Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter Thirteen Four Stages

Qi Xuansu no longer dwelled on these issues of men and women, and said seriously: "It's about Wuxu Palace."

When it came to business, Pei Xiaolou stopped playing around and asked, "Are you talking about Wan Xiuwu?"

Qi Xuansu nodded.

Pei Xiaolou didn't care: "On the Quanzhen Tao side, I am personally in charge of this case. On the Yujing side, your Miss Zhang is in charge. We are all our own people inside and outside, not to mention my brother and wife. Protect you, what are you afraid of?”

Qi Xuansu was stunned for a while, unable to react.

Once upon a time, he was the one being bullied by power. In the blink of an eye, he also had a backing?

However, Qi Xuansu still said: "But this matter is against the rules after all."

Pei Xiaolou sneered: "There are so many illegal things in the world, who can care about them? When the Taoist sect rebelled against the Confucian sect, was it in line with the rules? Is it in line with the rules for the three deputy head masters to take advantage of the six generations of great masters? ?”

Qi Xuansu was speechless.

Pei Xiaolou added: "If we really talk about the rules, you are Qiniang's godson, so I should send you immediately to Beichen Hall to participate in the secret editorial office. Then my wife and I will go to Fengxian Hall to collect the charges to protect us. , colluded with the secret editorial office, and then confessed all Donghua masters and Earth Masters. If we really talk about the rules, I don’t know how many people can be left in such a large Taoist sect. We didn’t follow the rules from the beginning, so don’t go there halfway. What are the rules? This is something Zhang Yuelu understands. In the final analysis, this is a life-and-death struggle. The one who wins will be qualified to define what the rules are. At that time, who will tell the rules? Who doesn’t follow the rules and only thinks about it?”

Qi Xuansu understood somewhat.

Zheng Yiyi and Quanzhen Dao allied themselves. This was a big ship, and he had already boarded it, and as the ship gradually entered the whirlpool.

Everything has its pros and cons. Now that he has a background and a backer, he cannot be alone. There is only one way in front of him, and that is to move forward with the big ship. If the Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoists win, whether Master Cihang becomes the Grand Master or Master Donghua becomes the Grand Master, he will follow suit and the tide will rise. But if Zhengyiyi and Quanzhendao were defeated and there would be no intact eggs in the nest, he would not end well.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but look serious.

Pei Xiaolou's tone softened instead, and he said: "You must keep one thing in mind. Some things can be said but not done, and some things can be said but cannot be said. If you can do things that cannot be said, you will not be as heavy as four or two if you don't put it on the scale. It’s a huge burden.”

"Take the matter of you killing Wan Xiuwu as an example. There is a grudge between you. It is legal to kill someone, but it is against the rules. The rules are clearly stated. As long as you are not caught, no one can kill you. How. But if you are convicted, no one can save you. This is the real rule under the rules. Unless you have the strength to break it, you must abide by this rule. "

Qi Xuansu was not a rule-abiding person, and he had some understanding of these sect fights. He was not greatly shocked and easily accepted Pei Xiaolou's words.

Lei Xiaohuan took over the conversation: "Over at Wuxu Palace, you don't have to worry. Even if there are any changes, we will handle them. Now I have an errand that I want to leave to you."

Qi Xuansu said seriously: "Master Lei, please speak."

Lei Xiaohuan said: "I wonder if Zhang Qingxiao has told you that I recently asked all the people handling the case to look at the case files separately."

Of course Qi Xuansu remembered: "Qing Xiao once mentioned it."

"Then do you know why?" Lei Xiaohuan asked.

Qi Xuansu shook his head.

Lei Xiaohuan did not answer directly, but asked again: "We are here to investigate the case. If you were the person involved in the case, what would you do?"

Qi Xuansu thought carefully for a moment and replied: "The worst strategy is to cover up the situation, the middle strategy is to cut off the wrist of a strong man, and the best strategy is to muddy the water."

There was a smile on Lei Xiaohuan's face: "You are right, muddying the waters openly and honestly is the way to break the situation. If you want to investigate the case and you want clues, then I will give you clues, just a clue from the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce. It's not enough. There are so many chambers of commerce, so many businessmen, and so many gentry in Jiangnan. I gave you all these clues. Do you think they are all true? Doesn’t it represent Jinque? Doesn’t it represent justice? Can’t you just sit back and do nothing? You want one clue, are you tired of it?”

Although Lei Xiaohuan spoke in the tone of a person behind the scenes, Qi Xuansu still understood and couldn't help being surprised.

Lei Xiaohuan smiled faintly: "Of course, this is just the first step. The fun is yet to come. The seven of us investigating the case are in three camps. I, Pei Xiaolou, and Zhang Yuelu are in the same camp. Li Mingzhi, Li Mingzhi, Cheng and Lu Yushu are in the same camp, and Bai Yingqiong adheres to neutrality. At this time, the other three will use those clues to make trouble, and they cannot ignore them. You can't refute them yet, but there are so many. Our manpower is limited, just like a person who is full and cannot digest the cases. As a result, the opportunity will be missed. For those behind the scenes, as long as they don't keep an eye on the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce, there will be as many other cases as they want. ”

Qi Xuansu was really shocked.

Pei Xiaolou said: "At the same time, there will be people in Yujing spreading rumors, a two-pronged approach."

"In the first stage, Jinque sent an investigation team to Jinling Mansion to investigate the case. Various clues surfaced. The progress was rapid and thunderous, and there was a lot of praise."

"In the second stage, there was a reversal. Because various clues were involved, the case progressed slowly. Moreover, some people took advantage of the Jinque investigation team's investigation to take advantage of personal revenge, falsely accuse others, and throw dirty water on each other. The situation gradually became complicated, and then There are also voices of criticism.”

"In the third stage, the situation is gradually getting out of control, and the investigation has affected normal commerce. Someone in Yujing proposed to ensure that commerce and stability are the first priority. The authority of the Jinque investigation team is restricted and restricted everywhere, making it difficult to move forward."

"The fourth step is that the situation is completely out of control, the people are resentful, and everyone is in danger. Some people in Yujing began to 'speak impartially' and denounced the undesirability of 'excessive investigation'. Under pressure, Jinque had to recall the investigation team, and we sat in a flying boat It came roaring back and then disappeared without any investigation results. In the end, the infamy was ours.”

Lei Xiaohuan said calmly: "Because the situation has changed, a corruption case is nothing anymore. The key is to ensure the stability of business."

Pei Xiaolou said: "The reason is very simple. If you are asked to catch ghosts, you will dig graves. Going too far is not enough. It is difficult to do something well, but it is very easy to mess up something."

Qi Xuansu felt chills behind his back.

Only then did I know what turbulence is and what undercurrents are.

However, looking at the attitudes of Pei Xiaolou and Lei Xiaohuan, it is obvious that they have long been accustomed to it, and they even play Xuan Sheng cards leisurely, which shows that the couple is by no means powerless to fight back.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "What stage is it now?"

Pei Xiaolou replied: "Between the first stage and the second stage, there will be a reversal soon."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "What is my errand?"

Lei Xiaohuan said: "You are a new face, but the key is that you are a member of the Qingping Society. I want you to use your connections with the Qingping Society to find out the person behind the scenes who 'kindly' provided us with a lot of clues. Qiniang will arrive in Jinling soon." She will take the initiative to contact you."

Qi Xuansu looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Yes."

He now understood why Pei Xiaolou and Lei Xiaohuan had become friends with Qiniang. It was by no means as simple as doing business as a partnership. They were true allies, and the so-called business partnership was just embellishment.

However, Qi Xuansu was still a little happy at the thought of seeing Qiniang.

Lei Xiaohuan added: "This matter is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to say it is easy. You might as well use Wei Wugui's identity. Only a few of us know this identity for the time being. But you must also be careful, those who dare to attack Zhang Yuelu naturally dares to have your idea, and he will not be lenient when trying to silence him, but he will still put his own safety first. "

Even if Lei Xiaohuan didn't say it, Qi Xuansu, who had been walking in the world for many years, understood this truth and responded solemnly.

Pei Xiaolou finally added: "This errand is top secret. Do not disclose it to anyone else except the two of us. But Zhang Yuelu is an exception. After all, Quanzhen Taoism and Zhengyi have formed an alliance, and she is a junior whom the Earth Master values. Considering the relationship between the two of you, you can always speak up to her about anything. By the way, you can also go to Tianji Hall to get some 'Phoenix Eyes' and 'Dragon Eyes' for free."

Qi Xuansu responded again.

A top-quality Zimu talisman reflected Mr. Li's figure sitting on a chair.

A slightly distorted voice seemed to envelope the entire Jinling Mansion: "Don't be afraid of chaos. If you continue to cover up, we will be the ones in chaos. But to be honest, it will be them who are in chaos. Now they are holding on to the Yanqing Chamber of Commerce. If We must not muddy the waters, otherwise we will lose the last chance of victory. We must be clear-headed.”

A second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest here had a solemn expression.

Mr. Li continued: "I still say what I said, they occupy the moral high ground, then we have to find a higher moral high ground and see who can be more condescending. The current situation, although the sword is slashing at Jinling , but it is Yujing who decides the outcome. I will make arrangements for Yujing, and you must fully cooperate with my actions. "

The second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest said: "Lei Xiaohuan and Zhang Yuelu have joined forces. Bai Yingqiong is also ambiguous and seems to be leaning towards them."

Mr. Li said calmly: "You can't be merciful at this time. If necessary, you can ask Mr. Jin to take action. Lei Xiaohuan can't move, and Zhang Yuelu can't move lightly, but there is no need to be polite to the Taoist priests under them. Lei Xiaohuan is blocking the way. Just kill Lei Xiaohuan's subordinates, and kill Zhang Yuelu's subordinates if they get in the way. As for Bai Yingqiong, doesn't she have a daughter? Find a way to control her daughter and make her worry."

"Yes." The second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest nodded in agreement.

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