Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 7: A wife who knows how to hide things from both sides

Qi Xuansu came out of Ziwei Hall and went to Tiangang Hall.

Tiangang Hall and Ziweitang are two painting styles.

Ziweitang is full of rush scenes, people coming and going are either in a hurry or in a hurry, and even the real person in charge of the hall is not immune. Tiangang Hall is very leisurely, like an old man's afternoon time. The warm sunlight falls on the body, making people drowsy.

Master Cihang is taking a bath today and is not here. With the end of several major events, Tiangang Hall is quite leisurely. Except for some routine daily work, there is nothing major.

In fact, the busyness of Shangsantang is "seasonal". When it is busy, there are days and nights without sleep. When it is free, it seems that the whole body is moldy. Normally, I feel that the organization is bloated and there are too many people. When I am busy, I complain all the time that there are too few people. So Ziweitang came up with a clever idea, to borrow people from other places. When they have nothing to do, they can "throw" the extra people when they are finished, and then borrow them after throwing them away. As long as they draw a big pie that can be left in Ziweitang , those who are seconded will work hard.

Under such circumstances, Master Cihang would naturally take a break if she wanted to. She was the Master, and no one else could control her.

Xiao Yueru stayed here. After seeing Qi Xuansu, she was very happy. She called him "brother-in-law". After learning Qi Xuansu's intention, she led Qi Xuansu to the home of Zhenren Cihang.

The most valued disciple and the most favored disciple are often not the same thing. Zhang Yuelu belongs to the former, and Xiao Yueru belongs to the latter. Normally, Xiao Yueru lives with Master Cihang.

, just like going home, but it saves a lot of time.

Master Cihang was not in the study, but in the garden at the back. This was Qi Xuansu's first time here, and he found that in addition to a bamboo forest and a pond, there was also a reclaimed paddy field, which gave it a rather rural feel. .

The real person Cihang at home is very different from usual. He has taken off the lotus crown, is lazy and undressed, does not wear a black crane cloak, has a shawl and sword belt, and has a pair of bare feet. His wrists are as white as gelatin. He is holding a jade hand with a seedling, bending down in the paddy field. .

Qi Xuansu never expected that Master Cihang had such a hobby. Master Donghua’s hobby was painting, and Master Cihang’s hobby turned out to be farming. But then I thought about it, and I realized that mulberry farming was indeed an elegant hobby of ancient literati. The so-called soybean sprouts are not as abundant as the grass, but they don’t rely on it to make a living. In their eyes, there is no difference between farming and fishing.

When Master Cihang saw Xiao Yueru leading Qi Xuansu over, he put down the seedlings in his hands and walked out of the paddy field, his feet clean and pure, leaving a series of lotus-shaped ripples behind him, with lotus growing every step of the way.

Qi Xuansu always felt a little uncomfortable and coughed slightly.

"Tianyuan, you are a busy man who always goes to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. What do you want to do with me this time?" Master Cihang walked towards the bamboo forest, where there were stone tables and benches.

Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yueru followed Master Cihang, slightly behind by half a body.

"It's nothing big." Of course Qi Xuansu can't get straight to the point, he always makes a detour, "Qing Xiao will return to Yujing soon, and we are about to have something good happen."

Master Cihang sat on the stone bench and motioned for the two of them to sit down: "Zhang Feiyuan has already taken action personally, and the others

There's no need to interfere anymore, I'm just waiting for the wedding banquet. "

Qi Xuansu said: "That won't work. My master has already taken action. As Qingxiao's master, you have to take action yourself."

Master Cihang laughed and said: "Pei Donghua is too busy right now. He can only put up a name, which is nothing. If you think it's unbalanced, I can also put up a name."

Qi Xuansu said: "This is different."

"Why is it different?" Master Cihang waved his hand, "I rarely take a break from bathing, so please don't cause any trouble for me and let me finish planting the seedlings in peace."

Qi Xuansu followed the words of Master Cihang and said, "Mother-in-law, it's okay if you want me to stop bothering you, but you have to agree to my request."

"What's the request?" Master Cihang asked, "I won't do anything that violates the principles."

Qi Xuansu said: "I promise not to violate the principles. If I violate the principles, Qingxiao will not be able to spare me, let alone you."

Master Cihang was somewhat aroused by Qi Xuansu's curiosity: "Then tell me."

Qi Xuansu then got to the point: "That's it, I just contacted Qiniang, and Qiniang made it clear that she would not attend the ceremony between me and Qingxiao, saying it was a matter of identity. As a result, one of the four people in Gaotang is missing. I can’t let my master be alone, right? So I thought…”

Qi Xuansu didn't need to finish what he said, Master Cihang had already understood, and his face became strange: " kid, you are so brave!"

Xiao Yueru was confused, why was he so bold? Where is this going?

Qi Xuansu also felt a little guilty and said with a smile: "I don't dare, I don't dare. I just want to help my mother-in-law to deign to take Qiniang's place for once. You

We have been friends with Qiniang for a long time. If you don’t look at the monk’s face, you should look at the Buddha’s face. If you don’t look at the face of me and Qingxiao, you have to look at the face of Qiniang..."

Master Cihang interrupted: "Stop it, if you keep talking, Qiniang and I will no longer have any friendship."

Qi Xuansu decisively stopped talking.

Master Cihang also fell silent, seeming to be weighing things up.

Only then did Xiao Yue finally realize that it was the Zhang family's brother-in-law who wanted Master to replace Qiniang, so just go ahead. What's the big deal? After all, with the current status of the Zhang family's brother-in-law, there are not many female Taoist priests who can replace Qiniang, so they can't invite Master Yan Da, right? That's a big step down.

After a while, Master Cihang said: "I am Qingxiao's master, and I am Qingxiao's natal family, but I am sitting next to you and become a member of your family. Isn't this inappropriate?"

Of course Qi Xuansu had to pretend to be stupid at this time: "Her family and mine are all one family. Our family doesn't speak the same language."

Master Cihang sighed: "You are really sharp-tongued. Qingxiao is stupid, and there is no way he can say so many things."

Qi Xuansu was still pretending to be stupid: "I only tell the truth."

Master Cihang snorted, and naturally did not take this sentence seriously, and instead said: "Since it is for your and Qingxiao's face, and Qiniang's face, it seems that I can't agree if I don't agree. , but I’m not the only one sitting on it, so I have to ask the other person’s opinion, right?”

This means Donghua Zhenren.

The subtext is simply that Donghua Zhenren agreed first, so I have no objection.

This is the same as what Donghua Zhenren said.

The two of them still couldn't help but want to be restrained.

This is also equivalent to blocking both ends.

, you have to agree with yourself first before you have any objections, so what should you do?

Easy to handle.

There is an old saying that goes well, a wife knows how to hide things from both sides.

Qi Xuansu will be treated as a daughter-in-law for once.

So Qi Xuansu said: "Of course my master agrees. What opinion can he, a grown man, have?"

"Really?" Master Cihang still didn't believe it.

Qi Xuansu said sincerely: "I just came from Ziweitang. I went to see the master first, and then came to see my mother-in-law."

Master Cihang glanced at Qi Xuansu: "Well, since Master Donghua has agreed, then I have no objection. I will take Qiniang's place for once. Let me remind you, there is no other special meaning."

Qi Xuansu was in a good mood and said quickly: "Of course it has no special meaning."

It was only then that Xiao Yueru came to her senses. Master Donghua represented the Zhang family's brother-in-law's father, and the master represented the Zhang family's brother-in-law's mother. So didn't Master Donghua and the master become a couple?

Thinking of some recent rumors, Xiao Yueru was startled and almost screamed. She quickly covered her mouth and couldn't help but glance at Qi Xuansu.

Master is right, you are so brave.

Xiao Yueru glanced at her master again, and then met Master Cihang's stern gaze with a hint of warning. She immediately lowered her head and began to pretend to be quail.

Qi Xuansu stood up and said goodbye: "Since my mother-in-law agreed, I won't disturb my mother-in-law to plant the seedlings. I'll say goodbye."

Master Cihang waved his hand, signaling Qi Xuansu to leave quickly.

When Qi Xuansu came out of Master Cihang's place, he naturally rushed back to report the good news to his master.

On one side, he told Master Cihang that Master Donghua had agreed, and on the other side he naturally told Master Donghua

Said Master Cihang agreed.

Aren't you two reserved? Since you are being reserved, why don't you confront me now?

If you can really confront me now and talk about this matter, it shows that you are being falsely reserved.

When the two of you sit together in front of everyone, there will be no point in talking about it at that time. Anyway, the raw rice has already been cooked.

Okay, wonderful.

Qi Xuansu finally understood why some people like to be matchmakers, and it felt really good.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the two of them have this intention. No matter what aspect is considered, this is a matter of mutual benefit. On this basis, Qi Xuansu can play a role.

If both parties refuse to let go, or even if one party is very determined, this matter will not be possible. With their status, who can force them to do this? You can only persuade them from the side, but you can't persuade them openly. They have to be insinuating. Otherwise, if you annoy the two of them, it will be a dead end.

That is to say, Qi Xuansu relied on his status as apprentice and son-in-law to be able to speak clearly and boldly. After all, he was a junior and a beloved junior, so he could only curse a few words.

After settling this matter, Qi Xuansu had to make arrangements to do it specially for Qiniang. No matter what, he had to be conscientious and not make Qiniang feel unhappy.

Since Qiniang doesn't like the excitement, she doesn't invite guests, and keeps everything simple, mainly just a few family members. In addition to the two parties involved, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, Qiniang's favorite Xiao Yin should be brought along, Lao Lin can also be brought along, and there are also some close friends such as Ke Qingqing, Chen Jianqiu, and Liu Hu.

people. You can also name Li Qingnu, Xie Linyuan, and Shangguan Ya, all of whom are close to Qiniang.

As for the Yao family, Qiniang doesn’t seem to have much contact, so forget it.

This is the real family dinner.

Qiniang cannot be allowed to suffer in this kind of thing.

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