Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 178 Old accounts

Song Luodi never expected that Hong Lang would be defeated so quickly. He looked ugly, grabbed Liu Hu's throat with his hands, and shouted: "Stop."

Qi Xuansu looked at Song Luodi and said, "I have never been coerced by others."

Song Luodi narrowed his eyes: "Aren't you afraid that this little girl will die?"

As he spoke, he tightened his grip on Liu Hu's throat. Liu Hu's face immediately turned red and he had difficulty breathing.

Qi Xuansu was unmoved.

He didn't believe that Song Luodi could kill people. Along the way, if he just wanted to kill Liu Hu, there would be too many opportunities. For example, in the battle of Jiangling Mansion, Qi Xuansu fell into a situation of being besieged. At that time, he could kill Liu Hu. Hu started to attack, and this was also the case at this time. Song Luodi wanted to kill someone, so he just killed him directly. There was no need to coerce Qi Xuansu.

Since Song Luodi didn't kill him, he must be captured alive.

Since they were captured alive, there was no need for Qi Xuansu to disrupt his position because he was worried about Liu Hu's safety.

Song Luodi originally thought that using Liuhu as a threat would make Qi Xuansu avoid the enemy and even restrain his hands. However, he did not want to be fooled by his cleverness. It did not affect Qi Xuansu at all. It would be better to join forces with Hong Lang to besiege Qi Xuansu from the beginning.

It's too late to regret it now.

Song Luodi's expression suddenly changed.

The next moment, Song Luodi felt his eyes go dark.

His eyes turned into two deep blood holes.

He is blind.

Even Song Luodi himself didn't see clearly how Qi Xuansu activated the hidden weapon. He only knew that two "Bliss Needles" blinded his eyes. This needle is made of Yuan magnet. If it is pierced into the body, it will not only block the movement of the true energy and dissolve the true energy, but also have the effect of burning the mind, causing people to have hallucinations similar to ecstasy, and the mind will be distracted. , was unconscious, so it not only blinded his eyes, but also destroyed his "clear Dharma eyes" as an alchemist.

Song Luodi didn't hesitate before breaking Liu Hu's neck.

However, Qi Xuansu didn't give him this chance. While shooting the hidden weapon, he already drew out his single sword and used the "Dayan Spirit Sword" directly.

Song Luodi's right hand was cut off by Qi Xuansu with just the right amount of force, not hurting Liu Hu at all.

Song Luodi was forced to a dead end. He could no longer care about Liuhu and took action with all his strength. I saw him swaying, transforming one into eight, all transformed by his thoughts, and then these eight clones cast their spells. It was the alchemist's magical power "Eight Doors Dunjia", eight completely different spells that attacked Qi Xuansu together.

Qi Xuansu's response was even simpler, he just shouted.

Different from the ordinary blood roar of a martial artist, this is the "Tiger Roaring Mountains and Rivers" in "Tantai Fist Intent".

Not only can it stimulate the blood energy to break the spell, but it can also spit out the true energy in the body. Only someone like Tantai Yun, who repeatedly jumped between the Earth Immortal Path and the Human Immortal Path, could create such a special martial arts blood roar.

In an instant, not only Song Luodi's various spells were wiped away by Guizhen Wufu's blood energy, but also a spiral of white energy hit Song Luodi's chest.

Song Luodi groaned and fell softly to the ground.

Qi Xuansu strode forward, lifted him up, and restrained him: "I let you escape last time in Jiangling Mansion. I didn't expect that you were so obsessed with money that you came to the door yourself. You can't blame me."

Song Luodi was already blind, and Qi Xuansu used the "Bliss Needle" to break his "clear Dharma Eyes". He felt that his eyes were completely dark, as if he were falling into an abyss. He was filled with fear and couldn't help shouting: "Are you really an immortal?" ?How can it be?"

"Don't worry about whether I am a banished immortal or not. Let me ask you, do you want to live?" Qi Xuansu did not forget to glance at Liu Hu as he asked. Seeing that she was fine, he looked away.

After Song Luodi heard this, countless thoughts came to his mind. He thought that he had spent so much effort to recruit so many people to plan this big deal, but in the end he lost all his money and even lost his life. He couldn't help but feel sad. He dispelled the fear a little bit and calmed down: "What if you want to live? What if you don't want to live?"

Qi Xuansu said: "If you want to live, just answer a few of my questions. If you don't want to live, you don't have to answer. I won't force you."

Song Luodi was silent for a moment and said, "Excuse me."

Qi Xuansu said directly: "I know the rules of the 'inn', and I don't ask who you are entrusted by. I just ask you, what is so special about this little girl that makes you so mobilized?"

Song Luodi was silent again.

Qi Xuansu did not rush and waited quietly.

After a long time, Song Luodi finally said: "I wonder if you have heard of this person."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Who?"

Song Luodi said: "Marquis Fang Lin of Jiangnan Daofu."

Qi Xuansu's heart moved and he said: "You are talking about the former deputy head of Jiangnan Taoist Palace, Fang Linhou, who was punished by Taoist Ming Zhengdian for the Jiangnan case."

"It's him. Since Your Excellency knows this person, I won't waste any time introducing him." Song Luodi lowered his voice subconsciously, "Although Mr. Fang Lin is dead, the accounts have not been settled yet. Back then, In the eyes of some people, that case was just a business, in which Fang Linhou held 20% of the shares. After so many years, it amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even more. "

Qi Xuansu's expression softened slightly, which was generally consistent with what Zhang Yuelu and Qiniang said.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Why is it that the person is dead but the account has not been settled?"

"Because it involves the Taiping Bank." Song Luodi said his heart out, "Why is Taiping Money called Taiping Money? Because private minting became popular in the last years of the previous dynasty, and bad coins were rampant, resulting in chaotic circulation and cumbersome conversions. So Xuansheng Emperor Gaozu decided to reform the currency system and implement a unified new currency. One was to benefit people's livelihood, and the other was to improve taxation. The first batch of trial coins was minted by Taiping Bank, so the new currency was later fully implemented under the name Taiping. It is also handled by Taiping Bank.”

"Taiping Bank is called Qianzhuang, but it is actually on an equal footing with the Taoist clan's Duzhitang and the imperial court's household department. It is responsible for the casting and issuance of coins, and gathers the world's wealth. It is jointly managed by the Taoist clan and the imperial court. There are seven assistants in total. These seven assistants Three of them are from the Taoist sect, three are from the imperial court, and one is from the royal family. These seven people are all high-ranking dignitaries, and they rotate every five years."

"If you want to check the accounts from Taiping Bank, except for special circumstances where the Grand Master or His Majesty the Emperor personally orders it, you must have the consent of at least four of them. It seems easy, but it is actually very difficult. The three Taoist sects belong to Taiping Tao, Zhengyiyi and Quanzhendao are not of the same mind. Among the three people in the court, two are from the Confucian sect, and one is from the nobility, plus a representative of the royal family. The relationship between them is complicated. "

"The shares involved in the Jiangnan case were all transferred from the Taiping Bank, and they were in bearer accounts. Of course, these were not all the shares of Fang Linhou alone, but also included those who distributed the money under him. They were all listed together. In the name of Fang Linhou, outsiders don't know how they are divided. It's just that Fang Linhou is already dead, and his subordinates are also dead, and the remaining few are lucky enough to escape. Even those who have survived this disaster dare not mention this matter. The money is still lying in Taiping Bank’s account.”

Qi Xuansu probably understood.

After all, it's still about money.

Wealth and silk touch people's hearts, whether it is a country or a small people, there are no exceptions.

Qi Xuansu asked: "But what does this have to do with her."

This "she" naturally refers to Liuhu.

Song Luodi said: "Fang Linhou is a dignified second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. He has a high position and is busy with affairs. He is responsible for many things in Jiangnan Daofu. He is not proficient in economics. Naturally, it is impossible for him to manage the accounts himself, so there is a person Accounting specifically for him.”

Qi Xuansu understood immediately: "It's her father."

Song Luodi nodded: "The person is dead, and she is the only one left alive. So the commission is to capture her back, not to kill her."

Qi Xuansu completely understood.

The person behind the Jiangnan case had a grudge against Zhang Yuelu. He hated Zhang Yuelu for disrupting his financial path, so he killed him. Liuhu is related to the whereabouts of hundreds of thousands of Taiping money, so he must be captured alive.

Qi Xuansu let go of Fang Linhou, turned around and came to Hong Lang, stretched out his hand and pressed on the back of Hong Lang's heart, gasping for breath, shattering his last vestige of life.

Song Luodi staggered and was about to leave this place.

At this moment, there was a gunshot.

Song Luodi fell down in response.

Qi Xuansu turned back sharply.

The person who fired the gun was Liu Hu.

Qi Xuansu's face showed a bit of anger: "I promised not to kill him, how did you kill him?"

Liu Hu looked calm: "Uncle Wei agreed, but I didn't. He deserves to die."

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