Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 152 Afterwards (Part 1)

Yuan Yuan brought water into the house. There was a small lake in the back garden with a water pavilion above it. It was the only place that was not affected by the fire.

Many figures came to the water pavilion on the lake under the cover of the fire. There was a "Yin Yang Gate" that had been opened for a long time. These figures entered it one after another and evacuated Yuan Yuan.

The backer behind the Yuan family can either support the Yuan family or crush the Yuan family to death. The key is to control the Yuan family.

After all, the Yuan family is not a powerful family like the Li family or the Zhang family. It has been inherited for a long time, but it has only been a few decades since it really became prosperous. The core members of the family only have three grandfathers and grandchildren, and there are not many children in the family. The rest of the family They have all been recruited over the past few decades. You can imagine how much sand there is in it.

Now the sand is finally doing its job.

It's exactly this: if you prosper by this, you will perish by this.

After these people evacuated, the "Yin Yang Gate" quickly shrank, eventually turning into a black spot and disappearing.

Only an explosion was heard, and some wooden structures began to collapse.

Pei Xiaolou waved the bamboo stick in his hand, and countless small meteors with trailing light tails appeared out of thin air, arranged in a dense manner, and shot towards Lei Lao like a rain of arrows.

Lei Lao was surrounded by two black dragons formed by condensed mist, which blocked all these meteors and knocked them away.

These meteors do not look "evil", and are even very beautiful, but their power cannot be underestimated. Wherever they pass, the flames are separated and the bricks are pierced, comparable to flying swords.

"Master Pei, Madam is not here, and I am afraid that I will die of old age with just you." Mr. Lei pushed with his palms, and two black dragons roared out.

Pei Xiaolou's expression changed slightly and he moved to avoid the two black dragons.

Lei Lao took advantage of this opportunity and rose into the sky.

The most intuitive difference between heavenly people and innate people is whether they can fly into the sky. If you can fly into the sky, neither the blazing fire nor the city walls of Jiangling Mansion can stop you, and there is no need for any tunnels.

After Pei Xiaolou dispersed the two black dragons, he did not chase them. Instead, he waved his bamboo stick to separate the flames and quickly entered the crumbling back hall.

After Yuan Chongzong and others entered the tunnel, they closed the tunnel entrance from the inside, so nothing could be seen. However, Pei Xiaolou obviously did not have the patience to slowly search for the tunnel entrance. He directly slammed the bamboo stick in his hand on the ground. All the floor tiles flew up in the air, and the outline of the tunnel door appeared.

Pei Xiaolou broke the closed door with his foot and walked straight into it.

The entire tunnel was empty, with only one scorched corpse left. Not only the flesh, blood, clothing, and hair on the body had been burned away, but even the soul and the three corpses had dissipated.

The method was very ruthless, but it had to be said that it was indeed clean and neat.

Thinking back to what Mr. Lei said about "the criminal committed suicide and the accounts were destroyed", Pei Xiaolou immediately guessed the identity of this person. Yuan Chongzong, the old man of the Yuan family, had no doubt.

Thinking of this, Pei Xiaolou couldn't help but sigh.

Kill people and silence them "fairly and openly".

To be fair, this is nothing to the Taoist sect. As long as the Taoist sect wants to check, it can always be found out.

The key is that the Taoist sect only has a unified opinion on the surface, but there are undercurrents surging inland. The Yuan family's evidence is to block the mouths of those who openly agree and secretly oppose. Without enough evidence, even if they know who is behind the scenes, this case It’s also difficult to continue investigating.

The Li family cannot kill Zhang Yuelu for the same reason. If he kills Zhang Yuelu, it will give excuses to Zheng Yiyi and Quanzhen Dao, and the situation will further escalate.

Because Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Tao are not monolithic, and many people are lucky, there is considerable internal opposition, advocating restraint and not launching a full-scale confrontation with Taiping Tao, and even accepting a great leader from Taiping Tao. .

However, the premise that these opposing voices can exist is that the three paths of confrontation are within the rules. If Zhang Yuelu dies, it will be a violation of the rules. On the contrary, it will indirectly help Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Tao to integrate internally and overwhelm the opposing voices.

At that time, Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism will make a big fuss about Zhang Yuelu's death, and even break some potential rules as a matter of course, such as ensuring the stability of business and trade first.

Pei Xiaolou understands this truth, so he is not worried about Zhang Yuelu's safety. What he really cares about is the Yuan family. He has already taken action against the Yuan family as soon as possible, but it is still a step too late.

Those behind the Yuan family moved faster.

On the other side, Mr. Lei came outside the city and met Mr. Feng who had been waiting for a long time.

"Has everything been dealt with?" Mr. Lei asked.

Feng Lao replied: "I checked it myself, and there are only a few small characters who don't know the inside story. I can't find anything."

"Very good." Mr. Lei nodded, "I've already taken care of it, and nothing will be left behind."

Feng Lao looked back and saw the fire rising into the sky even though he was outside the city.

"It was set on fire, destroyed in one day." Feng Lao sighed, "The Yuan family, we have worked hard for decades, and then we just gave up and turned into ashes overnight. It's a pity when you think about it carefully."

Mr. Lei said: "There is no way, this is Mr. Li's intention."

"Everyone's backer can protect them from the wind and rain. Our backer is just asking us to swallow our anger and cut off one of our arms. It's called a strong man breaking his wrist. I've also met Master Zhang. He has some abilities, but If you really want to kill her, it's not impossible." Feng Lao felt a little aggrieved and said angrily, "If you want to kill Zhang Yuelu with one blow, kill him, and kill Pei Xiaolou as well."

Mr. Lei's face darkened and he scolded: "Let's stop talking here! Why kill? You are so brave. Go and kill now. Do you think the Zhang family and the Pei family will let you go? Or see if the Li family will let you go." I'll protect you. If nothing happens, you can tell Patriarch Jin this great advice when you return."

Feng Lao was immediately discouraged.

Only then did Mr. Lei soften his tone: "We are obeying orders, and we will do whatever the superiors say. Let me tell you, the two of us are still figures in the world, but in the eyes of the big shots in the Taoist sect, You and I are no different from the dead Yuan Chongzong."

Feng Lao was completely speechless. Although he was the elder brother, he had always listened to his brothers since he was a child.

Lei Lao paused for a moment and then said: "Speaking of Lao Yuan, he is an old acquaintance of ours, not a fool, right? When he saw Pei Xiaolou and us coming to Jiangling Mansion one after another, he felt that something was wrong, even if I showed Patriarch Jin's autographed letter, but he was also doubtful and only asked his son to hunt down Zhang Yuelu and hide back in Yuan Yuan. He also asked me to accompany him to test me several times, which showed that he was aware of something. No, it's just that he was lucky and thought that the worst outcome would be to leave Jiangling Mansion. He never thought that Patriarch Jin had decided to silence him. In fact, what would happen if Old Yuan guessed that his Yuan family is all ours. There is no way to escape. This is the tragedy of the chess pieces. They can only see a small piece of land in front of them and cannot see the whole situation. They have no control over life or death. "

Feng Lao thought for a while and asked: "But I still don't understand, what does this have to do with silencing the Yuan family?"

Mr. Lei said helplessly: "How else can we understand? What happened at Zixian Mountain was an accident. Taiping Road was unprepared. Someone caught him with a sore leg. There was no way to remedy it, so he had no choice but to cut off his wrist."

"Are you talking about the dead Su Ran?" Feng Lao had been in the world for many years after all, and he gradually came to his senses.

Mr. Lei sighed: "Su Ran is from Taiping Road, and Liu Futong is from us. In other words, the two principals of Zixian Mountain are both from us. Zixian Mountain should be like an iron bucket, unable to penetrate with a needle." , the water cannot be poured in, who would have thought that two members of the family would fight among themselves? "

"Everyone shoots a rock to hit others, but we are shooting ourselves in the foot. Su Ran took down Liu Futong and took away the power of Zixian Mountain. That's it. We just treat it as internal strife and nothing more than replacing someone. She came to take control of Zixian Mountain, but she died suddenly. The huge Zixian Mountain was leaderless, which allowed Zhang Yuelu to take advantage of Su Ran's identity. It seemed that Su Ran's identity was a bit sensitive, and the Taoist sect kept it secret, but all the bad things about Liu Futong were revealed by Zhang Yuelu. , and then traced it all the way to us.”

Feng Lao frowned: "I heard that Liu Futong was captured by Su Ran while he was naked doing that thing. He didn't even have time to destroy the ledgers. The same goes for the Li family. Who can't be dispatched? Send Su Ran over."

"The Li family is related by marriage to the Qin family, the Su family, the Lu family, and the Shen family. The relationship between relatives is there, so we accidentally sent a crazy woman over." Mr. Lei said slowly, "Let's talk about these things now. It has no meaning anymore. The development of things to this point must have been beyond Taiping Dao's expectations. Zhengyi and Quanzhen Dao seized this point to make a fuss and put pressure on them. Master Li started to mess up the situation. , they don’t dare to touch Zhang Yuelu, they can only touch their own people. To put it bluntly, it’s just a Yuan family, it’s just a waste of money and disaster.”

Feng Lao finally figured it out and asked casually: "By the way, how did Su Ran die?"

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