Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 165: Evil people have their own trials and tribulations

This kind of ordinary spring building is not a large courtyard, it occupies a small area, and there is no independent courtyard. The private rooms are concentrated in the main building.

Qi Xuansu walked along the corridor to the private room where the noise came from. Two tall men stood in front of the door. At first, he saw that Qi Xuansu was well-dressed and had a blazing gun hanging around his waist. He didn't want to provoke him, but he just stopped when he saw Qi Xuansu. When he stopped moving, he noticed something was wrong. One of them said: "This friend, there is someone inside."

Qi Xuansu laughed and said: "With such a big movement, of course I know someone is there. What's going on inside?"

"My friend, I advise you not to mind your own business." The man's tone contained threats, but he did not dare to take action. After all, those who dare to carry a gun around his waist are not ordinary people, or even young people with lower status. Neither Luan Wei nor the man in black is qualified. If a conflict really breaks out and someone blows his head off with a bludgeoning blow, who's to blame?

Qi Xuansu asked, "What if I have to take care of it? What can you do?"

The man opened his mouth, but no words came out.

It's not that these two men are good people, it's just that the "Dragon Gun" is too scary.

At this moment, the door opened from the inside, and a policeman wearing a square hat walked out, shouting: "Who is making trouble outside?"

Qi Xuansu said: "No one is making trouble outside, but I think someone is making trouble inside."

When the officer saw Qi Xuansu, he was not too afraid. He looked up and down, and his eyes fell on the gun on his waist: "The man in black?"

Qi Xuansu said: "So what if it is, so what if it isn't?"

The officer sneered: "Even if you are a man in black, I would like to advise you that the strong dragon will not suppress the local snake. In the boundaries of Wan'an County, the dragon must be coiled and the tiger must lie down..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of a woman struggling and crying came from the room.

Qi Xuansu sighed. To be fair, he wasn't very nosy, but if it really happened in front of him, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

The guard wanted to speak, but a hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed the guard's head and slammed it against the door.

The officer's face was immediately covered with blood, and he fell to the ground limply, unable to say anything.

It turned out that Xu Kou had come over at some point, and Liu Hu was following him, his eyes bright and slightly excited.

The two women stood in front of Xu Kou's private room, somewhat at a loss.

Xu Kou said coldly: "You are like a dragon and a tiger. If you have any backers, just sign up and talk nonsense."

The two men guarding the gate were stunned and did not dare to take action. Instead, they shouted. There were other people in the private room, and immediately seven or eight men in short-sleeved clothes came out. They were tall and strong, with tiger tattoos. Without any nonsense, they swarmed directly towards Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou.

To be fair, Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou are different. Qi Xuansu is never merciless when killing people, but when he is not killing people, Qi Xuansu is still very easy to talk to. He even looks a bit easy to bully because of his habit of pretending. Xu Kou is not the case. Not only does he kill without mercy, but he is also not easy to talk to at ordinary times. He only talks to people he likes. As for the way he treats his enemies, Xu Kou is even more ruthless. One of the many reasons for his demerit and demotion is that he tortured a prisoner to death, which is evident from this.

What's more, Xu Kou let Wang Baoyue escape from under his nose, and he was not in a good mood.

I saw Xu Kou reaching out to grab someone's scalp and pulling it casually, and a piece of bloody scalp with hair was torn off.

The man screamed, covering his head and rolling on the ground.

Although Liu Hu had killed several people and seen many dead people, he still couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this bloody scene,

However, when the other people saw this scene, not only were they not afraid, but they took out sharp knives, and one even took out a firecracker and pointed it at Xu Kou.

Xu Kou laughed evilly, and instantly came to the person who took out the fire gun. He stretched out his hand to hold the barrel of the fire gun, and twisted it with his hand. The hand gun immediately became like a twisted twist. Then he snatched the fire gun and stuffed it into it. A person's mouth is full of broken teeth.

Xu Kou raised his foot and swept away. In an instant, he was lying on the ground with broken muscles and fractures. He could only lie on the ground and whine, unable to stand up.

Even so, these people were still unwilling to give up. One of them shouted: "You bitch, if you have the guts to leave your name, let you know how powerful our master is, you just wait to die!"

If these people just surrendered, Xu Kou would not care too much about these little characters. But when these people yelled, Xu Kou's temper was aroused. He raised this person with his backhand and slapped him, causing half of his face to collapse. When he went down, he spat out more than a dozen teeth with blood on them, and there was even more blood pouring out of his ear holes.

Then, Xu Kou pinched one of the man's arms and said softly: "My ears are not very good, you might as well say it again."

As he spoke, Xu Kou actually crushed the man's arm bit by bit, and the man's screams suddenly echoed through most of the Spring Tower. With such a scene, naturally no one dared to come forward to persuade them, they only dared to watch from a distance. This man's other companions were even more chilled, and they dared not say a word.

As for Qi Xuansu, he had already led Liu Hu into the private room.

This private room is much larger than Xu Kou's private room, and there is a round table in the middle. A woman is lying on her back on the table, with her limbs spread out and tied to the legs of the round table with strips of cloth. If you read correctly, these strips of cloth should be the woman's clothes.

At this time, only the half-undressed middle coat was left on the woman's body, revealing a lot of youth and scars. She was also soaked with wine and clung to her body, showing off her slender curves.

There was also a young man, also disheveled, with his chest and abdomen exposed. He was lying on the woman's body. When he saw someone coming in, he got down and looked at Qi Xuansu fiercely, his eyes full of ferocity and hostility.

"Are you all so good at playing? Is this the so-called family heritage?" Qi Xuansu immediately thought of Liu Futong from Tianle Palace.

Last time at Tianle Palace, Su Ran covered Liu Hu's eyes before he could see clearly. At this time, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

"Who are you?" the young man asked coldly.

Qi Xuansu smiled: "Of course it's the person who's causing trouble for you, who else could it be?"

The young man took a deep breath and his face became more ferocious: "Then do you know who I am?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Qi Xuansu said it sincerely, "No matter who you are, you are bound to get beaten today. Unless you can give me a reasonable explanation."

As he spoke, Qi Xuansu began to move his wrists while walking towards the young man.

This young man was not a good person and refused to sit still and wait for death. He immediately kicked Qi Xuansu with a flying kick, intending to strike first.

Qi Xuansu stretched out his hand to catch the young man's flying kick, and then threw it down.

The young man immediately fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

At this moment, Xu Kou also walked in, with a little blood on the corner of his robe, and stepped on the young man's head. As long as he exerted a little force, the man's life would be in danger.

"Old Wei, what nonsense are you talking to him about? Let's fight him first and then talk." Xu Kou was not polite at all.

Qi Xuansu said: "Isn't this a case of killing without teaching?"

"That makes sense, then let's teach him now. If his parents don't teach him, we will teach him." Xu Kou followed suit.

The young man couldn't bear it anymore and said hysterically: "Who the hell are you? I'm playing with a woman, and her family doesn't have any objections. What's wrong with you? What kind of big-tailed wolves are you?" "

Xu Kou nudged his toes and said calmly: "Boy, do you know why I want to teach you a lesson? It's not because you play with women, you just play with men, and I don't have any objection, but because you are yelling and disturbing. If I drink, it’s going to get in my way, do you understand?”

Qi Xuansu didn't speak, but felt a little emotional.

What does it mean that evil people will be punished by evil people?

That's it.

Qi Xuansu patted Liu Hu on the shoulder: "Go and put the person down."

Liu Hu responded and stepped forward to untie the cloth that bound the woman's hands and feet. Although Liu Hu was just a little girl, her cultivation at the Kunlun stage was undeniable and she was very strong. He easily lifted the woman off the table.

Qi Xuansu is actually not willing to get involved in this kind of thing. They say that good people will stick to the end. They just give the dude a good beating and then walk away. This may not save people, but may also harm others. If you want to solve it properly, it will be troublesome. .

It's just that when things happen, it's not easy to just sit back and watch.

But it's a dilemma.

Just when Qi Xuansu was thinking about this, the boss of Chunlou here finally appeared. She was an old lady with a wry smile on her face, but she didn't dare to say anything. These two were clearly powerful dragons from across the river, and they were not someone they could mess with.

Xu Kou turned to look at the old bustard: "Is it time to move the patron? Just go and move, I will wait here."


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