Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 134 Yuan Chongzong

Yuan Chongzong is worthy of being a great Confucian scholar with an awe-inspiring aura. Although he is over seventy years old and has white hair and beard, he is very energetic, his face is red, and he doesn't even have many wrinkles.

When this great Confucian gentry walked into the Taiping Tower, he was like a crowd of stars. Officials, gentry, and wealthy businessmen spontaneously formed a circle according to their status. The closer they were to Yuan Chongzong's circle, the lower their status. The higher it is, the more intuitively it reflects the hierarchy of the gentry circle in Jiangling Prefecture. It is clear at a glance which figure is the core figure and which is the peripheral figure.

Soon, everyone went up to the second floor.

Zhang Yuelu did not take his seat, but stood by the window with his hands behind his hands, looking at the street scene. After hearing the footsteps going upstairs, he slowly turned around and met Yuan Chongzong's eyes, who was walking at the front.

"Is this Deputy Hall Master Zhang? I'm old Yuan Chongzong, I'm late. I apologize for keeping Deputy Hall Master Zhang waiting." Yuan Chongzong stopped. When he stopped, the people who followed him upstairs could only stop. Footsteps, standing on the stairs, neither going up nor down.

Zhang Yuelu did not use the Taoist etiquette, but cupped his hands and said: "Zhang Yuelu has met Mr. Yuan."

Although he saluted, Zhang Yuelu had no intention of stepping forward to help the old man, nor did he say anything, "Don't call him deputy hall master, just call me my cousin Qingxiao."

Her attitude is very clear. She does not want to be in the position of a junior. It will not work if she wants to rely on her elders and sell them.

Furthermore, although Yuan Chongzong is old, he obviously has a lot of cultivation. Not to mention a few steps, not even a three-foot-high wall can stop him, so he needs help from others.

Yuan Chongzong still had some Qi-nurturing skills and did not show any displeasure or anger on his face. He walked slowly up to the second floor and came to the round table, which was the largest and had the fewest chairs. He stretched out his hand towards Zhang Yuelu and made a "please" gesture: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang, Please take your seat."

Zhang Yuelu walked to the guest of honor position at the round table, also extended his hand and said: "Mr. Yuan, please."

Only after the two of them were seated together did the others dare to sit down.

"Mr. Yuan made a special trip to help me clean up the dust today. Yuelu would like to thank you in advance." Zhang Yuelu picked up the wine glass.

Yuan Chongzong also picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang is too polite, he is just showing his friendship as a landlord."

Zhang Yuelu suddenly changed the topic: "It's just that this kind of scene is a bit too big. If you don't know, you would think that I, Zhang Yuelu, am some kind of big shot. I'm just a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest. I really don't dare to be."

Yuan Chongzong smiled and said: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang is humbled. If I remember correctly, the last person who could become the deputy hall master at Deputy Hall Master Zhang's age was the Sixth Generation Headmaster. Deputy Hall Master Zhang's path ahead is truly limitless."

"Old Mr. Yuan is overly praised, and Yuelu cannot deserve it." Zhang Yuelu's eyes flashed, "How can the light of Yuelu, a mere firefly, compete with the bright moon?"

This made Yuan Shangdao, who was still worried, breathe a sigh of relief. The old man was so proud that the arrogant Deputy Hall Master Zhang finally did not do anything more outrageous. Although he did not want to think of himself as a junior, a young man who succeeds will inevitably have a higher ambition. It's also reasonable.

Yuan Chongzong smiled kindly: "Back then, Yan Shenggong said that there are only three families in the world, and my family is the only one with the Zhang family in the Shangqing Dynasty and the Qin family in Longcheng. Deputy Hall Master Zhang was born in the Zhang family in the Qing Dynasty, and he and Jucheng Zhenren are the same family. Speaking of which, the old man and Jucheng Zhenren are the same. We have been friends for many years.”

Zhang Yuelu raised his eyebrows slightly: "I should call him uncle. It's just that this uncle is busy with his affairs. I am just from a sideline and am not qualified to live in Da Zhenren's mansion. I can't see him more than once throughout the year. Later, when I went to Yujing, I saw more not enough."

Yuan Shangdao's expression changed slightly.

Everyone here is an old fox, and everyone can hear the underlying meaning of Zhang Yuelu's words, which is that she is not familiar with this uncle anymore, and if she wants to use this uncle to suppress her, I'm afraid she can't.

But if you think about it carefully, the Zhang family really didn't contribute much to Zhang Yuelu's journey. When the major Jiangnan case was solved, it was Cihang who took action to save Zhang Yuelu. The deputy hall master was promoted to an unusual position and given a semi-immortal object, the Earth Master Yukou Jinyan. The recent promotions were also due to Cihang's efforts. Although Master Cihang is also a Zhengyi, his surname is not Zhang after all.

In addition, Zhang Yuelu was from a small sect of a side branch, so he might even attract the attention of the big sect, for fear that Zhang Yuelu would use the small sect to take over the Da Zhen Mansion and seize the position of Heavenly Master.

In this way, it is reasonable for Zhang Yuelu and Zhang Jucheng not to be close. He wanted to use Zhang Jucheng to suppress her, but this move was a little too rough.

Yuan Chongzong paused slightly, not knowing how to answer.

Zhang Yuelu took the initiative and said: "Mr. Yuan just quoted Yan Shenggong's words. If I remember correctly, the original words are: There are only three families in the world. My family is the same as that of Shangqing Zhang and Zhongli Xu. And there are also descendants Half a sentence: Zhang of the Shangqing Dynasty has Taoist morale; Zhongli Xu is a member of the family, and Zhongli Xu is a member of the former royal family. Let’s not talk about him. Zhang of the Shangqing Dynasty has Taoist morale, but it is not a compliment. At that time, Xuan Sheng had not yet been born, and the Taoist sect had not yet flourished, so it was reasonable for Duke Yan Sheng to look down on Taoist priests. "

These words are heart-breaking.

Everyone present was displeased, but they could not refute.

It is a fact after all.

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "The banquet you are hosting today is probably not just a simple matter of washing my face. I don't like to talk in circles, and I don't like to be mysterious. Some things are better stated openly."

Everyone looked at each other.

Is this Deputy Hall Master Zhang just a fool? How can such a thing be stated openly? How can you leave three points of leeway if you put it on the bright side?

It's not that Zhang Yuelu doesn't understand these, but knowing that doesn't mean she has to follow these ancient and unwritten rules.

Zhang Yuelu looked around: "It seems that you don't want to say anything, so let me do it."

Everyone was stunned again. Zhang Yuelu said slowly: "A major case has occurred in Zixian Mountain. The Taoist priest Liu Futong in charge has been arrested and escorted to Yujing. The case involves the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce. The main office of the chamber of commerce is located in Jiangling Prefecture, so I came to Jiangling Prefecture. I just didn’t expect that as soon as I got off the flying boat, so many people came to visit me and wanted to help me. This makes me suspicious. Do you all have shares in Yanqing Chamber of Commerce? "

Everyone never expected that Zhang Yuelu would directly clarify his purpose of coming, leaving everyone speechless.

Yuan Chongzong had to speak: "The affairs of the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce have nothing to do with us. We just heard the name of Deputy Hall Master Zhang for a long time, so we held a banquet to invite him and formed a good relationship. Even if Deputy Hall Master Zhang does not want to form this good relationship, There is no need to slander me."

"As long as it's irrelevant." Zhang Yuelu's eyes turned to him, "I have written to Jiangnan Daofu, asking them to investigate the matter thoroughly. I think there will be preliminary results in the near future. Only Zixian Mountain, in three years, A huge amount of 250,000 Taiping money has been embezzled, and there is no telling how much has been traced back and has not yet been discovered. Yu Jing will definitely investigate it to the end. When the case is revealed, no matter who is involved, I won’t let anyone go.”

Yuan Chongzong's expression changed.

Yuan Shangdao's expression also changed.

Needless to say, the others were all shocked.

The Taoist sect is as wealthy as the country, and naturally there are many people who have ideas about the Taoist sect.

However, the attitude of the Taoist sect is consistent. Putting aside his own family members, if outsiders dare to touch Pindao's money, Pindao will dare to let him go to the Demon Suppressing Platform and taste the taste of thunder punishment, and he will pay for every penny. I have to spit it out.

Daomen has understood a truth very early on. As long as you have money, you can cover up and suppress most conflicts. As long as you don't have money, all conflicts will burst out in one fell swoop, and eventually they will be irreversible.

However, money and silk attract people's hearts, and people die for money and birds die for food. Over the years, there have always been people who came up with Taoism ideas, but they are more hidden, and most of them cooperate with each other inside and outside, and divide the spoils afterwards. Seventy percent are from Taoism, and 30% are from outside.

Zhang Yuelu stood up slowly and planned to leave the table.

The entire second floor was as silent as death.

The expressions of the people present were different, and some even had a look of solemnity on their faces.

But they didn't dare to do anything rashly.

After all, it is no longer the era of Confucianism, but the era of Taoism.

If Zhang Yuelu encounters any accident in Jiangling Mansion, at this sensitive moment, it will undoubtedly be regarded as a provocation by the Taoist sect, and it will inevitably provoke the wrath of the Taoist sect. Not to mention Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism, even the Taiping Taoism will also be forced by the Taoist sect. The fierce public opinion inside supports retaliation.

The Lingshan Witch Cult are outlaws who are not afraid of death. Everyone here today has a family and a career. When the time comes, no one will be able to escape, and their families will be ruined immediately.

At this moment, a voice came from the first floor: "Master Pei is here."

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