Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 32 Interrogation (Part 1)

If a large team of people were mobilized to arrest Ye Xiu, and Ye Xiu was well-informed, I am afraid that when the spiritual officials left the Zhenwu Temple, he would be able to get the news. He would have already escaped before the spiritual officials entered the city within the city. Jinling Mansion is so big. , it will be difficult to catch him again.

If you want to catch Ye Xiu, the fewer people, the better, and the faster, the better.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu suddenly decided to catch someone. When they discussed the matter, they used their identities as Wei Wugui and Tantaichu. No matter how well-informed Ye Xiu was, he had no way of knowing.

To use an inappropriate analogy, the case that Qingluan Wei is most afraid of is not a case that is carefully planned, arranged, and arranged. The links are like beads on a string. If there is a problem in one link, all the beads will be scattered on the ground. The longer a case is planned, the more flaws it has. The real cold case is a random killing, a spontaneous killing.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu had this intention in catching people this time. After all, what they were thinking about yesterday was how to get information from Ye Xiu. They had not even made such a decision before leaving this morning. They did it on the way to the city within the city. After making the decision to capture the person, the two took action half an hour later.

No matter how sophisticated Ye Xiu is, it is difficult to predict.

Qi Xuansu held Ye Xiu with "Fei Ying" in his hand, and Zhang Yuelu protected Qi Xuansu and walked out.

The members of the Beggar Clan were still surrounding the two men from a distance, neither daring to come forward nor willing to let them go. Moreover, many members of the Beggar Clan had gathered outside the mansion, and they were so tightly surrounded.

Zhang Yuelu was not in a hurry. After taking action, she sent a signal to Zhenwu Temple. The people from Tiangang Hall should be arriving soon.

Sure enough, after about two sticks of incense, a group of cavalry was seen galloping towards them. A dark atmosphere swept over them like clouds, and the dense and low sound of horse hooves beat on the ground, which shocked people's hearts.

Without even shouting, those blocking the way would get out of the way.

Arriving at the main entrance of the mansion, these well-trained cavalry quickly reined in their reins and surrounded the gate in a semicircle. The horse's legs stand out, swords and guns are raised at the same time. The knight on the horse is covered in armor. His body is dark and there are almost no gaps. He is the spiritual officer of the Taoist sect.

Facing the armor-clad and oppressive spirit officer, the beggars outside had no courage to stop him. If they really wanted to take action, not to mention the rabble of the Beggar Clan, even the elite cavalry of men in black would not dare to be careless in the slightest, so these Tiangang Hall spiritual officers did not encounter much obstruction.

The leader was none other than Mu Jin. She was not wearing armor but was dressed as a Taoist priest. She got off her horse and led the spiritual officials into the mansion.

As soon as she entered the door, Mu Jin saw Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu.

She recognized "Tantai Chu", but was slightly startled, and then guessed the identity of "Wei Wugui".

She knew that these two people must be together.

Zhang Yuelu signaled Qi Xuansu to hand Ye Xiu over to the spirit officials brought by Mu Jin. The spirit officials took out special shackles similar to those worn by Bai Xiaojin, but more complicated. They tied them on Ye Xiu's hands, feet, neck, and Connected into one body, blocking all blood, divine power, true energy, and magic power, even if you are a master in the return to true stage, you will still be unable to move. Even a martial artist would find it difficult to break the chains with physical strength.

Because Ye Xiu's knees were broken by Qi Xuansu with a firecracker and it was difficult to walk, the two spiritual officers simply lifted Ye Xiu up, one on each side, and walked out.

Ye Xiu's subordinates could only watch. They were not ancient immortal wizards. How could they dare to openly confront the Taoist sect?

After Mu Jin and Zhang Yuelu looked at each other, they turned and left.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu did not accompany them. They left alone, intending to take off their disguises first.

There is a dungeon in Zhenwu Temple, close to Zhenwu Lake. Half of it is an ordinary cell and half is a water prison. It is equipped with formations and all kinds of teleportation spells and escape techniques are prohibited.

Just as Mu Jin led the spiritual officer to escort the people here, she saw Li Mingcheng coming in from the entrance of the dungeon, followed by many Taoist priests from Beichen Hall.

In the earliest days, Zhang Yuelu was the chief Taoist priest in Beichen Hall, Mu Jin was working under Zhang Yuelu as the deacon Taoist priest, and Li Mingcheng was Zhang Yuelu's immediate boss. From this point of view, Li Mingcheng can be regarded as Mu Jin's old boss.

But later Zhang Yuelu rose to the top, and was appointed by the Earth Master as the deputy head of Tiangang Hall. Mu Jin also followed Zhang Yuelu to Tiangang Hall. When Cihang became the master of Tiangang Hall, Zhang Yuelu became the small leader of the hall, and Mu Jin also followed the rise. , became the Taoist priest in charge. From this point of view, it is very important to follow the right person. One person can achieve the goal of chicken and dog ascending to heaven.

"I've met Deputy Hall Master Li." Mu Jin took the initiative to salute. After all, he was an old boss.

Li Mingcheng glanced at Ye Xiu and asked, "Who is this?"

Mu Jin replied: "It's the suspect that our deputy hall master personally arrested."

"Suspect." Li Mingcheng nodded, "Then it's up to you, Master Mu, and leave the rest to us."

Mu Jin was stunned for a moment, then realized: "What does Deputy Hall Master Li mean?"

"What do you mean? It means that our Beichen Hall should be responsible for the interrogation." Li Mingcheng said calmly, "Master Mu can leave."

Mu Jin was a little afraid of Li Mingcheng, but she refused to give in: "Deputy Hall Master Li, our Deputy Hall Master said that she will interrogate the suspect in person."

"Jinque asked our various departments to cooperate in handling cases. You arrest people and we interrogate. This is called coordinated case handling. You arrest people and you interrogate. This is not called coordinated case handling." Li Mingcheng said slowly and calmly, "Could it be that... Deputy Tang Zhang Mainly disobeying Jinque’s orders?”

How could Mu Jin dare to take this big hat off, but she was also a bit quick-witted and immediately said: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang has absolutely no intention of doing this, but when we work together to handle cases, we must always communicate with each other. Deputy Hall Master Li will take the prisoner away directly. We I can’t explain it to Deputy Hall Master Zhang, so I’d better ask Deputy Hall Master Li to wait until Deputy Hall Master Zhang arrives and the two of them come up with a mutually satisfactory result.”

Li Mingcheng said expressionlessly: "The case is urgent, how can we allow a moment of delay? Are you willing to take the responsibility for missing a big event? Get out of the way!"

Mu Jin took a step back, but did not let go. She said loudly: "Since the case is urgent, why didn't Deputy Hall Master Li go to arrest the prisoner early? Instead, he stayed in the dungeon. We came back on the front foot, and Deputy Hall Master Li arrived on the back foot. This is good news."

Li Mingcheng narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Of course, he didn't come here to win the peaches, but for a deeper reason. It's just this reason that I can't say.

The key here is Zhenwu Guan. It is not easy to use force. He is the one who directly robs others and takes advantage of them. He is the one who gives others leverage.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu finally arrived. She was delayed for a while because she changed her clothes and took off her disguise, but she wouldn't be delayed for too long.

At this time, Zhang Yuelu was wearing the formal attire of a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest, with the badge of the deputy head of the Tiangang Hall hung around his waist, and he also held a snow-white whisk in his hand. Next to her is Qi Xuansu, who is dressed as a fifth-grade Taoist priest. He is not as elegant as Zhang Yuelu. He holds a horizontal knife in his hand and a gun hanging on his waist. Only the wound between his eyebrows has not completely healed.

Zhang Yuelu walked in: "Vice Hall Master Li."

Li Mingcheng suddenly turned around and looked at Zhang Yuelu. Facing this former subordinate, he forced a smile and said, "Vice Hall Master Zhang."

Although Zhang Yuelu was once his subordinate, the two are now completely different. Zhang Yuelu has a bright future. Master Shen Zhi cannot escape. If he is lucky, he may even be able to compete for the Eighth Generation Grand Master. But he can already see his head at a glance in his life and hold the position of Master Shen Zhi. Master Shen Zhi will not even think about it. .

As for the position of real person, it is really nothing in the Li family. The so-called "seven real people in one discipline" are not seven second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests. Strictly speaking, the "real people" here refer to Zhenzhi Zhenren and Pingzhang Dazhen. Including a deputy headmaster, Da Zhenren.

Mu Jin immediately came to Zhang Yuelu and recounted what had just happened in detail. After Zhang Yuelu listened, he waved his fly whisk in his hand and said, "Do you want Vice Hall Li to take the prisoner away?"

"According to the rules, we should conduct the interrogation regarding the punishment of Master Beichen Hall." Li Mingcheng's tone was no longer as aggressive as before, but it was also firm.

Zhang Yuelu said: "This time we rushed to Jinling Mansion to investigate the case. Jinque ordered all the halls to jointly handle the case. Even though the head of Beichen Hall is in charge of the punishment, he does not have the power to act arbitrarily."

Facing Zhang Yuelu, Li Mingcheng was not as tough as he was with Mu Jin. He was very flexible and said another way: "Then we will jointly handle the case. We will jointly interrogate. In terms of interrogating prisoners, Beichen Hall is more professional." ”

Zhang Yuelu said noncommittally: "Although all the halls are jointly handling the case, there are priorities. This time, Ziwei Hall is the main one and Qi is in charge." The second half of the sentence was addressed to others.

"Yes." Qi Xuansu responded and looked at Li Mingcheng, "Deputy Hall Master Li, the arrest of the suspect was personally ordered by Master Lei, and Deputy Hall Master Zhang of Tiangang Hall only assisted in the arrest. If Deputy Hall Master Li wants to jointly interrogate, You should not ask Deputy Hall Master Zhang for his opinion, but Master Lei."

Li Mingcheng's eyes turned to Qi Xuansu and his tone was slightly cold: "Who are you?"

Qi Xuansu calmly looked at Li Mingcheng and said, neither humble nor arrogant: "I am Qi Xuansu, the Taoist priest in charge of Ziweitang, who is affiliated with Ziweitang Lei Zhenren."

"Do you have a warrant from Master Lei?" Li Mingcheng was still unwilling.

Of course, Qi Xuansu did not have a warrant: "There is only the command from Master Lei. If Deputy Hall Master Li doesn't believe it, he can go to Master Lei himself for verification."

Of course, Li Mingcheng couldn't go to Lei Xiaohuan for confirmation, so he could only take a deep look at Ye Xiu, who was in chains.

Ye Xiu was a little lucky.

If it really falls into the hands of Li Mingcheng, he may leave this place alive, or he may directly lose his life. The risk is too great. Compared with the two, Tiangangtang is safer. At least his life will not be endangered. Tiangangtang I still need him to testify.

There was a brief silence in the dungeon, and finally Li Mingcheng broke the silence: "Let's go."

The people from Beichen Hall followed Li Mingcheng out of the dungeon in silence. Li Mingcheng looked back at the door of the dungeon and snorted coldly.

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