Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 3 Unified caliber

Qi Xuansu followed Pei Xiaolou to Zhenwu Temple.

"Qing Xiao isn't here?" Qi Xuansu asked anxiously.

"No, I'm out for a visitor." Pei Xiaolou replied. After working together for this period of time, he was really afraid of this junior, and he was afraid of taking everything seriously.

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief. He was not completely ready to meet Zhang Yuelu.

To be fair, Qi Xuansu doesn't have a submissive temperament when meeting women, nor does he have any intention of pretending to be a henpecked person. The reason why he was afraid of Zhang Yuelu was not because Zhang Yuelu had a higher status, nor was it because Zhang Yuelu had a strong personality, but because he had deceived Zhang Yuelu and knew that he was in the wrong, so he really couldn't be strong-willed.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Who are we going to see?"

"Your immediate boss." Pei Xiaolou replied casually.

Just as they were talking, the two came to a single-family courtyard. Two spiritual officials were guarding the door. After seeing Pei Xiaolou, they all saluted and let him go.

Although they are spiritual officials of Ziweitang, and Pei Xiaolou is affiliated to the Wanshou Chongyang Palace of the local Taoist government, everyone knows that this real person’s brother and wife are both high-level officials of Ziweitang. They are not from Ziweitang but are better than Ziweitang. People in Weitang naturally don't dare to neglect even a little bit.

Soon, Qi Xuansu saw the tall Lei Xiaohuan in the study.

Qi Xuansu saluted Lei Xiaohuan according to the rules of superiors and subordinates.

"Tian Yuan, I haven't seen you for a while." Lei Xiaohuan waved his hand, indicating that Qi Xuansu didn't need to be polite. Although her cultivation level is very high, she is somewhat similar to Daoist Ji. Most of the time, she is in name only and does not participate in various affairs. She occasionally acts as a special envoy for Master Donghua and is not very used to these rules and etiquette.

Qi Xuansu said: "After we said goodbye to Xijing Mansion, I never expected that the big case of Zixian Mountain would be involved."

Pei Xiaolou said happily: "Thanks to the big case of Zixian Mountain, the last big case in Jiangnan made Zhang Yuelu fall into the eyes of the earth master, and he rose to prominence. This big case of Zixian Mountain made you fall into the eyes of my brother. , If it hadn’t been for this case, your return to Taoism might not have been so easy.”

Seeing that Qi Xuansu was a little confused, Lei Xiaohuan added: "During the last major Jiangnan case, Donghua Zhenren proposed to use Fang Linhou as a wedge to carve a gap in the black curtain to completely solve the problem. Unfortunately, it failed. The big case of Zixian Mountain is undoubtedly a second chance.”

"So that's it." Qi Xuansu suddenly understood. It seems that the battle between the two major factions had already started as early as the Jiangnan case. It was just that it was still under the table at that time. At most, it was an undercurrent. This time, it was almost It's time to move to the bright side.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Lei Xiaohuan sat behind the desk, "Sit down and talk, don't be formal."

Qi Xuansu sat down at the bottom of Pei Xiaolou.

Lei Xiaohuan carefully considered his words and said: "I don't like to talk in circles. If you have anything to say, just say it directly, mainly about six points. First, starting from the fifth day of May, you will no longer be a disciple of the Zhengyi Tao and return to the Quanzhen Tao. You Any objections?"

According to convention, after entering the Taoist sect, Taoist boys from the Wanxiang Taoist Palace are considered Quanzhen Taoist disciples by default. This is exactly what Bai Yingqiong said that the Wanxiang Taoist Palace continues to give Quanzhen Taoist blood transfusions. But it is not absolute. In order to balance the three ways, high-quality Taoist priests of Zhengyi Dao and Taiping Dao can also accept Taoist boys from Wanxiang Dao Palace as disciples. If the master is from Zhengyi Dao, then the disciple will be classified as Zhengyi Dao. If the master is from Taiping Dao, People, then the disciples are classified into the Tao of Taiping.

Qi Xuansu's master, Qi Haoran, was a member of the Zhengyi sect, so Qi Xuansu was also classified as a member of the Zhengyi sect.

However, Qi Xuansu only has feelings for his master and has no obsession with Zhengyiyi. The last trip to Yunjin Mountain even wiped out his good impression of Zhengyiyi. On the contrary, Quanzhen Taoists Pei Xiaolou, Lei Xiaohuan, and Ji All the Taoists were kind to him, and there was even a real Donghua who he had never met. In comparison, he had a better impression of Quanzhen Taoism.

Although Zhang Yuelu is a member of the righteous Taoist sect, Zhang Yuelu has a close relationship with the Earth Master. She has even considered joining the Quanzhen Tao. Moreover, Zhang Yuelu cares about the Taoist sect as a whole, not the interests of the Taoist sect as a whole, so she should not object to his joining. Quanzhen Tao.

Among the three, the one who really had a grudge against Qi Xuansu was Taiping Dao. Shen Yuxi, Shen Mingshu, Su Ran, Liu Futong, Lu Yunfeng, Li Tianzhen, and the matter of "Xuanyu" were all involved in Taiping Dao.

Qi Xuansu said: "As long as you don't join Taiping Dao, I have no objection."

"Of course we won't let you join Taiping Dao." Lei Xiaohuan smiled, "Second point, you already know that you were transferred to Ziweitang. At this point, Master Donghua and Master Cihang are the same If we have communicated with you, Master Cihang already knows about your matter, but at Master Donghua’s request, Master Cihang did not inform Zhang Yuelu about this, so we decided to leave this opportunity to you.”

Qi Xuansu smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

It can only be said that these big people still know how to sympathize with the little people. It doesn't depend on whether they can, but whether they want to.

Lei Xiaohuan continued: "The third point is about your promotion to a fifth-grade Taoist priest. I have to say that thanks to Zhang Yuelu, this little girl is also deeply affectionate. Even if you encounter an accident, she will still fight against everyone's opinions and give you You retained your position and were reported missing instead of dead. In addition, she did not forget to give you credit and was not afraid that all the credit would be in vain. "

"The two of you who destroyed the ancient immortal's 'Shenjiang' are counted as one 'Di Zi Gong', which is three 'Xuan Zi Gong'. Excluding half of the imperial court, there are still one 'Xuan Zi Gong' and two 'Huang Zi Gong' ', plus the five bosses, there are a total of six 'Xuan Zi Gong' and two 'Huang Zi Gong'. You already have two 'Huang Zi Gong', plus one 'Huang Zi Gong' and two more. One 'Xuanzi Gong' will make up three 'Xuanzi Gong', which is enough for you to be promoted from a seventh-grade Taoist priest to a fifth-grade Taoist priest. However, due to the age suspension system, you can only enjoy the upgrade to a sixth-grade Taoist priest. The treatment of a fifth-grade Taoist priest.”

"However, it is a great achievement for you to uncover the big case of Zi Xian Mountain. This case is a bit sensitive. I can't give you credit overtly, so I can only reward you secretly. So Ziweitang made an exception and promoted you to a fifth-grade Taoist priest and a candidate for sacrificial wine." treatment."

Qi Xuansu nodded to express his understanding.

Lei Xiaohuan said: "The fourth point is how you survived. No matter who asks or investigates, there is only one answer. It was Master Donghua who saved you, and he saved you afterwards. Otherwise, Donghua cannot be explained. Why didn't Mr. Hua save other people? If someone asks for specific details, just say you don't know. You just know that you are unconscious at the time and it is reasonable to ask them directly. Donghua Zhenren.”

Qi Xuansu said clearly: "This is a good statement."

There are many people who can question Qi Xuansu, but there are almost no people who are qualified to question Donghua. The three deputy head masters, Da Zhenren, certainly have this qualification, but they all have many things to do and will not waste their time for a small person.

"Fifth point, after you were rescued, why didn't you return to Tiangang Hall?" Lei Xiaohuan glanced at the note written in advance, "Because Master Donghua has arranged a special errand for you. This errand is top secret. If anyone asks Get up and ask them to ask me, or ask Master Donghua directly."

Qi Xuansu asked: "What if Qing Xiao asked about it and answered like this?"

"Of course you can't answer like this." Pei Xiaolou continued, "Your special mission is to investigate the 'Taoist people who secretly hold umbrellas for secret societies,' or 'umbrella-holders' for short. You appeared in Cuowenbu for Investigating Bai Yutang; appearing in Xijing Prefecture and being chased by Feng Bo was to investigate the "Tianting"; these are the categories of secret associations. As for Zixian Mountain, Jiangling Prefecture, Wannian County, and Bohai Prefecture, they are related to Taiping. It is related to Taoism and belongs to the category of umbrella holders. Because the big case of Zixian Mountain has not been concluded, these can not be regarded as merits, but they can be regarded as hard work. This is the reason why you were promoted to the Taoist priests. As for Qin Wubing, Qin Gongfu and his son. Bian, I have already explained it, no matter who checks it, it will be flawless."

"Stop talking big words. If something goes wrong, you are the only one to ask." Lei Xiaohuan glanced at him.

Pei Xiaolou coughed lightly: "Don't worry, don't worry."

Lei Xiaohuan finally said: "Sixth point, why can't you reveal your identity? You can also blame it on Donghua Master and the errand, but how to avoid making the little girl sad, that depends on your ability."

Pei Xiaolou helped: "We have done everything we can, but we can't do everything. You can always do something."

Qi Xuansu smiled bitterly and said, "This is natural."

Lei Xiaohuan said: "In my opinion, Miss Zhang is a girl who understands the general situation. She is open-minded and has a great temper. She won't care about such small things, so you don't have to worry too much."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Even if she doesn't care, I still care."

Lei Xiaohuan glanced at him: "You still have a conscience, unlike Pei Xiaolou, who is a murderer."

"You're talking about other people's affairs. Why does it involve me again?" Pei Xiaolou said anxiously.

Lei Xiaohuan ignored him and continued: "Before this, I was not familiar with Ms. Zhang Yuelu and Zhang, but during the time I spent working with her, I admire her very much, both in her attitude and behavior. Tianyuan, you can’t let me down. To put it bluntly, after passing this village, there will be no such store. "

Qi Xuansu said seriously: "This is natural."

Lei Xiaohuan changed the subject: "But you don't have to belittle yourself. I think your level of cultivation is not as good as Zhang Yuelu's, but you have already reached the sixth or seventh floor of the return to true stage. With your background in the Wanxiang Dao Palace, without the help of your family, there is no With the help of my master, I am alone. Even if I have Qiniang to guide me and have some chance encounters, I still have the experience of narrow escape. In the end, I have to risk my life. I remember that the last time I saw you, you broke an arm. It was very painful. It’s miserable. From this point of view, it’s really not bad.”

Qi Xuansu just said: "Master Lei is ridiculously complimentary."

Lei Xiaohuan looked at him intently for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Let's put aside these external things, just talk about being a human being. Although I am a rough man, I am also a woman, and I can still notice something. She is so desperate, of course, It's because of your seriousness in doing things, but it's also because of the melancholy in your heart. But you risked your life to save her, and you really deserve her friendship. What does this mean? I don't understand romance. In my opinion, , this is a match made in heaven. Tantai Qiong doesn't like you because she is blind. Just be yourself and marry Zhang Yuelu in the future. If the Zhang family doesn't come to drink your wedding wine, we will come to drink your wedding wine. I'm afraid A bird."


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