Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 13 Rescue

Qi Xuansu had to admit that since he obtained the "Xuan Jade", compared with his past self, he is now a little too arrogant. Losing caution and being plotted are also the consequences and need to be corrected.

At the same time, he also realized why Qiniang said to be careful of the local snakes here. From this episode, it can be seen that there are only a few good people here.

Qi Xuansu came to the body again and searched it.

This person did not have anything to prove his identity, nor did he have official stamps and peace coins. Apart from two fire guns, one long and one short, he only had a bag of projectiles, a belt knife, a dagger, a water bag, and a bag of dry food. . Just like a hunter who goes out to hunt, but preys on humans.

This can explain why this person refused Qi Xuansu's kindness. Qi Xuansu accidentally revealed his wealth in his words. He helped Qi Xuansu lead the way and could only get a small part of the money. But if he could kill Qi Xuansu, all the money on Qi Xuansu would be his.

As the saying goes, if you want to gain wealth while taking risks, of course you have to work hard.

But this is often a recipe for death.

Qi Xuansu continued to move forward, looking for people.

Qiniang said that there are several small towns inhabited in this Gobi. Only by finding these small towns can we have a chance to find the whereabouts of "Bai Yutang" and then "Mountain Ghost Ballad".

After Qi Xuansu went deep into the Gobi for forty miles, he found a row of wooden frames about three feet high. A person was hanging on each wooden frame, with a rope around his neck, his feet off the ground, and his head wrapped in black cloth. He could not see His face was clean and his hands were tied behind his back. It was obvious that he was unable to resist when he was hanged.

Some of the people who were hanged have turned into withered bones, and even their skeletons are incomplete. Some of the people who were hanged seemed to have died not long ago, and their clothes were still well preserved. Crows landed on them, pecking hard and feasting on them.

No matter new or old, let's wander together in the wind and sand.

The warning is clear.

Qi Xuansu stopped for a moment in front of the wooden frame, and then moved on.

Of course, these dead people will not scare Qi Xuansu. Instead, they are like road signs, making Qi Xuansu sure that the populated place he is looking for is not far away, and at least he is not taking the wrong road.

Sure enough, along the way, although Qi Xuansu did not see the city Qiniang mentioned, he could gradually see the people coming and going. However, most of these people looked bad and carried weapons. Although they did not take the initiative to attack Qi Xuansu, they were also strangers. Don't get too close. Qi Xuansu didn't know the rules here and didn't want to cause trouble for no reason, so he didn't ask for directions.

After walking like this for more than ten miles, Qi Xuansu suddenly saw a group of people chasing a man and woman.

The man and woman didn't look like a couple, but the man looked like the woman's bodyguard. They fought and retreated, but they were still surrounded. The guarding man was first seriously injured, and then he was stuffed into his mouth with a firecracker and beaten to death. The woman was left alone, but those wolf-like eyes fell on her, and her fate was already there. it goes without saying.

Qi Xuansu restrained his aura and hid not far away, hesitating whether to help or not. After all, he was not a member of the Taoist sect now, but a man walking alone in the world. Even if he wanted to act chivalrously, he had to consider various consequences. , rather than having too many worries like people from the Taoist sect.

However, Qi Xuansu then thought about it and realized that he was in need of a guide. Wouldn't this woman be just the right one?

At this moment, someone put a noose around the woman's white and tender neck, then dragged the woman to a poplar tree not far away, put the rope on the treetop, and then pulled the rope hard, and the woman's body fell The body was lifted upwards. In order to prevent herself from suffocating, the woman firmly grasped the noose around her neck with both hands and stood on tiptoes.

This group of people seemed to be in no hurry to hang the woman, but just kept it to the point where the woman could barely breathe by standing on her tiptoes. They surrounded the woman and slowly came closer, breathing heavily.

A thin black man who was blind in one eye smiled strangely: "Good stuff!"

Another person said: "This is a lady from the official family."

Everyone burst into laughter.

There was only one tall man with his arms folded across his chest without any movement.

The woman's face was red because she had difficulty breathing, and her eyes were filled with unconcealable fear.

Just when a group of people were about to strip the woman naked, Qi Xuansu finally appeared.

I have to say that this woman should be grateful to Qi Xuansu, and even more grateful to Zhang Yuelu.

If it weren't for Zhang Yuelu's influence, Qi Xuansu might not have taken action if he had been replaced by Qi Xuansu. For Jianghu, which is not a harmonious place, being chivalrous and righteous is actually a luxury.

Qi Xuansu didn't talk nonsense and simply said: "Let her go."

Everyone turned to look at Qi Xuansu, and someone had already raised the gun in his hand.

The result was that before the man who raised the gun could make a move, his head exploded.

Qi Xuansu held up his "Dragon Hand Gun" in his hand. The smoke was still curling from the mouth of the gun. The body of the gun, shaped into a dragon shape, was very intimidating and shone brightly in the sun. What's even more shocking is that the blunderbuss did not pierce a bloody hole, but directly exploded the person's head, indicating that the fire blunderbuss was not an ordinary projectile.

Qi Xuansu reloaded the projectiles slowly: "If you don't want to die, you can give it a try."

After the words fell, someone really took action.

It was the tall man. He seemed to be the leader of the group, and he was also a Kunlun warrior. The guard just now was severely injured by this man, and then was killed by the fire gun stuffed into his mouth.

The tall man brought his hands directly to Qi Xuansu, intending to hold Qi Xuansu's arms to prevent him from having a chance to shoot.

Qi Xuansu had already loaded the projectiles, but he threw away the "Dragon Fire Gun" and let the tall man hold his arms and exert force suddenly.

For a moment, the tall man had an illusion. He seemed to have returned to the situation where he was wrestling with the bull when he was young. Although he held the two horns tightly with both hands, he could do nothing. He could only be beaten by the red-eyed bull. Pick it up to heaven.

At this time, the tall man felt that he could not do anything to the person in front of him with all his strength. Instead, he suffered from the force of the shock. His chest felt tight and he wanted to vomit blood.

Qi Xuansu held the tall man's wrist with his backhand, and exerted force with both arms in the left and right directions.

The tall man's figure shook suddenly, and there was a burst of explosions in his arms. Qi Xuansu almost tore the arms off. When Qi Xuansu let go of his hand, his arms were already damaged and fell softly, unable to exert any strength.

The huge pain caused large beads of sweat to form on the tall man's forehead. He could hardly stand and had no time to resist.

Qi Xuansu then bent down to pick up his "Dragon Hand Gun", put the muzzle of the gun against the tall man's forehead, and asked, "Can we let him go?"

The tall man showed fear in his eyes and nodded repeatedly.

In fact, without the tall man's orders, the group of people had already separated to both sides.

Qi Xuansu deflected the gun in his hand, and hit the rope that was holding the woman up. The woman fell to the ground, gasping for air.

Although Qi Xuansu's gun was empty of bullets, no one dared to take a step forward.

From the beginning, Qi Xuansu was not afraid of this group of people. He was just afraid that there were other forces behind this group of people that would make him fall into a quagmire.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand, indicating that the group could leave.

The tall man was a little surprised. He didn't expect Qi Xuansu to be so easy to talk to. He retreated without any hesitation, leaving only two corpses, one was the woman's guard, and the other was the unlucky guy whose head was smashed by Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu approached the woman and looked her up and down.

Judging from the dress of this woman, she is indeed not a girl from an ordinary people's family, she looks like a lady from an official family.

As for his appearance, it's pretty good, but that's not important. He doesn't save people just to get people to marry him.

The woman untied the noose around her neck. There was a bright red mark on her fair neck. She looked at Qi Xuansu with a bit of surprise in her eyes.

She didn't quite know what Qi Xuansu's purpose was.

Qi Xuansu looked away, lowered his head to reload the gun, and asked: "Who are you? Who were those people just now?"

The woman hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Thank you so much for saving me. My name is Qin Xiang. That group of people just now... I don't know who they are."

Qi Xuansu put the reloaded "Dragon Gun" back on his waist and asked again: "Then why do they want to arrest you?"

Qin Xiang's face showed fear, regret, and anger: "I was deceived into this place. I wanted to escape, but they wanted to take me back."

Qi Xuansu understood somewhat.

The woman in front of me was probably really a lady from an official family, but she didn't know the dangers of the world, so she was tricked into coming here and fell into the tiger's mouth.

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