Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 25 Church (Part 2)

In fact, based on Zhang Yuelu's actual situation, even if she directly talks to the metropolitan, it is okay. It's just that the Xiaozhangtang's terms are only familiar to the Taoists themselves, and the Holy Court may not know about it. Zhang Yuelu has no intention of explaining anything. He just asks to see the archbishop here based on the principle of reciprocity.

However, the chief bishop had been in the Central Plains for a long time and often dealt with people in the Taoist sect. He also knew the concept of a high-ranking Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine offering and the position of deputy hall master. He had no choice but to go and report it.

However, Zhang Yuelu did not wait for the archbishop, but for the cardinal deacon.

Although the Daxuan Dynasty did not establish a deputy capital, Jinling Mansion, as one of the most prosperous places in the world, vaguely has the meaning of a deputy capital and is the center of the entire Jiangnan. Therefore, the Holy Court attaches great importance to Jinling Mansion and has established two metropolitan bishops to be responsible for the many churches in Jinling Mansion. Each church has an archbishop as the main man and a chief bishop as the deputy. There is also a cardinal deacon above it.

This cardinal deacon is not comparable to the deacons of the Taoist sect. He is equivalent to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest of the Taoist sect. Of course, it is not just as simple as managing church believers. He is mainly responsible for business transactions. The last time the earth master and the national master took over the rotation of the great master Only Master Cihang has not arrived. The reason given by Master Cihang is to deal with the trade dispute between the Holy Court and the Taoist sect, that is, Master Cihang is negotiating with the cardinal deacon.

However, Master Cihang is Master Shenzhi after all, and is one level higher than the Cardinal Deacon, so he usually does not care about these matters. Normally, they would contact Jiangnan Province. If it involves important business transactions, Jiangnan Province has always been cautious. Even if the real person in charge does not come forward in person, the chief deputy palace owner or the second deputy palace owner will do so.

Zhang Yuelu did not expect that the Cardinal Deacon of the Holy Court would be here. He only felt that the situation was completely out of his control.

This cardinal deacon is wearing a white robe with gold trim, a soft hat on his head, a golden key hanging on his waist, and a holy emblem on his chest. He looks quite young, but his actual age should be over fifty.

Zhang Yuelu could clearly feel the faint coercion coming from this person. Although she was not sure how the Holy Court divided realms, from the perspective of the Taoist sect, there was no doubt that he was a heavenly being.

Zhang Yuelu was thinking rapidly about how to face this cardinal deacon of the Holy Court, who was far above him in rank, when he heard a long laugh, holding a bamboo staff, wearing a second-grade Taiyi Taoist crane cloak, a lotus crown on his head, and a sword of wisdom. Taoist priests descended from the sky.

It's Pei Xiaolou who has arrived.

Zhang Yuelu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she conveyed the news to Zhenwu Temple as soon as possible and left marks along the way, allowing Pei Xiaolou to arrive in time at the critical moment.

The cardinal deacon had stayed in Jinling Mansion for many years and had dealt with many high-ranking people in the Taoist sect. He knew by looking at his clothes that the person coming was of high status and was a real person from the Taoist sect, so he took the initiative to greet him.

The two of them saluted each other and exchanged names.

This cardinal deacon has lived in the Central Plains for a long time, and also gave himself a Central Plains name, called Shi Luosi, which has a somewhat transliterated meaning.

This was the first time for Shi Luosi to see Pei Xiaolou, but he knew about the changes in the situation in Jinling Mansion. He had already known about the Jinque investigation team stationed in Jinling Mansion. As soon as he heard Pei Xiaolou's name, he already knew this person. The representative is the Jinque Investigation Team, and his attitude is much more solemn.

Pei Xiaolou slowly opened his mouth and said: "I just got the news that there is a secret society of demons sneaking into your place. I hope that the cardinal and deacon will do it conveniently and work with us to investigate thoroughly."

Shi Luosi said calmly: "I only saw believers worshiping in the church, and I didn't see any demons."

Pei Xiaolou said: "I probably saw it wrong. It would be better to check it out, so that I can feel at ease."

"A real person wants to break into the church without permission?" Shi Luosi raised his eyebrows.

It would not be difficult for Pei Xiaolou to mobilize people to break into the church, and Shi Luosi alone could not stop him. However, Pei Xiaolou could not bear the serious consequences of breaking into the church without permission.

When the Taoist sect and the Holy Court established Taoist temples and churches for each other, they established a rule. Although the church was located under the jurisdiction of the Taoist sect, it was equivalent to the land of the Holy Court. People from the Taoist sect were not allowed to enter without permission. In the same way, although the Taoist temple is located under the jurisdiction of the Holy Court, it is equivalent to the land of the Taoist sect, and people from the Holy Court are not allowed to enter without permission.

This is a red line. If Pei Xiaolou enters the church of the Holy Court without permission, it will be regarded as the Taoist sect provoking the Holy Court. The senior officials of the Holy Court will inevitably put pressure on the Taoist sect to protest. This matter is enough to alarm the chief minister, and there is no big leader. The headmaster must alert the great master on duty. Even the master Donghua cannot protect Pei Xiaolou.

Of course, Pei Xiaolou understood the meaning, and naturally he would not give others the words. He waved his hand: "Cardinal Deacon Shi's words are serious. I have no such intention. Isn't this a formal discussion?"

"Since it is a discussion, I can express my attitude now." Shi Luosi said coldly, "I cannot be accommodating, so please forgive me."

"You really can't be accommodating?" Pei Xiaolou asked again.

Shi Luosi stopped talking.

Pei Xiaolou nodded and changed the subject: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang, what is the identity of this cult demon?"

Zhang Yuelu understood and replied: "He is Marshal Feng of the 'Tianting', and he is also one of the murderers of the Yuan family massacre in Jiangling Prefecture."

Pei Xiaolou asked again: "Xu Lingguan, did you see this monster escape into the church here with your own eyes?"

Xu Lingguan nodded and said, "Replying to the Master, yes."

Pei Xiaolou said: "Very good, since the cardinal deacon refuses to accommodate, then forget it, I will report the matter to Jin Que truthfully." While talking, Lei Xiaohuan finally arrived, and there were others who came with him. A large number of spiritual officials and alchemists.

Lei Xiaohuan directly ordered: "Surround this place and don't let anyone go."

The spiritual officials accepted the order with a bang and did not enter the church, but surrounded the church outside.

Shi Luosi's expression finally changed: "What are you going to do?"

Pei Xiaolou said with a smile: "We did not break into the church without permission. We are only enforcing martial law in this area to arrest the demons of the secret society. Please forgive me. We are enforcing martial law on our own territory, and the Holy Court cannot do the same. Do you want to object?"

Lei Xiaohuan strode forward. Pei Xiaolou stepped aside and heard Lei Xiaohuan say: "I have notified Jiangnan Daofu to activate the grand formation and prohibit all teleportation spells."

Taoist sects have formations in major towns to connect with the earth's energy, mainly for various teleportation and movement spells. After opening, not only the "Yin Yang Gate" cannot be opened, the Five Elements Escape Technique cannot be used, even the "Xun Talisman Array" and the Zimu Talisman will also be affected to a certain extent. This is designed for wartime, but it cannot defend against artillery fire, nor can it prohibit people from entering and exiting. The real way to stop the army is to rely on the city wall.

It's not that Daomen can't design a formation to withstand artillery, but it's that the consumption is too great. Except for Yujing, no city can support the huge consumption of the formation. The formations at Yunjin Mountain, Penglai Island, and Difeishan Mountain can certainly be achieved, but compared to big cities like Jinling Mansion, these places can only be regarded as small places, and the consumption is naturally small. Even the Imperial Capital can only maintain a corner of the imperial city and cannot cover the entire city with its formation.

Such a huge formation will also be divided into many "small pieces", just like a chessboard. Lei Xiaohuan only activated the formation in this area and did not affect other places, so it was very fast and there was not too much wrangling.

As for the tunnels, because of the special location of the church, it is considered the territory of the Holy Court. If the church opens a tunnel privately, it is easy to have disagreements and disputes over the division of the "territory". Therefore, in this regard, the Taoist Gate will conduct regular inspections around the church to prevent Such things happen. In other words, there is no authentic church.

In this way, Marshal Feng was blocked in the church, with no way to go from heaven to earth.

Pei Xiaolou said with a smile: "I have heard about the teachings of your sect for a long time, and there is a saying about the three virtues. The Taoist ancestor of my Taoist sect has three virtues. The supreme master said: 'I have three virtues, which are called kindness, which is called thrift, and which means that I dare not be the first in the world.' I hope that in some matters, the cardinal deacon will not dare to take the lead in the world. This is something that neither the Taoist sect nor the Holy Court wants to see."

Shi Luosi looked deeply at Pei Xiaolou and said nothing.

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "Xu Lingguan, I have to work hard to guard this place during this period. Don't let Marshal Feng escape."

Xu Lingguan responded in a deep voice.


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