Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 24 Church (Part 1)

Zhang Yuelu did not go out of the city alone. In fact, he had a guard. It was the second-grade spiritual officer named Xu who was transferred by Master Cihang. He was responsible for Zhang Yuelu's safety.

Previously, Xu Lingguan had returned to Yujing in a flying boat. However, as Jinque officially established a seven-member investigation team, Xu Lingguan took a flying boat to Jinling Mansion along with other Taoist priests in charge. He was still responsible for Zhang Yuelu's safety.

However, as long as he is in the old city area, Xu Lingguan will generally not show up. Not to mention that Zhang Yuelu is only a hair away from heaven and humans. He is still capable of fighting when he encounters heaven and humans. Even Bai Xiaojin was not abducted in the bustling old city. , so until Zhang Yuelu decided to leave the city, Xu Lingguan followed him.

When we left the city, there was neither wind nor waves.

This is also reasonable. With Zhang Yuelu and Xu Lingguan, it would take at least three heavenly beings to win, but the fight between five heavenly beings is so powerful that anyone who is not blind or deaf can detect it, not to mention Lei Xiaohuan. , Pei Xiaolou and his wife, Jiangnan Daofu cannot turn a blind eye.

As a result, things completely escalated. Master Donghua and Master Cihang are worried that they have no entry point, or that the current entry point is not big enough. With such an excuse, it plays into the hands of the two Masters Shenzhi, which is what the other party absolutely does not want to see.

But when I came back, I encountered a little surprise.

It was not that anyone wanted to do anything to Zhang Yuelu, but Zhang Yuelu accidentally saw a person when he was passing by the Qinhuai River.

Marshal Feng.

That day in Jiangling Mansion, Marshal Lei was in charge of Yuan Yuan and Yuan Chongzong, and Marshal Feng was in charge of killing Yuan Shangdao. Therefore, Zhang Yuelu had not seen Marshal Lei, but he had met Marshal Feng.

At that time, Marshal Feng was drinking in a boat in the river, and there were two beauties in cool clothes sitting next to him.

Heavenly beings are not saints. Even if they have a higher level of cultivation, they cannot eradicate human desires and there are always some hobbies.

The two elders, Feng Lei, have such a great reputation. From childhood to old age, the two brothers have retired and advanced together. They have no wives and children. It can be said that they depend on each other for life.

Just because he has never married and had children does not mean that he does not like women. Although Marshal Feng is old, he is lustful and has ruined countless women from good families in his life, especially in Nanyang. Although he did not have a real wife, he became a concubine. The group can be said to be full of girls. This time he came to Jinling Mansion and asked him to live like a monk. How could he bear it? What's more, the Ten Miles of Qinhuai River in Jinling Prefecture is famous all over the world. He had nothing to do, so he spent a lot of money to buy a painting boat. He was enjoying himself and was spotted by Zhang Yuelu.

It seems ridiculous, but if you think about it carefully, it's not ridiculous.

Heavenly beings are not dead warriors who have been trained since childhood, nor are they slaves who are ordered around, or even spiritual officials whose cultivation is tied to the hands of others. Placed at the Taoist gate, it is a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. Even in secret societies, they are all high-level figures. They can obey orders without wronging themselves. Hiding your whereabouts, acting cautiously, and hiding in hiding are all required of your subordinates. As one of the principals, how can Marshal Feng abide by these rules? It's good enough not to deceive superiors and conceal others, and to enrich one's own pockets. Even women are not allowed to touch them, which is too lenient.

This is like the various rules of a wealthy family. Only the slaves and maids must abide by them. I have never heard that the master must abide by them, because the master is the one who makes the rules.

In fact, since ancient times, this kind of situation has never been rare. Whether it is a Taoist court or a secret association, we can't force too much, just ask that things don't go wrong.

There is no way, heavenly beings are not ordinary people, if you really push them, they will go against it. At this point, the Taoist sect has many precedents. For example, the Eight Tribes rebelled against the Taoist sect because they were dissatisfied with the various decisions of the Taoist sect in the creation project.

After all, if the internal atmosphere of the Taoist sect is not good, how can these secret societies be any better? We all have the same human nature, who is more noble than whom?

After Zhang Yuelu found out about Marshal Feng, he didn't say anything. While sending a message to Zhenwu Temple, he and Xu Lingguan boarded the boat together to prevent Marshal Feng from escaping.

Marshal Feng couldn't help being shocked when he saw the two men attacking him. Xu Lingguan was wearing the armor of a spiritual officer, and his identity could be identified at a glance. A second-grade spiritual officer could not fake it, and he was equivalent to a heavenly being. He also recognized Zhang Yuelu. Although he was not a celestial being, he was only one step away from him. If he really wanted to face a celestial being, even if he was not his opponent, he would still have the strength to fight.

At this time, when he faced two people alone, he would definitely lose but not win.

Therefore, Marshal Feng didn't even think about it. He didn't fight with the two of them at all and just swept away.

However, he did not dare to take off rashly. After all, this was Jinling Mansion, one of the most important towns in the world. There were at least two hands of heavenly beings in the city. As soon as he rose into the air, he fell into the sight of all the heavenly beings. , it will be difficult to escape. But if you don't take off and continue to hide in the city, with various buildings, streets, and rivers as cover, it will be difficult to be discovered.

Marshal Feng ran away very fast, almost without touching the ground, flying close to the ground. After all, Zhang Yuelu had not become a celestial being. He knew that he would probably not be able to catch up with Marshal Feng, so he shouted to Xu Lingguan: "Leave me alone, catch up, don't let me go." He escaped."

Xu Lingguan did not hesitate and chased after Marshal Feng.

Zhang Yuelu could only follow him from a distance based on the spirit pendant on his body.

The so-called spirit pendant is similar to a jade pendant. Its function is very simple, that is, to determine the position. Its principle is quite similar to the Zimu Talisman. After all, Xu Lingguan is responsible for Zhang Yuelu's safety. He always needs to know where Zhang Yuelu is. If he doesn't even know where Zhang Yuelu is, there is no protection. Therefore, the two of them each carry a spiritual pendant to determine their respective positions.

The three of them chased and fled all the way. Although Jinling Mansion had completely abolished the city system, some traces and planning of the city still remained in the old city. Therefore, the three of them chased for several squares and finally left the old city all the way. , came to the outer city, passed Shence Gate, and came to the vicinity of Shangyuan Gate.

Jinlingfu has a population of nearly two million. It is the largest and most populous town in the entire Jiangnan, and it is also a business center. Therefore, there are many businessmen, missionaries, and adventurers from overseas countries in Jinlingfu, most of whom live in the Shangyuanmen area. .

When Zhang Yuelu arrived, he saw Xu Lingguan standing outside a church, hesitating.

The so-called church is similar to the Taoist temple of Taoism. It is a place where believers in the Western Holy Temple pray for blessings and worship God.

The architectural style of this church is very different from that of the Central Plains architecture. It has a towering spire, an arched dome, and stained glass windows, which seem to be inlaid with pictures on the entire window. In front of the church is a wide square with white stone pavement, a fountain in the middle, and two statues with high noses and deep eyes, and two wings on their backs.

The whole church is filled with a faint aura of light, like a layer of light mist.

It can be seen that many blond and blue-eyed believers are entering and leaving the church, and there are almost no Central Plains people.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but frown.

At least on the surface, the Daomen and the Holy Court have maintained a relatively peaceful relationship. The Daomen allows the Holy Court to set up churches in several important cities. However, the Daomen does not allow the Holy Court to preach. These churches are only for Western believers to worship, so almost all the people gathered here They are all lustful people.

The Holy Court also allows Taoist sects to set up Taoist temples overseas, and the rules are similar. In fact, the Holy Court is strictly guarding against this kind of thing. The reason why the Taoist sect is an exception is that, in addition to the great power of the Taoist sect, the key is that the people in the Taoist sect have always lacked interest in preaching, and their general attitude is that they believe in it or not. At this point, it is even inferior to Buddhism and Confucianism. Needless to say, Buddhism is called Western religion. It was introduced to the Central Plains and was not native to the country. Confucianism has always liked to educate the barbarians and make them admire kings.

Therefore, this place is a bit sensitive. If it is not necessary, it is not easy for people in the Taoist sect to enter it rashly, and disputes may easily arise.

At this time, many believers looked at Xu Lingguan, who was wearing armor, with horror on their faces.

Xu Lingguan said softly: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang, that person entered the church."

"Is the Holy Court also involved?" Zhang Yuelu took a deep breath and strode forward.

A chief bishop in white robes took the initiative to greet him. He spoke fluent Central Plains Mandarin and even had a hint of Jinling accent: "This is the Holy Church. Unless you are a believer, you are not allowed to enter without permission."

Zhang Yuelu took out his "Chu Zhen Sutra Urn" and said: "I am the Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade of the Taoist Sect and the Vice-Chairman of Tiangang Hall. Please see the local archbishop and go and report it."

The first bishop's expression changed slightly, but he had nothing to say.

According to the principle of equivalence between the Holy Court and Taoist sects, the first bishop is equivalent to a fifth-grade Taoist priest, and the archbishop is equivalent to a fourth-grade wine-provoking Taoist priest. Therefore, Zhang Yuelu's request was reasonable and he could not refuse.


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