Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 30 Changes

Qi Xuansu did not risk climbing over the city wall again. Instead, he waited outside the city until the city gate opened and entered the city with the people waiting in line.

A shocking incident last night completely disrupted Qi Xuansu's plan. Although it was satisfying to kill Uncle Feng, he had to consider the aftermath.

The only person who knew that he had encountered Uncle Feng was Bai Xiaojin. If Bai Xiaojin has been saved, then he will have to explain Feng Bo's death. If Bai Xiaojin has not been rescued, no one will guess that Feng Bo's death is related to him for the time being.

Of course he could return to his original appearance, restore Qi Xuansu's identity, and fight to the death. But in this way, not only was a piece of credit lost, but it was also difficult to explain "Feiying", "Qingyuan" and various firearms.

Thinking of firearms, Qi Xuansu remembered that he had used up all the "Phoenix Eyes" he carried last night, and also used two rounds of "Long Eyes Yiyi". He could only return to the Taiping Inn first and take the last three "Phoenix Eyes" with him. "Phoenix Eyes Yi Er" and "Phoenix Eyes Yi Yi", "Phoenix Eyes A Nine" have been used up.

Qi Xuansu returned to Taiping Inn with his front legs, and Zhang Yuelu arrived with his back legs.

Qi Xuansu had no time to wash up and change clothes, so he could only meet Zhang Yuelu like this.

Zhang Yuelu originally planned to inform Qi Xuansu of Bai Yingqiong's attitude, but he did not expect that Qi Xuansu was covered in dust and blood, and it seemed that he had just experienced a fight.

"People from the 'Tianting' attacked you? Are you okay?" Zhang Yuelu ignored Bai Yingqiong's affairs for the time being, and first cared about Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment, and then roughly told what happened yesterday, but he hid the part about killing Feng Bo in the end. He only said that Feng Bo met his enemy, and they fought before he escaped by chance. As for who this enemy was, he didn't know. It was too dark at that time, and the two heavenly beings were fighting fiercely in the sky. He was so focused on running for his life that he really didn't see clearly who was facing Uncle Feng.

Zhang Yuelu didn't care about Feng Bo's so-called rival and just said: "As long as you're fine."

Qi Xuansu was moved and didn't know what to say, so he changed the subject: "How are you doing over there?"

"Don't be busy now. I'll get you a basin of hot water. You can freshen up and change your clothes." Zhang Yuelu stood up, took the basin and walked out.

Not long after, Zhang Yuelu came back with a basin of hot water in his hand.

Qi Xuansu was a little embarrassed to change clothes in front of Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu said: "You can't ask me to help you change, can you?"

Qi Xuansu did not dare to think so, so he took off his outer robe, wearing only his middle coat, and went to the basin to wash his hands and face.

Zhang Yuelu then said: "The situation is very clear. Because Bai Xiaojin was kidnapped, that's why my senior sister's attitude is so ambiguous. Everything can be explained."

"The key now is, where did Bai Xiaojin go? If she falls into the hands of Tianting again, it will be difficult for us to find her." "But Ye Xiu and the dungeons you mentioned are all monks who can escape. You can't escape from the temple, especially the dungeon, which should be located in a certain courtyard. You can directly order a strict investigation and there should be some clues. "

"By the way, yesterday I found Marshal Feng of the Heavenly Court in the city, the heavenly man who killed Yuan Shangdao. We met him. He is now hiding in the Mary Cathedral near Shangyuan Gate. Lei The real person has ordered the Cathedral of Mary to be surrounded, but since this matter involves the Holy Court, the nature of the matter has become complicated, and there is also a cardinal deacon in the cathedral. Although Marshal Feng can't get out, we can't get in, that's it. Deadlocked."

After Qi Xuansu washed his face, Zhang Yuelu handed the face towel into his hand and asked, "What do you think?"

"The situation has become complicated." Qi Xuansu wiped his face, "If the commotion continues like this, it will be good if there is substantial progress in the case. If there is no substantial progress, we will soon enter the second stage mentioned by Master Lei. The emergence of critical voices is very detrimental to us.”

Zhang Yuelu said: "Risks and opportunities have always coexisted. It is true that the situation has become complicated now, but this change is beyond their expectations. Instead, it gives us an opportunity. As long as we can seize this opportunity, we don't even have to go." Take care of the person who is secretly muddying the waters and get to the point."

Qi Xuansu did not deny Zhang Yuelu's statement: "The key is to grasp it."

Zhang Yuelu said: "On the side of Mary Cathedral, it depends on how Jin Que communicates with the cardinals of the Holy Court. It cannot be moved for the time being. However, there is indeed something fishy on Ye Xiu's side, which is the key."

Qi Xuansu asked: "I plan to meet Ye Xiu, do you want to go with me?"

"By the way, what excuse did you use to see Ye Xiu yesterday?" Zhang Yuelu asked curiously.

Qi Xuansu said: "I asked him to help me check someone out."

"Who?" Zhang Yuelu asked.

Qi Xuansu said: "Qi Xuansu, the fifth-rank Taoist priest of Ziweitang."

Zhang Yuelu was startled, but then he figured out Qi Xuansu's intention, and couldn't help but smile: "It's really yours."

While talking, Qi Xuansu had already changed into a clean Taoist robe and put on his swords and firearms.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Do you want to go together?"

Zhang Yuelu only hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay."

She added: "It's not that I have to go there, it's just that Bai Xiaojin has been rescued, and the situation at Ye Xiu's side may change. I'll go there with you. If something unexpected happens, there will be someone to take care of her."

For some reason, Qi Xuansu always felt that Zhang Yuelu's words were trying to hide something, but he didn't point it out: "This is natural."

The two left the Taiping Inn and walked together to the city within the city where Ye Xiu was.

This was not the first time for Qi Xuansu to come here and he was familiar with the roads, but it was the first time for Zhang Yuelu to come to this city within a city and he was quite impressed.

Soon, the two arrived at Ye Xiu's mansion. The concierge expressed dissatisfaction with Qi Xuansu for bringing one more person, but Qi Xuansu said nothing more after giving him ten peace coins.

Still following the same process, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu waited for less than half an hour before meeting Ye Xiu.

The beggar king's eyes were red, and he could not hide his fatigue. He must have stayed up all night, and he no longer had the calmness he had when they last met. This is also reasonable. After such a big thing happened, how could it be possible to sleep and not be able to calmly get up.

"I said, it's limited to three days. It's only been one day, are you too impatient?" Ye Xiu's tone was a bit impatient.

Qi Xuansu's original intention was to test Ye Xiu. Now, it is meaningless to test Ye Xiu. There must be something wrong with Ye Xiu. So on the way here, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu briefly discussed it and thought that they could try to arrest Ye Xiu directly. show.

Because the two of them had an impromptu idea, it was impossible for Ye Xiubi to receive the news in advance.

Zhang Yuelu also analyzed Ye Xiu's mentality. Bai Xiaojin was not rescued from Ye Xiu's side, and Ye Xiu didn't know that Qi Xuansu followed the carriage from his side to the dungeon in the old city, so Ye Xiu must be lucky. , coupled with the fact that his family has a big business and has been operating here for many years, it is inevitable that he cannot bear to give up, and it is almost impossible to escape directly. Not to mention the possibility that Ye Xiu might be taken advantage of without her knowledge.

Now it seems that Zhang Yuelu has everything he expected.

As expected, Ye Xiu didn't escape, or even hide.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu looked at each other and said, "Three days? I'm afraid there will be no such person as the Beggar King in Jinling Mansion in three days, so I have to come here early."

Ye Xiu's face changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The dignified Taoist priest Taiyi of the second rank of the Taoist sect, the chief deputy master of the Jiangnan Taoist mansion, is not a small person who can be bullied. You dare to attack Bai Zhenren's daughter, do you still want to gain a foothold in the Jinling mansion?"

Ye Xiu's expression suddenly changed.

Seeing his expression, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu had concluded that Ye Xiu knew about it and could rule out the possibility of him being exploited without knowing it.

Now that Ye Xiu knew about it, the two of them were going to kill him.

Zhang Yuelu didn't want to reveal his identity, so he didn't use "photo paper". Instead, he carried "Five Qi Yan Luo" into his hand and grabbed it directly towards Ye Xiu.

Her martial arts skills are not weak, and Xu Kou, a martial artist, had his wrist broken by her.

Ye Xiu was able to become the Beggar King, and his strength was quite impressive. Although he was not a heavenly being, he was not far behind him. When faced with Zhang Yuelu's grasp, he was still frightened, but he swept his body back and tried to retreat.

However, Qi Xuansu had already taken precautions and had already blocked Ye Xiu's retreat, using the "River Power" of "Tantai Boxing Intent".

Ye Xiu could only fight one against two, and let out a sharp scream, intending to alert his subordinates outside.

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