Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 164 Drinking

Qi Xuansu is a layman.

All ordinary people love money. Although Qi Xuansu did not fall in the eyes of Qian, he was very interested in Wang Baoyue's prosthetic hand and Western handgun, so after a little hesitation, he decided to agree. He just put forward one condition: Qingluan Guards would share information and if they caught Wang Baoyue Report to Yue, he will return to Qingluan Guard, and other things will belong to him and Xu Kou. As for how to divide him and Xu Kou, it will not be too late to discuss it slowly after they are caught.

Qingluan Guard's palm hundred households agreed happily. Taiping money is a good thing, but there is no such thing as a good thing in this world. There are always choices.

As for finding Wang Baoyue's whereabouts, Zhangyin Baihu is quite confident.

Killing is not Qingluan Guard's strong point, that is the specialty of the men in black. Qingluan Guard's strengths lie in finding people, spying, solving crimes, collecting and analyzing intelligence, etc. During this search, they targeted the passing ships and determined that the pirates were hiding on the passing ships in order to get past the border. Judging from the results, it was correct. Although there were mistakes in the specific search and no pirates were found, it cannot be said that their intelligence and judgment were wrong.

Furthermore, it is not difficult to make a person disappear silently, but it is very difficult to make a person appear silently without any flaws. The reason why the imperial court and Taoist sects did not abolish the road guide system was because of this situation. Wang Baoyue had no road guide and no identification. It was difficult to hide in a certain place and could only keep wandering. But Qingluan Guard and Hei The man in clothes has laid a trap, and there are alchemists who are good at tracking earth energy to follow him. The layers are shrinking, and his range of activities will only get smaller and smaller.

What Wang Baoyue should worry about is that the trapped beast is still fighting. After all, the purpose above is to capture the beast alive, and it is difficult to use powerful and heavy firearms. As for the heavenly beings who have the ability to capture Wang Baoyue alive, they are the so-called "uppers" and will not do it themselves.

As for why the Hundred Printing Households did not wait to slowly close the net, but asked Xu Kou and Qi Xuansu for assistance, the main reason was that they were worried that Wang Baoyue would escape to the jurisdiction of other Hundred Households, and the cooked duck would fly away, and the credit would be gone. He would also be guilty of poor handling of the case.

After the decision was made, because there was no relevant news yet, Xu Kou was restless, so he led Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu off the ship and landed in the county seat of Wan'an County, saying they wanted to have some fun.

Xu Kou had previously been a Qingluan Guard or transferred to Qizhou Daofu. His main scope of activities was in Jiangbei Prefectures. He had been here before and was quite familiar with it. He took Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu around the county, and soon Arriving at a three-story pavilion with colorful doors.

"No, I have a child." Qi Xuansu looked up at the plaque with a simple and straightforward meaning.

"Just drinking, nothing else." Xu Kou said indifferently, "At most, I can find two girls to pour wine for me. I feel tired pouring wine myself."

Qi Xuansu said helplessly: "I don't even want to expose you."

"I'm a widower at my age. Isn't it normal and reasonable to come to a place like this?" Xu Kou said nonchalantly, "I'm not Qi Tianyuan, blindly eyeing a tigress."

Qi Xuansu was a little unsure for a moment whether Kou was deliberately testing or bringing it up accidentally, with a calm expression on his face: "Who is Qi Tianyuan?"

"A friend and colleague, this guy has an eye on our boss. Originally, a young man is nothing, but Brother Wei doesn't know that our boss is just like a tigress. He has no moral character and can't surrender. I don’t know how angry I will be if I really want to marry him back home,” Xu Kou said casually.

Ever since the news about Qi Xuansu's "death" in order to save Zhang Yuelu spread, there have been a lot less rumors about Qi Xuansu climbing high branches. However, many people still do not think highly of him and Zhang Yuelu. Whether it is in terms of realm cultivation or family background and future, they are very different. too much.

Qi Xuansu asked knowingly: "Brother Xu's boss is not Zhang Yuelu, a disciple of Master Cihang, right?"

"Yes, that's her." Xu Kou subconsciously moved his wrist, "Brother Wei, have you heard of it?"

"Not only have I heard of it, but I also met him once in Jiangling Mansion before." Qi Xuansu joked, "He is a nice person, but he is not easy to talk to. Next time I meet Master Zhang again, I must tell her Brother Xu's wise words. ”

Xu Kou coughed lightly: "Let's not talk about her anymore, let's drink."

Qi Xuansu advised: "Since Xuan Sheng revitalized the Taoist sect, from Zhenzhi Zhenren to low-level Taoist priests, there are many people who have failed in the affairs of men and women. At worst, they have been ruined, and at worst, they have been in trouble. Some of them are indeed. In some cases, such as the case of Liu Futong from Zixian Mountain not long ago, some cases were framed and framed. Even if he was proven innocent in the end, his bad reputation would still be spread. Brother Xu is now in Yujing, but he is no better than he was in the local government in the past. It’s better to pay attention.”

"Thank you, Brother Wei, for reminding me." Xu Kou suppressed his smile, "But I, Xu Kou, am called 'Little Yama', and I have more handles than hairs on my body. Wherever I need to make excuses or frame up, it's all true. People like me are least afraid of a bad reputation. When people use me, they use the word "ruthless". They use me to do dirty work, just like a rag. There is no room for a worse reputation. If you have too many lice, you won't be itchy. Don’t worry if it’s too much, just let him be.”

Qi Xuansu glanced at Xu Kou in surprise, but he didn't expect him to understand.

Xu Kou walked ahead, Qi Xuansu hesitated slightly and followed with Liu Hu.

Liu Hu was not shy at all, only curious.

Xu Kou was obviously a frequent visitor to this road, and he was familiar with it, so he casually threw a small round to Turtle Slave.

Gui Nu immediately became flattering and attentive. He had already seen these three guests. The two men looked like members of the public family, but they didn't know what it meant to bring a little girl, so they didn't dare to step forward rashly. Seeing that Xu Kou took the initiative to reward them, he stepped forward to serve them and led the three of them inside.

Xu Kou casually ordered: "I want a secluded private room. I'm going to be vegetarian today, no meat. Come here, don't ask for those who are under twenty. If there are those who are around thirty, that would be better. Let's bring some wine." , according to the standard of three peace coins. If you take me as a scapegoat, don’t blame me for not sparing you. "

"Don't worry, sir, we are famous for being fair here and never do bad business." Gui Nu said with a smile. As for liking older people, it is not uncommon in this industry.

Under the guidance of the turtle slave, the three of them came to a private room and sat down. The turtle slave went out to arrange the girl and wine.

Xu Kou looked around casually and said at the same time: "Brother Wei just reminded me to be careful about getting into trouble with men and women. I appreciate it very much and reciprocate it by telling Brother Wei something about this. Now it's no better than before, Xiaopian Don't laugh at prostitution. Many women who do this do it voluntarily and are not forced by life. However, many times they will make up nice stories to coax you. It's the same old routine, and it's nothing more than "the father died and the mother died." My brother is a student and my husband is a gambler and borrows money. The whole family depends on me, but I haven’t been in the business for a long time. “Most of the things said in the entertainment industry are just for fun, so don’t let them take it seriously.”

"Be taught." Qi Xuansu smiled and nodded, sitting beside Liu Hu.

Not long after, two women who were a few years older than Qi Xuansu came in carrying trays. Their appearance was good, but they could not hide some signs of age.

Xu Kou raised his hand and motioned for the two of them to sit down.

The two women had smiles on their faces, but their eyes glanced at Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu. It was rare to see a brothel with a child.

Liu Hu was also looking at the two of them. She had read many story books when she was bored, and such places were always indispensable in them. Authors often said that people in the world are mostly people with temperament, and the little girl could not help but have some unrealistic longings.

This is true or not. People with temperament are true, but there is absolutely no such thing as "many".

So Willow Lake quickly became disappointed.

The two women each had their own duties. One poured wine for Xu Kou, while the other played the pipa and sang softly.

While Xu Kou was drinking, he chatted with Qi Xuansu, exchanging some boxing skills and knowledge of the world.

At this moment, there was a noise outside.

The two people's conversation stopped.

Liu Hu's eyes lit up.

As the story goes, it is true that fireworks venues like this are always prone to disputes.

"Isn't this a drama about forcing a good girl into prostitution?" Qi Xuansu said suddenly.

"Your words are serious. It's probably because someone was drunk and causing trouble." The woman who poured Xu Kou's wine had a sharp look in her eyes. She had already seen that the two of them were members of the public family, so she hurriedly said.

Qi Xuansu stood up and came to the door without comment.

The noise came from another private room.


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