Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 4 Double Tune Qiao Paier

Lei Xiaohuan was born as a general, and has always had the habit of using vulgar words. Sometimes his words are very elegant, and sometimes he uses a few vulgar slang words. But in front of Qi Xuansu, he was usually more restrained, but today he couldn't care less about it when he got excited.

Qi Xuansu didn't say much, he just accepted this kindness, but he knew very well in his heart that this was a great kindness. He did not have the realm of Xuansheng. If one day, he could become famous and prosperous, he would have to repay it with a spring.

After Pei Xiaolou waited for Master Taizu to finish speaking, he said: "By the way, I have also thought of two ways for you. The first way is to wait here, and we, the husband and wife, will help you invite Miss Zhang over. "

Qi Xuansu didn't think much and said: "You two have helped me a lot, so I shouldn't trouble you anymore. I'd better go see her myself."

"I think so too." Pei Xiaolou didn't force anything, he was happy and relaxed.

Many people know that there is a deputy hall leader Zhang in Zhenwu Temple. He is young, beautiful, and extremely talented. He can be said to be both talented and beautiful, and is as famous as Li Changge and Yao Pei. It is said that she was the grand-niece of the Heavenly Master, and was favored by the Earth Master and her status was respected. Therefore, she attracted many young men, including young Taoist priests from Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture and children of local aristocratic families in Jiangnan.

Although Jiangnan Daofu does not allow idlers to enter the Zhenwu Temple, these young people are of high status and are used to being arrogant. They do not take the rules seriously and often guard the door, waiting to see Deputy Hall Master Zhang. . Because they did not enter the Zhenwu Temple, it was difficult for the spiritual officials to chase them away.

It's not that they haven't seen women before. These children of aristocratic families have never been short of women. When they get tired of playing with young and beautiful women, they will be interested in those women with good status, and they are proud of them. They gather with their friends in private as a source of conversation. Compare each other.

They didn't expect to win over Deputy Hall Master Zhang, they just wanted to get close to him, which was a bit ambiguous, so that they could talk about it in the future and gain face.

There is a saying that goes well, it’s all about love and courtesy.

Men are lustful, and so are women. Men want to hug each other, but women don’t want to? There is a husband here who loves each other, and there is a devoted Lan Yan there. This is not a sin. After all, Confucian ethics have been overthrown.

Deputy Hall Master Zhang is very arrogant, but who knows what he is thinking in his heart? If necessary, they can also be completely devoted to Deputy Hall Master Zhang.

That’s what they thought, and that’s what they did.

At the beginning, Zhang Yuelu was a little patient and had a nice talk with these people, asking them not to disturb him. But Zhang Yuelu's restraint was regarded as weakness, and instead he got worse.

If you are not frivolous and spirited, what kind of young people are you? What are you afraid of? They haven't committed any crime, so what else can you do?

Zhang Yuelu really couldn't do anything, he just ignored them and concentrated on doing his own thing. Until a young man was teased by his companions and took the initiative to make some teasing remarks. Then Zhang Yuelu let them see Deputy Hall Master Zhang's temper, and also let them understand why so many years in Yujing, few people dared to approach her.

As for that unlucky guy, he was even more miserable than Xu Kou.

So Zhang Yuelu was completely clean, and no one bothered her anymore.

But today was an exception. Just when Zhang Yuelu was about to stand up and say goodbye, another person came to visit. He was a young man about the same age as Zhang Yuelu. He was handsome and handsome.

Su Qingbai.

There are several Su families in Daomen. The Su family in Qingqiu Mountain belongs to Taiping Road. The Su family of Cihang's lineage belongs to the Zhengyi dynasty. There is also a Su family in Quanzhen Taoism, which is closely related to the Pei family. The mother of brothers Pei Xuanzhi and Pei Xiaolou is named Su.

Su Qingbai was born in the Su family of Cihang lineage, and was also a wealthy family in Jinling Mansion.

The timing of Su Qingbai's arrival was perfect, as he happened to meet Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Bai Yingqiong subconsciously.

The senior sisters looked at each other, Bai Yingqiong clearly said nothing, but Zhang Yuelu understood that this was not a coincidence, but Bai Yingqiong's special arrangement.

This is not surprising. Although the two are sisters in name, Bai Yingqiong is more like an elder in terms of age.

The older elders are always keen on playing matchmaker for the younger generation.

Bai Yingqiong was no exception. From her point of view, Zhang Yuelu was probably going to get married. Rather than giving someone else an advantage, it would be better to let the meat rot in the pot and keep the fat from flowing to others.

But Bai Yingqiong is not a serious elder after all, so she will not use force like Tantai Qiong, she will just create an opportunity. As for whether she can seize the opportunity, it depends on Su Qingbai.

Of course, this is not just what Bai Yingqiong means, other people in Cihang's lineage are also happy to see this happen.

Zhang Yuelu didn't say anything. As long as you give her the right to refuse, she will have no objections or fall out. After all, if you introduce yours, I can't interfere. If I reject mine, you can't interfere. Everyone is fine.

There were also people who were unwilling to give Zhang Yuelu the right to refuse, such as Zhang Yuelu's mother Tantai Qiong, so the relationship between mother and daughter was once very tense.

Bai Yingqiong smiled faintly: "Xiao Su is also a member of our Cihang family. It's just that Qing Xiao has been in Yujing for a long time, so we don't see him much. We should get closer to him in the future."

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "This is natural."

Su Qingbai smiled politely and remained silent.

Compared with the young masters at the gate of Zhenwu Temple, Su Qingbai is undoubtedly a real master of aristocratic families. Whether it is cultivation or other things, he is not so frivolous and shallow. On the contrary, against the background of those people, he appears like a lotus flower. Silt but not stained, just like his name, blue and white.

Bai Yingqiong followed the current and said, "Xiao Su, send Qing Xiao off for me."

"Yes." Su Qingbai responded softly.

Zhang Yuelu came here to establish a good relationship with Bai Yingqiong, not to quarrel with her. He couldn't refuse directly, so he could only leave without comment.

Bai Yingqiong sent the two of them out of the courtyard.

Su Qingbai looked back at Bai Yingqiong again, happened to meet Bai Yingqiong's eyes, and immediately remembered Bai Yingqiong's explanation.

"Xiao Su, when I meet Zhang Qingxiao this time, I just want to have a preliminary exchange and try to leave a good impression. A woman like her has a high ambition and a high destiny. She can't be anxious and can't be rushed. Taishang Taozu said that governing a big country is like cooking small fresh food. , that’s pretty much what it means.”

Bai Yingqiong's residence was not far from Zhenwu Temple, so Zhang Yuelu walked here instead of riding a carriage.

After walking for a while, Su Qingbai took the initiative to speak for the first time: "I have heard about Senior Sister Zhang for a long time, but I never thought that I would be able to see Senior Sister Zhang's beauty here. It is such a fate."

Qi Xuansu had said a long time ago that Zhang Yuelu actually had some yin and yang talents. His response at this time was a bit cold: "Is it fate? They say fate is determined by fate, but I think it is fate."

Su Qingbai was speechless.

Zhang Yuelu always walked a few steps quickly and did not walk side by side with Su Qingbai. He said calmly: "I know the way back to Zhenwu Temple, so I won't bother Mr. Su to see me off. In addition, Master Lei has arranged a lot of errands recently. If it is related to the case, It doesn’t matter, it’s better to have less contact.”

Su Qingbai was about to speak but stopped.

Zhang Yuelu ignored him and moved forward.

Su Qingbai hesitated for a moment, then followed Zhang Yuelu. If he were the kind of person who easily retreats, he would not be entrusted with important tasks by Bai Yingqiong.

Zhang Yuelu stopped talking. This was her second stage and she turned a blind eye. The first stage is to speak kindly, and the third stage is to show no mercy.

This is how she treated those young masters, and she plans to treat Su Qingbai in the same way.

After all, Zhang Yuelu is actually quite self-aware. She has a bad temper. Although she looks good, she is not to the point where she can conquer the country and turn all living beings upside down. These people are surrounding them like flies. What is the reason? It is probably not her. People, but her background and future prospects.

She can understand this utilitarian mentality, but she doesn't recognize it, let alone use herself to fulfill them.

So, get out of here.

After walking for a while, a burst of wild singing suddenly came from the front.

"The world's emotions depend on physics. Life is precious and comfortable. Think about the ups and downs of human creations. Good luck hides bad luck, bad luck hides good luck. How can we grow rich and noble? The sun waxes and wanes, the moon waxes and wanes when it is full. The underground is in the southeast, the sky is high in the northwest, and the heaven and earth are not yet complete. "

"Show down your frown and rest your leisurely spirit. Today's appearance is better than yesterday's. This has been the case throughout the ages, caring about the virtuous, the foolish, the poor, and the rich. In the end, this body will never escape that day. After one day of service, One day is cheap. A hundred years is rare, and the years are fleeting. "

The singer is probably self-taught, and sometimes he is in tune and sometimes out of tune, making it sound like he is reciting poetry.

Su Qingbai was an expert in music and could not help but frown.

But to his surprise, Zhang Yuelu was suddenly stunned, his face full of disbelief.

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