Xu Kou looked at Qi Xuansu, feeling a little shocked.

He had already overestimated Wei Wugui, but found that he still underestimated Wei Wugui. This person is not as simple as an ordinary martial artist. He also cultivates Zhenqi, which is very rare. If the two of them fight head-on, his chances of winning will not be great.

Qi Xuansu did not think so much and said: "There are so many masters hidden in a small City God's Temple. It is indeed very strange. It seems that Wang Baoyue is probably hiding here."

"You can't hide such a big movement from others. You have to move quickly to prevent Wang Baoyue from escaping again." Xu Kou gathered his thoughts and returned his attention to his eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Baihu also walked out of the secret passage of the side hall with a group of Qingluan guards. Seeing the corpses on the ground, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Half of them were surprised that there were so many people hidden in the Chenghuang Temple, and half were surprised by the bravery of Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou. Just two people killed corpses everywhere in such a short period of time.

He couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, he found these two strong reinforcements. If he had brought people here by himself, he might have ended up here.

Qi Xuansu said: "Zhang Baihu, Brother Xu and I will go find Wang Baoyue first, and I will leave the rest to you."

Zhang Baihu clasped his fists seriously and said, "Thank you both."

The two spread out their bodies and jumped onto the roof.

The next moment, a hail of arrows shot out, mixed with firecracker projectiles.

Both of them were martial artists, so they were not afraid of this situation. They punched to deflect and block the bullets. Xu Kou used the "big Xuanwu hand" and Qi Xuansu used the "mountain force" to defend without leakage.

It is not Qi Xuansu's character to just take beatings without fighting back. After he blocked a bunch of bullets, a set of "Seven Phoenix Feathers" were all thrown down. Immediately, seven people fell to the ground, the poison entered their bodies, and they were about to die.

Qi Xuansu used his true energy again to pull the "Seven Phoenix Feathers" back into his hand, like an unfolded feather folding fan.

Xu Kou took the opportunity to jump down and rush directly into the enemy's formation. As a pure martial artist, he had already begun to condense his body and spirit. A martial artist's concentration of body and spirit must start with his fists, and then move from the fists to his arms, step by step. Xu Kou condensed his body and spirit with his fists, and it was vaguely visible that the acupuncture points were shining brightly. There was a very small Xu Kou in each acupoint. When Xu Kou punched, the body and spirit in the acupoints also punched, making the two fists powerful. If it increases greatly, you will die if you touch it, and you will be injured if you touch it.

The two of them were both experienced people, and they cooperated with each other to completely defeat this group of people in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, a figure flashed out, with red eyes and a ferocious face. It was Wang Baoyue.

When Wang Baoyue saw Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou, his face became more ferocious: "The ghost is still lingering, and you actually chased me here!"

Qi Xuansu didn't talk nonsense. He raised his hand and shot seven "Seven Phoenix Feathers" towards Wang Baoyue.

Wang Baoyue was taken aback. Regardless of his image, he rolled on the spot and barely dodged six "Seven Phoenix Feathers". However, he was still hit in the chest by one of the "Seven Phoenix Feathers".

However, Wang Baoyue was at the stage of returning to his true state after all, so he was less affected. He directly reached out and pulled out the "Seven Phoenix Feathers". A burst of green energy just appeared on his face, and he suppressed it with his true energy in an instant. .

Xu Kou was not in a hurry to take action and shouted: "Wang Baoyue, at this point, no one can tolerate you anymore, why not let me give you a good time!"

Hearing this, Wang Baoyue felt like a trapped animal and said loudly: "Xu Kou! Are you afraid that I will fall into the hands of Zhengyi? I am really cornered. I will go directly to the south to see the people. Everyone pays tribute! God knows, I have a life, you people also have a life, the worst is to be beheaded together!"

Xu Kou was indifferent: "Who is this 'you'? Taipingdao is not involved in these bad things. You are doing business with the 'Tianting'. Even if you confess, who can you shock?"

Qi Xuansu's heart moved, Xu Kou seemed to know some inside story. But this is reasonable. Xu Kou originally came from Taiping Dao. He once worked for Qizhou Daofu. His position was not high, but he had access to Qingwei Zhenren and Li Tianzhen.

Wang Baoyue just said that of course he would not sit back and wait for death. Before he finished speaking, he had already raised the gun in his hand and fired fiercely at the two of them.

Qi Xuansu was already on guard, dodged sideways, and shouted: "Wang Baoyue, where can you escape to?"

Wang Baoyue didn't say anything. After temporarily forcing the two men back, he turned around and ran away.

Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou immediately followed.

Wang Baoyue jumped up and fired a shot towards the rear.

This shot not only blocked Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou, but also allowed him to glide for a short distance with the force of the counterattack, and already flew out of the City God's Temple.

As soon as Wang Baoyue's feet landed on the ground, he ran away towards the north without looking back.

The first thing he did when he came to the City God's Temple was to survey the surrounding terrain and be prepared to escape immediately if his whereabouts were exposed. Therefore, after Wang Baoyue found that he could not resist the incoming enemy, he decisively fled the City God's Temple.

Walking through a forest, Wang Baoyue came to a river, which led directly to the Grand Canal. He looked around, intending to pretend to be escaping along the river to the Grand Canal, and then do the opposite and escape to the Grand Canal. In Wannian County, it’s dark under a lamp.

But at this moment, he discovered that there was an extra figure on the other side of the river.

Wang Baoyue was shocked at first, but when he saw the appearance of the person clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Shen, why are you here?" Wang Baoyue asked, still remaining vigilant.

The person who came was Shen Mingshu. He looked in the direction of the City God Temple and answered the question irrelevantly: "The visitor has bad intentions. I have arranged people in advance. Even a good player in the Return to Truth stage will be defeated here. I didn't expect that two tables of guests would come to one table of food." Wang Baoyue said: "There is nothing we can do about it. Since Mr. Shen has come personally, should we leave first? Or go back and fight with them?" Shen Mingshu pondered for a moment and shook his head and said: "Even if you and I join forces, there is no guarantee of victory. Let's leave here first and then make a long-term plan." Wang Baoyue nodded without objection. Then Shen Mingshu waved his hand and took out a set of mechanical puppets from the Xumi treasure. It "stretched" by itself and turned into a crane. There were many obscure talisman cloud patterns engraved on its wings. The back was very flat and could accommodate one person sitting cross-legged. Under Wang Baoyue's surprised eyes, Shen Mingshu reached out and tapped its head gently. The crane came alive instantly, vibrating its wings. It did not rely on its wings to fly into the air, but sprayed a huge airflow from its wings and under its body, spreading out from the mechanical crane to the surroundings. The strong wind blew in his face, and Wang Baoyue felt as if he was standing in the wind. He could not open his eyes and had to retreat.

Then he heard Shen Mingshu say: "Brother Wang has the Western "alchemy arcane", which is the unique mechanical puppetry of our Taiping Dao."

Wang Baoyue's shot did stop Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou. When the two jumped out of the City God Temple, they heard a loud noise coming from the woods not far away, followed by billowing black smoke.

The two looked at each other and immediately rushed into the forest.

The explosion occurred on the other side of the forest. From a distance, you can see a charred area. Countless trees turned into charcoal. Many trees in the distance were also broken in half under the huge impact. A river passing through the forest even formed a short interruption.

Qi Xuansu and Xu Kou both showed doubts on their faces. Did Wang Baoyue encounter a strong enemy here?

The two passed through the charred tree debris and saw a figure.

Wang Baoyue.

The reason why the two failed to find Wang Baoyue in the first time was that his clothes and flesh had turned into charcoal, just like the surrounding charred trees. There were many cracks on the black skeleton, and under the cracks was a deep dark red color, like burning charcoal, flickering.

If it weren't for the fact that the prosthetic limb that was transformed into a cannon was still well preserved, Qi and Xu couldn't be sure of Wang Baoyue's identity.

In a blink of an eye, this pirate who had repeatedly escaped the pursuit of the black-clothed man and the Qingluan Guard died in front of the two.

For Qi Xuansu, it was unexpected, but reasonable.

Killing to silence.

The Yuan family was wiped out, and Wang Baoyue was not a big deal.

Going further, "Yinglong" can fall, and the real person can die, so what is Wang Baoyue? !

The two major forces were fighting against each other. The big guys were fighting with knives, but it was the little guys below who were the ones who saw the blood.

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