Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 153 Afterwards (Part 2)

Su Ran died in Qi Xuansu's hands.

Although Qi Xuansu had expected that killing Su Ran would cause a great disturbance, he never expected that the impact would be so great, which would indirectly lead to the entire Yuan family being wiped out.

How else can I say that things are impermanent.

After Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu broke out of the encirclement, they found that their pursuers were getting fewer and fewer, and in the end there were no more pursuers.

Naturally, the two of them noticed something fishy and stopped running away. Instead, they hid in place. After waiting for a long time, no pursuers came. After a brief discussion, they turned back.

When the two of them returned to the location of the broken stone bridge, they were surprised to see that there were many corpses here, all of them killed by one move.

Although Zhang Yuelu didn't like Wei Wugui, the two of them were on the same boat at this time, so he had no choice but to ask: "What do you think?"

Qi Xuansu knelt down to check the wound and said solemnly: "I think it was the heavenly being who took action himself. These people have no power to fight back."

"You mean the heavenly being who blocked our way." Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully.

Qi Xuansu stood up, jumped over the broken gap in the stone bridge, and came to the opposite side.

Zhang Yuelu also jumped over, and their expressions became more solemn.

I saw corpses all over the mountain road.

"This..." Even though Qi Xuansu had seen many fights in the arena, he was also speechless.

Zhang Yuelu took the lead and walked forward. The two of them went down the long, narrow and steep mountain road. They saw that the mountain road was filled with corpses. Judging from the clothing and weapons, they should be the people who had been chasing them before.

This mountain road is like a Shura field.

Zhang Yuelu came to a corpse, knelt down and took a look, and found that the fatal wound on the corpse was caused by a fire blunderbuss. He said, "It seems that not only was the heavenly being killing people, but there were other people assisting him." , It’s more like a premeditated internal conflict.”

Qi Xuansu checked several other corpses and agreed with Zhang Yuelu's statement: "It seems so, what a cruel method."

Zhang Yuelu thought for a while and stood up suddenly: "The drunkard's intention is not to drink. That heavenly being doesn't want to kill us at all, but wants to silence these people. That's why he will only hurt you but not kill you." They will block our way and push us towards the mountain road here, using us as bait.”

Qi Xuansu nodded and said: "It makes sense, these people are all members of the Yuan family, so the Yuan family..."

Zhang Yuelu sighed: "Either he is dead, or he has escaped. But Master Pei is still in Jiangling Prefecture, so there may be a turn for the better."

Qi Xuansu suggested: "Since Zhenren Pei is in charge of Jiangling Mansion, we are not in a hurry to go back. We might as well look for some survivors. Maybe there are still survivors."

"We have no choice but to meet at the water pool." Zhang Yuelu did not refuse and temporarily believed Qi Xuansu.

The two of them split up and found a few survivors, but they were all seriously injured and had no way to save themselves, so naturally they gained nothing.

After the two met again, they walked back along the original road and saw the bodies of Yuan Fengchan and Yuan Shangdao, father and son, on the road.

Yuan Fengchan had nothing to say, but Yuan Shangdao's death surprised them both.

Qi Xuansu roughly inspected Yuan Fengchan's body and said: "He died because his heart was broken by someone using secret power. It was very hidden and clever. I clearly had something in mind at the time and would never put Yuan Shangdao to death."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Since Yuan Shangdao is dead, it means that the Yuan family will probably be silenced."

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

After a long time, Zhang Yuelu said: "What a quick move. I'm afraid that as soon as there are results on the side of Zixian Mountain, the plan has already begun here. By the way, it was you who killed Su Ran?"

Qi Xuansu remained silent.

Zhang Yuelu did not ask further. Who killed Su Ran, just like who silenced the Yuan family. The key lies not in the answer, but in the evidence.

It's not that the Taoist sect respects the law so much and must pay attention to evidence in everything, but when the strength of both parties is equal, the law, morality, and righteousness become important, and no one wants to fall into moral passivity.

In this regard, Qi Xuansu cannot be compared with Zhang Yuelu, but in Zhang Yuelu's view, Wei Wugui also has a backer, and his backer is Pei Xiaolou.

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and said, "Miss Zhang, it's time for us to say goodbye."

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Aren't you going to Jiangling Mansion to see Master Pei?"

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said, "My granddaughter is missing. I have to find her."

"Granddaughter? I don't think so." Zhang Yuelu obviously didn't think Wei Wugui was an old man, "Who is that little girl?"

Qi Xuansu did not insist on speaking harshly, but just said: "I was entrusted by others to protect her. I am entrusted by others and should be loyal to others. Miss Zhang, for the sake of our friendship to fight against the enemy together, let me go." Let me leave."

Zhang Yuelu looked deeply at Qi Xuansu without comment.

Liu Hu rode "Bu Yue" into the dense forest. Not long after walking, he found that it had started to fog at some point. The white fog gradually enveloped the entire forest. For a moment, there was only a white fog around. , do not distinguish between east, west, north and south.

But "Bu Yue" was familiar with the road. As he drove her all the way, she could only hear the clear sound of "Bu Yue"'s horse hoofbeats.

After walking like this for who knows how long, the fog gradually dissipated, and there was a faint sound of noise.

When the white mist completely dissipated, Liu Hu found that he had arrived at a busy mayor street.

There are rows of buildings on both sides, including tea houses, wine shops, foot shops, butcher shops, temples, public houses, and silk and satin shops.

There are also various vendors on the roadside, making clay and candy figures, selling candied haws, telling fortunes, selling cooking cakes and pears, etc., from all walks of life.

Many pavilions have colorful gates in front of them, and market banners are hung to attract business.

Pedestrians in the market are crowded one after another, there are merchants doing business, gentry watching the street scene, officials on horseback, hawkers, family members riding in sedans, traveling monks with baskets on their backs, and foreign tourists asking for directions. , there are children in the streets who listen to books, there are children of wealthy families who drink heavily in restaurants, there are disabled old people begging on the edge of the city, men, women, old and young, scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, all three religions and nine streams, they are all prepared.

But if you look carefully, these people all have pale faces, like paper figures.

At the entrance of the long street, there is a three-bay, four-column, five-story archway, four feet high and five feet wide. In the archway, a horizontal plaque is engraved with the word "Ghost Street". It looks black at first glance, but if you look closely, At first glance, it turned out to be red and black, as if blood had coagulated, and these two words seemed to be dripping with blood.

Liu Hu felt like his scalp was exploding and he almost fainted.

However, "Bu Yue" was not afraid at all and walked into the long street openly. These "people" turned a blind eye to Liu Hu and "Bu Yue", just pretending that one person and one horse did not exist.

Liu Hu leaned tightly on the horse, gripped Qi Xuansu's "Dragon Hand Gun", and held his breath subconsciously, for fear that these monsters would notice his presence.

Soon, "Bu Yue" came to the empty market entrance, without any prisoners, ghost soldiers or executioners.

At this moment, Liu Hu heard a little girl's voice ringing in his ears: "Who are you?"

Liu Hu was startled and looked around. He saw a noose on the execution rack not far away. It should be used for hangings. A little girl who was much younger than Liu Hu was using the noose as a swing. Wandering back and forth, it was extremely weird.

But "Buyue" recognized this little girl, wagging her head and tail, and stamping her front hooves, showing a bit of flattery.

The little girl didn't wait for the "swing" to stop, then flew down, came to "Bu Yue", touched its horse head and said, "We meet again."

Yuan Garden was burned to the ground and nothing was left.

After Pei Xiaolou came out of the tunnel, he went to the Prince's Mansion.

Qin Gongfu did not want to be too involved in the internal fighting of the Taoist sect, and he was somewhat unhappy, but he still met Pei Xiaolou, but his words showed a bit of toughness: "Master Pei, you have to thoroughly investigate the Yuan family, I will The governor and the garrison commander have been invited for you, what else do you have to say?"

Pei Xiaolou's attitude was very polite and said: "I don't dare to take it as an 'instruction', but I have an unkind request and want to trouble His Highness the County Prince."

However, Qin Gongfu heard that this time had nothing to do with the internal strife within the Taoist sect, but was probably just Pei Xiaolou's private matter.

Since it is a private matter, it is a human relationship, Qin Gongfu's attitude immediately softened: "Sir, please tell me."

Pei Xiaolou briefly explained the story of Qin Wubing giving Wei Wugui a token and Wei Wugui pretending to be Qin Wubing's personal soldier, and then said: "This Wei Wugui has something to do with me. If anyone asks, I would also like to ask Your Highness to help clarify his origins.”

Qin Gongfu pondered for a moment. Although he felt there was some risk, since it was Qin Wubing who sent the token, the Prince's Palace was inseparable from it, and because of Pei Xiaolou's kindness, he nodded and agreed.

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