Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 800 The Best Ending

Chapter 800 The Best Ending "You Chen Youguo stared at his hands blankly, too shocked to say a complete sentence.

Lu Yu coughed up a mouthful of blood, which stained the other party's robe.

He stretched out his left hand, dipped some of it on his fingertips, and then quickly put it into Chen Youguo's slightly open mouth.

"..What are you doing?!"

"Of course... I'll help you become a king!"

Lu Yu laughed loudly and his body shook uncontrollably. "You madman, my body can't bear the king-level virus, I will die!"

Faguo screamed in panic, quickly let go of his head, and ran back.

Lu Yu had no support and fell to his knees with a plop.

But he was still laughing, even more crazily than before: "No... I gave them voluntarily, they will not cause harm to you, cough cough... "... Look, you have just swallowed If you take my blood, won't you still be alive and well? Hehehehe "Wha, what? How is this possible... Chen Faguo thought deeply and felt the changes in his body, and then he was shocked to find that what Lu Yu said was actually true.

His body is moving towards a higher level! At a terrifying speed that far exceeds cognition! The empty feeling of hunger emerged from his stomach, like countless violent claws, tearing at every nerve in Chen Youguo's body! Eat! He needs to eat a lot! Lu Yu raised his head with difficulty, staring at the newly born new king with his gradually fading golden eyes.


Said: He saw the shadow of his own past in the other party.

At the same time, the entire Yalu Mountain rumbled! A long and narrow crack opened in the middle of the mountain, leading straight to the ground! Looking at the red moonlight, you can see that the cracks are filled with red carpets, and in the deepest part of the cracks, there is a huge and abnormal brain beating! She frantically absorbed the scarlet moonlight, preparing for the big action that was about to take place next. Lu Yu watched everything in front of him with satisfaction, as if speaking to Chen Youguo, and as if saying to himself, "The final steps of the plan, let's begin... Haha... A killing spree... at the same time.

Shadowworm lair.

The unchanging scarlet moonlight gradually dimmed, as if obscured by thick dark clouds.

But the wind and snow had stopped long ago.

Only the tail flames ejected by the mecha burned the cold wind until it was boiling hot! "The entire regiment is here, are you ready to fight to the death?"

Yan Luo's voice echoed in every Slaughter Titan, as relaxed as a chat after a meal, with no one responding.

Only the uniform sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed resounded through the night sky! "Not bad, it seems everyone is ready."

"Pick up your ears, listen to my orders later, and follow me to kill the enemy."

After Yan Luo said this, he reached out and reached for the cockpit hatch. A man with peach blossom eyes wearing a gray hoodie and a mole between his eyebrows appeared in front of the observation window.

"Pioneer, do I need to send you to the ground before the battle begins?"

"Don't worry about me, just do your business."

659 responded calmly: "I will take care of myself, but if you find the Shadow Insect King, remember to inform him in time."

Yalu Mountain.

In the stone chamber deep in the cave.

"What should I do next? Didn't you agree to tell me what to do?!"

Xu Xiaoxiao emerged from the pile of rocks, panicking all over.

Although the terrifying energy stimulated by the death cannon was exerted on Sun Jiayi in an extremely gentle form.

But the tremors of the mountain inevitably buried the entire stone chamber.

Xu Xiaoxiao was not injured because of his rough skin and thick flesh, but the others were directly thrown under the pile of rocks.

Putting aside life and death, it was extremely difficult to even dig them out. And more importantly, Xu Xiaoxiao had no idea whether the current situation was still going according to Lu Yu's plan.

No one told her what to do next.

Just when Xu Xiaoxiao was panicking, a faint sound suddenly came from under her butt.

With surprise in her eyes, the woman hurriedly dug downwards. A few minutes later, 173, whose face was covered with dust, was dug out.

"My throat, mother, I almost died..." 173 spit out the dust in his mouth, his face full of the aftermath of the disaster.

Xu Xiaoxiao fell into despair again at this moment. It was not good to dig out anyone, but he dug out this crazy man.


Lose? Really having no choice, Xu Xiaoxiao could only play dead horse as a live doctor, "Hey, in this situation, are you still going as planned?"

173 wiped his face, his face was filled with a look of fear that you shouldn’t be kidding! "Holy shit, fat man, aren't you merging the spaceship? How do I know if it's on the channel?"

Yes, you shouldn’t ask.

Xu Xiaoxiao looked desperate and turned around to continue searching among the rocks, trying to dig out another person.

But at this moment, 173 suddenly slapped her on the shoulder, pointed at a certain place and said excitedly: "Wormhole, I saw the wormhole! The direction is correct, we did not deviate from the channel!"


Xu Xiaoxiao turned around and looked in the direction pointed by 173.

There was indeed a gaping hole at the top of the originally closed corridor.

In the deep darkness, there is a faint white light that keeps flickering, distant and small, like a star. But as time goes by, this little bit of sunlight keeps changing, like an expanding wormhole. "Is that what I want to do?" The last step?”

A flash of understanding flashed in Xu Xiaoxiao's eyes, and he immediately used his hands and feet to climb toward the white light.

Timeline No. 22: Siming Mountain Shelter.

Zhang Tiehua felt that he was probably crazy.

Manghu, who was severely blasted by a laser cannon, could still stand up. This kind of monster can really be killed. This is completely a brainless plot that only appears in cool novels. Reality is not a novel, really. If it were to be developed according to the novel, there wouldn't be any vulgar scenes of the Terminator fighting the bereaved, it must be an illusion! Looking at the shaky figure slowly walking out of the bus in the distance, Zhang Tiehua rubbed his eyes hard.

However, just when he was fully expecting that the scene in front of him would become normal, an even more bizarre scene appeared.

Another figure got out of the Land Rover driven by the Terminator.

This man Zhang Tiehua is very familiar! "Yu Libo!?! I remember, didn't he leave the Siming Mountain Refuge with Lu Yu in the first two levels? Why did he get off the Black Carbon Terminator's car now... Zhang Tiehua felt that his head was running at full power. But he still couldn't analyze any useful information from the scene in front of him.

Like all the survivors around him, he could only stare blankly at everything in front of him. After getting off the car, Yu Libo was like a newborn baby, looking around in confusion.

Soon, his eyes fell on the bus in the distance.

As if something had been triggered, Yu Libo hesitated slightly, the confusion in his eyes quickly dissipated, and turned into disbelief.

"The plan... was successful??"

His breathing began to quicken, as if a dying old man had seen the goal he had wanted to achieve throughout his life before death came.

"...Lu Yu, I finally understand what you mean... Yu Libo murmured in his mouth, passed Hamilton directly, followed the footsteps and leaned towards the bus.

Although the latter's attention was focused on the bus, he still frowned when he saw the thin man appear.

Hamilton subconsciously wanted to stop Yu Libo, but soon he discovered something was wrong.

Under the calculation and analysis of the optical brain, Hamilton was shocked to find that the thin man with zero influence actually had a "level of influence"! Yu Libo's Minkoguanski unit is growing rapidly.

No, it’s a surge! ! In just a few seconds, the number of embodied Minkowski units has exceeded three digits, and there is no sign of stopping! "This is impossible. Hamilton's eyes flashed red, trying to improve his optical brain calculations to understand what was happening in front of him.

However, before the core magnetic cage in his body could be completely closed, a bigger change suddenly came! A storm suddenly rose in the empty field, stirring up sand and dust! A crackling electric arc appeared out of thin air and rapidly expanded in front of everyone's sight.

A mysterious figure wearing a black robe and his entire face shrouded in a mask appeared out of thin air, hanging on one knee, blocking Yu Libo's path.

A hoarse and unpleasant voice came from under the hood, with obvious electronic noise in the timbre. 1 All key nodes have been observed, and your death cannot form an effective ring. "

"His, that's all."

The man in black robe raised his hand, pointed at Zhang Huaxia who was in a daze not far away, and said quickly: "Tu Yunxiao, Tu Zhiying, Zhang Huaxia, Sun Jiayi, any one of them who dies can awaken Zhang Ning's consciousness."

"But the influence of Tu Zhiying and Sun Jiayi is too great, which will inevitably cause subsequent node fluctuations."

"So, it's your turn to sacrifice your life, Zhang Huaxia."

Yu Libo moved his lips and asked a question that he thought was stupid, "Why can't it be Tu Yunxiao?" "Because he won't let his wife die."

The man in black robe spoke with a trembling voice: "Believe me, this is the best one I have seen among countless endings."

Timeline No. 4892.

Yalu Mountain.

Twenty years later.

The climate and environment are still extreme, but humans no longer have to huddle underground like cockroaches! With the technical support of Youlong, mankind has gradually regained control of the earth.

The blazing wind blew over the throbbing rocks. When it blew off the hood on Zhang Ning's head, it also blew away the diffuse haze.

Showing the mark of that unparalleled battle in front of this fifty-year-old wilderness hunter, although life is bad, at least there is hope, which is not bad. "

At this moment, a young girl quickly stepped forward, hugged his neck from behind, and strangled him naked.

"Dad, you were lost in thought again. Could it be Alzheimer's disease?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm waiting for someone."

"Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for?"

The woman looked at her with a worried look on her face: Could it be that she is waiting for your old lady, right? "

Zhang Ning was silent for a moment, and did not deny it as before, but nodded very seriously: "That's right... The woman looked strange, and for a moment she didn't know how to answer.

She felt that her father might really have Alzheimer's disease.

Until the crack appeared out of thin air. Lu Yu held the broken blade in his hand and stepped out of the void. His golden pupils were full of smiles: "I'm here to pick you up."

"I originally thought it would be Zhang. But it doesn't matter."

Zhang Ning stood up under Zhang Jiayi's shocked gaze and patted the dust on his butt: "I'm not going to leave, it's good to stay here."

Lu Yu was stunned, and the smile in his eyes gradually faded.

He didn't ask why, he just confirmed after a moment of silence: "You have decided?"


"what ever.

Lu Yu smiled again and said, "I originally thought that after sending you back, I could read the novel you wrote. But now it seems that it is impossible." "

"How is it impossible?

Zhang Ning had a bright smile on his face and took out a crumpled book: "Here, I've finished writing it." "

(Complete the book) Month

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