Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 212 Yao family’s reply

Qi Xuansu did not have high hopes for this. He did not ask for Master Yan to support him, but only asked for Master Yan not to oppose him.

Finally, after some contact from Pei Xiaolou, the Yao family responded.

Yao Yi asked Yao Shu to talk to Qi Xuansu, but he stopped coming.

Okay, push one by one.

Pei Xiaolou and Pei Xiaoyun recommended it to Donghua Zhenren, and Donghua Zhenren, the elder brother, recommended it to his brother-in-law. As a result, Yao Yi, the husband, did not come forward and handed the task to his brother Yao Shu, asking his brother-in-law to pick up his sister-in-law.

This is nothing.

I wonder if Pei Shenfu will be sad when he finds out.

Yao Shu finally had no choice. He was in Nanyang and had nowhere to escape, so he could only come to see Qi Xuansu.

This meeting is much more convenient, and there is no need to make a big fuss. We can just meet behind closed doors, and the location will be Sheji Palace.

Qi Xuansu and Yao Shu had worked together for two years, so of course they knew each other and were still acquaintances.

It was Yao Shu who personally sent Qi Xuansu to the Borneo Taoist Office to take office. At that time, the two were still allies on the same front. Later, Yao Shu became the real person in charge of the Borneo Taoist House, and Qi Xuansu became the chief. Although there was a gap between the two due to the power structure at this time, they did not openly fall out.

"Tian Yuan." Yao Shu took the initiative to speak without any unfamiliarity, "You are not idle this time when you come back."

Yao Shu used the word "come back", implying that Nanyang is still Qi Xuansu's home, which shortens the distance and even leads to another meaning-Qi Xuansu and the Yao family are still a family.

In any case, the Yao family did not expel Qiniang from the family, but still recognized her identity. As Qiniang's adopted son, Qi Xuansu always had this relationship even if he did not recognize the Yao family.

Qi Xuansu understood, but pretended not to understand. He did not continue, but took advantage of the situation and said, "Master Yao, you are right, I am really not idle. I went to Lion City to meet some representatives of old Taoist priests. Old Taoist priests generally It was reported that the current Taoist culture is unhealthy and people's hearts are not ancient. One person was also named, not from our Taoist government, but Li Minghuang from Tiangang Hall. This person especially likes to care about female Taoist friends, and was reported by his real name. There is a storm in the city, and the "glorious deeds" have spread to us in Nanyang, and the impact is very bad. "

Yao Shu was also an old man in the Taoist sect, so he couldn't understand the implication of Qi Xuansu's words. Qi Xuansu was already making a quotation, so he understood the meaning and said, "I know this fellow Taoist, and I think it is best not to reuse people like Li Minghuang. Li Minghuang is like this in Tiangang Hall." What have you been doing for so many years? When you actually do things, things are going well at the beginning, but you are struggling in the middle, and you are helpless at the end. It’s all problems.”

Yao Shu is not qualified to decide Li Minghuang’s future.

However, the Yao family has this influence, and Yao Shu represents the Yao family at this time.

With the Zhang family and the Yao family uniting, and the powerful medicine prepared by Qi Xuansu, it would be difficult for the Li family to save Li Minghuang.

Qi Xuansu went on to say, "Several old chiefs of Jiutang have reached the age and have retired one after another. Li Minghuang has been thinking about it and has spotted the position of chief of Tiangang Hall. But how can such a person who is not upright and mediocre take on the role of a Taoist sect?" What about the important responsibility of safety?”

Yao Shu did not object to this statement, but said, "Li Minghuang must have somewhere to go if he cannot take on the important task of Tiangang Hall."

Qi Xuansu said, "I have a general understanding. Doesn't Li Minghuang like to care for female Taoist friends? He is also very popular with women, so he makes the best use of his talents. I think it is more appropriate to transfer him to the female Taoist Joint Mutual Aid Association as the chief, so that he can give full play to his expertise. Do your best for fellow female Taoists.”

Killing people is also heartbreaking.

Although he did not eliminate Li Minghuang from the physical level, Qi Xuansu had already set out to kill Li Minghuang from the power level.

Although the chief of the Tiangang Hall and the chief of the Female Taoist Mutual Aid Association seem to be of the same rank, they are completely different in terms of power. The former is better than the real person who knows Zhizhen, and the latter is slightly better than retreating to the mountains and forests.

However, Li Minghuang was not a member of the Yao family, and Yao Shu didn't bother to care. He said, "Tianyuan, you are still a thoughtful person. You are so thoughtful. I think this arrangement is more suitable."

That's the deal.

But Qi Xuansu's appetite was not just that. He added, "By the way, when I went to Lion City, I also stopped by Nanyang United Trading Company."

"You are the old chief of our Borneo Province. You were responsible for the reorganization of the Nanyang United Trading Company, and I didn't dare to interfere." Yao Shu said half-jokingly, "What are your thoughts on this inspection? "

Qi Xuansu said, "It's not an inspection, it's just a casual look. When it comes to ideas, Lao Chen from Nanyang United Trading Company told me a lot about the 'Tianting' issue, loan issues, policy issues, and credit issues. I said where did all these problems come from? I think it’s because you, Old Chen, have suffered a major decline in your thinking. You are used to fighting against the wind and complaining when there is a slight headwind. You must know how to overcome difficulties and face them head on..."

There was something in the words, Yao Shu also heard it, and said, "Tianyuan, you really can't blame Lao Chen. After all, I am the head of the house, and I have learned about some situations of Nanyang United Trading Company from the side. These issues Lao Chen said , some problems are indeed

Objectively existing problems, such as loan issues and policy issues, are mainly caused by some personnel adjustments on the Nanyang Headquarters. No wonder Lao Chen. "

Qi Xuansu asked, "It won't have much impact, right?"

Yao Shu said, "It is the responsibility of the Taoist government to protect economic and trade development. Don't worry, I have sent a letter to Taiping Bank and will strive to minimize the impact."

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief on purpose, "That's good. The economy is a major matter and cannot be careless."

Yao Shu also agreed to Qi Xuansu's second request.

This is a card fabricated by Pei Shenfu Void.

Before talking to Qi Xuansu, give Qi Xuansu a set of "combination punches", and then use this set of "combination punches" as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Qi Xuansu, without actually making any concessions.

Since it was fabricated out of thin air, then Yao Shu agreed to Qi Xuansu's request and removed the "combination boxing" and restored it to its original state without any loss at all.

After Qi Xuansu made his two requests, he stopped talking and just looked at Yao Shu.

The meaning is very clear, he wants Yao Shu to make up for the third requirement by himself.

Yao Shu understood this, and when his brother Yao Yi explained the matter, he also sent him something through a special channel. This was the bargaining chip given by the Yao family.

Of course, Yao Shu would not directly state that this was a "ransom", but changed it to a more euphemistic way of saying "By the way, Tianyuan, if I remember correctly, you should get married when you return to Yujing this time." ”

Qi Xuansu said, "Thank you, Master Yao, for remembering me. The specific date has not been decided yet, but it will be this year. Then I will invite Master Yao to have a glass of water and wine."

Yao Shu said, "You also know the situation in the Taoist government today. Not only are there personnel changes at Taiping Bank, but also various personnel changes are happening in our Taoist government. In other words, this is a personnel storm."

"Xie Jiaofeng is an old man in the Taoist government. Many people have interacted with him. He fell and alarmed Yujing. It not only made us passive, but also caused a considerable degree of damage to the ecological pattern of the entire Taoist government. We are related to him. As many as dozens of people were involved.”

"That's all. There was another incident of group reporting a few days ago. The fellow Taoists in Fengxiantang are in charge of this after all. They are more suspicious and have never worked in the local area. They don't know about stability and balance. It is important to start from the beginning to clean up the influence, which puts everyone in danger. There are currently eleven people involved in the case, including Taoist priests of the third grade Youyi and above, including those who have retired to the mountains and forests, and Taoist priests of the fourth grade Jijiu and above. There are more than sixty people, and there are more than four-level Taoist priests, hundreds of people."

"I once suggested that because there are too many people involved, it is best to adopt conservative methods in order to maintain stability, but the Taoist friends of Feng Xiantang disagreed."

"There are so many positions vacant at once, and many places are temporarily in charge. This case has not yet been concluded. No one can say what the specific outcome will be. There may be aftermath. As for the remaining people, they are clean, but In terms of ability, I am a bit lacking. I am afraid that I will talk loudly at the beginning of the year, talk nonsense in the middle of the year, and be silent at the end of the year.”

"This is a major test for our personnel arrangements. How can I, the real person in charge of personnel, get away with this?"

"So I probably won't be able to drink Tianyuan's wedding wine, so I can only say congratulations in advance."

Qi Xuansu said, "It doesn't matter. After all, we have to put business first. If there is such a problem in Nanyang, I, the old chief, am also uneasy."

Yao Shu then took out a box, the size of a pillow, placed it on the coffee table between the two of them, then slowly pushed it in front of Qi Xuansu and said, "This is my wedding gift to Tian Yuan."

Qi Xuansu raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the box.

Yao Shu smiled and said, "It's not a valuable thing. It doesn't violate the rules. The courtesy between relatives should not be exposed to Tianyuan."

Qi Xuansu reached out and opened the lid of the box with his fingertips, and looked down.

The box was padded with velvet, and two "Xuan Jade" were lying quietly inside.

Although it was just a glimpse, one could still tell that the two "Xuan Yu" were not ordinary. The "blood thread" inside was so rich that it almost dyed the "Xuan Jade" red.

These two "mysterious jade" are not inferior to the two "mysterious jade" that Master Donghua gave to Qi Xuansu.

It really comes to whatever you want.

What does it mean to do what one likes?

That's it.

This was an offer Qi Xuansu couldn't refuse.

If you think about it carefully, this is reasonable. The Yao family has the "Heart of Immortality Stone" and must also have quite a lot of "Xuan Jade". Even if the Yao family comes up with two more similar "Xuan Jade", Qi Xuansu will not Feeling a little surprised.

Qi Xuansu's face showed no change in expression as he said, "Zhenren Yao is interested, but Xuansu is ashamed to accept it."

Yao Shu laughed and said, "One family does not speak the same language."

Qi Xuansu put away the box and said, "I will settle the matter regarding the Golden Palace as soon as possible."

Yao Shu stood up and stretched out his hand, "That would be great."

Qi Xuansu also stood up, took Yao Shu's hand, and shook it gently.

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