Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 171 In the City God’s Temple

These wooden figures themselves are talismans, and there is no so-called vital point at all. Even if the torso and head are broken, they can still continue fighting under the power of mana, which is very difficult.

It's a pity that he met Xu Kou, a warrior. Under heaven and man, the alchemist was unable to escape from reality and return to reality. All kinds of talismans and spells were restrained by the warrior's blood energy. Xu Kou punched and kicked him, and the blood energy enveloped the wooden man. , the talisman patterns on the wooden figure began to dissolve, just like the ink stains gradually faded under the wash of rain, and finally nothing was left.

Without the talisman, the wooden figure immediately turned into an ordinary wooden figure. It was hit by Xu Kou's fist and was broken into two pieces. However, it was seen that the inside had been shattered into powder, but most of the outer skin was still intact except for the crack. No damage, it is obviously an extremely skillful way of hunting cattle across mountains.

The alchemist was shocked when he saw this. He threw out a stack of talismans, turned around and ran away.

This method of throwing flowers and rain is not like throwing talismans, but like throwing paper money. The power of talismans can be imagined.

Xu Kou sneered and chased after him. Anyone who stood in his way would be killed by him with a single punch.

On the other side, three people, including the spearman, faced Qi Xuansu.

The three of them are all Qi Practitioners at the Yuxu stage, with no obvious weaknesses. Although they do not have flying swords, they each hold weapons, one with a spear, one with a halberd, and one with a double axe.

Qi Xuansu took action first, stabbing the big halberd with a single sword in his hand, and then followed the trend. The halberd general felt the tiger's mouth was hot, and he almost lost his grip. He was afraid that Qi Xuansu would take advantage of the opportunity and jumped back. Unexpectedly, Qi Xuansu did not pursue him, but turned sharply and slashed at the double axe.

The metal and iron clashed, and the left ax of the double ax could not be released to block the sword. With a loud shout, the right ax struck down, hitting the blade in the middle. The single sword fell to the ground with a clang, but Qi Xuansu did not advance but retreated, using the "dragon momentum" of "Tantai Fist Intent" ", one punch hit the double-axe door.

The double ax was knocked upside down. Before he could fall down, he suddenly turned over and leaned on the ground with both axes. He barely stood firm. His face was blood red and his nose had completely collapsed.

Qi Xuansu picked up the single sword with his toes and held it in his palm again.

Qi Xuansu had rich experience in fighting with others and was good at judging the enemy. When he saw the three of them, he could tell that the halberd general was the weakest, the double axe was second, and the spearman was the strongest. Therefore, he first attacks the weak enemy, and then uses sudden changes to turn the target into a double-axe.

The double ax was amazing, he could block the knife with the left ax and smash the knife with the right ax. Unexpectedly, Qi Xuansu had planned it, so as soon as the big ax fell, Qi Xuansu directly abandoned the knife and punched him, beating him into a miserable state.

At this moment, a big halberd was swung out and struck at the waist. Qi Xuansu raised his sword and opened it. Suddenly he felt the sound of wind beside him, and the double-axe with a ferocious face swept towards him with one axe.

The ax was heavy and heavy, and Qi Xuansu couldn't hold it hard, so he opened the "Dayan Spirit Sword" with a force like a strong wind, looking for gaps between the big halberd and the double ax to attack.

The two of them did not expect that he could use such a sharp sword, and were greatly awe-struck. The weapons in his hands were only defensive but not offensive. However, the halberd and the double ax were extremely heavy. Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and often couldn't hold back, revealing flaws. If not for the two People rescue each other, fearing that in an instant, someone will follow in the footsteps of the one who wields the sword.

In this way, he can strike quickly with speed, and his single sword is light and agile, and he can do it with ease. However, the halberd and ax are heavy, and he gradually feels overwhelmed. The spearman, however, kept the tip of his spear on the ground and watched coldly. Suddenly Qi Xuansu saw a flaw, and thrust out a knife, stabbing the halberd general in the left rib. The halberd tried his best to dodge, Qi Xuansu dragged the tip of the knife back, changed the target, and made a long gash on the side of the double axe, dripping with blood. .

In the midst of the lightning and flint, the spearman who had been watching with cold eyes shook his spear and stabbed Qi Xuansu's left leg. Qi Xuansu moved his sword to stop him, but the force on his spear was so great that he was unable to stop him. Qi Xuansu was slightly startled, quickly turned his wrist, and drew a big circle along the direction of the spear, and then neutralized the force.

The spearman was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. The tip of his spear was shaking like a drill and awl, and the force of the spear was like mercury flowing down the ground. He was looking for Qi Xuansu's weakness to attack.

At the same time, the halberd trembled and cut towards the back of Qi Xuansu's neck. Before the blade could reach it, the energy was already overwhelming his body. Qi Xuansu couldn't help but let out a deep shout, and forced the general back with a backhand strike.

The spearman immediately seized the opportunity, thrust his spear straight in, and stabbed Qi Xuansu in the heart.

Qi Xuansu allowed a spear to hit the center of his chest, and raised his hand to get three "Seven Phoenix Feathers". The spearman barely dodged two of them, but was still stabbed in the shoulder by one. In the blink of an eye, a wave of anger surged on his face. The faint green energy has been poisoned.

Qi Xuansu threw the single sword in his hand vigorously. The double-axe took a step forward, and one ax knocked the single sword away. The right ax hit the opponent's face, and Qi Xuansu sent it out with a punch. The axes and fists collided, and the two of them were shocked at the same time. The chests of the double axes were hot, and they spurted out a mouthful of blood, and they fell out.

Everyone in the Taoist sect has a consensus, that is, not counting external objects, using three enemies against one can make up for the shortcomings in the first level. In other words, people in the three Jade Void stages are by no means powerless to fight back against those in the previous Guizhen stage. In theory, they can come back and forth. However, the specific victory or defeat depends on various factors such as the circumstances and experience of both sides.

Qi Xuansu faced the siege of three people, and his victory seemed easy, but it was due to his many years of experience. Although Qi Xuansu's realm was not high in the past, as long as he did not enter the realm of gods and humans, all the fighting and fighting were not fundamentally different. In addition, Qi Xuansu encountered many powerful enemies along the way, so Qi Xuansu could often make quick decisions through experience. Correct judgment, even though these three people have been traveling in the world for many years, they are still defeated.

Now the spearman was poisoned, and his double ax was injured by Qi Xuansu's fist. Only one of the halberd generals was left with the strength to fight, but he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away like the alchemist.

Qi Xuansu refused to let him go, so he picked up a single sword and chased after him.

The euphorbia general was not as good as Qi Xuansu in cultivation, and he was wearing heavy armor. He was caught up by Qi Xuansu within a few steps. He turned around suddenly and swept the halberd in his hand.

There were two other people restraining him before, but Qi Xuansu was not willing to fight in order to avoid falling into a passive position. But at this time, there was only one big halberd general left, so Qi Xuansu was not polite. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward, swept into the sweeping inner circle, caught the big halberd with one hand, and then struck the big halberd general in the face with his sword. go.

The general wanted to withdraw the big halberd, but found that Qi Xuansu's five fingers were as if they were made of iron. No matter how hard he exerted force, the big halberd could not move. In desperation, General Euphorbia could only release his weapon and retreat backwards.

It's just that Qi Xuansu's "Dayan Spiritual Sword" was faster, arriving later. The blade bypassed the General's armor and pierced directly into his throat.

Qi Xuansu drew his sword and retreated, bringing out a cluster of blood flowers. The Euphorbia General lost all his strength, staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground. The remaining blood turned into smoke in an instant under the burning of the flame on the knife.

Qi Xuansu turned around and saw that Liu Hu had finished the last-ditch attack and used the "Dragon Hand Gun" to kill the poisoned spearman and the seriously injured double axe.

From the beginning to the end, Liuhu was very calm, without any panic. She didn't look like a little girl at all, but like a seasoned veteran.

This made Qi Xuansu sigh. When he was at Liuhu's level, he was indeed much better than Liuhu, but when he was at Liuhu's age, he was absolutely inferior.

As time goes by, Liu Hu may not be able to reach a very high position. Even if he is not as good as Zhang Yuelu, who is blessed by nature, he is still not inferior to Taoist figures like Yue Liuli. But the premise is that Liu Hu can survive to adulthood safely and will not die early due to various accidents.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and took back the three "Seven Phoenix Feathers" with his true energy. He looked around and saw that after the spearman, the halberd general, and the double axe were defeated one after another, the others were frightened and fled in all directions.

On the other side, Xu Kou was chasing the alchemist like he was chasing the stars and the moon.

The alchemist was horrified. A close fight between an alchemist and a warrior would undoubtedly be a recipe for death. In this case, he could only throw out valuable talisman soldiers in an attempt to slow down Xu Kou.

The talisman soldiers fell to the ground and turned into white paper warriors. Even ordinary fire guns could hardly harm these talisman soldiers, but the warrior's blood energy was the nemesis of such things. Xu Kou raised his fists and his blood energy surged. In the blink of an eye, he knocked back several talisman soldiers and turned them into broken paper figures that fell to the ground. Their spiritual energy dissipated.

However, the alchemist also took the opportunity to prepare his own spells, swung around, and transformed one into eight, all of which were transformed by his thoughts, and then the eight clones cast their spells. Either use fire, or use wind, or draw thunder, or condense ice, or summon ghosts to cast spells, or turn into illusions.

This is the "Eight Gate Dunjia" magical power of the Taoist dreamland magician. Eight completely different spells attack Xu Kou together.

Xu Kou's response was even simpler, he just shouted loudly.

Rolling blood rushed out of Xu Kou's mouth, turning into a white mist visible to the naked eye, like boiling steam.

All the magicians' spells dissipated immediately when they touched this mass of blood.

Xu Kou took this opportunity, stepped forward and punched the alchemist in the chest.

In an instant, the alchemist was divided into two. One was the real alchemist. His chest was sunken, his eyes were dull, and he fell straight to the ground. The other alchemist's figure was slightly illusory, and he flew into the air without any injuries.

The physique of an alchemist is inherently fragile, which is vastly different from that of a martial artist. At this time, the physique of an alchemist suffered heavy injuries one after another, and those who were already dead could no longer die.

Without the support of the body, the out-of-body soul is like water without a source or a tree without roots. The alchemist's Yin Shen immediately becomes unstable and seems to dissipate at any time. However, if you can leave this place, whether it is to seize the body or turn into a ghost, there is still a glimmer of hope. It is better to live in vain than to die in vain.

I saw the Yin God turned into a rainbow and wanted to escape from this place.

Xu Kou jumped up high and shouted again, and the energy and blood in his body moved accordingly.

Rolling air waves containing rich blood energy rushed out.

The alchemist's Yin Shen had no protection from his body. At such a close distance, facing this loud shout, he was torn into countless pieces like catkins in the wind, and his soul was shattered.

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