Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 2 Going to Jinling

A flying boat travels in the nine heavens, which is somewhat different from ordinary flying boats. The interior is interconnected. In addition to individual rooms, there is also a small hall. In this way, compared with ordinary flying boats, the number of people carried is reduced, but temporary meetings can be held in the small hall.

Obviously, this is not a flying boat carrying passengers, but a flying boat specially used for official travel of Jiutang members. A few days ago, Lei Xiaohuan, Lu Yushu, Li Mingzhi, Li Mingcheng and others took this flying boat to Jinling Mansion. This was already the second trip to Jinling by this flying boat.

There was no discussion in the small hall at this time, only a few people sitting in twos and threes. There were no high-quality Taoist priests at the deputy hall master level. Most of them were chief Taoist priests at the first level, going to Jinling Mansion to assist their superiors.

One of the women, with a charming appearance and a bit of heroic spirit, was talking to an old man.

The woman glanced at the clouds outside the window and asked softly: "Mr. Jiao, there is another big case this time. What do you think?"

The old man twisted his beard and said: "The word 'Xing' is not good. It easily reminds people of another big prison. It seems that someone took the opportunity to have an attack. I think it is more appropriate to say that another major case broke out."

"It's been so long and you're still talking nonsense." The woman was angry and funny.

Jiao Lao said earnestly: "Xiao Lin, you must be cautious in everything you say and do. If you are not careful, you will fall into trouble sooner or later."

The woman called "Xiao Lin" is named Lin Youzhen, who is the Taoist priest in charge of Beichen Hall, while Mr. Jiao is the Taoist priest in charge of Ziwei Hall. Most of the people who often go to Jiutang are familiar with each other, so the relationship between the two is quite good. good.

Lin Youzhen looked like he had a headache and said: "Mr. Jiao, you have said these truths eight hundred times, and you are not tired of it. Let's talk about this case."

"Actually, there is nothing to say. What should we do according to what the above said? There are countless mistakes, but we followed the order well." Mr. Jiao said slowly, "As for how the several deputy hall masters compete, we are not able to participate."

According to Taoist regulations, if a Taoist priest at any level commits a crime on official duty, the subordinates involved in the case who are ordered to carry out the crime will not be implicated. This is the so-called "Thousands of mistakes are made, but the orders are good" because they must act according to the orders of their superiors. If such people are to be implicated, who knows how many of them. This is also called "the law does not blame everyone." However, there is also a necessary prerequisite. When doing things for your boss, you must have a written order from your boss. This can prove that you are acting under orders. If there is no explicit order, you will inevitably be treated as a scapegoat by your boss if you are investigated later.

Lin Youzhen exhaled a long breath: "I heard that this case is getting bigger and bigger as it is investigated. Master Cihang, Master Qingwei, and Master Donghua all personally intervened, and the first person to investigate the case was the Tiangang Hall. Deputy Hall Master Zhang was also involved in the Jiangnan case and made great contributions, so he was promoted to Deputy Hall Master by the Earth Master and was given a semi-immortal item by Jin Que. "

When Mr. Jiao heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "That's her. On one side, she is protected by the Heavenly Master, on the other side, she is favored by the Earthly Master, and she also has Cihang as her master. That semi-immortal artifact is passed down from generation to generation by Cihang's lineage. If it had been someone else, there wouldn’t even be any bones left, let alone investigating the case.”

Lin Youzhen naturally understood this truth and could only sigh.

Mr. Jiao said to himself: "Think about it back then, when the sixth generation headmaster was still alive, how could there be such a tense situation? In the final analysis, it would take a headmaster to be in charge of Yujing."

Lin Youzhen didn't speak. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a person sitting by the window in the distance. He was wearing a wide crane cloak with wide sleeves and double-breasted ties. He was wearing a Hunyuan scarf corresponding to a fifth-grade Taoist priest, and a pair of turbans on his face. Sunglasses, covering his eyes.

This person seemed to appear out of nowhere, joining them suddenly the day before their departure. Most of the people who went to Jinling Mansion this time knew each other. Even if they didn't know each other, they had met each other a few times on weekdays and had some impressions. But this person was a complete stranger. No one knew him. Look at him. He looked like he didn't recognize anyone.

That's all. The key is that this person is still incompatible with people like them. He is clearly a wild Taoist.

Jiutang Taoist priests have lived in Yujing for a long time and are pampered. Taoist priests in many local prefectures think that Yujing is just a large flower garden. The Taoist priests raised in the Yujing flower garden are too delicate and cannot withstand wind and rain, so they jokingly call Jiutang Taoist priests the flower garden. Taoist priest.

In order to fight back, the Jiutang Taoist priests called the local Taoist priests "wild Taoist priests", which clearly means weeds on the roadside. They can withstand wind and rain, but they are difficult to be refined. It also implies barbarism and barbarism.

This is just like civil servants looking down on generals, people from aristocratic families looking down on children from poor families, and Taoist priests looking down on wild Taoist priests.

And the kind of wandering Taoist priests who are outside the Taoist system are the wild Taoist priests among wild Taoist priests, the barbarians among barbarians, and they are the most despised.

Lin Youzhen suspected that this man was a wandering Taoist priest who had many lives on his body. There is also irrefutable proof that this man actually carried two knives and a firecracker. Who among the serious Taoist priests carries so many weapons?

In fact, it is not unusual for a wandering Taoist priest to enter Yujing. The Huayuan Taoist priest is very good at talking, but it doesn't work when he actually does it. He just can't beat others at the same level of cultivation. Tiangangtang had to select elite Taoist priests from local Taoist authorities to fill the vacancies.

It's just that most of these wild Taoist priests are concentrated in Tiangang Hall and Beichen Hall, and such Taoist priests are rarely seen in the other seven halls.

But this person is actually the Taoist priest in charge of Ziweitang, and he is a fifth-grade Taoist priest. He is a candidate for offering wine, and he has a promising future.

Everyone couldn't help but make some speculations. Some thought it was the illegitimate son of a real person who had just recognized his ancestor. Some thought it was nepotism. Others thought it was related to the current tense situation.

However, this person is obviously not very gregarious and has no intention of dealing with them. He just keeps to himself and treats them as nothing, which makes them even more unhappy.

Why is a wild Taoist so crazy?

Do you think you are Zhang Yuelu?

This wild Taoist priest is naturally Qi Xuansu.

After he returned to Wutong Courtyard, he said goodbye to Li Qingnu and Liu Hu. In fact, there was nothing much to say. He didn't have much interaction with Li Qingnu, so he just said it. As for Liuhu, I have already said goodbye in advance.

There is no banquet in the world that never ends, and there will always be a time to meet again in the future.

Qi Xuansu originally wanted to take a boat from Bohai Prefecture to Jinling Prefecture, but Pei Xiaolou notified him at the last minute that there happened to be a flying boat in Yujing that was going to Jinling Prefecture. In addition, if you take the flying boat for business, you can take it for free.

So Qi Xuansu immediately changed his mind and came to the Feizhou Ferry in Bohai Prefecture. After showing the transfer order from Ziwei Hall, he took the free flying boat back to Yujing. He just happened to catch up with the flying boat that was about to go to Jinling Prefecture. He didn't even enter Yujing. , just got off the flying boat at the ferry outside the city, got on the flying boat again, and finally embarked on the journey to Jinling.

To be honest, after experiencing Wu Luo breaking the flying boat, Qi Xuansu was a little reluctant to ride on the flying boat. However, on second thought, Wu Luo suffered heavy losses due to the last incident, and it was impossible for him to come out to cause trouble again, and it was free of charge. Then I felt relieved.

As for the strange looks from his fellow travelers, Qi Xuansu really didn't take it seriously.

Now he has seen some big things in the world. Master Cihang, Lei Xiaohuan, Pei Xiaolou, Zhang Yuelu, Qin Wubing, and even Li Qingnu, who is famous all over the world, don't think much of the wild Taoist priests. Only these Only those who are high and low would care so much about identity and lineage. This is probably the only thing they can take advantage of. If these are put aside, they will lose the cornerstone of superiority.

For example, if he is also from the Li family, Xuansheng's identity must be introduced as the first generation of great master, the co-leader of the three religions, and the ancestor of the ZTE. No one would superfluously add the label of a descendant of the Li family. The Li family is proud of Xuansheng, but Xuansheng is proud of the Li family. But some people, everything comes from the Li family, so they can only cling to their identity as a member of the Li family, so that they can have the confidence to be superior to others and look down on others to satisfy their own sense of superiority.

Those who look down on poor families, those who look down on wild Taoist priests, and those who stick to their background are these people.

This is also different from the attitude of Taoist people towards Jianghu people. Taoist people do not take seriously the Jianghu people. Some adults watch children playing because of their absolute confidence in their own strength. If there is really a conflict, the Taoist sect will completely defeat the Jianghu people, and all strength will speak for itself.

The Huayuan Taoist priest's disdain for the wild Taoist priests is different. They clearly have similar status. If they really want to take action, the Huayuan Taoist priest is probably no match for the wild Taoist priests. He just looks down on him blankly, and there is a bit of anxiety and fear in his harsh words. The underlying reason is nothing more than They are afraid that wild Taoists will replace them. After all, most of the Tiangang Hall and the smaller half of the Beichen Hall have "fallen" into the territory of wild Taoist priests. They are unable to change things, so they can only cling to their status and background.

Qi Xuansu is a bit of a petty person, and he is also quite arrogant. He won't do things that involve a hot face and a cold butt, so he simply ignores these people.

Qi Xuansu looked out the window and pulled up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

A huge city appeared below, surrounded by mountains and rivers, square and square, with various buildings lined up in rows and streets criss-crossing like a chessboard.

Then the flying boat began to descend slowly, and the water mist filled the air.

Jinling Mansion has arrived.

After the flying boat stopped, everyone got up and came to the outer deck one by one.

At this time, the gangway has been lowered, and people are coming to greet us below.

The leader was a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest wearing a lotus crown, which made everyone feel flattered.

The Taoist priests in charge disembarked from the boat along the gangway one after another and greeted the real man one after another. Qi Xuansu walked at the end, not because Qi Xuansu deliberately took advantage of it, but because he was worried that Zhang Yuelu would just come over. He was walking at the front and the two of them would meet unexpectedly. He was afraid that Zhang Yuelu wouldn't be able to accept it, and he was also afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it.

As for what you can't bear, that's a matter of opinion.

When Qi Xuansu walked down the gangway, the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest took the initiative to greet him.

"Master Pei, I don't dare to take it seriously." Qi Xuansu saluted quickly.

The person who came was Pei Xiaolou, waving his hands and saying: "Don't talk about these false etiquettes between you and me. Let's talk to each other first and have the same tone. After meeting Miss Zhang, we will say what we should say and what we shouldn't say will be beaten to death." can not say."

Qi Xuansu looked solemn and nodded solemnly.

With that said, Pei Xiaolou led Qi Xuansu and left the place.

This made the Taoist priests in charge a little surprised.

Entering Ziweitang as a wild Taoist priest, and being greeted by a real person in person, this is not a treatment that the illegitimate son of a real person can receive, at least the illegitimate son of a certain Zhizhen Zhenzhi.


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