Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 26: Rescue Dragon Girl Xiaobai

Chapter 26: Saving Dragon Girl Xiaobai However, Dragon Girl did not agree immediately, but asked: "You said that your Grand Master ascended ahead of schedule. Can I know why?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Looking at my age, you should know that I am not a person who has experienced it personally, I only heard it from hearsay, and many details are not clear.

I can only tell you that this involved a high-level struggle within the Taoist sect. The Grand Master lost, so he chose to ascend, that's it. "

The dragon girl added: "You just said that the Taoist sect will soon elect the seventh generation master."

Qi Xuansu said: "To tell you the truth, Master Donghua Zhenren is one of the candidates for the Grand Master.

If you follow me, your future is still guaranteed. "

The dragon girl fell into deep thought, and after a while she asked again: "Where is the woman who came with you last time?" Qi Xuansu knew everything and said: "She is my senior sister. Unfortunately, she just left Fang Xiangdao about an hour ago." Palace, I couldn’t see you.

But there will still be opportunities in the future, provided you are willing to leave here. If you like to stay here, then I won't force you. "

Dragon Girl said: "Who wants to stay here? I don't want to at all! It's you people from the Taoist sect who locked me up here!"

Qi Xuansu hit the nail on the head: "No one is forcing you to sneak into the Wanxiang Dao Palace."

The dragon girl was immediately speechless.

Qi Xuansu looked at it and said, "You should thank the Sixth Generation Master, he is a good man.

I think maybe the Sixth Generation Grand Master locked you up here just to temper your temper, and maybe he thought you were a talent that could be made.

After all, if you want to imprison people, you can either suppress the demons or lock the demons in the tower. There is no need to waste such a good place.

It's just that the Grand Master didn't take care of this later, and that's why you were imprisoned for so many years. "

The dragon girl snorted coldly: "According to what you say, I should still be grateful to him?"

Qi Xuansu said: "It's all up to you.

We can not talk about feelings, just talk about interests, I can let you out, in exchange, you have to work for me. "

The dragon girl already wanted to agree, but her pride made her feel that she should still give it a try.

Then the dragon girl said: "But you have killed a dragon, and your hands are covered with the dragon's blood."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "I have killed people before, and my hands are also stained with people's blood. It does not prevent others from following me."

Long An was speechless again.

Qi Xuansu said: "I am about equality. I treat gods, immortals, Buddhas, humans, dragons and demons fairly, just as I treat women the same way I treat men.

I do not discriminate against you because of your identity, nor do I look down upon you because of your identity. Are you satisfied with this answer? "

The dragon girl was silent for a while and said: "You have convinced me, I hope you can be as equal as you said.

But before that, shall we get to know each other first? "

Qi Xuansu said: "No problem, I'll do it first.

My surname is Qi, my double name is Xuansu, and my surname is Tianyuan: I am currently one of the thirty-six masters of Daojinque, my Taoist name is Taiwei, and I hold the position of master of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace.

You can call my cousin Tianyuan. "

The dragon girl took a deep look at Qi Xuansu and said, "Such a young Master Shenzhi has a bright future. No wonder you have such confidence that you don't even pay attention to the prohibition of the Grand Master.

Maybe at some point, you yourself can become the Grand Master. "

Qi Xuansu said: "If you are imprisoned in a certain cave after the formal trial of Feng Xiantang, then I really have no choice.

However, the Sixth Generation Grand Master obviously did it casually and did not record it: there is no file, so this is not a taboo. "

Qi Xuansu turned and said, "Okay, it's your turn."

The dragon girl said: "We Jiaolong don't have what you call a surname, but sometimes when we go to the countryside and follow the locals, we still have to give ourselves a surname. There are two surnames in the sky, either Long or Ao."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but laugh: "It's like a fox whose surname is either Hu or Su.

As far as I know, the fox surnamed Su and the dragon surnamed Ao seem to have a higher status. Is your surname Ao? "

Dragon Girl said: "My surname is not Ao, my surname is Long, and my name is Long Xiaobai. I have no nickname and no Taoist name."

Qi Xuansu said: "No wonder you are dressed so white. Could it be that your body is also a white dragon?"

Dragon Girl suddenly became angry and said, "What does it have to do with you?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I'm going to pay you. If you think about it, I can make a contract."

Dragon Girl sneered: "I knew it."

Qi Xuansu said: "It's written in black and white, you agree with me. Isn't this very reasonable?" Long Xiaobai said in a bad voice: "Bring it." "

Qi Xuansu was also very experienced. He had Lin Yuanmiao before him and He Luoshen behind him. He was familiar with the road and quickly drew up a contract.

The general content is that Qi Xuansu rescued Long Nu, and Long Nu will serve Qi Xuansu for twenty years and obey Qi Xuansu's orders.

However, Qi Xuansu will also help Long Nu solve the treatment problem. The second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest dare not say that it should not be difficult to come from the same background as the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest.

After reading it, Long Nu immediately criticized: "This is simply a contract of betrayal."

Qi Xuansu said sincerely: "Why did you tell the truth? It's too ugly.

But don't worry, I'm not interested in women. I will only make you sell your life, but I will never let you sell your body. "

Long Xiaobai was speechless for a while: "Then it's better to sell yourself."

Qi Xuansu said: "That's it anyway. If you agree, we will make a contract. If you don't agree, I will leave. I don't like to force others."

Long Xiaobai struggled for a long time, but finally agreed.

She didn't want to stay in this damn place any longer.

But the difficulty was not how to convince Long Xiaobai. Qi Xuansu had already developed the ability to recognize people in the Taoist sect for so many years. He could tell at a glance that the little white dragon was already attracted to him and could not escape from his grasp.

That is to say, for the sake of the long-term future, he is willing to give some benefits. If it were someone else, even if he didn't give any benefits, Xiaolong would agree.

The difficulty lies in how to lift the restrictions set by the Sixth Generation Master.

After all, it is the method of an immortal. Even if Qi Xuansu is already pretending to be an immortal, it will still take a lot of effort.

Anyone can see that the key point is that the Bagua mirror, although it is no longer under the control of the owner, still plays a role in seeing and immobilizing a pseudo-immortal. This is not the weight of a semi-immortal, but rather like an immortal. things.

When Qi Xuansu and Yao Pei came here, because of their low level, it was very difficult to take away the "Gong Candle Staff", let alone take away the immortal objects.

But things are different now. Qi Xuansu is still somewhat confident. After all, no matter how powerful the fairy is, it will not be more powerful than the immortal. Not every fairy can be called Wuniang.

Long Xiaobai was still a little worried: "Are you okay?"

Qi Xuansu was in a good mood and said, "There's nothing wrong with it."

Having said that, Qi Xuansu first swayed and took the incarnation of Bingjie. Supported by the divine power of He Luo Shen, he already had the cultivation level of a pseudo-immortal. As you can see, he is also a pseudo-immortal, and now he has reached a higher level.

This Qi Xuansu is full of yin energy, and even has a bit of a feminine look.

Qi Xuansu swayed again and separated out the three-household incarnations of the Banished Immortal inheritance. The Banished Immortal inheritance in the creation stage is the realm of killing three households, and the first three-household incarnation can be produced.

Also because Qi Xuansu's immortal inheritance was only in the creation stage, he could only create one incarnation of three households.

This incarnation of the Three Households inherited Qi Xuansu's Fangqi, which is irritable and irritable, but has a masculine aura.

The fly in the ointment is that the incarnations of the three households are one level lower than the original deity. They only have the cultivation level of the creation stage, and they cannot last long.

Qi Xuansu took out the last page of the "Xirui Jing" - he got two pages at the beginning, but only used one to deal with Zhou Mengyao, and there was still one left.

Qi Xuansu directly handed this page to the three households.

For Qi Xuansu, he has already become a pseudo-immortal. This is a big realm. Even if he uses the pages of the "Xirui Sutra", he cannot directly become an immortal.

It's almost the same if replaced by the "Xirui Sutra", but even the immortals can't avoid the backlash of the "Xirui Sutra", let alone the pseudo-immortals. It's just a joke to control one's own life, so a single page of the book has little meaning. , At this time, there is no need to wait until after the incarnations of the three households got the pages of the book, their realm suddenly skyrocketed. They were also in the pseudo-immortal stage, but their sanity was also affected and began to develop in a direction out of control.

Qi Xuansu had already experienced this, and promptly handed over the "Pure Bodhi" to the three households of incarnations, so that they gradually regained their clarity.

Long Xiaori was dazzled by what he saw. He never expected that Qi Xuansu could have such a method.

Ask yourself from the bottom of your heart: If the two of them fight, she is no match for Qi Xuansu. Even if Guan Sheng has a strong body and powerful blood, she can't beat her with four hands. What kind of magical power is this? It's too unreasonable. The three pseudo-immortals Qi Xuansu join forces, even if they face ordinary immortals, they won't be able to win on offense, but they will not lose anything on defense.

This is true even for immortals, let alone immortal beings.

The next moment, three Qi Xuansu took action at the same time.

Long Xiaobai also cooperated very well and began to use his strength to break away from the suppression.

Even if this Bagua mirror is an immortal object, even if it is a handiwork left by the sixth-generation master, it is still no match for the internal and external attacks of the four pseudo-immortals, and it immediately trembles.

Long Xiaobai let out bursts of dragon roars, causing the black and white light beams to ripple.

Fortunately, the entire Tianshui Yixin Tower is restricted by formations. No matter how loud the movement here is, it cannot spread even half a cent.

With the help of the two incarnations, Qi Xuansu, although he moved extremely slowly, almost inch by inch, he still managed to break through the layers of restrictions around the Bagua Mirror and reached out to grab the Bagua Mirror.

The Bagua Mirror was an ownerless thing and immediately became Qi Xuansu's possession.

The original two-color light of the cage grass Long Xiaobai disappeared immediately. Long Xiao finally got out of the trap. He wished he could show his true body at this time and rise up. This was also the difficulty that Yao Pei and Qi Xuansu encountered at the beginning. Even if they used The trick to get the Bagua Mirror failed to stop Long Xiaobai from escaping. Instead, he was seeking death. But for Qi Xuansu now, this is obviously not a problem. I put away the Bagua Mirror, and the other two The avatar held Long Xiaobai down: "Without my permission, you are not allowed to reveal your true form!"

Long Xiaobai could only suppress his temper temporarily.

Even if he didn't consider the contract issue, Long Xiaobai looked at the two incarnations on the left and right and could only nod obediently.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

She couldn't help but wonder, was this person really a fake immortal? Isn’t it really the cultivation of an immortal? They are both fake immortals, why is the gap so big? Month Show Book Recommendations

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