Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 14 Preparation

It was already dusk when Qi Xuansu went to Tianji Hall.

The Tianji Hall branch of Jinling Mansion is not far from Zhenwu Temple, just two streets apart.

Different from usual, this time Qi Xuansu came to the branch of Tianji Hall as the upright Taoist priest of the fifth grade Ziwei Hall. The Taoist priests of Jiutang were half a level higher than the Taoist priests of the local Taoist temple. As the head of Jiutang, Ziwei The Taoist priest saw that the person was half a level higher, which was equivalent to a Taoist priest of the fourth level of sacrificial wine, so the Taoist priest in charge here personally came to receive him.

After being received by the local Taoist priest, the two went directly to the second hall. There was a small living room here. After sitting down, someone immediately served hot tea. Not to mention anything else, this pot of tea alone is worth a Taipei money.

However, Qi Xuansu is not here for business. Ever since he bought the Hengdao "Feiying" from the branch of Huashengtang in Bohai Mansion, Qi Xuansu only had some change left on him, not to mention buying "Phoenix Eyes" and "Dragon Eyes" , not even the money to take the flying boat. But the good thing about Taoist status is that as long as the conditions are met, everything is free, including free flying boats, free accommodation in Taoist temples, and free "dragon eyes" and "phoenix eyes".

The two of them exchanged a few words as colleagues, but the local Taoist priest in charge praised Qi Xuansu for his young talent. He had already become the Taoist priest at a young age. He was still in Ziweitang, and it was only a matter of time before he was promoted to the fourth rank. The future is bright. Qi Xuansu would like to express some modest compliments, ask about local customs, and talk about the case that everyone is concerned about.

Then get to the point.

Qi Xuansu took out Lei Xiaohuan's warrant and handed it to the Taoist priest in charge.

The Taoist priest in charge understood the order as soon as he took it. There was no need to ask any more questions, and there was no need to talk nonsense. He called a subordinate, handed the order to him, and asked him to prepare the corresponding things according to the order.

This scene is somewhat similar to a pharmacy clerk taking medicine according to the prescription.

The Taoist priest in charge did not move and continued to drink tea and chat with Qi Xuansu.

About two sticks of incense later, a seventh-grade Taoist priest walked in carrying a suitcase with a Western-style influence.

The Taoist priest in charge pointed at the table between the two of them: "Open it."

The seventh-grade Taoist priest placed the box on the table, opened it, and turned to Qi Xuansu.

I saw that there was a special buckle fixing structure in the box, and there were five "Phoenix Eyes Yi Er", three "Phoenix Eyes Yi Yi" and two "Phoenix Eyes Jia Jiu" neatly arranged.

Qi Xuansu looked at "Fengyan Jiajiu" with a lot of emotion.

The last time he used "Fengyan Jiajiu" was in the Western Region. He was able to kill Diswen who was seriously injured. "Fengyan Jiajiu" was indispensable.

There is a circle of slightly smaller buckles around the "phoenix eye series", with a total of ten "dragon eye Yiyi" placed. Compared with "Dragon Eye Yi Er", "Long Eye Yi Yi" is very narrow and long, with increased range and armor-breaking properties, making it more suitable for long guns. However, the "Shenlong Hand Gun" is said to be specially developed for the "Dragon Eye" series, so it is also You can use "Long Jing Yi Yi". But its huge recoil is not something that just anyone can control with one hand.

It has to be said that the special batch of real people is very grand. It starts directly with "Long Eye Yiyi" and "Fengyan Yier", which is much better than what Qi Xuansu used before.

Qi Xuansu closed the box, stood up and thanked the two of them: "Thank you."

"It should be." The Taoist priest in charge also stood up to see him off.

After Qi Xuansu left the branch of Tianji Hall, he went directly back to his residence in Zhenwu Temple. Before officially starting the mission, he still had to make some preparations.

Because Qi Xuansu does not have Xumi treasures, he cannot carry all the "Phoenix Eyes" series with him. Except for the two most powerful "Phoenix Eyes Jiajiu", "Phoenix Eyes Yier" and "Phoenix Eyes Yiyi" can only be used separately. Bring two, but the "Dragon Eyes" series are smaller in size and can be brought all together, and Qi Xuansu can give up the ordinary armor-breaking projectiles and get four rounds of "Dragon Eyes Yi-2", eight rounds of "Dragon Eyes Yi-3", and ten rounds of "Dragon Eyes Yi-3" "Long Jing Yiyi", very wealthy.

Qi Xuansu even thought about getting a repeating fire gun later.

The principle of the continuous fire gun is not complicated. The reason why the "Dragon Hand Gun" is designed as a single-shot structure is because the "Dragon Eye" series is too powerful. However, there is a "Sun-shooting Long Gun" in Tianjitang. Although it cannot be fired continuously without intervals, it has an additional magazine and can be loaded with nine rounds of projectiles. It does not have to be loaded once every time the gun is fired, which greatly saves time.

Then there are cold weapons. For Qi Xuansu, firearms are not necessary, swords are the foundation. His short sword "Qingyuan" and horizontal sword "Feiying" are real eaters and must be carried with him.

Finally, there is the hidden weapon. "Qifeng Yu" was sold by Qi Xuansu, leaving only four "Bliss Needles". Unless they hit the target, their power is limited. The key is to limit the opponent's realm cultivation. Even Zhang Yuelu was hit. trick.

Fire guns and horizontal knives are hung on the left and right sides of the waist, daggers are on the back of the waist, "dragon eyes" and "phoenix eyes" are placed in the shoulder bag, and hidden weapons are hidden in the sleeves.

After doing this, Qi Xuansu put on the white fox face mask, chose the face of a young man from the three fixed faces, and changed into the formal attire of a fifth-grade Taoist priest that he had just worn for a few days, but he did not change it for the Jianghu clothes worth ten Taiping coins. He was short-dressed, but wore regular clothes. After all, dressing up as a Jianghu person in Zhenwu Temple is too eye-catching.

In addition, Qi Xuansu also obtained a "task fund" of 500 Taiping from Lei Xiaohuan, which can be used for daily expenses, bribery, etc.

As for Qi Xuansu’s Taoist regular money and subsidies in the past few months, based on the five-grade Taoist priests and five months, the basic regular money is 50 yuan of peace money per month, and the candidate wine subsidy is 20 yuan of peace money per month. There is an income of 70 yuan in peace money, a total of 350 yuan in peace money, but I have to wait until the first day of June to get the round amount, and I can't get it yet.

In addition, Qi Xuansu also failed to get Qiniang's one thousand peace coins. He had to wait until Qiniang arrived at Jinling Mansion to get it.

It was getting late now, and in the summer, Jinling Mansion is a bustling place. At this time, there should be countless people enjoying the cool air, and the night market is even more lively. However, there is silence around Zhenwu Temple, and the huge Zhenwu Temple courtyard Deep down, because of the case, the atmosphere was quite solemn and dignified. There was no excitement at all here, except for the quietness.

Qi Xuansu came out of the yard where he lived and walked to the back door of Zhenwu Temple.

After the heavy rain, there was a big bright moon hanging, and there were dim street lights beside the winding path. Qi Xuansu was getting closer and closer to the back door of the Taoist temple as if taking a walk.

"Who?" A spiritual official dispatched by Jiangnan Daofu suddenly asked in the dark.

Qi Xuansu was not surprised and just said: "The deacon of Tiangang Hall wants to go out for a walk."

There were more than one spiritual officer responsible for guarding, and they were all in different positions. One spiritual officer walked out of the darkness, took the initiative to salute, and said, "Please show me your waistband."

Generally speaking, the ultimatum is for outsiders to see, and within the Taoist sect, positions are more valued.

Although Qi Xuansu had a new certificate and Ziwei Hall waist card, Zhang Yuelu did not take back his Tiangang Hall Deacon waist card.

Qi Xuansu took out the waist badge and handed it to Lingguan.

One advantage of the waist tag is that there is no name on it, only a number. You can use this number to check the identity, but you cannot directly know the identity of the holder through the waist tag. After all, deacons and principals are transferred quite frequently. To prevent counterfeiting, waist badges are made of special materials and must be reused. It is impossible to recast a waist badge just for another deacon. The cost is too high.

However, at the level of fourth-grade wine priests and deputy hall masters, the waist badges were canceled and replaced with conferrals, which were unique to each person instead of being used repeatedly. Taoist priests of the fourth grade Jijiu were initially awarded the "Chu Zhen Sutra Urn", Taoist priests of the third grade Youyi were promoted to be awarded the "Zhongji Sutra Urn", Taoist priests of the second grade Taiyi were awarded the "Shangdong Sutra Urn", and Shenzhi Zhenren was awarded the "Taixuan Sutra Urn" ”, the first-grade innocent Taoist priest taught the “Taishang Du Gong Sutra Ribbon”, and the deputy headmaster Da Zhenren taught the “Tai Shang Daode Jing Ribbon”.

After checking Qi Xuansu's waistband, the spirit officer took the key to unlock the door, moved down a large horizontal door bolt, and opened a door.

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the night to leave the Zhenwu Temple, and saw many spiritual officers standing outside the Zhenwu Temple. They were all wearing spiritual officer armor and lined up against the wall, showing that they were heavily guarded.

Qi Xuansu did not stop and soon disappeared into the night.

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