Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 6 The wedding is coming

Qi Xuansu spent seven days in retreat this time.

During these seven days, some minor and minor things happened.

First of all, there is Xiao Yin, who ate the dragon meat brought back by Qi Xuansu and the red fruits given by the Heavenly Master. After eating so many heavenly and earthly treasures, he finally "evolved".

After all, Xiao Yin is only in the Infinite stage, not an immortal, so these things are more than enough.

On the second day after returning from Jinque, Xiao Yin began to fall asleep deeply. Wu Niang looked at it and said it was nothing serious, just wait until she was full of sleep.

Master Qi Da said this, and others naturally felt relieved.

Everyone knows that this little aunt is the "baby" of Zhenren Qi and Zhenren Zhang. They really can't afford to have her shortcomings.

Secondly, Jinque allocates a mansion to Wuniang in Xuandu according to the rules. It is a neighbor of Jiang Dazhen. Wuniang can move there or not. It all depends on Wuniang’s own wishes. Jinque There will be no compulsion.

Wu Niang went to have a look and came back.

This has become normal, and the Taoist people in charge of the Xuandu Residence are not surprised. Master Lan Da and other masters in charge of the mansion all live in the Xuandu Residence. They don't come back even once a year, and they are all empty. Pingzhang Dazhen People can’t live without it, but they can’t live without it.

In addition, Jinque will also provide Wuniang with a secretary.

This candidate can be directly appointed by Jinque, but it involves too much personal privacy and is unreliable. If Master Pingzhang is not satisfied, he will directly replace him. Therefore, under normal circumstances, Jinque will respect the opinions of Master Pingzhang. When Zhang Dazhen has no objection or indifference, Jin Que will appoint him.

Wuniang did not let Jinque

Assignment, but intend to choose one yourself.

She actually didn't like having people follow her. She had long been used to being alone, but the seat couldn't be left empty, so she picked left and right, and finally signed up Xiao Yin.

In terms of rank, Xiao Yin is a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, who is on the same level as the secretaries, which is perfect. Moreover, the secretary has no other restrictions. The key is to satisfy Pingzhang himself. Jinque was naturally a little shocked, but still agreed.

It's hard to say whether the secretary will serve Pingzhang Daren or Qi Daren will take care of the children in the future.

Xiao Yin was still sleeping, so he had a formal position, and he was also a secretary.

However, according to the rules, wild Taoists like Qiniang, Zhou Mengyao, and Qi Muyu were not given any treatment or made any demands. This was the case with Xiao Yin in the past. But if you are granted a formal position and receive benefits, you must go to the Shang Palace of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace to study. The fourth-grade Taoist priest once offers sacrifices to wine, and the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest once again. Therefore, Xiao Yin cannot run away this time and must go to the Wanxiang Dao Palace to study. It just moved from the lower palace to the upper palace.

This is a huge difference. Normally, one can only become a ninth-level Taoist priest after leaving the lower palace. One has to advance five levels before he can go to the upper palace to study. Xiao Yin can do it in one step.

The last thing, Zhang Yuelu's matter was finally settled.

Although in the past history of Dao Sect, it seems very unusual and a little too fast, but with the precedents of Li Changge and Qi Xuansu, it makes people feel less abnormal. In short, Zhang Yuelu was successfully promoted from the chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist Palace to the chief deputy head of Tiangang Hall.

The chief becomes the chief, but he is still the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest.

Level, not promoted to the real person. In theory, this is a flat adjustment. But from a practical point of view, this is a high promotion, and the power in his hands is completely different. The chief of Borneo Taoist House can only influence Borneo, while the chief of Tiangang Hall can influence Taoism.

The time for Zhang Yuelu to go to Beijing has probably been determined, because Xu Jiaorong, who succeeded Zhang Yuelu, is in Nanyang, which saves a lot of time to take office. Ziweitang doesn't have to send people there, so it won't take too long, about seven days later. Zhang Yuelu will come to Yujing and return to the familiar Tiangang Hall with Lin Yuanmiao, who was promoted to the third deputy hall master.

In this way, Zhang Yuelu is the number two figure in Tiangang Hall, and the so-called "Little Master Hall" is truly worthy of his name.

The time for Zhang Yuelu to go to Beijing was decided, and the date for their wedding was also decided. Master Donghua personally chose a good and auspicious day.

Then the invitations began to be made and sent to the hands of guests from all walks of life.

Many people know that invitations are still indispensable. This is a matter of etiquette. Moreover, time is tight, and some people are far away. It does not mean that if you send the invitation today, the person will arrive tomorrow. It will take a lot of time to come and go. You cannot arrange these things when the day is approaching. You must set aside enough time.

Guests who are far away, such as Huangfuji, Tantaiying, Huen'ahan, Wutu, Huangfuxi, Wunuulatu, etc., who have worked together before, also include the three giants of Xidaomen, Tantai Zhenxiao and Gong. Fu and Huangfu Zhao, if they don’t come or come back, we still need to let them know.

Even Li Changge cannot be left behind. In any case, Qi Xuansu did not openly quarrel with Li Changge. It is my business whether to send the invitation or not. It is up to you whether to come or not.


These are just some of Qi Xuansu’s connections.

You know, marriage is not a matter of two people, but a matter of two families.

No matter how great Qi Xuansu's reputation is, it is not greater than Zhenren Donghua, nor is it greater than the Zhang family.

As the saying goes, don’t look at the face of the monk to look at the face of the Buddha. If you don’t look at the face of Qi Xuansu, you must always look at the face of Master Donghua, Master Cihang, and Tianshi, right?

As a result, half of the Taoist sect will be alarmed. Even the national master, the earth master, Emperor Daxuan, and the great master of Xidaomen would not come in person for the sake of the heavenly master, but still sent people to congratulate him.

This is a much bigger battle than the original apprenticeship ceremony.

Not to mention some unrelated people, whether in order to please or to follow the trend, even if there is no invitation, they will rush to the door to congratulate.

As the protagonists, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are busy half-time just entertaining guests. Those ordinary guests can be handled by others. The real person and the shenzhizhenzhen must meet them in person, right? Otherwise, you will be said to be too arrogant, so the best man also has a heavy responsibility.

To put it bluntly, other people who get married don't have such a high position, and naturally they don't have such a big battle. By the time they reached the status of Qi and Zhang, they were already parents.

No matter how you look at it, this is a big project.

Because there were too many visitors and the battle was too big, it was not something Qi Xuansu could handle alone.

Master Donghua proposed that a temporary group be formed to coordinate and take care of various matters. Because Master Donghua was too busy and had no time to spare, he proposed that Zhang Jucheng be the convener of the group.

After the two parties communicated, Zhang Jucheng happily accepted the order and handed over the Taoist matters to Chief Lei Xiaohuan.

Go to Yujing.

In addition, he also informed his daughter Zhang Yuyue not to do nothing all day long. She went to Shangqing Town to pick up Zhang Kuqi and Tantai Qiong, and they went to Yujing together. All the children of the Zhang family who were free would go to Yujing.

Those who don’t know still think that Zhang Jucheng married his daughter.

Of course, those who knew would not think so, because this was no longer as simple as a marriage, but more like an alliance meeting between two forces. It was hard to say whether it was an alliance based on worship of heaven and earth or blood.

When Qi Xuansu finally came out of seclusion, this was the situation he faced.

Fortunately, Qi Xuansu was not on the list of members of this temporary group. Probably because he was afraid that Zhang Yuelu would "make trouble", he simply kicked out both parties involved, leaving Zhang Yuelu unable to say anything.

The names on the list are all elders. In addition to Zhang Jucheng, there are also Donghua Zhenren, Cihang Zhenren, Wuniang, Zhang Wuliang, Qiniang, Zhang Kuqi, etc. Even Tianshi is named. Although Tianshi I certainly won't worry about this kind of thing personally, but I have to be in charge of the overall situation in name, and I am the honorary convener.

From top to bottom, it is full of bureaucracy.

However, it is also reasonable. The aristocratic family is in power, which is a little better than the royal family, but it is not better. It is still inevitable that family affairs are state affairs, and there is no distinction between public and private affairs.

At this time, Qi Xuansu didn't know what to do, and it seemed like there was nothing to do.

So, he went to Zhenren Donghua.

When Qi Xuansu saw Master Donghua, the master was burying his head in a pile of files, holding a red pen, and grading various official letters at a speed several times faster than Mo Qingdi's script. It's unhurried and breathtaking. That is to say, only immortals have such energy,

An ordinary person would have been dizzy and confused.

It can be seen that Donghua Zhenren, like Tianshi, is almost in name only.

Master Donghua knew that Qi Xuansu was coming, so he finally put down his ink pen, signaled Gong Jiaojun to step back, took a sip of the tea beside him, and then said: "I have become a pseudo-immortal, which is good."

Qi Xuansu said: "This disciple is here not only because he has finally become a pseudo-immortal, but also because it is related to his marriage."

Master Donghua said: "You should go to Master Feiyuan for these matters. I have many things to do and I can't take care of them."

Qi Xuansu said: "I'm afraid Uncle Zhang won't be able to make the decision."

Master Donghua was a little curious: "He can't even make the decision? Then let's talk and listen."

Qi Xuansu pondered for a while and said: "The four people in Gaotang are the parents of both men and women. Qingxiao's side is easy to talk about, but I don't know who my parents are. I can only replace my father with my master, but my mother's position is still vacant..."

Master Donghua said: "Isn't there Qiniang?"

Qi Xuansu smiled bitterly: "I asked Qiniang, and she said that on the day of the wedding, even half of the Taoist sect's senior officials would come to watch the ceremony. With her status, she is not suitable to appear on such an occasion, let alone stand in front of the public. ”

Master Donghua was silent for a moment and said, "Qiniang's concerns are not unreasonable. What do you think?"

Qi Xuansu finally saw it and revealed his true intention: "This is what I think. Master Cihang is Qingxiao's master, and he is not an outsider. Can he replace Qiniang? Qiniang also agreed."

Speaking of which, Donghua Zhenren still can’t tell the difference

, looked strange, and after a long time, he finally said: "You are the only one who has many thoughts."

When Qi Xuansu saw that Master Donghua did not refuse directly, he hit the snake with a stick and said, "Master, do you agree?"

Master Donghua said: "I'm afraid this matter cannot be decided by us master and disciple. The key depends on Master Cihang's wishes. As long as Master Cihang agrees, then I have no objection."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "Okay, we'll make an agreement."

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