Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 14: Achievements in cultivation

Why does Mrs. Xuansheng have a good relationship with the Li family? Not only because the Li family headed by Donghuang always pleases her, but also because the relationship between the Qin and Li families is too close. Later facts also proved that Mrs. Xuansheng was right. The two families were married for two hundred years.

Within the Li family, Saint Ancestor's reputation was divided between love and hate, while Madam Xuan Sheng's reputation was one-sided, all positive.

At this point, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are somewhat similar, but in reverse. Within the Zhang family, Zhang Yuelu has a mixed reputation, but Qi Xuansu's evaluation has always been very good.

It can be seen that everyone hopes to have a person who is doing the right thing, but when this person who is doing the right thing appears next to him, he will feel uncomfortable again.

Just as everyone hates using power for personal gain, when one is truly capable of seeking personal gain, one realizes one hates the fact that others can but one cannot.

After this interlude, the banquet officially started.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu had to toast to the guests, which was a chore, but looking at Zhang Yuelu, why were they a little eager to try it?

The four groomsmen also came into play at this time, following the two newcomers and taking care of various chores.

Because today is a happy event, there is no one seat per person, and there is no long table like Westerners do, but a large round table, which has a good meaning.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu first came to the table of Pingzhang Daren to toast. There was nothing much to say. This was the table with the highest status, headed by Tianshi, and Huangfu Ji was also here.

The Heavenly Master said a few words on behalf of all the great immortals: "Taoist couple, Taoist couple, Taoist partners, since you two have become Taoist couples, you should support each other in the future. If you can be like Xuansheng and Mrs. Xuansheng, A couple of immortals, that’s the best thing.”

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu respectfully agreed and went to the table of Master Zhangtang again.

Then came the four high halls, who as hosts toasted to Pingzhang Dazen again.

The table of Master Zhangtang, except for Master Qingwei, was fairly well attended. However, Master Donghua and Master Cihang were not here at this time either. They happened to be the six Master Masters of the Lower Sixth Hall. This time, Master Ningling Pavilion The leader is because he is the old boss of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu.

After Qi Xuansu made a toast, he thanked his old boss Ning Lingge emphatically: "Old boss, the two theater tickets you gave me back then helped Qingxiao and I fulfill our parents' promise to be a matchmaker. You are the matchmaker between me and Qingxiao. ”

Zhang Yuelu also raised his glass: "Ning Zhangtang, I respect you."

Ning Lingge smiled happily and said, "You were still very young at that time. So many years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it is not easy to finally achieve enlightenment."

After such a round of wine toast, everyone drank was "drunk and dreaming". Qi Xuansu didn't use his cultivation to dissolve the alcohol, and he actually felt a little tipsy. Looking at Zhang Yuelu, there was nothing unusual except for his face being slightly red, as if he had just warmed up. , this is an extraordinary talent.

The four groomsmen also blocked a lot of wine for the two of them, and they couldn't hold it anymore.

Qi Xuansu asked Yan Yongzhen to send Zhang Zhiyue back, and Chen Jianchou and Xiao Yueru dispersed.

The people of Pingzhang Dazen were the first to leave. As agreed in advance, they would leave in order of level, then the first level of the head master, then the first level of the head master. After all the masters of Shenzhi left, the first level of the master was again class.

Of course, there are exceptions for some close people who stayed here specifically.

Seeing that everyone was drinking, Xiao Yin wanted to have a taste of the bitter water, but accidentally drank too much and started to fall asleep, but was taken away early by Lin Yuanmiao.

By the time the people close to him began to disperse one after another, it was already dark.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were about to return to their new home in Taishang.

It’s equally lively here, and everyone is home.

When they arrived at the new house, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu felt a little embarrassed.

Speaking of which, both of them are conservatives. They have never had any experience of having sex between men and women. If they don't form a Taoist couple, I'm afraid they will be like this for the rest of their lives.

Zhang Yuelu had a straight face, expressionless, and seemed to be unmoving, but his palms subconsciously pulled on the cuffs, obviously not as calm as he appeared.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while, he needed to take the initiative in this kind of thing, but he was also prepared.

Qi Xuansu took out a jade slip and waved it deliberately in front of Zhang Yuelu's eyes.

Zhang Yuelu was indeed fooled and asked curiously: "What is this?"

Qi Xuansu replied: "This is the 'Eternal Life Sutra'."

With Qi Xuansu's current status and cultivation level, if he is required to learn a great skill, it is really just a matter of making a report. It's just that he never applied in the past, firstly because he didn't have time, and secondly because there was no need.

However, before the two got married, Qi Xuansu specially applied for this great method.

Zhang Yuelu was very knowledgeable, but when he heard the name, he couldn't stand it. His face turned slightly red, showing signs of breaking his skills.

Even though she is Zhang Yuelu, she is still an untouched woman after all.

The reason is very simple. According to legend, in ancient times, the Emperor of Heaven, who was still the Emperor of Humans, once asked a plain girl for advice on the way to immortality. Su Nu, also known as Jiuyou Su Nu, Bai Shui Su Nu, Yan Zi, Su Nu Empress, Jiu You Su Nu Empress, Jiu You Su Yin Empress, the full name is "Jiu You Su Yin Yuan Nv Holy Mother Emperor Yan Zi", Su Nu The female teacher taught the Emperor of Heaven the "Sutra of Immortality Su Nv". The "Sutra of Immortality Su Nv" talks about the method of dual cultivation for men and women, the technique of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality.

Qi Xuansu said seriously: "The long night and the beautiful scenery on the good day, why don't you and I take a closer look?"

Zhang Yuelu was silent for a long time, his face turned even redder, and finally he slowly uttered one word: "Okay."

Qi Xuansu actually opened the jade slip and showed the contents in front of the two of them.

Zhang Yuelu did it to relieve the embarrassment at first, but slowly he was attracted by the content. On the other hand, Qi Xuansu, who took the initiative to bring up the matter, didn't look into it at all. This is the difference between a spiritual genius and a useless person.

After reading the opening chapter, Qi Xuansu took off the special purple-gold crown on his head and placed it on the table. He also took off Zhang Yuelu's purple-gold crown, and their hair was spread down.

Zhang Yuelu's body trembled slightly, but he did not object or move. He continued to look at the jade slip of the "Eternal Life Sutra", but he was not as focused as before.

Qi Xuansu was also a little bit confused. Although it was his first time, he didn't find this kind of thing difficult, but it was different when the target was Zhang Yuelu.

While drinking last night, people like Huangfuji and Pei Xiaolou told Qi Xuansu some jokes, which left a deep impression on Qi Xuansu.

Huangfu Ji asked Qi Xuansu if he could take off his clothes.

Qi Xuansu honestly admitted that he had never done such a thing before and did not dare to say the word "will".

Huangfuji said, it's actually very simple. You just need to make a casual posture and pretend that you can't untie it, and the woman will sigh helplessly and then take it off by herself.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while, should he apply what he had learned?

Just when he was distracted, Zhang Yuelu seemed to have made up his mind and turned around to face Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu came to his senses and asked, "Shall we start?"

Zhang Yuelu did not close her eyes like other women, but looked directly at Qi Xuansu, giving the impression that she was about to embark on the battlefield, and even showed a determined look: "Okay!"

Qi Xuansu always felt that something was not right and said, "Qingxiao, you look like a warrior."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Who made you like warriors? Warriors are strong, why don't you marry a tender girl? It's not because you like this, so don't complain!"

Qi Xuansu could only shut up.

Then replace actions with actions.

Soon, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were in close combat.

Qi Xuansu launched a fierce offensive, but Zhang Yuelu did not passively endure it, but launched a counterattack.

This undoubtedly angered Qi Xuansu, so Qi Xuansu launched an even more violent offensive.



Those who set foot on the battlefield are not afraid of pain.

Zhang Yuelu is also not to be outdone. She is not a submissive little girl, she is Zhang Yuelu, and she wants to change the Taoism. If you don't sweep one house, why sweep the world? If she can't even deal with Qi Xuansu, how can she fight with the sky?

So she can't retreat.

She wants to attack.

She wants to move forward.

The fighting became more intense.

The artillery shot through the air, making a sharp whistling sound. When the shells landed, it was earth-shattering. It was like a tidal wave of offensive. The shouts of mountains and tsunamis were overwhelming...

The "Women's Sutra of Immortality" also began to operate slowly.

The key to the method of dual cultivation lies in the word "complementary".

The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage; the way of man is to make up for the deficiency when there is damage. The method of double rest is to imitate the way of heaven, and make up for the deficiency when there is excess.

Men are yang and women are yin. Men have more yang but less yin. Women have more yin but less yang. Therefore, men take the yin from women to make up their own yin, and women take the yang from men to make up their own yang. Ultimately, both of them can have yin and yang. balance.

In addition to the yin and yang of men and women, there are also the yin and yang of kung fu. One practices pure yang kung fu, and the other practices pure yin kung fu. The two practices can also complement each other. However, if the realm of cultivation is insufficient, it is still necessary to use the relationship between men and women as a medium. A bridge allows both parties to communicate with each other.

At this time, the two people were hugging each other, and around the two people, there were dense "meridians" intertwined. These meridians were slightly illusory, and they were all condensed by true energy, connecting various acupuncture points on the two people's bodies. This is Qi.

Coincidentally, both Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu also practiced the "Dragon and Tiger Sword Technique", which is the so-called way of complementing the dragon and the tiger, and the balance of yin and yang.

Dragons and tigers share the same fate.

As their dual cultivation deepened, both Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu had the illusion that they were on a small boat, rafting on the vast Yunmeng Lake. It was windy and rainy outside and the blue waves were rolling into the sky. The boat rose and fell with the wind and waves, bumping violently, and the violent storms passed by one after another, causing the boat to sometimes fly to the top of the waves, and sometimes fall heavily into the bottom of the valley. The strong stimulation was mixed with the pleasure of breaking free from the restraints.

Suddenly, a storm passed over the lake and rolled into the dark distant sky. The lake, which had been noisy just now, returned to calm. The boat drifted quietly with the current, the hull was gently swaying, the bright moon was reflected on the water, and fishing fires lit up in the distance.

The long smoke is gone, the bright moon is thousands of miles away, the floating light shines like gold, and the silent shadow sinks on the wall. What a joy it is to answer each other's fishermen's songs.

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