Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 182 Stinky Jar

I don't know when, Qi Xuansu began to believe in Qiniang's "conservation of luck", which roughly means that after encountering bad luck, you will encounter good luck.

To use an old saying, it is "Blessings lie where misfortunes lie, and misfortunes lie where blessings depend."

Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

The reason why Qi Xuansu believed it was related to his experience. For example, in the Yulan Temple, he was plotted by the monk Yanxiu and almost died under the power of Wu Luo. This was bad luck, but then he got a blessing in disguise and opened up the "Xuanxu". Jade", this is undoubtedly good luck.

Qi Xuansu felt that his luck had not been very good during this period of time. Maybe good luck was in the "Xuanxuan Jar" in front of him.

So Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment and said to Su Yan: "Let's test the water first."

Su Yan said calmly: "The Xuanxuan jars are only sold inside the Daomen, so there is no so-called preferential price. You can choose whatever you like for five hundred Taiping coins each."

Qi Xuansu had never chosen anything like this before. He could only choose it like a watermelon. He first weighed the weight, then tapped it with his fingers, listened for the sound, and finally selected a relatively inconspicuous jar, which was about the time it was left. Over time, a layer of dust accumulated on the sealing talisman paper.

Seeing Qi Xuansu pick out the Xuanxuan jar, Su Yan said, "Just take off the talisman paper on the mouth of the jar."

To be honest, she was also a little curious about what was in these Xuanxuan jars. After all, these Xuanxuan jars had been piled here before she became the Taoist priest in charge here. Since she became the Taoist priest in charge, she has only opened five jars. They were all opened by high-quality Taoist priests for fun. Without exception, they were all garbage.

There was a female ghost in a Xuanxuan jar. It was a fierce ghost that could hurt people's lives. She bared her teeth and claws as soon as she left the jar, but Su Yan killed her directly.

There is also a Xuanxuan jar containing a talisman of unknown meaning. The moment the Xuanxuan jar is opened, the talisman teleports the person who opened the jar to the Wutong Courtyard.

What's even more annoying is that there is a Xuanxuan jar filled with a second Xuanxuan jar, and the second Xuanxuan jar is filled with a third Xuanxuan jar. This is repeated five times, and the last Xuanxuan jar is placed. There was a mutated Blood Dragon Pill of unknown value and meaning inside, which was very bad.

The high-quality Taoist priest who opened the jar did not believe in evil and directly swallowed the Blood Dragon Pill, which even turned colorful in appearance. As a result, he indeed improved his cultivation, but he was also poisoned and half of his body could not survive. He moved and lay in Huashengtang for less than half a month.

The most valuable thing is the guaranteed one hundred Taiping coins. Because it is too old, the old version of the official ticket in the Xuanxuan jar has stopped being issued. It has a certain collection value and can be sold for two hundred Taiping coins.

In fact, Huashengtang, as the main successor to the previous creation project, conducts a lot of exploration every year. In the process of exploration, there will be gains, but it is also inevitable that many useless or unclear things will be produced, and Huashengtang The Hall is not like Tianji Hall. In Tianji Hall, the worst case scenario is to go back to the furnace. However, many things in Huasheng Hall are irreversible. They are both dangerous and valuable and difficult to deal with.

So a certain headmaster of Huasheng Hall had an idea and invented something like the "Xuanxuan Jar". He put all these tasteless and discarded chicken ribs into the jar, and then put one or two items of value in the jar. A thousand pieces of good stuff attracts others to try their luck, thereby relieving the dual pressure on the warehouse and finances.

Of course, the Xuanxuan Jar will not lie. If it says there is a treasure inside, then there must be a treasure. Tangtang Huashengtang will not play such tricks, but whether you can get it depends on your luck.

At the beginning, many people were indeed attracted by this new thing and took action one after another, which really made Huasheng Hall make a lot of money. Each Huasheng Hall Taoist priest received a more or less subsidy.

Until one time, a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, who didn't know it was because of his superiors, but because of competition, opened a Xuanxuan jar worth nearly 100,000 taipings in public. As a result, a lot of garbage was opened, and 100,000 taipings turned into 1,000 taipings. Money, even the residence in Taishangfang was transferred out, it can be said that they lost everything, and this allowed the trend of opening jars to be curbed slightly.

Later, another high-roller challenged the treasure probability of the Xuanxuan jar. He spent a lot of money and got three treasures from the Xuanxuan jar for 200,000 Taiping coins. One of them was a top-grade treasure, worth as much as 50,000 Taiping coins. In total, , the capital was recovered to 80,000 Taiping, and the loss was as high as 120,000 Taiping.

Shortly after this incident, Feng Xiantang intervened in the investigation and arrested this high-roller who became famous in one battle. It turns out that the huge sum of 200,000 Taiping money was caused by this person misappropriating money from the Taoist branch. Soon, the wealthy businessman pleaded guilty and had all his property confiscated. Feng Xiantang went to Huashengtang to collect the stolen money again, but the jars had already been opened. Huashengtang naturally did not agree to refund the money. The two families started a lawsuit again, which went all the way to Jinque, but finally settled.

After this incident, the reputation of Xuanxuan Jar was completely stinky, and people called it "the stinky jar".

In view of this situation, whoever opens these mysterious jars is the wronged person. So these Xuanxuan jars that had no time to be sold were always piled up here, no one cared about them, and naturally no one knew what was inside.

There was a table not far away. Qi Xuansu came to the table with the selected Xuanxuan jar, placed the jar on the table, and slowly opened the talisman paper sealed on the mouth of the jar.

In an instant, the entire jar began to disintegrate, and a soft light spread from the inside out, illuminating the faces of Qi Xuansu and Su Yan.

After a while, the light gradually dissipated.

There is one more piece of clothing on the table. A woman's dress.

The upper jacket and lower skirt are mainly white, with a cyan collar. The skirt and cuffs are decorated with pleated light cyan ruffles imitating the ancient "embroidery". The expression on Qi Xuansu's face was between anger and laughter, pain and joy. After a long time, he slowly said: "Does Huashengtang still do tailoring work?"

Su Yan's expression was unnatural, and he coughed lightly: "Huashengtang does not do tailoring, but when imitating clothing treasures and designing armor, tailoring skills are involved. This dress may be a work of practice, and the craftsmanship is still there. Not bad.”

Qi Xuansu was still unwilling to give up: "Since it is a hand-training work, it should have the appearance of spiritual objects."

Su Yan took a closer look at the women's clothing: "The training I'm talking about is the training of tailors, not the training of imitation treasures."

Qi Xuansu's face froze: "In other words, this is an ordinary piece of clothing?"

Although the Xuanxuan jar has become "stinky" among the elders of the Taoist sect, it is still very mysterious to young people and people outside the Taoist sect. Su Yan also felt a little embarrassed and explained: "It can't be said that it is It’s ordinary, the material is quite good, at least it’s not afraid of water damage, and I can guarantee that there are no second-hand items in the Xuanxuan jar, they are all new.”

Qi Xuansu laughed angrily and said, "Brand new ordinary clothes."

Su Yan said nothing.

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath and comforted himself. The five hundred Taiping money should be used as a gift for Zhang Yuelu. After all, Zhang Yuelu gave him a cloak, but he didn't give Zhang Yuelu anything. This time, he made up for it.

And to be honest, regardless of the price of 500 Taiping, this dress is still quite beautiful, and it will definitely look good on Zhang Yuelu.

Thinking like this, Qi Xuansu finally managed to calm down.

But then, reluctance and regret came to my mind again.

That's five hundred Taiping money.

What's wrong?

Even buying a few pieces of decent furniture for Yu Jing's home is much better than buying a piece of clothing that is far less worth 500 Taiping.

Qi Xuansu looked back at the pile of Xuanxuan jars, and the idea of ​​conservation of luck gradually occupied his mind.

If there is bad luck first, then good luck should follow.

If he just gave up, wouldn't he miss out on good luck? It's like losing five hundred Taiping money in vain.

There is also a limit of 500 Taiping coins...

So Qi Xuansu once again fell into the battle between heaven and man.

Do you want to make up for it again?

If you make up for it, you will not only get your money back, but you can even make a small profit.

If you don't make up for it, you will lose 500 Taiping in vain, but you can stop the loss in time.

Qi Xuansu felt as if there were two voices intertwining in his heart.

Be firm and must hold back.

Luck is conserved, and you will definitely have better luck next time.

After a moment like this, Qi Xuansu made up his mind: "One more."

Su Yan was not surprised and just said: "Good luck."

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