Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 211 Time is also destiny

Qi Xuansu was quite satisfied with this result.

Maybe someone wants to ask, aren't you afraid that Patriarch Jin Gong will regret it?

It is undeniable that this possibility does exist, but it also comes at a cost.

The stability of an organization must have its own rules. Wu Guangbi's resignation this time has its own logic. The fundamental reason is that he suffered two consecutive defeats. Someone must be responsible for this.

In the first defeat, Wu Guangbi had his heart ripped out. This was just his personal failure. Zooming in to the entire "Heavenly Court", the slave trade was completely wiped out, and it was greatly implicated. Various businesses in the northwest district of Lion City were seriously affected, and the Taoist government carried out neck-stuck tactics. Deng Yushi went to ask Chen Jianchou for help. Things are just a microcosm of the overall situation.

The second big defeat, this time, was not just as simple as Li Tianqing and Li Tianzhen being arrested. Wu Guangbi seemed to have escaped and saved himself, but the "Tianting" could not escape. First, he reported the people who reported the government and killed the enemy. The loss of one thousand to oneself is eight hundred, and this does not include the people in the Taoist government who are potentially offended. There will be "good days" in the future. After Qi Xuansu arrived in Nanyang, he launched retaliation. Various investigations and closures of the "Tianting" industry, etc., seriously affected the "Tianting" business.

There is already a lot of dissatisfaction within the "Heavenly Court" about this, so the dismissal of Wu Guangbi by Patriarch Jin Gong this time is actually following the trend, which is in line with the internal voices of the "Heavenly Court", and there is no problem.

Patriarch Jin Gong can protect Wu Guangbi and give him another chance. You don’t have to insure it, because if something goes wrong, someone will always be responsible.

Now, in order to make peace with Qi Xuansu, Patriarch Jin Gong chose not to do so.

Under this situation, the people in Wu Guangbi's group couldn't feel too much resentment. After all, it was Wu Guangbi who screwed up. No one could say that Patriarch Jin Gong suppressed them for no reason and had to be willing to admit defeat.

It is natural for Liu Gui to ascend to the throne.

When Liu Gui made no mistakes, Patriarch Jin Gong wanted to push Wu Guangbi to the throne. It was not impossible, there was nothing he couldn't do, but he was going against the trend. People in Liu Gui's group were definitely unconvinced and had great resentment. This will have some impact and pay some costs, and these costs will ultimately be borne by "Heavenly Court".

Patriarch Jin Gong had to consider these things from the standpoint of the "Heavenly Court".

If Patriarch Jin Gong is trying to harm others without benefiting himself, but also wants to make a lose-lose situation with Qi Xuansu, then Qi Xuansu has nothing to say.

That's the guarantee.

After a peaceful and friendly exchange, Qi Xuansu and Patriarch Jin Gong reached a reconciliation.

Qi Xuansu stood up and took the initiative to extend his hand this time: "I'll just wait for the good news."

Patriarch Jin Gong shook hands with Qi Xuansu: "Master Qi, we will meet again in the future."

Qi Xuansu sent Patriarch Jin Gong out with a smile on his face. The people waiting at the outer door also breathed a sigh of relief and their expressions could not help but relax.

Qi Xuansu sent Patriarch Jin Gong to the gate of the courtyard. Looking at Patriarch Jin Gong's leaving figure, the smile on his face gradually disappeared and he regained his composure.

People have one Qi, which is divided into three stages. The low level is called hostility, the middle level is called courage, and the high level is called heroic spirit, or spirit.

Qi Xuansu did not lack violence, but he suppressed it, and he also did not lack courage. He relied on courage to get to where he is today, but he lacked a bit of heroism.

After all, the world is different.

It's okay when dynasties change, and it's okay in times of great change, but once it's solidified, it's hard to be heroic, and it's not allowed to be heroic.

There is neither deep suffering nor soaring spirits.

Resistance and passion come and go with the times.

Ebb and flow.

During the pioneering period, everyone felt hopeful that the pie could be made bigger. The saying "Thirty years to Hedong and thirty years to Hexi" resonated with many people.

Nowadays, development has reached a bottleneck and classes tend to solidify. Even if young people shout "Don't bully young people into being poor", they will not be able to impress people as before.

In the current cycle, there is no room for arrogance. There is only stability, order, and rigidity.

He blindly asked Qi Xuansu to learn from Xuan Sheng, but in the end he could not be like a tiger but a dog.

Zhang Yuelu was energetic, and then he hit his head and was bleeding.

Qi Xuansu didn't have any ambition, but he was able to take care of himself like a fish in water.

Isn't this a kind of irony?

Times have changed, and the times have come and gone. Heaven and earth are all working together, and the heroes are not free.

After seeing off Patriarch Jin Gong, Qi Xuansu waited for Yao Yi.

The Yao family is still calm, unlike the Li family who reacted like this.

Yes, after all, they are one of their own. The Yao family has recognized Qi Xuansu and does not dare to do anything to Pei Shenfu. As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face before looking at the Buddha's face. Qi Xuansu does not look at the Yao family's face, but also the face of Donghua Master.

Qi Xuansu didn't wait for Yao Yi, but Liu Gui came first.

Of course, Liu Gui did not come to see Qi Xuansu in person, but sent a message through others to thank Qi Xuansu tactfully.

Liu Gui did not say exactly what he was grateful for and what he was grateful for. Everyone knew it.

Without Qi Xuansu, he would not be able to bring down Wu Guangbi.

This is a winning bet.

Qi Xuansu wants to integrate Nanyang, not only at the Taoist level, but also at the Jianghu level. "Heavenly Court" is a topic that cannot be avoided. Grandmaster Jin Gong is old and will eventually be promoted. The next step is the dispute between Wu Guangbi and Liu Gui. As the situation gradually became clearer, Wu Guangbi chose the Li family, and Liu Gui chose Qi Xuansu. Their respective teams had finished, and now Qi Xuansu's side had a slight victory.

However, there are gains and losses. Qi Xuansu gained something from "Tianting", but lost something from Qingpinghui. Qingpinghui's two main backers were the Yao family and the Zhou family. Qi Xuansu offended Pei Shenfu and Zhou. Mengyao was still offended to death. Although Qi Xuansu was from Qingpinghui, he had almost blocked the road to Qingpinghui. It would be difficult to use the power of Qingpinghui in the future.

Zhou Mengyao almost hated Qi Xuansu to death.

Even if Zhou Mengyao merges with Taiping Dao, Qi Xuansu will not be surprised.

The Zhou family was originally from Taiping Dao, so they had this foundation.

Don’t be surprised if we realize mutual exchange in the end. After all, we are part of you and you are part of me.

In this spare time, Qi Xuansu specially studied Yan Daren.

Over the years, the Zhang family has been in decline. However, after all, the Zhang family has a thousand years of history. Even if it is in decline, there is still Zhang Jucheng in the Mesozoic era, and there is another Zhang Yuelu. Although it is not as good as the Li family of Taiping Dao, the inheritance is still orderly.

Compared with the Zhang family, the Yan family cannot even be described as being in decline, but rather declining. Except for a real person named Yan Da, there are almost no successful people in the second and third generations. If you look at Zhenren and know Zhenren first level, how many people with the surname Yan are there?

Now that Master Yan Da is alive, it is naturally okay. For the sake of Master Yan Da, even the Third Master would be courteous. But if Master Yan Da is gone, the situation will be difficult to say. The Yan family can only fully rely on the Zhang family and completely become a vassal of the Zhang family. Otherwise, they will be marginalized and even risk falling out of the top circle of the Taoist family.

I recall that when Patriarch Yan was alive, as the only Celestial Master with a different surname, he could interfere in the affairs of the Zhang family at will, and it was Patriarch Yan who decided to preserve the descendants of the gods. Nowadays, the Yan family has to look up to the Zhang family for everything, and every moment is destiny. One moment, one moment, another moment.

Unfortunately, Master Yan Dazhen has never married and has no direct descendants. Yan Mingchen and Yan Yongzhen are both grandnephews, similar to the relationship between Zhang Yuelu and the Celestial Master. Therefore, Master Yan's concern for the Yan family is limited. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so don't act like horses and oxen for your children and grandchildren, not to mention that they are not your own children and grandchildren.

Because they are not biological children or grandchildren, conflicts are relatively easy to resolve.

Qi Xuansu's difficulty does not lie in this. The real problem is the character of Yan Daren.

It's not that she has a weird personality, but she is too strong, even domineering.

Qi Xuansu took a rough look at Yan Daren's information and had to say that it was indeed a bit tricky.

Master Yan Da and Master Cihang are completely opposite extremes.

Even if the interests of the camp are not discussed, Qi Xuansu is also happy to see Master Cihang become his master. As for Master Yan, it is really difficult to say. If he wants Master Yan to be his master, to put it more exaggeratedly, he will consider betraying his master. feasibility.

Master Yan Da is what he is today, not only thanks to Dao Sect's platform, but also inseparable from his own abilities. In terms of ability, there is nothing wrong with Master Yan Da. He was first in Wuzhou Taoist Mansion. Because of his outstanding ability, he was promoted to the youngest deputy head of the entire Wuzhou Taoist Mansion.

Later, she moved to many positions, and she worked very well in all of them.

But her character is too strong. When she is a deputy, she has to overpower the principal. When she is the principal, she simply speaks out. She has the final say in everything and does not tolerate other voices. She goes her own way and is arbitrary.

This kind of personality also caused one of her marriages to end without a problem.

However, this person is still somewhat upright. When she was the deputy head of the local Taoist government, when she encountered something she couldn't stand, she slapped the table with the real person in charge of the house, and also flipped the table with the chief and second lieutenants, without any emotion at all. No face left.

Therefore, Yan Daren likes Zhang Yuelu very much, and probably feels that Zhang Yuelu is somewhat similar to himself when he was young.

There is only one thing about her that is worse than Zhang Yuelu, that is, she likes to fight. She also worked in Lingnan Daofu back then, when a hurricane happened to pass through. The real person in charge of the government was in charge of the overall situation. As the chief presiding officer, she arranged a series of tasks to resist the storm. I don’t know why. Intentionally or unintentionally, she arranged the most difficult place for the second deputy palace master who usually did not deal with her.

Although the second deputy palace owner tried her best, due to objective conditions, she still failed to complete the task on time. The second deputy palace owner took the initiative to admit her mistakes and make self-examination afterwards, but she still refused to give up, in front of the real person in charge of the palace and other people. In front of him, he yelled at the second deputy palace master. Not only did she name names, but she also used words like "trash" and "things", which forced the second deputy palace master to take action. However, he was no match for her and was severely humiliated by her. Ichiban.

The second deputy palace master was also a respectable person. After being scolded and beaten, he couldn't keep his face off, so he took the initiative to resign and became an old Taoist priest.

You must know that Qi Xuansu and Li Changge have not broken up until now, and they still refer to each other as "Brother Tianyuan" and "Brother Yongyan". This shows the character of Master Yan Da.

Later, Yan Daren's rank became higher and higher, her temper became more and more fierce, and she made many enemies. Others finally couldn't stand her temper. These people were already at the top of the Taoist sect and were not afraid of her. They simply sent her to Dongbosuozhou. .

In Qi Xuansu's vision, if he fails in the fight for the position and Li Changge does not kill him, then his position will probably be to guard Posuzhou, which shows how "good" this position is.

If it weren't for the lack of a woman named Ping Zhang Da Zhen, this position might not necessarily fall to her based on her character and style.

It's not easy to deal with such a person.

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