Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 177 Pseudo Spiritual Official

Maybe it was because of the darkness under the lamp, or maybe Qi Xuansu was overthinking it. In short, the section of the Grand Canal passing through Qizhou was windless and waveless, and Qi Xuansu didn't even see anyone from Qizhou Daofu.

However, after Qi Xuansu met the inexplicable four Jianghu people, he vaguely sensed something was wrong, so he did not leave the iron ship again during the rest of the trip, and spent most of his time practicing Qi in his room.

In this way, the iron boat passed the fifth and fourth levels, and came to the third level.

This is already the junction of Qizhou and Zhili, and only the last two Chao Passes are left, namely the second pass in Bohai Prefecture and the first pass near the Imperial Capital.

Qi Xuansu chose to disembark at the third pass and go to Bohai Mansion by land.

Although he was passively involved in the internal strife, secret associations and other messy things in the Taoist sect, he did not forget that the greatest threat to Liuhu was not these people, but the killers of the "inn".

If these people persisted in their evil intentions, then the second level would be their last chance. He had an idea and temporarily changed the route. After all, it was a spur-of-the-moment idea. He himself had no way of predicting it. How could others predict it?

If these thieves have already retreated, they will just take a few more steps.

Liu Hu already had some understanding of Qi Xuansu's actions. To put it bluntly, he was doing the opposite. After the incident at Zixian Mountain, Qi Xuansu had tried it, but the effect was not good. Not only did he not avoid Zhang Yuelu, but he was actually doing something wrong. By mistake, he got involved in the Yuan family's affairs.

Therefore, Liu Hu is not optimistic about Qi Xuansu repeating his old tricks this time. But she didn't raise any objection. After all, she was just a little girl with little experience in the arena. Let's see how Uncle Wei, who is experienced in the arena, would do this kind of thing. If the car accidentally overturned, it wouldn't be a shame for her.

The two of them got off the iron boat and walked on foot without riding horses.

Although Liu Hu has the cultivation level of Kunlun stage, it is far behind Qi Xuansu of Kunlun stage. Her endurance is not good, so Qi Xuansu has no choice but to temporarily lend her the armored horse given by Zhang Yuelu.

This also made Qi Xuansu a little confused. It was all about the gap between the Kunlun stage and the Guizhen stage. Half a year ago, he could barely keep up with Zhang Yuelu with his armored horse, but now it was Liu Hu who could barely keep up with him with his armored horse. There is a sense of dislocation between two generations. But in fact, it had only been half a year. The age difference between Zhang Yuelu and Liu Hu was only about ten years, and it was as if they were passed down from generation to generation.

The two of them ran all the way, which was actually faster than taking a boat.

After running for about two hundred miles in this way, Qi Xuansu and Liu Hu were intercepted by two people.

Liu Hu was not too surprised. While taking out the "Dragon Gun", he said: "Cleverness can lead to mistakes."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but blush and said nothing.

The person who came was none other than Song Luodi. He had indeed set a trap for Qi Xuansu by asking the four people to find trouble for Qi Xuansu. Unfortunately, Qi Xuansu was not fooled.

It's just that Qi Xuansu's information was a bit wrong. Qi Xuansu thought that Song Luodi and others would set up an ambush like last time, but Song Luodi knew it well. Last time, Master Pili and Monk Denghua were killed, with heavy casualties, and the remaining people were gone. It is a fool's dream to expect that a bunch of rabble can unite to intercept and kill Qi Xuansu. I'm afraid that as soon as he proposes this plan, some people will scatter like birds and beasts.

So Song Luodi just asked his subordinates to keep an eye on Qi Xuansu's whereabouts. He found a helper and promised to give this person half of the peace money that Master Pili and Monk Denghua deserved, and then prepared to go to Bohai Mansion. Outside Fucheng, intercept again. After all, this time there is no Zhang Yuelu to disrupt the situation. No matter how powerful Qi Xuansu is, he is just one person.

Song Luodi also did not expect that Qi Xuansu would change the route on the spur of the moment, which somewhat disrupted the plan. They rushed slowly and quickly. In the end, only two people caught up with Qi Xuansu, forming a two-on-two situation.

However, from Song Luodi's point of view, Liuhu is only at the Kunlun stage of cultivation, and it is nothing at all. In fact, it is two against one. In any case, the advantage is still with me.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu was also looking at the helpers invited by Song Luodi.

This is a burly figure eight feet tall, covered in black armor, airtight, and exuding a strong and strong evil aura all over his body.

Qi Xuansu didn't know what this was, but he had seen similar people.

Taoist spiritual official.

In Qi Xuansu's opinion, this is an imitation version of the Taoist spiritual official. It is said that the imperial court also has similar "crafts". It is not as complicated as the ninth to first-grade Taoist men. There are only three types. One is the "Thirteen Taibao" used by Qingluan Guard. , one is the "Da Xuan General" used by the imperial army, and the other is the "Ye Bu Shu" used by the frontier troops of the men in black.

I didn't expect that there are similar imitations in the world, but after thinking about it again, it's not surprising. In the past, the imperial court strictly prohibited private possession of armor among the people, but there were also skilled craftsmen who could forge armor. Today's Lingguan armor is also Same reason.

In fact, Qi Xuansu's guess was correct. This armor was indeed an imitation of Lingguan's armor. Although the Taoist Sect has extremely strict control over this type of craftsmanship, some people have no choice but to betray the Taoist Sect and take away many precious Taoist craftsmanship.

These people are the eight members of the secret society today.

This imitation armor was made by the Eight Tribes, but the Eight Tribes had early craftsmanship. After they left, Huashengtang made many improvements, and all the raw materials were controlled by the Taoist sect. In the hands, the armor of the spiritual officers of the Eight Tribes cannot be compared with the upper third-grade spiritual officers of the Taoist sect. It is probably only equivalent to the fourth-grade spiritual officers, which is the stage of returning to the true state. The Taoist sect calls it "pseudo spiritual officer".

Because he was wearing an airtight mask, the pseudo-spiritual officer spoke in a loud voice: "Foreigners, my name is Hong Lang, from the Eight Tribes. This time Brother Song came to me and said that there was a big deal, so I I’m here. I’ve always felt that everything in the world can be discussed, so I want to discuss it with you.”

Song Luodi covered his mouth with his right hand and coughed lightly, then rolled up his sleeves and saluted: "Song Luodi is polite."

Qi Xuansu asked: "What do you have to say?"

Song Luodi said softly: "I am not here to be your enemy, but to ask for someone from you."

Qi Xuansu asked calmly, "Who do you want?"

Song Luodi raised his hand and pointed at Liu Hu beside Liu Hu.

"What if I don't make friends?" Qi Xuansu said coldly.

Song Luodi was not surprised by Qi Xuansu's reply. He just said: "We are all just making a living in the world, so why do we little people have to embarrass each other?"

Qi Xuansu stopped talking and just clenched his fists.

Song Luodi stared at Liuhu and said slowly: "Since Your Excellency is unwilling to discuss, I have no choice but to be rude..."

Before he finished speaking, Hong Lang made a loud noise and punched Qi Xuansu directly in the face.

Qi Xuansu sealed his fists and used the "mountain force". His body was unshakable and towering like a mountain.

Liu Hu, who was watching, suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

The moment Hong Lang punched, Song Luodi also disappeared. However, instead of attacking Qi Xuansu, he came to Liu Hu's side instantly and pointed his cold fingers on her neck.

Liu Hu had no resistance at all and froze instantly. As if he hadn't seen it, Qi Xuansu took a step forward, turning his "mountain posture" into a "tiger posture" and punched the pseudo-lingguan on the chest, knocking the pseudo-lingguan's tall body back continuously.

Hong Lang took six or seven steps back before he could stop his retreat. There was a fist mark on the armor on his chest.

The pseudo-spiritual officer is naturally not so vulnerable.

The next moment, he was like a red-eyed bullfighting, charging towards Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu used the "river force" to overcome hardness with softness, and continued to release his strength to block the powerful collision, just like a big wave hitting a levee.

Qi Xuansu followed the trend and combined the "Dragon Movement" and "River Movement" into the "Dragon Swimming River" style, which is soft yet strong, with layers of counter-shock.

Hong Lang was knocked back nearly ten feet by the force of the counter-shock, and his feet drew two ravines on the ground.

Qi Xuansu followed closely and punched out with both fists.

"Dragon and tiger momentum".

Taking advantage of the moment when Hong Lang was shaken stiff, Qi Xuansu's fists hit Hong Lang's body hard. There was a dull sound in the latter's body, and he staggered back, with cracks appearing on his armor.

Qi Xuansu took another step forward and punched out, causing wind and thunder.

"Wind and thunder potential".

The reason why spiritual officials are inferior to Taoist priests is because all their realms of cultivation are obtained by external forces, and they are slightly inferior to Sanren. In any case, Sanren's realms of cultivation are obtained by self-cultivation, just like with Sanren. The hands and feet he was born with are naturally like arms. But the realm of cultivation obtained through external force is like a prosthetic limb. No matter how proficient it is, it is always one step behind.

Although part of Qi Xuansu's cultivation was also obtained from "Xuanyu", in essence, Qi Xuansu used "Xuanyu" for his own use, and the two merged into one, regardless of each other. But the spirit officials are different. They cannot be used for their own purposes, let alone be integrated into one body. If they lose their armor, they will immediately lose their cultivation.

To put it simply, the state of cultivation that Qi Xuansu obtained through "Xuanyu" is to regenerate severed limbs. It takes time to adapt. It is better than a prosthetic limb that is simply a dead thing.

Therefore, when Hong Lang faced off against Qi Xuansu, he was also in the stage of returning to his true nature, but was beaten by Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu could not waste every ounce of his fist power, which is not to say that he was not meticulous, but Hong Lang's use of his cultivation was very rough.

It's like marching to a battle. Qi Xuansu's troops are arranged in formation. It's clear who will attack, who will feint, who will outflank, who will attack by surprise, and who will coincide with each other. The other side doesn't care about anything and just rushes forward. When the forces are equal, it goes without saying who wins and who loses.

If you take the path of a spiritual officer, you are destined to not have many magical powers. Just like in the black army, the pikemen do not need any fancy marksmanship. Most of the time, they only need to be proficient in stabbing. As for defense, that is for the shield soldiers. matter.

The Taoist sect founded Lingguan based on this concept.

Qi Xuansu's punch hit Hong Lang's chest.

The cracks on Lingguan's armor deepened a bit.

Hong Lang's burly body flew backwards with a bang.

Qi Xuansu follows him everywhere like a shadow. Use the "tiger posture" instead, where the tiger's energy is generated from the buttocks and tail. If the fist is smooth, the clear qi will rise; if the fist is reverse, the turbid qi will not fall, and the Du Meridian will be blocked. The Du Meridian is the source of hundreds of meridians, and the Du Meridian will open all the meridians. The Governor Vein is also said to be the head of the Yang Vein, so Qi Xuansu's move has the potential of a tiger leaving its cave and descending the mountain. What follows is a surge of huge force, so strong that it has the strength of five tigers.

Hong Lang retreated again and again.

Blood seeped out from the gaps in the armor.

Qi Xuansu's last punch hit Hong Lang hard in the abdomen, sending him flying straight away.

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