Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 133 Yuan Family (Part 2)

Because he was not wearing a cloak and was not in the wilderness, Qi Xuansu put the two knives that could not be concealed in his saddle bag, and only took a blunderbuss and a dagger with him.

Approaching the city gate, Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu both dismounted and led their horses away.

When entering the city, Qi Xuansu still showed the token of the man in black, so that he would not have to waste time explaining the origin of the fire gun. When the soldiers guarding the city saw Qi Xuansu carrying a blunderbuss and a token, and the "granddaughter" beside him who could already ride a horse at a young age, they just thought he was from a family of generals and let him go.

After the two came to Jiangling Mansion, they did not go to the famous Taiping Inn to avoid causing trouble. Instead, they found a smaller inn, the kind where people live on the second floor and eat on the first floor.

Qi Xuansu gave Liu Hu a piece of peace money and asked her to go through the hotel check-in procedures. He led the two horses to the stables at the back. He found that "Bu Yue" could actually understand human speech, so he patted her The saddle bag on its body: "If you lose something, I'll ask you for it."

"Bu Yue" snorted, indicating that Qi Xuansu was relieved.

Qi Xuansu then went to the inn lobby. Liu Hu had already opened the room, holding two keys in one hand and a handful of change in the other.

Qi Xuansu only took the key, and then waved to Liu Hu to take the change.

It's just a piece of peace money, he is not Qiniang.

Liu Hu didn't refuse and put the change directly into his wallet.

To outsiders, they look more like a pair of grandfather and grandson.

The two followed the waiter to the guest room on the second floor. After settling in, they returned to the first floor and ordered some food.

Liu Hu asked subconsciously: "Don't you drink?"

Qi Xuansu immediately thought of the alcoholic Bodhisattva Man, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "I'd better forget it when I'm away from home."

Liu Hu nodded and concentrated on eating.

Not long after, I saw a group of people whizzing by outside the door. Although they passed by in a flash, it was vaguely visible that the person leading the group was a young master, wearing rich clothes and jade belt, and he was obviously from a good family background.

Wherever the cavalry passed, pedestrians gave way and there was a panic.

Seeing this scene, the innkeeper shook his head and sighed.

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and asked: "Shopkeeper, what is the background of that young master just now? He actually ran wildly in the bustling city and regarded the king's law as nothing."

"Is your guest a foreigner?" The shopkeeper did not answer immediately.

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "Passing by here."

The shopkeeper showed a clear look and then said: "The Yuan family just now was born in the local rich family. He is a Tai Sui-like figure. I heard that Mr. Yuan is hosting a banquet in Taiping Tower today to entertain distinguished guests. This young man is probably in a hurry to attend the banquet. ”

"A person like Tai Sui." Qi Xuansu clicked his tongue and already knew the meaning of this sentence.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves was heard again, heading towards the inn.

The shopkeeper was startled and looked out subconsciously.

Not long after, the cavalry was seen returning and stopped directly at the door of the inn.

The leader of the group, the young man in brocade clothes, got off his horse and strode into the inn.

The shopkeeper hurriedly came out from behind the counter and took the initiative to greet him. However, before he could reach him, the young master's attendant reached out and rolled him to the side. He knocked over a table and couldn't get up for a long time.

The guys were so scared that they didn't dare to breathe, let alone move.

The young master walked straight towards Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu, but his eyes were locked on Liu Hu.

Qi Xuansu is not blind, so he naturally understands what drama he is encountering. I just didn't understand that if Zhang Yuelu was sitting next to him, that would be fine. After all, Zhang Yuelu was both talented and beautiful. Not only did Qi Xuansu like Zhang Yuelu, but many young men from aristocratic families also coveted Zhang Yuelu, which showed that Qi Xuansu had a first-class vision. OK, not surprising.

But Liuhu is just a middle-aged man, and this young man must have eaten it before, so it's not like this. Could it be that he is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas and wants to change his taste?

The young master's name is Yuan Fengchan. He is from the Yuan family. His father is Yuan Shangdao, the current head of the Yuan family, and his grandfather is the great Confucian Yuan Chongzong. It is said that a scholarly family has a very strict upbringing, but this is not always the case. The so-called etiquette and family tradition still depend on the person. In front of friends and teachers, he is naturally courteous and courteous, so that no one can fault him, but in front of "servants", there is no need to be like this.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of these aristocratic families, etiquette is for people, not for “cows and horses”.

Can a master treat ordinary people as human beings? This is debatable.

The word "herdsman" shows his mentality.

Just now, Yuan Fengchan passed by the inn on horseback. He accidentally caught a glimpse and happened to see Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu, the "grandfather and grandson". He only remembered Liu Hu's eyes, which were bright and lively, like stars. He had only seen them in his life, but he couldn't forget them. , so after walking out for a while, I couldn’t help but turn around and come back. Just as Qi Xuansu expected, he was used to eating big fish and meat, and wanted to try some porridge and side dishes.

Qi Xuansu stood up, cleared his throat, and planned to speak.

Yuan Fengchan has already opened his mouth and said: "My dear Yuan Fengchan, do you dare to ask the girl her name?"

Qi Xuansu said lightly: "This young master, something is wrong."

Yuan Fengchan said nothing, but one of his followers was worried about the young master's needs. He stepped forward and reached out to push Qi Xuansu.

"Old guy, my young master didn't ask you, you have no right to speak here..."

Qi Xuansu allowed the man to push his hand and did not move at all. Instead, he produced a counter-shock force that directly broke the man's wrist.

The man's face immediately turned pale, and he took a few steps back, still maintaining the push action and not daring to move.

Qi Xuansu stretched out his hand to dust his clothes: "I am talking to your young master, it is not your turn to interrupt."

The expressions of the remaining followers changed and they immediately gathered around.

Qi Xuansu looked calm and asked: "Is this going to... rob civilian girls?"

One of the guards said coldly: "There are no civilian girls, only two thieves."

Qi Xuansu smiled.

In a sense, these people are right.

He is really a thief.

Just killed a thief who was a Taoist priest of the fourth-grade wine ceremony.

Because Daomen vigorously suppresses secret associations, Jianghu people are encouraged to report members of secret associations. Some people in the world are afraid of the secret society's retaliation afterward, so they don't have the guts to offend the real secret society. However, they are not only brave enough to use this matter to falsely accuse others, but they are also very bold. Report this person as a demon from a secret society.

There was a saying at the time that when others say you are a secret society monster, you'd better be a member of a secret society.

The same is true here and now.

When others say you are a lawless thief, you'd better be truly lawless.

Liu Hu remained silent.

Along the way, she got to know Uncle Wei somewhat. No matter how he looked at him, he was far from being soft-hearted and even a bit ruthless.

A Taoist priest of the fourth level of the Taoist sect will kill him if he says to kill him, let alone these domestic slaves and lackeys.

The servant did not dare to be too careless and said in a deep voice: "No one in Jiangling Mansion dares to be rude to my young master."

"Oh?" Qi Xuansu said noncommittally, "I have been to many places. I have a message for you. There are little demons in the temple, but there are many bastards in the shallow water. Don't take yourself too seriously."

The servant was furious, stretched out his hand and pulled out his sword, with a cold light.

Several innkeepers were so frightened that they hid aside with their heads in their hands.

The next moment, this subordinate did not dare to move.

Because a firecracker was pressed against his forehead.

Qi Xuansu held the "Dragon Hand Gun" and the hammer was pressed: "You are right, I am really a thief, a member of the secret society, if you dare to touch me today, tomorrow our Lingshan Witch Cult will dare to go to your house and kill you." Kill. You don’t need to scare me with the imperial court and the Taoist sect. If you are afraid of the imperial court and the Taoist sect, what kind of secret association is it? "

The subordinate was silent for a moment, and seemed to have gained confidence again: "Do you dare to fire a gun?"

Qi Xuansu said nothing.

"Don't dare to fire the gun, what are you doing blindly..." The retinue suddenly took action and was about to snatch the "Dragon Hand Gun" from Qi Xuansu's hand.

There was a gunshot.

A dark bloody hole appeared on the servant's forehead.

His eyes widened, and he fell heavily backward to the ground, refusing to rest in silence.

"I'm a timid old man and can't stand being frightened." Qi Xuansu reloaded the gun without changing his expression, without even twitching his eyelids.

This time no one asked Qi Xuansu whether he dared to fire the gun. They didn't even have the courage to stop Qi Xuansu from loading the gun. They just watched Qi Xuansu leisurely load the ammunition for the "Shenlong Hand Gun".

Qi Xuansu raised his gun again, this time pointing it directly at Yuan Fengchan, and said in a gentle tone: "Get out."

Yuan Fengchan's face darkened and he took a step back, but he couldn't swallow this breath.

When had he ever been so angry at his door?

But he was also a little scared.

If he were an ordinary Jianghu person, he would not be afraid. The more law-abiding and law-abiding he was, and he had a family and a career, the less he would have to worry about this old man being a member of a secret society.

Among the many secret societies, the Lingshan Witch Cult is the most terrifying.

The Lingshan Witch Sect must avenge its enemies, and the Lingshan Witch Sect must be punished even though it is far away, but a real person from the Taoist Sect has just died.


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