Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 5 I miss you

Qi Xuansu has imagined many scenes in which the two met, such as being knocked off his mask during a fight, such as meeting unexpectedly on a stone bridge holding an umbrella in a drizzly drizzle, such as Zhang Yuelu falling from the sky when he was in danger, etc. Wait, but I have never thought about this scenario.

After Qi Xuansu left Lei Xiaohuan's yard, he knew that Zhang Yuelu had not returned from visiting his friends, so he left the Zhenwu Temple alone and wandered the long street in front of the Taoist temple.

Probably because of the uneasiness in his heart, he suddenly remembered the song "Shuang Tiao Qiao Pai'er" that Qiniang liked very much, and couldn't help but start humming it. Unconsciously, the sound became louder and louder.

Regardless of Confucianism, Taoism, or Buddhism, it is not a rare thing to walk while singing. On the contrary, it is highly respected. Many masters come to the stage before others arrive. There is even a special magical power in Cihang's lineage that extends from this. , called "Daci Leiyin", but there are not many that sing as distinctively as Qi Xuansu's.

Zhang Yuelu had heard this song before in Yunjin Mountain. The two had just left Shangqing Palace and were preparing to return to Shangqing Town.

Suddenly the clouds gathered and the wind started blowing, and snowflakes started to drift. After a while, the snow became heavier and heavier, and I saw that the sky was dark and there was no sign of snow stopping.

The distance from Shangqing Palace to Shangqing Town was really not short, so the two had no choice but to brave the wind and snow and walk toward Shangqing Town, which was visible in the distance.

At that time, Qi Xuansu was humming this song, and the words and phrases touched her a lot, so she made a decision that she later regretted.

"Tianyuan, we will go back to Yujing after the New Year."

Unexpectedly, it was almost a farewell.

When Qi Xuansu turned a corner, he saw Zhang Yuelu with a surprised face.

Qi Xuansu was stunned and froze, motionless.

The two looked at each other.

After a long time, Qi Xuansu finally came to his senses and said dryly: "I...are back."

Zhang Yuelu lowered his eyebrows and said softly: "Just come back."

Qi Xuansu also thought about many of the reactions when the two met each other, whether they hugged each other and cried, or Zhang Yuelu frowned with anger, but he did not expect that it would be so... normal.

Like a traveler returning from a long journey.

The feelings that had been accumulated for a long time should have been passionate, but at this moment they were restrained.

However, Zhang Yuelu was not as calm as she showed, and he murmured again: "Just come back."

Qi Xuansu strode towards Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu stood still and didn't move.

When he was about to hug Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu felt a little timid again, as if he was even more timid about being close to home. His hands stopped when they were about half a foot away from Zhang Yuelu's shoulders, and finally slowly lowered them.

Zhang Yuelu looked at him and said softly: "We'll talk about it when we get back."

"Okay." Qi Xuansu nodded.

Zhang Yuelu took the initiative to hold Qi Xuansu's hand and pulled him towards Zhenwu Temple.

When Zhang Yuelu stopped, Su Qingbai also stopped. He looked at this scene from a distance and suddenly understood something. Then he looked at the woman who was not pretentious to him but took the other man's hand, and turned and left silently.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu both noticed this lonely figure, but neither spoke.

The two of them remained silent for the rest of the journey, which made the journey seem particularly long.

I don't know if it was because of Pei Xiaolou's advance arrangements, but there was no one on the road, not even the Lingguan was seen.

Until they came to Zhang Yuelu's yard.

As soon as he entered the door, he met Mu Jin.

Mu Jin's eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost. She pointed at Qi Xuansu, trembling slightly, and was speechless for a long time.

Zhang Yuelu whispered: "Go and do your errands."

Before Mu Jin could react, Zhang Yuelu had already pulled Qi Xuansu away.

Mu Jin turned around blankly and looked at the backs of the two of them, still a little unresponsive.

When I came to Zhang Yuelu's study, because the door was locked, Zhang Yuelu opened the door in front and Qi Xuansu waited in the back.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Yuelu's body froze.

Because Qi Xuansu gently hugged her from behind.

Zhang Yuelu did not resist and allowed Qi Xuansu to hold her in silence.

Qi Xuansu buried his head in Zhang Yuelu's black hair and whispered: "Qingxiao, I miss you very much."

Zhang Yuelu trembled slightly and no longer suppressed his emotions. His voice was extremely soft, as if he was afraid of scaring Qi Xuansu, and was a little trembling: "Where have you been during these days? I...I Thought you were dead."

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment and said slowly: "I thought I was dead, but it was Master Donghua who saved me and gave me a 'secondary heart' that allowed me to come back to life."

Zhang Yuelu had obviously heard of the name "Second Heart" and couldn't help but said: "I heard that a 'Second Heart' costs tens of thousands of Taiping. Master Donghua is so generous."

Qi Xuansu followed and said: "There is no gratuitous generosity in this world. After Master Donghua saved me, he arranged a special errand for me, so I can't come back to see you, and I can't tell you that I'm still alive."

Zhang Yuelu did not blame Qi Xuansu and repeated for the third time: "Just come back."

Qi Xuansu stopped talking and just held Zhang Yuelu quietly.

His words were false, but his feelings were true.

He really missed Zhang Yuelu and would always think of Zhang Yuelu. Even when he saw Li Qingnu, the great oiran, in Wutong Courtyard, the first thing he thought of was Zhang Yuelu.

I don't know when, Zhang Yuelu's figure was engraved in his heart. This had nothing to do with who Zhang Yuelu was, but only with Zhang Yuelu.

After a long time.

"Tian Yuan." Zhang Yuelu called out, his voice no longer soft, but very emotional.

Qi Xuansu hummed slightly.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Put your hand down a little."

Qi Xuansu was startled, then obediently moved his hand to the woman's waist.

Zhang Yuelu was able to twist his body with difficulty, and Qi Xuansu also cooperated by relaxing his hands around the woman's waist, so that Zhang Yuelu no longer faced Qi Xuansu with his back to Qi Xuansu, but instead faced each other, and the tips of their noses were almost touching.

The two looked at each other. After the initial impulse faded, they became a little embarrassed and turned slightly red. This was not the first time Qi Xuansu hugged Zhang Yuelu. As early as when Diswen was annihilated, Qi Xuansu hugged Zhang Yuelu, but this was the first time for such an intimate hug.

Qi Xuansu was also able to take a closer look at Zhang Yuelu, and saw that her skin was as white as snow, with a faint blush, a little sweat on the tip of her nose, her eyelids were lowered, and her eyelashes were trembling slightly.

She seems a little... nervous?

In any case, Zhang Yuelu was an unmarried girl after all, and she could force herself to be calm at first. After Qi Xuansu stared at her for a moment, she finally couldn't stand Qi Xuansu's gaze and turned her head away slightly.

But when she turned her head, her ears were exposed, and you could just see that from the base of her ears to her neck, there was a suspicious reddish color.

It is hard to imagine that Deputy Hall Master Zhang, who is not very good-tempered and unkind, would have such a girly side.

Qi Xuansu's heart was filled with all kinds of thoughts.

All kinds of things in the past, the first sight of Taiqing City, the wind and snow in the Western Region, the long journey back from Yujing to Shangqing Mansion, the farewell of Feizhou, and even the meeting again in Jiangling Mansion, until this moment today.

From the initial fear and alertness, to the later obsession.

Zhang Yuelu laid his head on Qi Xuansu's chest.

There was no heartbeat, just silence.

For some reason, Zhang Yuelu felt his nose was a little sore.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Yuelu reached out and gently pushed Qi Xuansu away, slightly opened the distance between the two, and carefully looked at Qi Xuansu's whole body.

Qi Xuansu was a little confused and asked curiously: "What are you looking at?"

"See if you are missing any arms or legs." Zhang Yuelu replied, "It's not bad. You're barely back in one piece."

Qi Xuansu asked: "What about you, how are you lately?"

"Me? Of course I'm still the same, there's nothing wrong with me." Zhang Yuelu smiled, "You don't think I'll seek death and survive, do you? That's not me anymore."

Qi Xuansu said: "I heard from Master Pei that you are very desperate and often stay awake for several days."

Zhang Yuelu didn't answer, and Gu Zuo said something else: "By the way, now I am the eighth deputy head of Tiangang Hall. I also left a place for you. Will you come back?"

Qi Xuansu whispered: "Master Donghua... transferred me to Ziweitang."

"That's right." Zhang Yuelu paused, "That's not bad. After all, Ziwei Hall is the head of the nine halls."

There was another moment of silence between the two.

There is so much to say that I don’t even know where to start.



They both spoke at the same time and stopped at the same time.

"You say it first." Zhang Yuelu turned away.

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt that his tongue was a little unruly, as if he was drunk, and said dryly: "You... I miss you."

Zhang Yuelu lowered his head: "You just said it once."

"Do you miss me?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Zhang Yuelu raised his head and said word by word in a low voice, "I miss you."

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