Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 12 Self-improvement

It was raining heavily, but Qi Xuansu was able to withstand the wind and rain by releasing his true energy outside his body. He showed his badge along the way and soon arrived at Pei Xiaolou's residence.

Lei Xiaohuan happened to be with Pei Xiaolou. Of course, the couple would not be as desperate as Zhang Yuelu. They neither read the files nor discussed the case, but were playing the Xuan Sheng card. To be precise, it was Pei Xiaolou who taught Lei Xiaohuan how to play Xuansheng Card. Because the rules were simple, Lei Xiaohuan had already started to get started and was even able to interact with Pei Xiaolou.

Hearing the Taoist priest on duty tell him that Qi Xuansu would like to see him, Pei Xiaolou threw down the cards in his hand and asked the Taoist priest on duty to bring Qi Xuansu in.

As soon as Qi Xuansu came in, he heard Pei Xiaolou laugh and say: "Good boy, I didn't come home all night last night. I was wrong."

With that said, Pei Xiaolou waved to the Taoist priest on duty to step back, and then said: "It seems that you and Deputy Hall Master Zhang have reconciled as before, even better than before. We don't need to worry about anything anymore."

Qi Xuansu had to explain: "Master Pei misunderstood. There is nothing wrong between me and Qing Xiao. Nothing happened. I just drank a little wine and accidentally got drunk until now. I just woke up not long ago."

"What kind of wine can be so intoxicating?" Pei Xiaolou was startled, "Could it be 'Drunken Life and Dreams of Death'?"

Qi Xuansu nodded: "The name of 'Drunken Life, Dreaming of Death' is well-deserved. After a few naps, I slept for six hours."

Lei Xiaohuan, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but said: "You two little guys are so brave. How dare you secretly drink 'Drunk Life, Dreams of Death' without being a heavenly being? I remember the Taoist sect's strict prohibition order. There is no cultivation in the realm of heavenly beings." Why, even Zhang Yuelu can't buy 'Drunk Life, Dreams of Death', where did you get it?"

Qi Xuansu answered truthfully: "I got it by opening the 'Xuanxuan Jar'."

"Good guy, you dare to touch the 'Xuanxuan Jar'." Pei Xiaolou clicked his tongue, "I think back then, I was still an ignorant young man and was cheated out of six thousand Taiping by the 'Xuanxuan Jar'. The little savings I had saved up with great difficulty were given to ordinary spiritual objects, and the total return was 2,000 yuan, which was sent to my grandma's house. "

After Qi Xuansu heard this, he didn't say that he had won a defective treasure, so as not to irritate Pei Xiaolou.

Pei Xiaolou asked some more details about the meeting between the two.

Qi Xuansu couldn't tell everything, and he couldn't say nothing at all, so he could only give a brief summary. As for the details that only belong to the two of them, they are not mentioned at all. It is enough that only the two of them know.

After hearing this, Pei Xiaolou said with emotion: "I still don't understand why such an outstanding girl fell in love with you? Is it really that a clever woman always sleeps with a clumsy husband?"

Qi Xuansu was not angry. After all, Pei Xiaolou had helped him a lot and was very kind. He was like half an elder. Furthermore, compared with Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu is indeed not outstanding. If the two can finally get married, then in the eyes of others, Qi Xuansu will be the one to marry Zhang Yuelu, and even Qi Xuansu himself thinks so.

However, Qi Xuansu didn't pay attention, but Lei Xiaohuan became unhappy and scolded: "There is an old saying, a sparrow knows the ambition of a swan, and it's talking about people like you. You always judge others by yourself, so naturally you can't figure it out. not understand."

Pei Xiaolou was already used to his wife's scolding and did not feel dissatisfied. He just said: "What do you have to say, madam?"

Lei Xiaohuan said: "There is nothing unreasonable. Let me ask you, if you are asked to find a wife, do you find someone you like? Or do you find someone who is better than yourself and can give you a sense of security?"

Pei Xiaolou looked at Lei Xiaohuan back and forth, but hesitated to speak.

Lei Xiaohuan sighed: "To be honest, I don't blame you."

Pei Xiaolou then said: "Few men are willing to be called soft-boiled, so naturally they should find someone they like, not someone who is better than themselves."

He paused and did not forget to make amends: "Of course, I'm not saying that I don't like Madam, I'm just discussing the matter."

Lei Xiaohuan ignored the second half of his sentence and said: "This is what you men think. You don't care much about a woman's ability, but more about whether you like it or not. It doesn't matter if you don't have the ability or are not good. I can do it myself." Cope with it and protect your family from the wind and rain.”

Qi Xuansu nodded thoughtfully.

Lei Xiaohuan said: "The reason why men don't care about the so-called sense of security, or even if they care, they can't show it at all. It's because they have been taught since childhood that they are the pillars of the family, they must support the family business, and they must protect their wives and children. , naturally cannot show the slightest weakness. Showing weakness means admitting that you are inferior to others and a failure, and you will lose any status, power, and reputation."

Pei Xiaolou and Qi Xuansu looked at each other and neither of them denied it.

This is indeed reality. The so-called support, the so-called pillar, the so-called shelter from the wind and rain, morals and responsibilities are all imposed on men. Therefore, the world requires men to be masculine and not to be weak at all.

For thousands of years, calling a man like a pussy has undoubtedly been a humiliating statement. The world is tolerant of women and allows women to be weak, but never allows men to be weak. Women can be like water, but men are as determined as iron until death.

Pei Xiaolou asked: "What does this have to do with Zhang Yuelu's love for Tianyuan?"

Lei Xiaohuan glanced at him and said: "I don't deny that some women care very much about a man's ability and the so-called sense of security that a man brings. If a man is regarded as a big tree, these women will be wrapped around the trunk of the tree. They can only rely on men to survive. But some women don't want to do this. They think that they can do what men can do. Zhang Yuelu is such a woman."

"As long as you compare your feelings, you will understand. Zhang Yuelu is a self-improving woman. She does not need others to bring her a so-called sense of security, nor does she need others to protect her from wind and rain, nor does she need to find a man to rely on. She chooses a Taoist companion, only There is a question to consider, whether you like her or not. Then the question is very simple. Does it matter whether Tianyuan is stronger than her or weaker than her? It is best to be evenly matched. Even if Tianyuan is weaker than her, it does not matter. , she thinks she can cope with it, and she can also protect others from the wind and rain, so what doesn’t she understand?”

Qi Xuansu was greatly shocked.

In the past, he only had some vague feelings, but he could never express them.

Pei Xiaolou reacted faster, stroking his palms and saying with a smile: "Listening to Madam's words is better than ten years of studying Taoism. Zhang Yuelu is such a self-improving woman, and Madam is also such a self-improving woman. You two are sympathetic to each other."

Lei Xiaohuan rolled her eyes at him: "I don't need you to flatter me."

However, it can be seen that Lei Xiaohuan is still quite useful, and he added: "Of course, Tianyuan is not bad, but he is just a few points behind Zhang Yuelu. Compared with others, he is a real young talent. Old Pei The same is true. Although he is a little worse than me, he still has merits compared to others. "

This was probably Lei Xiaohuan's recognition and praise.

Pei Xiaolou and Qi Xuansu looked at each other.

Then Pei Xiaolou saw a hint of teasing in Qi Xuansu's eyes.

This made him very unhappy. He wanted to tell Qi Xuansu that I wasn't a strict wife, nor was he afraid of his wife. I just couldn't beat him and my skills were inferior to others. Do you understand?

So Pei Xiaolou coughed lightly and planned to pass on some experience of others to maintain his image: "Tianyuan, you are also lucky this time. This girl Qingxiao is quite independent and doesn't like to hang out with other women, which is a good thing."

Qi Xuansu asked curiously: "What is this statement?"

Pei Xiaolou dusted off his clothes and said slowly: "Women like to compare, especially among so-called close friends. To give a simple analogy, there are two girls. This girl found a fourth-grade wine sacrifice If a Taoist priest becomes a Taoist companion, then the other girl who seeks a Taoist companion must also be a Taoist priest of the fourth grade of sacrificial wine, or even higher, otherwise there will be no chance. "

After all, Qi Xuansu was young and had little experience, so he was suspicious of what he heard.

Pei Xiaolou glanced at Qi Xuansu, as if to say that the boy is still young, and then said: "Suppose there are several girls like this, as close as sisters, one is from the royal family, one is amazingly talented, one is beautiful and fragrant, and the other is relative It’s relatively unremarkable. If you had to choose, which one do you think would be easier to succeed?”

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and replied: "The ordinary one."

"Wrong." Pei Xiaolou stretched out his index finger and swung it back and forth like a pendulum, "Under the premise that they are as close as sisters and there is no intrigue, the difficulty of these four people is actually the same. In other words, you are not facing the same person, but the same person. There are four people. You must be born worthy of the royal family, be extremely talented, and be extraordinarily handsome.”

Qi Xuansu was stunned for a long time and held back three words: "Are these four women sick?"

"This is just one." Pei Xiaolou sighed, "Second, you are not matching with the woman you are pursuing, but with her Taoist friends who are your best friends. There is no way, this is comparison. Third, even if you You hook up with one of them before everyone else, and there is no other man to compare with you, so you can't sit back and relax. At this time, the other three women will not treat you as an outsider, except for the things between men and women to avoid suspicion. , the rest of the time, they just treat you as a public servant and let you help them do this and that. They are sisters and you pay the bill. You will feel very disadvantaged. You can only marry one, but you have to serve four aunts. If you can collect them all, that’s pretty much it.”

Before he finished speaking, Lei Xiaohuan's fist had already landed on Pei Xiaolou's head, and he said with a smile: "Pei Xiaolou, you didn't see it, you had this kind of experience before we got married, it was quite fun. Hua? Which four fairies are they? Let me see them."

Pei Xiaolou did not dare to resist, and said with a smile: "I just said it casually, mainly to let Xiao Qi know that people's hearts are sinister, how can there be four girls."

Lei Xiaohuan sneered and said nothing.

Although Qi Xuansu was doubtful, he was still a little lucky. Fortunately, Zhang Yuelu didn't like to hang out with other women. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to think about the attitude of his close friends. Zhang Yuyue is the best example.

Lei Xiaohuan stopped talking nonsense with Pei Xiaolou and turned to look at Qi Xuansu: "Tianyuan, let's talk about business."

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