyuan, but he did not agree, but said, "God

Yuan, you have done a good job in the Southern Continent this time. Master Jiang Dazhen speaks highly of you. "

Qi Xuansu said, "Jiang Dazhen has received the award. Mainly because of the hard work of fellow Taoists from Xidao Sect, and Jiang Dazhen's strategizing..."

Master Donghua waved his hand, "Okay, there are no outsiders around, so don't say these clichés. What's yours is yours, and no one else can take it away. According to Master Shi Da's suggestion, it has been decided to reset the control of Wanxiang Dao Palace." Master Gong, your matter is almost settled, but your promotion to Master Shen Zhi is a big deal, and it will take some time."

Qi Xuansu said, "I'm not in a hurry. I just want to go to Nanyang."

Master Donghua thought for a while, nodded and said, "It's okay. If something happens to Xie Jiaofeng, I, as his old boss, am also responsible. It's just that I can't get away from it. You happen to be the old chief of the Borneo Taoist House, so it's up to you to You go and take care of this matter."

Qi Xuansu responded in a deep voice, "Yes."

Then Qi Xuansu brought up Chen Jianchou's matter, hoping to confirm it quickly so that Chen Jianchou could go there with him.

Master Donghua directly agreed.

This master-disciple conversation did not last long. Because of the addition of Yao Pei, the master and apprentice did not have more in-depth communication.

It has to be said that Master Donghua still treats him somewhat differently. Although Qi Xuansu is a junior disciple and Yao Pei is the niece of Master Donghua, Master Donghua obviously trusts Qi Xuansu more and is more able to explain to Qi Xuansu. Yao Pei, after all, Yao was before Pei. Maybe Donghua Zhenren had similar expectations for Qi Jianyuan, but he was not the same as the other.

Yao Pei has always been quiet and doesn't talk much.

Qi Xuansu said goodbye to Master Donghua and said to Chen Jianchou, "Yuzheng, get ready and come back to Nanyang with me."

Chen Jianchou was stunned for a moment, "Now?"

Qi Xuansu said, "It's only been a few days. Your appointment will come soon. I asked Master for a temporary job at Ziweitang to send you to your appointment and solve some problems by the way. I won't stay in Nanyang for too long." ”

Chen Jianqiu responded.

Once upon a time, it was Yao Shu who sent Qi Xuansu to the Borneo Taoist Government to take office, but in a blink of an eye, it was Qi Xuansu who sent someone else to take office.

However, in this way, the relationship between Chen Jianchou and Qi Xuansu was completely exposed. Qi Xuansu single-handedly promoted Chen Jianchou and personally sent him to the post. People couldn't help but wonder whether Chen Jianchou and Qi Xuansu were separated for many years. Brothers.

It's no wonder that Li Minghuang said some weird things. He was infamous and jumped around, and that's why today, Chen Jianchou followed the right boss and rose to prominence.

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