Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 25 Meeting the Dragon Girl Again

Chapter 25 Wenjian Longnu The first floor of Dashui Yixin Building is filled with densely packed bookshelves. Various books are arranged in categories and all packed in book boxes. People who come here for the first time will inevitably be overwhelmed.

There is also a Tai Chi Bagua seal sign at the entrance of the stairs, and there is a faint light. Qi Xuansu used a jade sign to clear the staircase ban, and went up to the second floor of Guanshui Yixin Building. This place is not smaller than the first floor, but there are many fewer bookshelves, so it appears It is more spacious, but the quality of the book collection is still higher than that on the first floor.

Qi Xuansu browsed it casually. In addition to various Dacheng methods, there were also some special documents unrelated to the exercises, which were for internal reference only.

For example, the internal speech records of the Fifth-generation Grand Master, copies of the secret reports of the Sixth-generation Grand Master, etc.

It can be seen that even if the Sixth Generation Grand Master did not order the sealing of this building, not everyone can come here.

Of course, Qi Xuansu is definitely qualified now.

Out of curiosity, Qi Xuansu lifted the ban and read a copy of the secret report of the Sixth Generation Grandmaster. He had only one feeling. It was shocking that the Sixth Generation Grandmaster had completely denied the Fifth Generation Grandmaster in the secret report. Doubtful, this is the work of the Third Master, and it is indispensable for the promotion of the Third Master behind it. It is also evidence that the Sixth Generation Grand Master has become the Third Master.

But in the long run, the negation that will really shake the foundation of Taoism and cause the division of Taoism represents Tao! Headmaster Tian is actually denying Tao! , will cause people's hearts to wander, thoughts to be confused, and the harm will be worse than leaving the city and abandoning the land.

The best way is actually to avoid talking about it.

It should be rough rather than thin, unite and look forward.

Fortunately, this secret report is only limited to a few channels! Among the high-level officials, there was no spread of the Tianshuang, and they were all done half-way and never passed. Therefore, the Fifth Generation Tianzhangjiao was still enshrined in the Patriarch Hall of Zixiao Camp, and many of his policies continued to be implemented.

Looking at it from another perspective, the deposing of the three deputy masters of the Fifth Dynasty by the Great Master had a profound impact. He could not do anything while he was alive. The backlash of the three realms finally came after he ascended. However, the Third Division should have realized later that the liquidation of the Five Dynasties Great Master There was also backlash in the matter of becoming a teacher, so in the end I had to pull back from the brink and give up.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing should not be put here. However, considering that when the Sixth Generation Master was in office, this report should not have been "done at this point", and it still belongs to the category that can be discussed on the table, so It was placed here in a grand manner.

Later, when Dao decided to "let it go," the Sixth Generation Grand Master had already ordered the building to be sealed, and this copy was accidentally retained.

Qi Xuansu put the copy of the secret report back on the bookshelf and walked through the maze-like bookshelves to the stairs on the third floor.

There is a huge mechanism here, which is one of the products of the cooperation between Tianji Hall and Huasheng Hall. It not only uses the mechanism technique, but also has the blessing of the divine power of talismans. Its combat power is comparable to that of heavenly beings. It can be equipped with Taoist imitation dragon balls. It is connected to the earth energy of the formation, and its battery life is far better than that of the Lingguan. Apart from the high cost, it has almost no obvious shortcomings.

Tianshui Yixin Tower has been closed for many years, and all the Taoist spiritual officials originally stationed here have been evacuated. However, Fang Xiang Taoist Palace still made a last-ditch defense, that is, a machine-shame was placed here to replace the original spiritual officials.

More importantly, this mechanism is not connected with the seal of Tianshui Yixin Tower. They are two relatively independent defense systems.

Qi Xuansu was deeply impressed by this, and the so-called "Xiushan Master Weiren" joke originated from it.

If it weren't for it, Yao Pei wouldn't have palmed that seal, and Qi Xuansu wouldn't have admitted his mistake.

However, Qi Xuansu was not Yinbi. Even if he did not have the seal of "Master of Jianxiu Mountain", he was not afraid of this honor. He easily restrained this honor and made him unable to move.

The spiritual officers responsible for guarding outside immediately received the alarm, but they just silently turned off the alarm and continued to stand guard.

Immediately after Qi Zhenren entered, the alarm went off. With a little bit of logic, you can guess that it must be related to Qi Zhenren.

They dare not take care of it.

He is the real person in charge of the palace, can he, the spiritual officials of the palace, control him? Most of the predictions are reported to the master in charge afterwards.

Qi Xuansu continued to climb the stairs when he heard a mighty dragon roar and billowing waves of sound coming towards his face.

Qi Xuansu suffered a loss when he came here last time, so he was prepared this time. The key is that Qi Xuansu has already cultivated as a pseudo-immortal, so he was not affected at all this time.

There is also a restriction in front, like a water curtain.

Qi Xuansu used the jade tablet again, and the water curtain did not disintegrate, but rippled with layers of ripples.

After passing through the water curtains of Lianqi, we finally arrived at the second floor. In the past, the third floor has always been the place where the Sixth Generation Master often came. The collection of books here is also classified as confidential, so that's why the dragon is here. He was caught in the eye by the Sixth Generation Grand Master and became the cause of his subordinates.

The placement of all the bookshelves is like the eighty-one book buildings surrounding it, showing a pattern of small rings in the sky. In the middle of the ring, there is a black and white light pillar falling from above, showing a pattern on the ground. A Pisces with a black sun, sitting in the beam of light, looking at a beautiful woman. Her clothes are white and her boots are white. She is not plain white, but hazy, like a smog. Ordinary people cannot control such white clothes, and it is easy to look dark. But this woman's skin is fair and crystal clear, and she actually has to hold down her white clothes a bit.

Looking at her face again, her pink face is full of dew, her eyebrows are smoky and her eyebrows are smoky. She is extremely charming, her eyes are indifferent and cold, and she doesn't look like a human woman at all.

It is the forbidden dragon girl.

There is a Bagua mirror hanging above the head of the dragon girl. It is this mirror that fixates the dragon girl here.

Dragon Girl looked at Qi Xuansu coldly and couldn't help but ask: "Is it you?"

She still remembered Qi Xuansu. After all, she was imprisoned here and could not see anyone all year round. Two people finally came in, so she was naturally impressed.

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "It's me, we meet again."

The dragon girl looked at Qi Xuansu, and finally her light was fixed on the sun jade lotus flower crown on Qi Xuansu's head, and she exclaimed in shock: "Are you already a real person in Shenzhi now?"

What shocked her was not that Qi Xuansu was able to reach universal enlightenment. After all, she was able to sneak into the Fangxiang Taoist Palace, which showed that she was still very familiar with the internal structure of the Taoist sect. Naturally, she knew the importance of Tianshui Yixin Tower, and she was able to come to Guanshui Yixin Tower. The facts clearly show that Qi Xuansu's status is not ordinary, and it is not so unimaginable that he can be promoted to a real person.

What she was really shocked about was that Qi Xuansu was able to rise to the level of Master Shenzhi in such a short period of time. From the Taoist priest of the fourth level to the Master of Shenzhi, it seemed that there was only two levels difference, from the fourth level to the third level, and from the third level to the second level.

In fact, there were five job adjustments. The principal became the deputy hall master, the deputy hall master became the second deputy palace master, the second palace master was promoted to the chief, the Taoist chief was promoted to the chief of the second hall, and the chief of the second hall was promoted to the palace master. Know the real person's position.

One step at a time.

No one knows how many people are stuck at each threshold.

On average, Qi Xuansu's progress is almost a step up every year.

How could Dragon Girl not be shocked? The last time they met, Long Nu thought Qi Xuansu and Yao Pei were here to kill her, and they even said something, but they could no longer say it at this time.

In addition to the change in identity, it was also because of Qi Xuansu's improvement in cultivation, and Qi Xuansu had actually slain a dragon.

Dragon Girl also noticed this, and her eyes couldn't help but change: "You smell like blood."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "It's normal. I've killed a lot of people over the years."

The dragon girl said: "That's not what I'm talking about, it's dragon blood, Tao! Are you still hunting dragons?"

"That's what you said.

"Qi Xuansu suddenly said, "It's an old dragon that enslaves immortals. It's fair to kill it if it eats people. I kill it. "

The dragon girl said nothing more.

Because the dragon clan is too powerful, all of them have not interacted with each other until death, and there is no concept of the so-called "dragon clan". For them, the Taoist slaying of the dragon is more of a physical injury to its kind, rather than a blood feud.

In fact, people are the same, and the ones who kill the most are people.

Qi Xuansu walked around the dragon girl and said: "There is no calendar day in the mountains, and there is no year in the cold weather.

How are you doing lately? "

Long An said: "When you two came here last time, you said that Master Tian had no time to come here, so I asked you two to come and collect the things left here."

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "That's right."

The dragon girl repeated what she had said before: "What on earth is he going to do? He wants to kill or behead him. I admit it. Does he intend to imprison me for the rest of my life? Stop saying empty words like the Great Master's mind is as deep as the sea."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "Then I will tell you the truth. The Grand Master is no longer here."

The dragon girl was stunned, and after a while she said, "What did you say?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I said the Grand Master is no longer here.

As early as next year, or as late as the year after next, Tao will elect the seventh generation Grand Master. "

The dragon girl's face was complicated: "Why, how come he is no longer here? He is the great master of the Tao, who can kill him? And he has not reached the age of a hundred years."

Qi Xuansu said: "Ascension in advance was so sudden that no one expected it."

"You're lying to me!"

Dragon Girl said suddenly.

Qi Xuansu smiled: "What's the benefit of lying to you? Or to put it another way, with my current status, do I still need to lie to you about this kind of thing?"

The dragon girl was silent.

Qi Xuansu said: "Nowadays, there is a loud voice in the Taoist sect against the slaughter of dragons, and there is also an organization that protects dragons.

In recent years, Tao has seldom hunted dragons. As long as he doesn't cause trouble and doesn't eat people, Tao can't kill dragons.

Yao Suyi told you back then, and I still say the same thing now, that it is better to be an official than to be a thief. After so many years, how have you considered it? "

The dragon girl was silent.

If it were her before, she would have retorted without hesitation and ridiculed him, but after being imprisoned for so long, her anger and edges had been worn away.

More importantly, after being locked up for so many years, she was about to collapse. If she could really be let out: Even if she was asked to work as a cow and horse for the Taoist clan, she would admit it. It would be better than being locked up in this dark place with no one. Communication, not even knowing the passage of time, really drives the dragon crazy.

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