Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 205 Take away

After a huge gap appeared in the originally evenly matched front, a complete defeat was basically inevitable.

If the old Buddhist monk was the first to die in battle, then Wu Guangbi was the first to escape.

In fact, Wu Guangbi had already foreshadowed it. After facing Lin Yuanmiao, he deliberately pulled the battlefield away from Qingshui Island to the depths of the sea, just to establish favorable conditions for his immediate escape.

As the art of war goes, think about defeat before thinking about victory.

Wu Guangbi thought very clearly that when Taoist sects fight within themselves, outsiders die first. This has long been a tradition. In the rebellion that deposed the Heavenly Master, the Confucian sect's Grand Sacrificial Wine was also involved, and the Confucian sect's Grand Sacrificial Wine was the first to die.

Is Wu Guangbi considered a Taoist? It can be counted or not. If he died in the hands of Qi Xuansu, he would definitely not be considered a member of the Taoist sect.

To put it bluntly, this was a relatively restrained internal fight within the Taoist sect. Li Tianqing was protected by the national master, and Pei Shenfu was protected by the earth master. Unless Qi Xuansu went crazy, it would be impossible to kill both of them. Who can protect Wu Guangbi? He can't be a heavenly master, right? He is best suited to be the chicken that kills the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Thinking of this, Wu Guangbi felt a dull pain in his heart and liver.

So when the old monk died, Wu Guangbi didn't even think about it, and fled from here without looking back, without any hesitation.

On the contrary, Lin Yuanmiao was caught off guard.

As more and more fake immortals ended up, Wu Guangbi, the originally planned target to kill, became irrelevant, and all the focus shifted to Qi Xuansu and Li Tianqing.

Who would have expected that Chief Wu Da Dao had the demeanor of defeating the army of the previous dynasty - firing three blunderbuss before the battle was considered worthy of the emperor.

How much does the Li family give?

Money is not worth his life as a fake fairy.

Lin Yuanmiao watched Wu Guangbi sweep across the rainbow, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to catch up. He was already located in Nanyang, and with the speed of a pseudo-immortal escaping, he reached the "Tianting" main altar in just a few steps. He couldn't do it in front of In front of Patriarch Jin Gong, he went after Wu Guangbi again. In the beginning, he was able to escape from Chen Shuhua's sword only because of the short distance. Now that Wu Guangbi is focused on escaping, he will definitely not be able to stay.

So Lin Yuanmiao simply gave up chasing Wu Guangbi and headed towards Qingshui Island.

But before Lin Yuanmiao could join the battlefield and influence the outcome of the battle, the other four pseudo-immortals also successively decided the winner.

The first is Qi Xuansu and Li Tianqing.

After being possessed by He Luo Shen, Qi Xuansu's cultivation level was half a step higher, and with the help of the fairy sword, it was expected that he would win.

It's just that Qi Xuansu couldn't communicate with the two "punishment pillars" of the Demon Suppression Platform, that's why the stalemate lasted so long. If he could command like the Heavenly Master, he would have won long ago.

The sword light was getting brighter and brighter, and the shadows were getting lighter and lighter.

In the end, thirteen figures scattered in all directions and fell in the air like cannonballs. Some landed on Qingshui Island and smashed into the depths of the ground. Some fell into the sea, causing huge waves.

The "Taiyin Sword Formation" was finally broken.

Only Li Tianqing was left barely in the air, but Qi Xuansu had already placed the sword on his neck.

Li Tianqing said nothing and did not resist.

As Wu Guangbi analyzed, Qi Xuansu would not directly kill Li Tianqing. This kind of thing is too serious and cannot be ignored. It's one thing for Qi Xuansu to become a master and list the crimes and follow the procedures to kill people. It's another thing for Qi Xuansu to directly kill people.

Unless Qi Xuansu decides to flip the table.

There is another important reason, it is not worth it.

They killed Qi Xuansu, and it was worth paying no matter how high the price was, because they helped Li Changge deal with his biggest enemy, and as long as Li Changge became the head master, all the losses would be recouped.

But Qi Xuansu killed these people, and Li Changge was not affected and would still compete for the top master. On the contrary, Qi Xuansu himself would get into trouble, which was not conducive to the competition for the top leader.

So at this point, Qi Xuansu is relatively passive.

He Luoshen returned the control of the incarnation to Qi Xuansu. Now that the sword formation has been broken, and Master Wan is by his side, he is not afraid of Li Tianqing's desperate fight.

Lin Yuanmiao came to Qi Xuansu's side.

Qi Xuansu ordered: "Old Lin, immediately inform the governor and Master Landa, saying that someone is provoking trouble and plotting evil. Please ask for support. It is best for a first-grade spiritual officer to take action in person."

Lin Yuanmiao responded.

On the other side, Star Master Yuheng and Pei Shenfu also gradually decided the winner.

After all, Pei Shenfu does not have Qi Xuansu's rich experience in using the "Xirui Jing", so it is easy to fail to grasp it. If he has an advantage in realm, it would be okay. Now the star master of Yuheng has forcibly smoothed the gap in realm, and he has become arrogant. Pei Shenfu, who faced the calm True Lord Ziguang, was naturally at a disadvantage and would soon be defeated.

As a result, the old Buddhist monk died in battle, Wu Guangbi escaped, Li Tianqing and Pei Shenfu were defeated, and Qi Xuansu's side had completely controlled the situation.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Li Tianzhen wanted to run away, but was caught by Lin Yuanmiao and fell into Qi Xuansu's hands again.

Master Lan Da was obviously well prepared. The team of spiritual officers arrived very quickly, led by Xu Jiaorong himself.

Team, two first-grade spiritual officers were all dispatched, and there was even a "Yinglong".

After Master Wan handed some of the old monk's relics to Xu Jiaorong, he returned to the cave of the ghost country.

Qi Xuansu said: "Master Li, please."

Li Tianqing snorted coldly and boarded the "Yinglong" under the "protection" of two first-grade spiritual officers.

Xu Jiaorong arranged for people to search for survivors on the island, but there was little hope.

After Pei Shenfu went crazy, not only did he beat the villas and mansions on the island to pieces, but the formation was also completely destroyed. Even if someone was lucky enough not to die in Pei Shenfu's hands, without the protection of the formation, He will also die in the aftermath of the fight.

After all, not everyone has Li Tianzhen's life-saving means.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Except for Li Tianzhen, all the people on Qingshui Island were wiped out, with no bones left.

Xu Jiaorong instead asked the spiritual officer to salvage and dig out Li Tianqing's Thirteen Sword Slaves, then attach the special talismans of the Taoist sect and seal them temporarily.

Qi Xuansu came to Li Tianzhen: "We meet again. What did I tell you last time? I asked you to do your own thing, but it seems that you didn't listen at all and you dared to come to Nanyang."

Li Tianzhen did not respond to Qi Xuansu, and did not even go to see Qi Xuansu.

Not arrogance, but avoidance.

For Li Tianzhen, Qi Xuansu was simply his nightmare. In front of Qi Xuansu, he was a complete loser.

In the officialdom, Qi Xuansu was the youngest Shenzhi Zhenren, a popular candidate for the Grand Master, and one of the future princes. He surpassed the other three talents in the Taoist sect, so he naturally did not take Li Tianzhen seriously.

In the love scene, Zhang Yuelu looked down upon him, the young master of the Li family, and spoke directly with his fists, but he treated him with contempt.

Qi Xuansu, who had nothing at the time, was undoubtedly a huge denial. To put it another way, you, Li Tianzhen, have no shortage of money and power. With so many external helpers, you are still no match for Qi Xuansu, who had no external help at that time. How bad should you be?

As long as Qi Xuansu was alive, Li Tianzhen felt that the sky was dark.

However, Li Tianzhen had nothing to do with Qi Xuansu. The gap between the two kept getting wider and wider. He went from looking down with disdain to looking flatly with reluctance, and now he had to look up.

All these reminded Li Tianzhen that he was nothing in front of Qi Xuansu.

What else could he do? There is no choice but to escape.

Now Qi Xuansu really didn't take Li Tianzhen seriously. When he saw Li Tianzhen making quail, he didn't bother to talk nonsense and waved his hand: "Take it away."

The spiritual officer stepped forward, lifted up Li Tianzhen on the left and right sides, and walked in the direction of "Yinglong".

It is true that Qi Xuansu cannot kill these people, but it is not a problem to capture them. He has already thought of the charges, provoking trouble, plotting evil intentions, and is suspected of having improper dealings with Nanyang Buddhism. He will review it for a month first, and let the Li family come to redeem the people - call Qing. Micro Master is here!

As for Pei Shenfu, there is no need to offend the Yao family too openly. Call Pei Xiaolou and Pei Xiaoyun over first. If they can't make the decision, as the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father, so you can hand her over to Donghua. Real person handling. If Master Donghua doesn't want to take care of her, or if it's difficult to take care of her, then call Yao Pei and ask Yao Pei to take care of her mother.

Qi Xuansu finally saw it.

Among the eight generations of disciples, the male Taoist priests are headed by Qi Xuansu and Li Changge, and the female Taoist priests are headed by Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei. Whether it is Zhang Yuelu or Yao Pei, I am not an economical lamp. Tantai

Qiong is limited by her cultivation and birth status, so her destructive power is small. At least Qi Xuansu can barely suppress it. The destructive power of Pei's magic talisman is too great. Qi Xuansu really doesn't dare to put her in the position of her mother-in-law. Said it could be suppressed.

Whoever marries Yao Pei is truly blessed.

Speaking of Pei Shenfu, after her defeat, the power of "Xirui Sutra" gradually receded. Because this power is essentially overdraft, Pei Shenfu entered a period of weakness. At this time, Ji sat on the ground, quite embarrassed.

Star Master Yuheng stood aside with his arms folded across his chest.

Qi Xuansu came to Pei Shenfu and said, "Master Pei."

Pei Shenfu glanced at Qi Xuansu, then lowered his head without saying a word.

Qi Xuansu said: "I said, use whatever skills you have, but now it seems that your skills are not very good, or is this all you have?"

Pei Shenfu said coldly: "Qi Xuansu, don't be too proud."

Star Master Yuheng had already sent away True Lord Ziguang at this time, regained his true nature, and interjected: "Master Pei, you are such a tough-talking person. Now that you are in such a situation, you should think about yourself first."

Some people who appear to be enemies of the Taoist sect are actually members of the Taoist sect, such as the "Tianting", Qingping Society, and Ziguang Society. These are dedicated to doing dirty work for the Taoist sect. Nowadays, some secret societies have been directly normalized.

Some people are friends of Taoism on the surface, but in fact they are taboos that cannot be touched, such as Buddhism and the Holy Court, two Western religions. Buddhism, in particular, has been a serious problem for many years. On the surface, the three religions are one and the same, but in fact, within the Taoist sect, they are more on guard against Buddhas than saints.

Of course Pei Shenfu understands this. There is really no one to dispatch, so she can only

Ability to take risks. As long as Qi Xuansu is successfully captured and the old Buddhist monk brushes off his clothes, it won't be a problem.

This is like a foreign war. There is no problem if the enemy is unknown, but the premise is to always win.

If the teacher is famous, even if he loses, he can still stabilize the basic situation. But if the master is unknown, as long as he loses, it will easily collapse.

The same is true for people who collude with Buddhism. As long as they are caught doing it, they will be in big trouble.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand: "Take it away."

"The world in the mirror is not about Star Master Yuheng, but about Pei Shenfu. The mirror will reflect her memory. In fact, it is to analyze Pei Shenfu's inner world and explain why the brother and sister are at odds and hateful. She is also a bit pitiful and more three-dimensional. I just got off topic halfway through and started writing about fighting. I can’t change it now, so I just treat her as a pure bad person.”

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