Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 135 Anger

Zhang Yuelu was startled and turned his gaze to the stairs.

Not long later, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a Taoist in black walked up to the second floor. It was Pei Xiaolou with a mustache.

Including Yuan Chongzong, they all stood up and bowed their hands in salute.

Pei Xiaolou just returned the salute with a scruffy clasped fist.

"Miss Zhang, farewell to the Shangqing Palace. How have you been lately?" Pei Xiaolou wiped his beard with his thumb and walked straight towards the round table where Zhang Yuelu was sitting.

Zhang Yuelu suppressed the shock in his heart and said, "Thank you, Master Pei, for thinking about me. It's okay."

Pei Xiaolou walked up to a gentleman and knocked on the table with his hand: "Excuse me, give up your seat."

The gentleman did not dare to neglect, stood up quickly, and gave the chair to Pei Xiaolou.

Pei Xiaolou sat down and said, "Since it's okay, it seems that my brother Qi doesn't have much place in Miss Zhang's heart."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone felt a murderous chill.

Zhang Yuelu's face was covered with frost and he stared at Pei Xiaolou: "Master Pei, don't make fun of Tianyuan."

Others were a little confused.

Judging from the few words exchanged by the two of them, they obviously knew each other, and there was also a "Brother Qi" involved. It seemed that his name was Qi Tianyuan, who could call him a brother to the real person, and seemed to have some unclear relationship with Zhang Yuelu, who was probably a Taoist sect. He was a remarkable person, but according to the meaning of Zhang Yuelu's words, he was already dead.

This may involve another internal fight within the Taoist sect, and it’s so unpredictable that it’s better not to know.

Pei Xiaolou stretched out his hand to signal Zhang Yuelu to sit down and said, "I thought Miss Zhang would shed tears. It seems I was wrong. Miss Zhang is not that weak woman who only knows how to cry. I am ashamed of herself."

Zhang Yuelu took a deep breath and sat down slowly.

She hadn't gone to see Pei Xiaolou about Wei Wugui's matter, but Pei Xiaolou took the initiative to come to her door.

Although they have the same positions, Master Cihang and Master Donghua are on the same level as each other. She and Pei Xiaolou are different in terms of seniority. In terms of Taoist rank, Pei Xiaolou is a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, but she is beyond her. According to the Taoist sect, According to the rules, she cannot be rude to Pei Xiaolou.

The key is that she doesn't know Pei Xiaolou's purpose.

Zhang Yuelu was silent for a moment and then said straight to the point: "Why did Master Pei come to Jiangling Mansion?"

"Miss Zhang can come, but I can't come?" Pei Xiaolou poured himself a glass of wine, "Miss Zhang has an errand for Jinque, and I also have an errand for Wanshou Chongyang Palace to inspect various palaces and temples in Quanzhen Taoism. Taofu, Huzhou is the last one.”

"I see." Zhang Yuelu looked at Pei Xiaolou, "Have Master Pei ever heard about Zixian Mountain? Zixian Mountain is also within the Quanzhen Taoist territory and is under the jurisdiction of Wanshou Chongyang Palace, and this case also involves Yan from Jiangling Mansion. Qing Chamber of Commerce, I wonder how Pei Zhenren will deal with it?”

Pei Xiaolou said sternly: "Of course, we will deal with him strictly and severely. We can't let anyone go."

Zhang Yuelu said: "That's good."

Pei Xiaolou suddenly changed the subject: "By the way, Tianyuan..."

Zhang Yuelu's eyes flashed and he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with Tianyuan?"

At this time, "Tian Yuan" in the two people's mouth, that is, Qi Xuansu, had knocked all Yuan Fengchan's followers to the ground, leaving only Yuan Fengchan standing.

Qi Xuansu sat on a bench with a golden sword, his hands pressed on his knees respectively, and one of his hands held a "dragon gun".

Except for the first blunderbuss, which was more intimidating, Qi Xuansu did not fire any more blunderbuss. He just used the blunderbuss as a hammer and beat several followers until their brains burst.

His original intention was to use his gun to scare away this young man, and then run away. After all, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. But they didn't expect that Yuan Fengchan and his entourage were so scared that they first grabbed the gun. Qi Xuansu fired the gun almost instinctively and killed one person. It's just that death can't scare Yuan Fengchan, so the situation is like this.

Qi Xuansu also had a headache.

He wanted to leave, but he was afraid of implicating this innocent shop owner, so he waited here for the officials to come over, so that he could lure the officials away and get rid of the shop owner.

Qi Xuansu laughed at himself. He was really poisoned by Zhang Yuelu and became a good person. How could he be such a mother-in-law in the past?

Qi Xuansu looked at Yuan Fengchan: "Should I say that you are a newborn calf and are not afraid of tigers? Or do you sit in a well and look at the sky? Sometimes, you have to retreat when you have to, and you can get it back later. If I were like you, I would have died eight hundred times earlier. You are the one A real fool."

Yuan Fengchan's face was pale, but he was still calm. He found that he had underestimated this old guy.

You must know that his followers were all good players and had already reached the edge of the Kunlun stage. However, they were defeated by this man in three strikes, and instead put themselves in danger.

However, if something like this happened, someone had already reported it to the government. It's just that the person who reported the matter was sent out by Qi Xuansu on his own initiative, and he was also a clerk in the inn. Only in this way could the relationship between the inn and the inn be completely cleared.

In Yuan Fengchan's eyes, this was Qi Xuansu's arrogance that was so arrogant that even the government did not take him seriously.

After a while, Liu Hu had packed his luggage and led two horses to the door of the inn.

After a while, the footsteps of a large group of people were heard.

When the young master of the Yuan family was kidnapped by gangsters, the local government naturally did not dare to neglect him, especially since his own master was invited by Mr. Yuan to attend a banquet. Therefore, while sending officials to rescue the man, he also sent people to notify the master and the Yuan family.

Naturally, these official officials cannot be compared to the men in black, and they are far inferior to the Qingluan Guards. Qi Xuansu grabbed Yuan Fengchan, jumped on the back of "Bu Yue", and just held Yuan Fengchan with one hand, clamped the horse's belly, in full view of everyone Walk away in a hurry.

After all, Liu Hu also had the Kunlun stage of cultivation, so he was not afraid at all and followed Qi Xuansu.

There is no way to stop these officials, not to mention that Yuan Fengchan is still in the hands of Qi Xuansu, so he dare not stop him.

Because the matter was in a hurry, the city gate was still wide open. In addition, Jiangling Mansion had been at peace for a long time and it was broad daylight. Naturally, the people assigned to guard the city gate were not elites, allowing Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu to rush out of the city easily. .

Yuan Fengchan was held in one hand by Qi Xuansu, unable to move, and was filled with fear.

He is being held hostage by thieves. If he is not careful, he will lose his life. How can he not be afraid?

On the other side, Pei Xiaolou just said "Tian Yuan's life is miserable" and then said nothing more, which made Zhang Yuelu angry.

At this moment, the people from the prefect's Yamen bravely came to the second floor where the atmosphere was strange, found their master, and whispered a few words softly.

The prefect stood up subconsciously.

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on the prefect.

The Lord Magistrate calmed down, made eye contact with Yuan Shangdao, and coughed lightly.

In fact, some of the people here have already heard what was whispered.

Pei Xiaolou rubbed his ears and pretended to be surprised: "The young master of the Yuan family was kidnapped by a cult monster?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

Yuan Chongzong suddenly turned his head to look at the magistrate. He no longer showed his usual kindness, only fierceness and evil aura.

The prefect smiled bitterly: "Yes."

Zhang Yuelu also heard the whisper and said, "Why did that person kidnap Mr. Yuan? There must be a reason."

The prefect hesitated and did not dare to answer.

The visitor made it very clear that it was Mr. Yuan who took the initiative to provoke others, but ended up getting kicked. Whether he was a cult demon or not is still open to question.

It was about his son. Yuan Shangdao suddenly became angry and shouted: "The demons of evil cults always act unexpectedly. Why didn't Deputy Hall Master Zhang ask why the Lingshan Witch Cult destroyed the flying boat?"

Zhang Yuelu couldn't be considered to have a good temper, otherwise he wouldn't have broken one of Xu Kou's hands. He was touched repeatedly today and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Many people will feel that the figure flashes.

The next moment, Zhang Yuelu had already pinched Yuan Shangdao's throat and lifted him up with just one hand so that his feet were off the ground.

As a member of the Confucian sect, Yuan Shangdao also had the cultivation level of returning to the true state. However, facing Zhang Yuelu, he was unable to fight back and was captured by Zhang Yuelu with the "Six Void Tribulations" move.

Putting aside the factors of being relegated to immortals and the "Six Void Tribulations", this is also the difference between entering the stage of returning to one's true nature and immediately becoming a heavenly being.

Zhang Yuelu said in a cold voice: "Our people have done nothing wrong. You know exactly what kind of virtue your son has. Is he worthy to be compared with...our Taoist disciples?"

Yuan Chongzong's expression changed, and he wanted to save his son, but just as he was about to get up, someone held his shoulders down and sat back down.

Yuan Chongzong turned his head and looked with anger, and saw that Pei Xiaolou was standing beside him at some point, with a palm pressing on his shoulder.

Pei Xiaolou held the wine glass in his other hand and took a sip of wine: "Brother Yuan, as for young people, elders should not roll up their sleeves and wave their fists. If you want to stretch your muscles, brother, I will How about risking your life to accompany the gentleman?"

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