Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 13 Opportunity

The courtesy officer's voice pulled Qi Xuansu back, and then they both bowed down at the same time.

It was said that they were bowing to each other, but in fact they were bowing to each other. After all, Taoists were not in the mood to kneel and bow.

The tips of the "buds" of the lotus crowns on their heads just touched each other.

Instantly separate.

This time is very short, but Qi Xuansu feels that it is very long.

At this moment, he thought of many things.

The first meeting of Taiqing City Weapons Book, the wedding banquet in Phoenix Tower, the thirty-six sky lanterns after drinking, and the beef noodles shared by two people. A woman who calls herself Tantaichu.

The face of Tiangang Hall, the vast Gobi Desert in the Western Regions, the Palace and Yaochi in the Snowy Mountains, and the three halls of the New Opera will review Jia Lilei. A short sword named Qingyuan.

The Yulan Temple in Yishan City, the mountain market on the Tea Horse Road, the Qianli River in Baidi City, and Shangqing Town in Yunjin Mountain. The fake show finally became real.

The bidding at Dazhen Mansion, the shocking change on the flying boat, the shocking jump at the Kunlun Mountain Pass, and the meeting again outside Jiangling City. It seems like this is destiny.

The investigation in Jinling Mansion, the burning Zhenwu Temple, the haze of Zhenjun Siming, and the smile of Nianhua in Wuxing Mountain. We work together.

The Fenglinzhou expedition, the first time the two swords came together, the support from the Lingnan Taoist government, the second time the two swords came together. We stay with each other.

Later, there were less gatherings and more separations.

But in the end, we still got to where we are now.

After gathering his thoughts, Qi Xuansu slowly straightened up and looked at Zhang Yuelu, who was standing opposite him.

Zhang Yuelu happened to look over, and their eyes met.

It seems that a thousand words are contained in this one glance.

Qi Xuansu smiled.

Many times, Qi Xuansu's smile was not genuine, it was a habitual smile, a superficial smile, a sneer, a bitter smile, and a forced smile.

But today's smile was definitely a smile from the heart, a natural smile without any impurities.

There was no reason, Qi Xuansu just wanted to laugh.

If I had to have one reason, it would be pure joy, pure joy.

Seemingly infected by Qi Xuansu, Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but laugh.

There was no reason—no reason not to laugh.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

At this moment, everything seemed to have gone away. The best man in the high hall, the guests in the court, and the Chiming Palace were all gone.

Only the person in front of you is left, only the person in your eyes is left.

Many guests also felt the two people's emotions and watched quietly.

No one even noticed that the Heavenly Master appeared at some point.

At the beginning, the Heavenly Master showed up, and then disappeared, as if he didn't want to steal the spotlight from the newlyweds. Others thought that the Celestial Master simply showed up and left the table early. Now the Celestial Master is back again, quietly appearing at Pingzhang Daren's table and sitting down next to Jiang Dazhen.

Master Jiang Dazhen chuckled and said, "You should go up there."

"The four of them are enough. I won't join in the fun." Tianshi has always been easy-going and the most approachable among the three divisions. Hearing this, he waved his hands and said, "If I really want to go up, which side will I count? Or the middle one?"

Master Jiang Da said: "You can't say that. If you go up, Wu Niang will also go up, one on each side."

While speaking, the ceremony officer finally came to his senses, interrupted the two people's affectionate gaze, and asked the two newcomers to exchange their wishes.

Qi Xuansu took Zhang Yuelu's Ruyi with his left hand, and handed his own Ruyi to Zhang Yuelu's hand with his right hand.

This is the exchange of tokens.

Then thank the guests.

One advantage of forming a Taoist couple is that there is no such thing as changing one's name. Whatever one was called before will remain the same in the future.

Master Donghua stood up and said: "You two have become a Taoist couple this time, and the Heavenly Master has given you a lot. As Tianyuan's master, I don't dare to compare with the Heavenly Master, but I don't want to be too stingy. Let everyone laugh."

Because today is a big day and not a business matter, Master Donghua was not so serious when he spoke and was quite casual.

To put it bluntly, I want to give some gifts to the newlyweds.

Give money to Taiping?

That would be too tacky and not in line with Donghua’s identity.

Furthermore, even if you really want to give money to Taiping, how much should you give? If you give too much, you will gain face, but you will make mistakes. Give less, don’t make mistakes, and make people laugh.

What's more, what the Heavenly Master gave was an immortal thing. Even if it was borrowed, it would be unusual. Immortal objects do not necessarily belong to anyone. They are passed down from generation to generation. From this perspective, everyone's immortal objects are temporarily borrowed. There are so many people in the world and so many people in Taoism, why should I lend them to you temporarily? This is what the Heavenly Master has given.

Donghua Zhenren also had to show his courtesy.

But then again, after all, Donghua Zhenren has not yet ascended to the throne, and he is not yet the great leader of the Taoist sect. Whether he can ascend to the position in the end is still uncertain. Even if he can ascend, he will have to wait for the death of the third master and then re-centralize power, so what he has in hand is The resources that can be mobilized are really no match for the Celestial Master.

When it comes to "fighting for wealth", Donghua Zhenren can't beat him, and he doesn't want to lose face, so he has to find another way.

Master Donghua had his own calculations and said: "Back then, Xuansheng and his wife left an opportunity in the Kunlun Cave. If the disciples of the younger generation are lucky enough to enter it and pass the trial, they can get Xuansheng's gift. This can be regarded as a gift. A blessing."

As soon as these words came out, the curiosity of many guests below was aroused.

It would be unbelievable to say that Xuansheng left any chance in Kunlun Cave, but it would make sense to say that it was Mrs. Xuansheng who did it. This is in line with Mrs. Xuansheng's character.

As for why only Master Donghua knew about this opportunity, the reason was simple. The ancestor of the Pei family was the founder and only disciple of Xuan Sheng. The Zhou family and the Shen family are still a little bit different. Strictly speaking, the ancestors of these two families were taught by others, but they were taught by Xuan Sheng. The difference is huge. It's like going to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace to attend a class. The students who attend are still different from the students who are taught by the instructors.

Master Donghua paused for a moment and then said: "Perhaps some Taoist friends want to ask, why don't you go with such an opportunity? I won't hide it from everyone, this opportunity requires a Taoist couple, and I do not meet this condition. And for Taoism The cultivation level of the couple is quite demanding, and even Tianyuan and Qingxiao are a little behind now, not to mention the others. "

The guests laughed.

No matter what happens in the future, the current Donghua master is still alone. As for the cultivation requirements, it should be said that Zhang Yuelu is still a few points short of Qi Xuansu, so Pei Xiaolou and other children of the Pei family, as well as the ancestors of the Pei family in the past, do not meet the requirements. It is easy for one person to say anything, but for two people They all meet the requirements, but they also have to be Taoist companions, so that’s a bit difficult.

Needless to say, this condition must have been set by Mrs. Xuansheng. Xuansheng probably didn't have such thoughts of loving a son and daughter. In fact, many interesting things are inseparable from Mrs. Xuansheng. Most of the time, Xuansheng is pushed away by Mrs. Xuansheng. He may not necessarily want to do these things. Xuansheng is more interested in integrating the three ways and personally conquering. A major event like Buddhism.

Then Master Donghua flicked his finger, and two points of spiritual light flew out, flying into the eyebrows of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu respectively.

The expressions of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu changed slightly.

Everyone saw the change in their expressions and knew that this opportunity was indeed real. I can't help but be even more curious, what will Xuansheng leave behind? Most of Xuansheng's relics belong to the Taoist sect, passed down to the hands of the great masters of the past dynasties, or stored in the Zixiao Palace. Another part was given to the Li family and passed down from generation to generation. As disciples, the Pei family also received some. As a result, Xuansheng's personal belongings have basically been "divided up."

Inheritance is also impossible. Xuan Sheng's idea is to break down the sectarian views, so he collects all Taoist methods, reintegrates them, and popularizes them across the board. Therefore, it is impossible to hide some of the skills secretly, which is inconsistent with Xuan Sheng's philosophy.

Unless this technique has serious flaws and Xuan Sheng thinks it is not suitable to be passed on to future generations, and it is the work of his predecessors, Xuan Sheng cannot bear to destroy it, so he deliberately hides it. But this possibility is not high.

What the specific opportunity was, probably only Master Donghua, Qi Xuansu, and Zhang Yuelu knew.

Qi Xuansu was shocked at this time.

Because of the most critical information, Master Donghua didn't mention it at all, and only told Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu.

I don’t know the specific location of this opportunity. Just like Tianhou’s Dragon Palace and Lin Lingsu’s Tongzhen Palace, they are constantly changing. You have to find it yourself.

The requirements of this opportunity are second to the requirements for the realm of the Taoist couple. The key is the need for a key, and this key is the "Heart of the Immortal Stone".

So after so many years, no one in the Pei family has been able to win this opportunity.

Master Donghua also said frankly that this opportunity should be left to the descendants of the Li family by Mrs. Xuansheng, because the Pei family itself did not have the "Heart of the Immortality Stone". Mrs. Xuansheng did not know at the time that Yaozu had also refined the third "Heart of Immortality Stone". "Heart of the Immortal Stone", no matter how you look at it, it is an opportunity tailor-made for the descendants of the Li family by Mrs. Xuansheng.

Regarding the fact that the Li family has the "Heart of Immortality Stone", Xuan Sheng may not have known about it at the beginning, but he should have known about it later.

However, at this time, the reform entered the deep water zone. Measures to integrate the three paths, such as the abolition of the Creation Project, aroused strong opposition. The eight tribes fled, the war with Buddhism was frustrated, some Confucian sects had second thoughts in life, and the ancient immortals supported by Buddhism were Troubles were stirred up and the internal and external situation became increasingly complicated. At this time, Xuansheng had to rely on the Li family and even handed over the defense power of Yujing to Taiping Dao.

Under this situation, Xuan Sheng really had no way to pursue these matters, so he could only turn a blind eye and acquiesce in this matter.

What can we do if we don’t acquiesce? Without Mrs. Xuansheng, without the Li family, it is really hard to say whether Xuansheng can suppress Zhengyiyi and Quanzhendao with only the lineage of the Grand Master and his own prestige.

Once chaos breaks out, internal and external troubles arise, the Taoist sect is immediately in danger of falling apart.

When Xuansheng returned from his personal expedition to Buddhism, he had another problem. He spent most of his time in seclusion and rarely dealt with political affairs. He didn't even care about continuing to integrate the three realms of power and returning to Jiutang. In the end, he was promoted in a hurry, without caring about anything. It's such a small thing.

As for why you didn't tell the Li family directly, Xuansheng probably played a role. Although it was Mrs. Xuansheng who took the lead in this matter, Xuansheng was also involved, and Xuansheng's attitude towards the Li family was always complicated, both suppressing and reusing. , he didn’t want to leave this opportunity to the Li family, and he didn’t want to disgrace Mrs. Xuansheng, so he wanted the Pei family to play a checkpoint role.

The Pei family lived up to their trust. After so many years, they didn't tell the Li family and just pretended that it didn't happen. Instead, a turning point finally came, and a disciple with the "Heart of the Immortal Stone" was found.

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