Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 206: Traveling across the sea in the morning and evening in Cangwu

Jiangnan Taoist Palace, Tianxin Taoist Palace.

Zhang Jucheng led the deputy palace masters to welcome the newly arrived second deputy palace master.

After Li Tianlan's fall, the second deputy head of the Jiangnan Dao Palace became vacant. According to the old rules, he should be filled by a person from Taiping Dao. The surname does not have to be Li, as long as the person is from Taiping Road.

The candidate had already been decided and was just waiting for the formal appointment, but later there were some back and forths and it has been delayed until now. It's not that Quanzhen Dao or Zhengyi Dao have any opinions, but there are differences within Taiping Dao. Many people are interested in this position, and the competition is fierce.

The Taoist Gate has four major financial pillars, corresponding to the four Taoist houses, namely the Borneo Taoist House, the Lingnan Taoist House, the Jiangnan Taoist House, and the Qizhou Taoist House. The wealth of the Jiangnan Taoist House is well known to the world. As the deputy head of the house here, The risk is a bit too high. Zhang Kuquan of the Zhang family was in trouble, and Li Tianlan of the Li family was in trouble. A few years ago, Fang Linhou died, but it is tempting to be unable to resist the temptation. In the colorful world, many people are ready to make a move.

After some internal fighting, the candidate was finally determined - Shen Mingjing.

Finally, he is not the Li family. This person is the younger brother of Shen Mingxin, the second deputy head of Beichen Hall. Unlike the tense Li family, he did not want to fight with Zhang Jucheng when he came here this time.

He lost his mind and went crazy to hit the stone with an egg. The deputy palace master wanted to fight with the palace master. Without considering the palace master, that is, the master in charge, the premise must be that the chief and the second rank must unite to check and balance the palace master. Now Lei Xiao Huan was on Zhang Jucheng's side. Wasn't he seeking death by fighting Zhang Jucheng?

So his strategy can be summed up in eight words: lower your posture and correct your position.

Zhang Jucheng was very satisfied with Shen

With Ming Jing's attitude, he gave a few words of encouragement: "Secretary Shen, you have earned a good name. Ming Jing hangs high, and you happen to be in charge of the law. I hope you can clean up the muddy water of Li Tianlan these years and give Jiangnan a bright future."

Shen Mingjing lowered his head slightly: "Mingjing will do his best."

"Don't be restrained." Zhang Jucheng motioned Shen Mingjing to sit down and speak, "I have recently been reading the records of Sejong of the previous dynasty. Emperor Sejong was a virtuous man and then a faint man. However, he was able to succeed to the throne from outside the vassal vassal and secure the throne at a young age. Still, There are some skills that cannot be described as "mediocre". Shizong was a Taoist, and his favorite poem was "The Poetry of Asking Questions", which said: "I have practiced to look like a crane, and there are two scriptures under a thousand pine trees." "The clouds are in the sky and the water is in the bottle. Deputy Palace Master Shen, do you know the meaning of the last sentence, 'The clouds are in the sky and the water is in the bottle'?"

Shen Mingjing's thoughts turned rapidly, and then he replied: "I think this sentence means that all things in the world have their own duties, and they should perform their duties. Just like clouds in the blue sky and water in the blue vase, each has its own place. Only by complying with the laws of nature and human nature.”

Zhang Jucheng turned his head slightly and looked at Lei Xiaohuan, but still spoke to Shen Mingjing: "Shen Cixi is very knowledgeable, so Shen Cixi must know that Taishang Taoist ancestor said: 'The government is boring, but the people are honest; The government is careful, and the people are lacking. Misfortunes are where blessings lie, and misfortune lies on them. Who knows that there is no good or evil? Long!'"

Shen Mingjing said respectfully: "This sentence comes from Chapter 58 of the Tao Te Ching written by Taishang Daozu. It probably means that good and evil are not determined, and good will turn into evil, and good will turn into evil. People

I have been confused about the principle of this positive and negative change for a long time. "

Zhang Jucheng pawed his hand and said: "Good explanation! Not only are the people confused, but I, the real person who knows it, am also confused. Some of our Taoist friends pretend to be peaceful every day and are used to pretending. When nothing happens, they are all kind and righteous. In the blink of an eye, If someone is hit by an arrow and falls from a horse, he is evil and evil. He is the same before others and the same as others behind him. How can it not confuse people? "

Zhang Jucheng paused for a moment and continued: "In the final analysis, if you are not in your position, you will not seek political power, but if you are not in your position, you will have to seek political power. Does this mean that the clouds are in the sky and the water is in the bottle? Is the clouds and water harmonious? "

Shen Mingjing never expected that Zhang Jucheng would do this.

He had just arrived, so the first thing he did was to get to know his colleagues, and he would not talk about important matters - after all, the newly arrived second deputy palace master couldn't even recognize everyone, and he couldn't do anything. Just look at Zhang Jucheng's posture, why does it look like he is going to hold a temporary palace master's meeting?

Shen Mingjing looked at the others subconsciously.

The deputy palace masters present did not have any objections, and even agreed with Zhang Jucheng's words: "This is a mismatch between clouds and water."

Shen Mingjing immediately understood that after Li Tianlan's fall, Jiangnan Daofu had become Zhang Jucheng's one-note hall.

As one of the three pillars of the Taoist government, Chief Lei Xiaohuan did not want to check and balance Zhang Jucheng, and he could not check Zhang Jucheng.

On the territory of Jiangnan Daofu, Zhang Jucheng naturally did one thing after another. If he didn't want to do something, others couldn't do it. cap.

This is a typical strong leader.

To put it harshly, those who obey me will prosper.

Those who oppose me will perish.

In fact, not only Zhang Jucheng, but also all the big figures in the Taoist sect are basically like this, including Donghua Zhenren, Qingwei Zhenren, and even Qi Xuansu and Li Changge.

After all, these are all inherited from the same line. How can the master teach his disciples in other ways?

There is always a difference between theory and reality.

This also strengthened Shen Mingjing's idea to lower his attitude and correct his position.

Therefore, Shen Mingjing did not raise any objection.

Zhang Jucheng continued: "Some of our Taoist friends are already quite high in rank. First they were in the local Taoist government, and then they were promoted to the Jiutang Hall and became the deputy hall master. I heard that they will continue to be promoted recently, isn't it? The chief deputy hall master is the chief deputy hall master. The future is bright."

"But as far as I know, this fellow Taoist doesn't care at all about his own work such as troop formation, military training, food and grass logistics, etc. He is a complete layman. But for some female relatives of wealthy families, like someone's young lady, or He is familiar with the ladies of whose family they are, and he can even call them by their nicknames when I go to Jinque to attend meetings, and I have made suggestions to Jinque, like this. For such a person, you can arrange for him to join the Taoist Female Taoist Mutual Aid Association, and let him be the leader of the female Taoist Mutual Aid Association, so that he can give full play to his expertise in helping others. "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

Everyone knew who Zhang Jucheng was talking about, but they didn't expect that Zhang Jucheng would dare to expose his own wounds and directly name "whose lady", who else could it be? Naturally, it belongs to the Zhang family, or to be more precise, it is Zhang Yuyue, the daughter of Zhang Jucheng.

Of course, as Zhang

The family's old enemy, the Li family, was not much better off. That "someone's wife" belonged to their family, which was even more disgraceful than the Zhang family.

Precisely because it involves the Zhang family and the Li family, no one dares to mention this matter. If you offend these two families, isn't that asking for death?

That is, Zhang Jucheng does not have these scruples.

Shen Mingjing's face was a little stiff.

He could neither laugh nor speak.

Of course he knew who Zhang Jucheng was talking about, and he probably understood Zhang Jucheng's intentions. As a Taiping Taoist, he couldn't agree with him, but at this time, he was alone and he really didn't have the courage to object.

After all, Li Tianlan has learned from the past, it is better to be a coward than a dead bastard.

Zhang Jucheng glanced at Shen Mingjing with profound meaning.

If Shen Mingjing doesn't say it, someone else will.

"Now that the master of the palace has said this, I also remembered one thing." A deputy palace master said, "This deputy palace master is a frequent visitor to Jiangnan. He brings women here every time to go boating and enjoy the scenery together. Lanterns and other things, the key is that the women are different every time. They are both fat and thin, and they all have their own merits. Do you think it’s strange or not?”

Lei Xiaohuan said: "The deputy head of the Tiangang Hall is responsible for the security of the Taoist sect. He does not do business, but spends his days traveling around and caring for his female subordinates. He also cares about all aspects of his affairs. If the master is really Jin Que’s suggestion was taken seriously and he was elected as the chief of the Female Taoist Priests United Mutual Aid Association, so I, a member of the Female Taoist Priests United Mutual Aid Association, will vote for him and let him make the best use of his resources.”

Zhang Jucheng smiled: "It seems that I have no misunderstanding about this fellow Taoist. I also heard that this

This Taoist fellow has risen through the ranks entirely by relying on his godfather and nepotism. A dignified deputy hall master spends all his time on his godfather and women, how much of his mind is left on business? "

This is almost like pointing at the nose and scolding.

"Cixi Shen!" Zhang Jucheng suddenly shouted.

Shen Mingjing was startled and quickly responded: "Yes."

Zhang Jucheng said: "I have something to tell you. Li Tianlan's Taoist concubine Gu Ying has been imprisoned in Jiangnan Taoist Mansion. Not long before you came, Gu Ying suddenly reported that Li Minghuang, the deputy head of Tiangang Hall, had forced her to rape her. , We have already negotiated with Tiangangtang, and Master Cihang said that he will find out the situation and will never cover up. "

"It just so happened that Ziweitang was conducting a comprehensive inspection and conversation with Deputy Hall Master Li recently on the issue of his job adjustment. Ziweitang also heard about this matter and asked our Taoist government to send people to Yujing. They must personally Understand the situation.”

"You hadn't taken office yet, and Chief Lei was in charge of this matter. Now that the people from Ziweitang have arrived, and you have officially taken office, hurry up and go through the procedures and let Ziweitang take the person away."

"This, this...I..." Shen Mingjing seemed to have thousands of words, but they were all stuck in his throat and he finally choked out one word: "Huh?"

Zhang Jucheng's face darkened: "Why, Mr. Shen has an opinion? Do we need to hold a meeting with the palace master to discuss it?"

Shen Mingjing glanced at the expressions of the deputy palace masters around him and already knew the outcome of the palace master's discussion, and said helplessly: "I have no objection."

There was a smile on Zhang Jucheng's face again: "Very good, let's do it quickly. It's just a worry."


By the way, go quickly and invite the fellow Taoists from Ziwei Hall. "Zhang Jucheng ordered again.

Not long after, Qi Xuansu walked in.

Shen Mingjing's eyes widened: "Qi...Zhenren? Aren't you supposed to be in Nanyang?"

Qi Xuansu chuckled and said: "Chaoyou Canghai Mu Cangwu."

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