Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 31: Taking people

As a beggar king for many years, Ye Xiu should not be underestimated. He carries two repeating handguns with him. These two handguns are not the standard "dragon handguns", but special firearms that Ye Xiu spent a lot of money to have skilled craftsmen forge. The advantage is that they can It is loaded with six rounds of projectiles and fired continuously. The disadvantage is that it can only use "Dragon Eyes Yiliu" at most, which is much less powerful.

Ye Xiu was seen tossing and turning while the two blunderbuss in his hands kept ringing. This was no longer the use of blunderbuss in the ordinary sense, but more like some kind of swordsmanship. In other words, Ye Xiu integrated swordsmanship into the use of firearms.

At this time, Ye Xiu didn't seem to be using two blunderbuss, but more like using two swords. The "stabbing", "tickling", "cleaving" and "picking" in swordsmanship were replaced by firing blunderbuss from different angles, and the fire blunderbuss was used. The range is much longer than that of the sword. In addition to being limited by the amount of ammunition, it is even more weird and powerful than conventional swordsmanship.

Qi Xuansu liked to use fire guns very much, but he had never seen such a use of fire guns before, and he was hit in the face by a gun unexpectedly. Although Zhang Yuelu dodged, he was temporarily forced back.

During this interval, Ye Xiu's subordinates had arrived. After all, this place is the core of the Beggar Clan, and there are many good players. After hearing Ye Xiu's roar, they rushed in one after another.

As the saying goes, what goes up leads to imitation, Ye Xiu is good at using fire blunderbuss, and many of his subordinates are equipped with fire blunderbuss, both long and short.

At this time, Qi Xuansu was close to Ye Xiu, and Zhang Yuelu was closer to the door because he was evaded and retreated. The two looked at each other, without saying anything, and went to fight separately. Zhang Yuelu turned to face Ye Xiu's subordinates, while Qi Xuansu attacked Ye Xiu.

Although Qi Xuansu was hit in the face by a gun, "Dragon Eyes Yiliu" is far different from "Dragon Eyes Yiyi". Qi Xuansu has the physique of a returning true martial artist, and even failed to penetrate the bones. He healed sixty-seven in the blink of an eye. become

Just now, Ye Xiu showed off a unique skill, let's call it "Gunsword Skill", but the shortcomings are also obvious. A total of twelve rounds of "Dragon Eyes Yiliu" in the double guns have been used up, and Qi Xuansu will not give him time to reload. It is already approaching. In front of you.

As a last resort, Ye Xiu could only throw away the gun and face Qi Xuansu's "Feiying" with his bare hands. His famous secret skill is called "Five Directions and Five Elements Sanshou". After using it, his hands turned upside down like stars in the sky and changed. indefinite.

The two exchanged more than ten moves, and Ye Xiu Mi found a flaw. With a flick of his finger, he opened "Fei Ying" and pointed Qi Xuan Su's chest acupuncture point.

But when Ye Xiu's fingertips were about to hit Qi Xuansu's chest, she suddenly became alert and she suddenly stopped her hand, while at the same time she stepped back again and again.

The next moment, a cold light flashed. It turned out that Qi Xuansu had pulled out "Qingyuan" at some point and almost cut off Ye Xiu's hand.

Ye Xiu couldn't help but be surprised. You must know that 60 to 70% of his kung fu is based on the ten fingers of both hands. If one finger is cut off, not only will he be unable to fire a gun, but his combat power will inevitably be greatly damaged. When masters fight against each other, the outcome depends on the outcome. A thin line determines the outcome.

Ye Xiu didn't dare to advance any more, and her moves suddenly changed, her claws became like knives and axes, fists, claws, palms, fingers, chopping, beating, grabbing, and holding, all of which were possible with various changes.

Qi Xuansu also put away his dagger and used only a single sword to deploy all the "Dayan Spirit Swords".

After dozens of moves, Ye Xiu gradually fell into a disadvantage. The backs and palms of both hands were already covered with bloodstains. After all, fighting the enemy with bare hands was no match for a weapon. The moves with both arms were extremely short, and he would be forced to attack within two feet. Retracted, seemingly only defensive but not offensive.

The "Feiying" in Qi Xuansu's hand struck down quickly, but Ye Xiu did not dare to catch it forcefully. While retreating, he waved his sleeve towards Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu's expression changed and he jumped back quickly.

But it was too late. With a flash of fire, a "Phoenix Eye Yi Er" exploded. It not only shattered Qi Xuansu's "Body Protection Qi", but also shocked him to pieces. There were bursts of fire in front of his eyes. black.

Because Ye Xiu retreated early, he was not affected by the explosion. Taking advantage of the victory, he struck Qi Xuansu's temple with his cross arm.

Qi Xuansu managed to twist his body to avoid it, but he was still hit on the shoulder and slipped out.

After Qi Xuansu stood firm, he looked at Yanzhang's shoulder and saw five dark fingerprints on it, as if they were scorched by fire. There were also wisps of black energy rising and escaping from these five fingerprints.

Ye Xiu was unyielding, his body flashed away, and he came to Qi Xuansu again, and slapped Qi Xuansu's head with both palms.

Qi Xuansu didn't dare to use his head to test how hard Ye Xiu's palms were. He swung his body back, avoided both palms, and at the same time used the "Dragon Swimming River" style in "Tantai Fist Intention". Flying kick.

Ye Xiu couldn't avoid it and was swept away, slamming into the wall.

Qi Xuansu breathed out a breath of turbid air, and the blood in his body was consumed a lot.

In the past, he used firearms to plot against others, but today he met his opponent and was tricked by others using firearms.

Fortunately, he had the physique of a returning warrior. Although he could not condense his body and spirit, the supernatural powers derived from his flesh and blood were further strengthened, and his injuries healed faster. Moreover, Ye Xiu was not a Taoist after all, so the firearms he used were still inferior.

Having said that, it is rude to come back and not reciprocate.

Qi Xuansu held the knife in his left hand and pulled out the "Dragon Hand Gun" with his right hand, aiming it at Ye Xiu.

On the other side, Zhang Yuelu was one against many. Although she did not use the "No Photo Paper", but with the "Six Void Tribulations" alone, she was still like a tiger among the sheep. Almost no one was her enemy.

Zhang Yuelu is not a delicate lady like Bai Xiaojin. She was also killed from Beichen Hall and Tiangang Hall. With a seemingly careless sweep of his arms, he hit the chest of an elite member of the Beggar Gang and collapsed it. Seeing that he was no longer alive, he again Taking advantage of the situation, he grabbed the man's chest, injected his true energy, and threw it as a large hidden weapon. The two of them couldn't dodge, so they had to force it, and they were beaten half to death.

Zhang Yuelu succeeded with one blow and did not stop. His figure was erratic, causing several muskets to fall into the air.

Zhang Yuelu came to a person holding a long gun and grabbed it casually. The man subconsciously blocked the long gun in his hand, and the long gun was twisted into a twist.

A white-haired old man attacked Zhang Yuelu from behind with a knife.

Zhang Yuelu seemed to have eyesight on his back. He turned around and grabbed it with his five fingers.

For a moment, the only thing left in the old man's sight was Zhang Yuelu's five fingers.

Then he saw a piece of snow-white wrist winding like a snake, and the five fingers were closed together, creating a strong spiral wind, like a snake leaping up and shooting towards him, covering his vitals in all directions.

The old man only felt that the skin on his body was tightened. If it were an ordinary person, before his palm fell, just the strong wind wrapped around his five fingers would be able to twist off all the skin, flesh and blood, just like Ling Chi's punishment, and only the remaining Next set of bones. However, the old man had a cultivation level in the Yuxu stage, so he would not be so bad. His luck could offset seven or eight points of murderous intent.

But the old man could block the outward force, but he couldn't block the five fingers themselves.

Zhang Yuelu is not a martial artist, and her body is not strong, so she does not dare to directly use her fists and feet as weapons like a martial artist. Instead, she covers her palms with a layer of "five-qi smoke" that condenses but does not disperse. You can see Zhang Yuelu's five fingers. It was stabbed on the old man's face, leaving five bloody finger holes. Looking at Zhang Yuelu's fingers, there was no blood on them.

Seeing Zhang Yuelu's ruthless attack, the other people didn't dare to step forward for a moment, and they just surrounded him with their weapons but did not attack.

Zhang Yuelu was still thinking about Qi Xuansu's side, but he was not polite to them. He stepped forward and took the initiative to attack.

After just one meeting, two people were killed by Zhang Yuelu.

Because the earth master's secret skill of "Six Void Tribulations" is too overbearing, it has three magical powers. One of the magical powers is that everything can be turned into nothingness, regardless of true energy, blood energy, divine power, or magic power. These people His level of cultivation was not as good as Zhang Yuelu's, but when faced with the "Six Void Tribulations", he was shocked to realize that his true energy and blood energy were all gone in the blink of an eye. He was so horrified that his mind and body were completely lost, and he was already dead before he could even recover. Under Zhang Yuelu's heavy hand.

There was a gunshot.

Although Ye Xiu tried her best to dodge, she was still hit in the knee. "Dragon Eyes Yi Yi" was not comparable to "Long Eyes Yi Liu", and Ye Xiu didn't have the physique of a martial artist. His entire knee was directly beaten to pieces. He could no longer support his body and knelt down on one knee.

Qi Xuansu threw the empty "Dragon Hand Gun" as a hidden weapon and raised his knife to kill.

Ye Xiu barely dodged the spinning "Dragon Hand Cannon", but could not avoid the "Feiying" in Qi Xuansu's hand. She could only shout: "Spare my life!"

Qi Xuansu's hand was very steady, and the blade of "Feiying" had already cut a thin red line on Ye Xiu's neck, but it stopped suddenly and did not go any further.

"Tell them to stop." Qi Xuansu put a little more force on his hand, and the red line immediately began to grow longer.

Ye Xiu didn't dare to play any tricks and immediately said loudly: "Stop it."

The people who were besieging Zhang Yuelu were already frightened by Zhang Yuelu's beating. Rather than besieging Zhang Yuelu, it was better to say that they were barely holding Zhang Yuelu back. After hearing that Ye Xiu asked them to help, they hurriedly stepped back and opened the gap between them and Zhang Yuelu without any hesitation. distance, for fear of being beaten to death by Zhang Yuelu.

The fight didn't last long, but the corpses already lying on the ground all died in Zhang Yuelu's hands.

Zhang Yuelu didn't even look at it and was indifferent.

Zhang Yuelu's determination to change the Taoist sect does not mean that she is a compassionate saint. If she had that kind of temperament, not only would she not be able to save others, she would not even be able to save herself. She would have died in the fierce strife within the Taoist sect.

What is change? To put it bluntly, it is to redistribute power and interests. Who is willing to give away the power and interests that have been obtained? Therefore, changing Taoism is not about sitting in a golden palace and talking about Taoism, but a life-and-death struggle, accompanied by swords and swords and bloody storms. It is a road of no return with no retreat.

A pampered flower garden Taoist priest cannot do such a big thing.

Only a wild Taoist priest like Qi Xuansu who climbed up from the bottom can do it.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu's eyes met. Zhang Yuelu walked up to Ye Xiu, put his hand on Ye Xiu's shoulder, and activated the "Six Void Tribulations" to inject the power of the Six Tribulations into Ye Xiu's body, temporarily sealing his cultivation.

Qi Xuansu then had time to lean over and pick up the "Dragon Hand Gun".

Ye Xiu's expression was complicated: "Who are the two of you?"

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "King Ye Beggar, come with us. Tiangang Hall will treat you to tea."

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