Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 183: You will lose if you bet for a long time

Qi Xuansu came to the piles of jars and stopped picking and picked out a Xuanxuan jar.

Since you believe in your own luck, then believe it to the end.

Qi Xuansu placed the jar on the table.

Su Yan kindly reminded: "Don't rush to open the jar. As long as the jar has not been opened, you can regret it at any time."

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "I don't like to go back on my word."

After that, he directly uncovered the talisman on the mouth of the jar.

Just like the scene just now, in an instant, the entire jar began to disintegrate and shatter, and a soft light spread from the inside out, illuminating the faces of Qi Xuansu and Su Yan again.

Qi Xuansu watched the light dissipate without blinking.

After Su Yan saw it clearly, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "How could it be?"

Qi Xuansu's heart moved.

Is this done?

He looked intently and saw a bell-shaped translucent cover on the table, which was golden and red in color. There were nine dragons intertwining on the outer wall, and the hot air was blowing towards his face.

"This is..." Qi Xuansu was also surprised.

Su Yan calmed down and said, "This is the 'Nine Yang Lihuo Cover'."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but be surprised. He had heard of this treasure, not because he was well-informed, but because this treasure often appeared in Taoist stories and legends and was extremely famous.

It is said that this treasure first appeared in the hands of the 30th generation Great Celestial Master Zhang Jingxiu. Later Zhang Jingxiu passed it on to his disciple Yan Feiqing, the first Zhengdaozhenren and the only Celestial Master with a foreign surname after the resurgence of the Taoist sect.

Back then, True Lord Ziguang, True Lord Siming, and Wu Luo teamed up to attack Yujing. Only Donghuang was in command in Yujing. At the critical moment, Yan Feiqing arrived and used this treasure to attack True Lord Ziguang.

In the description of the story, a red cover shaped like a golden bell flew out, rose up in the wind, and in a blink of an eye it was as big as a mountain, completely covering the Purple Light True Monarch. A sea of ​​fire surged out of it, and nine fire dragons came out.

Qi Xuansu was a little surprised: "Shouldn't this treasure be stored in the Da Zhen Mansion?"

The implication is that your Huashengtang is so courageous? Dare you think of a treasure with such extraordinary significance as a lucky draw?

Su Yan glanced at Qi Xuansu in surprise. He did not expect that this person knew a lot about Taoist treasures, but he did not think deeply and explained: "Of course this is not the original, but a copy made by our Huasheng Hall and Tianji Hall based on the original. Treasure. Because it is an imitation, it is considered a defective treasure." Qi Xuansu was speechless for a moment.

Originally, whether spiritual objects or treasures, there were only four grades, top grade, top grade, middle grade, and low grade. However, since Taoism began to try to imitate various treasures, there was an additional grade, which was inferior grade. As the name suggests, this is a grade between top-grade spiritual objects and low-grade treasures. It usually has major flaws. Generally speaking, most imitation treasures are of this quality.

Su Yan continued: "This thing must be activated by true energy or magic power. It can be attacked or defended. If it is defended, it will cover itself, as if it is inside a bell, and there will be flames outside to repel the enemy. If it is attacked, it will be Cover the enemy completely, and create a fierce fire inside, turning the enemy into ashes. Don't mix offense and defense, be careful to burn yourself to death."

Qi Xuansu reached out and picked up the "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield (imitation)", with only one thought in his mind, it turned out to be the conservation of luck, and Qiniang would not deceive me.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "What is the difference between this genuine product and the imitation product?"

Su Yan said: "The authentic product has been sacrificed and refined by our Taoist ancestor for many years, and it is already considered a semi-immortal. As long as the person who uses it has the lastest mana, it can even be transformed into the size of a mountain peak, and even a hundred-foot golden body can be used to cover and refine it. As for the imitation, At most it’s three feet high and three feet wide.”

Qi Xuan Subing was not disappointed. For him, defective treasures were also treasures, and imitations were always better than losing 500 gold.

Qi Xuansu asked for advice: "Master Su, you said that offense and defense cannot be confused, so how to use them?"

Su Yan said: "This thing is matched with the 'Three Cing and Three Ding Fire Technique', which is not only a method of using fire, but also a method of using this treasure."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "How can I learn the 'Three Cing and Three Ding Fire Technique'?"

Su Yan said seriously: "You are not a Taoist disciple, so you cannot learn this method."

Qi Xuansu still didn't give up: "What about spending money to buy it?"

Su Yan shook his head and said, "When did you ever hear that Taoists sell magical powers?"

Qi Xuansu felt a little disappointed and thought that he could only ask Zhang Yuelu, Qiniang, Pei Xiaolou and others for advice in the future.

At this moment, Su Yan changed the topic: "But I can be sure that since this treasure is placed in these mysterious jars, the matching 'Three Cing and Three Ding Fire Technique' must also be inside."

"Seriously?" Qi Xuansu was doubtful.

Su Yan stretched out his index, middle and ring fingers and said firmly: "It's absolutely true."

Qi Xuansu was cruel, gritted his teeth, and took out the three brand-new large tickets that he had just received, still smelling of ink, plus the two large tickets that he already owned, for a total of five hundred Taiping money.

"another one."

Qi Xuansu, who had just succeeded, was full of confidence at the moment and had a strong feeling that good things would come in pairs this time.

Ever since Qi Xuansu prescribed the "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield (imitation)", Su Yan's sympathy and embarrassment towards Qi Xuansu were all gone, leaving only the discomfort of losing money. At this time, he smiled slightly and said: " good luck."

Qi Xuansu took a jar directly.

"Open directly?" Su Yan asked.

Qi Xuansu nodded and said: "Just open it."

After saying that, Qi Xuansu knocked the Xuanxuan jar in his hand directly on the table, and then reached out to uncover the sealing talisman.

The jar shattered again, and light flashed.

There is an extra book on the table.

Qi Xuansu's mood suddenly rose to the extreme, and he stepped forward to pick up the book.

The three characters "Female Sword Fairy" are clearly written on the cover.

As we all know, this is Madam Xuan Sheng's masterpiece. Since its inception, it has been published and distributed by Qingping Book Company. Over 200 years ago, more than one million copies have been published.

In other words, it's very common and a bad street.

The smile on Qi Xuansu's face gradually froze.

He couldn't help but ask: "Forget about being a tailor, how should I explain this book?"

Su Yan took the "Female Sword Immortal" from Qi Xuansu's hands, looked at it carefully for a moment, and said: "This is a collector's edition of "The Female Sword Immortal" that was released in the 20th year of Taiping. It is worth a lot of money. Put it on the market. If you meet an expert who knows the goods, you can probably sell it for more than 300 Taiping."

Qi Xuansu said: "Even if it is valuable, why does it appear in Huasheng Hall? Does it have anything to do with Huasheng Hall?"

Su Yan stopped talking.

The Xuanxuan jar had a bad reputation back then, and it was not without reason.

After Qi Xuansu put away the "Female Sword Fairy", Su Yan asked again: "Do you want to open it again?"

Qi Xuansu hesitated.

After a while, Qi Xuansu said something very noble: "I believe in fate most in my life. I still have the last five hundred peace dollars left. If I don't have what I want, I can only say that I am not destined to it." separated."

"Good luck." Su Yan smiled like a fox.

Half an hour later, the penniless Qi Xuansu left the Huasheng Hall branch with a dark face and a suitcase.

If you gamble for a long time, you will lose. Nine out of ten gambles are cheating.

The ancients never deceived me.

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