Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 14 Qin Xiang (Part 1)

Qi Xuansu said: "You are so brave. How dare a lonely woman come to a place like this without fear of being eaten alive? Who gave you the courage?"

Qin Xiang looked at the corpse of the tragically dead guard with a complicated expression.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Who is he?"

"My nanny." Qin Xiang replied.

The wives of wealthy families did not nurse the babies themselves, but hired wet nurses, also known as wet nurses. If a wet nurse wants to produce milk, she must have her own child, so the wet nurse is her son. The two children grew up together. Although they were different masters and servants, they had a close relationship. Some of the emperor's close ministers had such backgrounds.

Qi Xuansu glanced at the corpse and said: "He is also a child who does not know the dangers of the world. As soon as you asked him to accompany you here, he patted his chest and agreed?"

Qin Xiang squatted beside the corpse, silent.

Qi Xuansu finally asked: "Where is the person who lied to you?"

Qin Xiang shook his head.

Qi Xuansu didn't bother to guess whether he shook his head because he didn't want to mention it, or because he didn't know. He said directly: "You lead me to the nearest city. After I finish the work, I can take you out of here."

Qin Xiang slowly raised his head and glanced at Qi Xuansu: "Is this your first time here too?"

Qi Xuansu said: "It doesn't matter how many times you do it, the key is to have the ability to protect yourself."

Qin Xiang said softly: "I only know one city."

"That's enough." Qi Xuansu didn't mind.

Qin Xiang stood up, no longer looking at the corpse on the ground, and said: "That city was actually the Qianhu residence of the previous dynasty. Before I came, I checked some files about this place. It was not recovered during the previous Wei dynasty. Xizhou, the main battlefields of the Central Plains and the Golden Horde are in today's Yongzhou, Liangzhou, Xizhou and other places, so the Wei Dynasty set up many Qianhu offices here. Later, I Daxuan regained Xizhou, and Yongzhou was no longer Naturally, there were no more wars on the border. When Emperor Gaozu abolished the guard system, these thousands-households gradually fell into disuse. "

Qi Xuansu said: "After Qianhu was abolished, this place became a no-nonsense area. After all, this kind of place is not suitable for living. After the troops were no longer stationed, the government did not bother to care about it and gave some people an opportunity. Some people Take this opportunity to occupy the magpie's nest. Since you have investigated the origin of this place in advance, you didn't expect that there would be something strange here?"

Qin Xiang shook his head and said: "Is it the king's land in the world..."

Qi Xuansu laughed, not hiding his sarcasm: "Of course this is true. The people hiding here do not dare to openly resist the imperial court, and do not dare to separate their own rule, but it does not mean that they do not dare to commit crimes, rebel, and commit crimes. It's two different things, remember?"

Qin Xiang nodded and said, "Remember."

Qi Xuansu decided to be a good man and go to the end. He circulated his true energy on his feet, stepped on a shallow pit on the ground, put the body of Brother Qin Xiang in it, covered it with gravel, and piled it into a tomb. A simple tomb was completed. .

After Qi Xuansu finished doing this, he sighed: "How did I become like this in just six months? If it were the me before, I would not do such a thing, nor would I be so careless."

Qin Xiang felt baffled, but he still bowed three times in front of the grave.

After Qi Xuansu sighed, he looked around and found Qin Xiang's horse not far away.

Previously, Qin Xiang and her nanny had escaped all the way here on horseback, and were surrounded only after they fell off their horses. Brother Qin Xiang's horse has disappeared. Unexpectedly, Qin Xiang's horse did not abandon its owner and run away, but kept wandering nearby. After seeing that Qin Xiang was safe, he slowly came closer.

Qi Xuansu looked at the horse carefully and couldn't help but said: "This is a good horse. Just by looking at this horse, it can be seen that you have a good background."

Qin Xiang approached his horse and gently stroked its mane.

Qi Xuansu said: "Get on your horse, I don't think you can travel far on foot."

"What about you?" Qin Xiang asked.

Qi Xuansu took out the armor and tied it to his leg again. He shook his head and said, "Don't worry about me."

Qin Xiang got on his horse, glanced at the armored horse on Qi Xuansu's legs, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you from the Taoist sect?"

"It's none of your business. You just lead the way. When I ask you, you can talk again." Qi Xuansu didn't want to talk to this woman who was not very smart.

As for how to distinguish whether the brain is good or not, it is simple. Zhang Yuelu, who can detect Qi Xuansu's problem from just a few lines of words, is a smart person with a good brain. The official lady who can be deceived into such a ghost place is the kind of person who is not very smart.

Although Qin Xiang was regarded by Qi Xuansu as a woman with a weak brain, something that was beyond Qi Xuansu's expectation was that she did not play tricks, such as leading Qi Xuansu all the way to the Gobi, but actually led Qi Xuansu deep into the Gobi. Go everywhere.

The two of them walked thirty miles without seeing a single human being. They could only see a few passers-by and then pause for a moment.

Although Qi Xuansu asked Qin Xiang to speak less, Qin Xiang couldn't help but ask during the break: "My dear, are you a member of the Taoist sect? In fact, I also know some people from the Taoist sect, maybe you too acquaintance."

"I used to be a member of the Taoist sect." Qi Xuansu could only say, "But no longer. I am just a gangster now."

"Are you also from the former Taoist sect?" Qin Xiang exclaimed in low voice.

"Ye? The word 'ye' is quite interesting. Who else is from the former Taoist sect? Is that the person who lied to you?" Qi Xuansu's reaction was sharp.

Qin Xiang obviously didn't expect Qi Xuansu to deduce the truth from just one word. He didn't know how to cover it up for a while, so he could only bite the bullet and answer: "Yes."

"Then what is his current identity?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Qin Xiang whispered: "He is now a member of the Eight Tribes."

"The founding fathers of the Eight Tribes are high-quality Taoist priests who betrayed the Taoist sect. Over the years, they have continued to recruit Taoist disciples to join them." Qi Xuansu's tone could not express his surprise, but it was true, "The Eight Tribes are a secret society. Your parents Didn't I warn you about the dangers of secret association? Or are you at a rebellious age and you have to go against your parents? "

Qin Xiang remained silent.

Qi Xuansu shook his head secretly.

It is not necessarily wrong to rebel against your parents. After all, if a family has dissensions, it will not defeat the family. Even Confucianism, which most admires filial piety, also puts forward the idea that "if a father fights with his son, he will not fall into unrighteousness. Therefore, if he is unjust, the son cannot help but fight with his father, and the minister cannot help but fight with the king. Therefore, if he is unrighteous, then the son cannot help but fight with the father, and the minister cannot help but fight with the king. How can we be filial if we fight and obey our father's orders?" If the father does something unjust, the son sincerely tries to persuade him. If the advice fails, he will speak up and fight. Although he is disobedient, it will prevent his father from falling into the unjust act. This is filial piety and disobedience.

The fundamental reason for opposing your parents is that you are justified. It does not mean that you should always oppose your parents, nor does it mean that you are right to oppose your parents. You need to analyze the specific situation in detail. Take Zhang Yuelu as an example. Her opposition to her mother may not be right or wrong. At least it makes sense. But Qin Xiang's approach is fundamentally wrong.

Qi Xuansu also secretly became more careful. There were actually people from the Eight Tribes here. According to Qiniang, the reason why these people rebelled against Taoism was mostly because their ideas were too radical and their methods were too cruel. They were beaten by Xuansheng and the second generation. The earth master denied it and could not be tolerated by the Taoist sect, so he left the Taoist sect and continued his research.

Both the Celestial Master and the Earth Master have been passed down for a long time, but the Earth Master is different from the orderly inheritance of the Celestial Master, and its inheritance is very chaotic. Therefore, after Xuan Sheng revived the Taoist sect, he designated his teacher Xu Wugui as the first generation Earth Master and the second generation Earth Master. She is Xuansheng's junior sister and the first Quanzhen Taoist Great Master.

The second-generation Earth Master is also a legendary figure. Not only did he serve as the Grand Master of Quanzhen Taoism and be in charge of creation, but he also bombarded Shangqing Town before Xuansheng integrated the Taoist sects. After Xuansheng integrated the Taoist sects, he married the Tianshi. Became the mistress of the Zhang family. To be fair, the image of the second-generation earth master has never been associated with mercy and compassion. Instead, he is recognized as ruthless in his methods. Like Donghuang, his crimes are beyond anyone's ability to judge. But even so, the second-generation Earth Master still rejected these people, which shows how radical these people have become.

Different from Ziguang Sect, Zhiming Sect, and Lingshan Witch Sect, the world usually puts the Eight Tribes into the same category as Qingpinghui, Qibaofang, and "Inn". They tend to be neutral and do not deliberately oppose Taoism. But among these secret societies, the Eight Tribes are the most unstable.

If we personify the secret society, Ziguang Society is a charming woman, Zhiming Sect is an old man full of death energy, Lingshan Witch Sect is a madman with bloody hands, "Tianting" is a delusional person, Qingping Club is a mysterious person, and Qibaofang is A female businessman, and the "Inn" is a male businessman, then Babuzhong is a stubborn scholar. At first glance, he looks like a normal person, with a bookish air and a bit of dullness, but he doesn't know when he will go crazy. It makes people hard to guard against.

You must be careful when dealing with the Eight Tribes.

However, the Qingping Society has contacts with the Eight Tribes, or can be called partners. The Eight Tribes need Taiping money, and the Qingping Society needs all kinds of weird research from the Eight Tribes, such as the technology to implant the secondary heart, which is the Qingping Society. Obtained from the eight tribes.

The two of them continued on the road. Qin Xiang turned his head and stared at the man shrouded in clouds and fog, full of curiosity.

Qi Xuansu didn't have any ideas. After all, there was a lot of trouble in the sea. After meeting a woman like Zhang Yuelu, he had no interest in other women, and he was not a greedy person.

After walking for more than ten miles, a city appeared in their sight.

As Qiniang said, it is indeed just a small town, and the scale of Qianhusuo is far less than that of Xiping Prefecture.

Qi Xuansu signaled Qin Xiang to rein in his horse, then took out his cloak from the bag and handed it to Qin Xiang: "Remember to return it to me."

Qin Xiang was stunned for a moment, then took Qi Xuansu's cloak and put it on him with a complicated expression, covering his face with the hood.

Qi Xuansu looked at the city in the distance and gently stroked his silver fish talisman.

It is said to be a city, but it is actually more like an earth city.

It is really difficult for people to connect this kind of place with "Bai Yutang".

It seems that finding Bai Yutang is not easy.

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