Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 36 Discussion (Part 1)

There is an impromptu meeting of the investigation team today.

All seven members of the investigation team were present, and the person presiding over the discussion was Lei Xiaohuan. Because this joint investigation was vigorously promoted by Master Donghua, Lei Xiaohuan, who represented Master Donghua and Ziweitang, became the leader of the investigation team and sat in the main seat.

Since it involves the secret association "Tianting", Tiangangtang, which is responsible for suppressing and cracking down on secret associations, is second only to Ziweitang, so Zhang Yuelu, who represents Tiangangtang, sits to the left of Lei Xiaohuan.

In essence, this case was a major corruption case that occurred within the Taoist sect. There was no way to bypass Beichen Hall internally, so Li Ming, who represented Beichen Hall, sat on the right side of Lei Xiaohuan.

In this way, it is exactly the pattern of Shangsantang.

Fengxiantang and Duzhitang were nominally assisting in the investigation, and each had their own responsibilities. They were only responsible for one aspect. This time, they did not have the authority to dispatch spiritual officials, so they were under the Shangsantang. Lu Yushu, who represented Fengxiantang, sat next to Zhang Yuelu, and Li Mingzhi, who represented Duzhitang, sat next to Li Mingcheng.

Because this major case involves Jiangling Prefecture and Jinling Prefecture, which correspond to Jiangnan Provincial Prefecture and Huzhou Provincial Prefecture respectively, these two families are a bit embarrassed. They have the right to participate in the investigation, but they are also suspected of dereliction of duty.

Because Huzhou Daofu is affiliated to Quanzhen Taoism and is vertically managed by the Quanzhen Taoist Wanshou Chongyang Palace, while Jiangnan Daofu is under the direct jurisdiction of Yujing, so Jiangnan Daofu is directly involved, while Huzhou Daofu stays out of the matter, and Wanshou Chongyang Palace participates on its behalf. . Therefore, Bai Yingqiong, the chief deputy hall master representing the Jiangnan Taoist government, and Pei Xiaolou, the assistant minister representing the Quanzhen Taoist Wanshou Chongyang Palace, sat at the end.

Bai Yingqiong is next to Lu Yushu, and Pei Xiaolou is next to Li Mingzhi.

Judging from the seating arrangement alone, it is true that you are surrounded by me, and I am surrounded by you, just like a dog's teeth intertwined.

In addition, following the example of Jinque's discussion, there are also auditorium seats. It is said to be an auditor, but it is for convenience. If there are any trivial matters that need to be dispatched, the seven deputy hall masters cannot do it themselves. At this time, the people who are observing The usefulness is highlighted.

At this time, there were many people sitting in the auditorium, but the most eye-catching one was the person in charge of recording the proceedings. The person who took the notes was not from Tiangang Hall or Beichen Hall, but from Ziwei Hall. Li Mingcheng had some impression that the fifth-grade Taoist priest following Zhang Yuelu was named Qi Xuansu and belonged directly to Lei Xiaohuan.

This little detail makes people feel that it was Ziweitang who directly organized this investigation. To put it bluntly, all investigations are ultimately responsible to only one person, and that person is Donghua Zhenren. Of course, the so-called various means are not to put pressure on Jinque, but mainly to put pressure on Donghua Zhenren, who is leading the matter. .

"Let's start the discussion." Lei Xiaohuan glanced at everyone.

The other six people had no objections, so the discussion officially began.

Lei Xiaohuan took out a confession and said: "Some people have read this confession, and some people have not read it yet. Regardless of whether they have read it or not, read it again and circulate it."

After that, Lei Xiaohuan handed the confession in her hand to Zhang Yuelu. This was the copy that Zhang Yuelu had examined, so she just flipped through it symbolically, and then handed it to Lu Yushu.

This was the first time Lu Yushu saw this confession, so he read it very seriously. Next came Bai Yingqiong, Pei Xiaolou, Li Mingzhi, and Li Mingcheng, who just made a circle. Finally, Li Mingcheng handed it back to Lei Xiaohuan.

"I've read it all, what do you think?" Lei Xiaohuan took the confession and looked around at everyone again.

Speaking of everyone, in fact, Lei Xiaohuan's eyes directly passed Zhang Yuelu and Pei Xiaolou, and fell on Bai Yingqiong, Lu Yushu, Li Mingzhi, and Li Mingcheng. However, the attitude of the latter three had already been decided. To say something unpleasant, A dog cannot spit out ivory, so Lei Xiaohuan's eyes were mainly focused on Bai Yingqiong.

Bai Yingqiong was naturally aware of it, not to mention that she was the person involved, so she had to be the first to speak: "My little girl has been missing for a long time, and I didn't expect that she was abducted by the 'Tianting' demon. To be honest, I have been worried about my little girl these past few days." Worrying without caring about others is really a dereliction of duty.”

Zhang Yuelu said: "This is human nature. It's just that such a big thing happened, and the senior sister didn't communicate with us. She just kept her head down and looked for it alone. It would be too unreasonable."

Bai Yingqiong said: "The investigation of the case is the most important thing. I don't care about others because of my daughter's affairs. I am already neglecting my official duties for personal reasons. How can I trouble others?"

"That's wrong." Zhang Yuelu looked at Bai Yingqiong and said, "The people from the 'Tianting' kidnapped Senior Sister Bai's daughter had an obvious intention. They were nothing more than blackmailing Senior Sister Bai to hinder the investigation. This is not Senior Sister Bai's private matter. You can’t say it’s none of our business.”

Bai Yingqiong looked a little unnatural. After all, Zhang Yuelu came to see her shortly after Bai Xiaojin disappeared, but she didn't mention anything. Instead, she declined Zhang Yuelu's request about Ye Xiu. Now that Ye Xiu is under arrest, it can be deduced based on Ye Xiu's confession that when she declined Zhang Yuelu, Bai Xiaojin happened to be in Ye Xiu's hands.

This is really a very ironic black joke.

At the same time, everyone, including Lei Xiaohuan, looked at Bai Yingqiong.

Bai Yingqiong had to explain: "Concern leads to chaos. I lost my head."

Zhang Yuelu did not look at Bai Yingqiong at this time, but habitually looked sideways at Qi Xuansu who was sitting in the auditorium.

Qi Xuansu smiled at Zhang Yuelu and winked.

In public, Zhang Yuelu had to worry about his own image, so he did not flirt with Qi Xuansu. He looked away calmly, no longer looking at him or Bai Yingqiong, but looked down at a case file he had brought.

But just as Zhang Yuelu looked away, Lei Xiaohuan's eyes moved over: "Tian Yuan, you discovered Bai Zhenren's daughter. Please tell me the situation again."

Qi Xuansu stood up immediately and repeated what he had said before, how he found out something was wrong, how he tracked the carriage, how he killed the powerful ghost king, and how he met Feng Bo on the way back, hiding the part about killing Feng Bo in the end. , only saying that Feng Bo met his enemy, and the two fought, and he escaped by chance. As for who this enemy was, he didn't know. It was too dark at that time, and the two heavenly beings were fighting fiercely in the sky. He was so focused on running for his life that he really didn't see clearly who was facing Uncle Feng.

This also indirectly explains why Ye Xiu was suddenly arrested.

After everyone listened, their views on Qi Xuansu changed somewhat.

If what this person said is true, then he is the first to achieve success. Whether it is killing the powerful ghost king or escaping from Feng Bo, it shows that this person should not be underestimated. He is young and promising.

Lei Xiaohuan raised his hand to signal Qi Xuansu to sit down.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu added: "According to what Chief Qi said, I sent people to the big tomb outside the city and indeed found some traces."

Pei Xiaolou asked: "What are the traces?"

Zhang Yuelu replied: "Some blood stains, some broken flesh and bone fragments, some remains of clothes, and an eyeball."

Although Qi Xuansu did some processing, Feng Bo was punched by Master Wan and exploded. Some "parts" inevitably flew everywhere, but they were not corroded by the corpse energy. In addition, Qi Xuansu's focus was mainly on It is reasonable to omit some things from the Sumeru objects.

Pei Xiaolou asked again: "Can you confirm your identity?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "We can only be sure that this blood comes from a heavenly being, probably Uncle Feng."

The Taoist sect divides people into four categories, which have nothing to do with class origin, but only related to realm cultivation. From top to bottom, they are immortals, heavenly beings, innate people, and acquired people.

The reason for such distinction is not that Taoism insists on forcibly dividing classes, but because the essence of life is completely different.

For example, immortals can live forever, soar through the sky, and call for wind and rain, but ordinary people absolutely cannot do this. This has nothing to do with status. Although immortals still have the appearance of humans, they are completely different inside. The inner elixir, body spirit, and yin spirit are all acquired, not innate. To put it harshly, the difference between immortals and ordinary people is even greater than the difference between humans and machine people.

The same goes for the other three types of people.

People who are born in the future do not understand the Tao from the beginning. As they grow older, their Qi and blood become weaker and weaker, their spirits become weaker and weaker, their shape is like a gaunt tree, their color is as gray as death, and they will eventually die.

A congenital person who does not understand the superior way will find a method in the way and a technique in the method. He has faith and determination and will not change for the rest of his life. His spirit will become clearer and his body will become stronger, and the epidemics in the world will not harm him.

God, half immortal and half human. Or the dragon body enters the clouds and flies without wings. Or ride on a dragon, ride on a cloud, and ascend to the heavenly steps. Or turn into birds and beasts, floating in the blue clouds. Or sneak through the rivers and seas, soar over famous mountains. They may be enslaved by vitality, or they may grow like grass, or they may come and go in the human world without being recognized by others, or they may be hidden from view. He has strange bones on his face and strange hair on his body. He is reclusive and does not interact with the world.

The so-called face with strange bones and strange hair on the body refers to the warrior who is a celestial being. After a warrior becomes a celestial being, he has a true form. After revealing his true form, he cannot even maintain the most basic human form. Other Qi refiners, alchemists, etc. also have various changes, but they don't show it externally.

According to legend, eating the flesh and blood of Buddhist sages can extend your life. In fact, the flesh and blood of heavenly beings does have similar benefits, and can even improve your cultivation. It's just that most of the heavenly beings had a high status during their lifetimes, and after death, they would have dedicated personnel to take care of the funeral affairs, such as the Taoist Requiem Division, so that no one would desecrate the remains.

Because of this, Tiangang Hall can easily identify that these blood stains and flesh come from a heavenly being. However, there is no blood sample of Feng Bo inside the Dao Sect, so it is impossible to determine whether this heavenly being is Feng Bo.

Zhang Yuelu continued: "Fortunately, there is still another eye. Through the traceability spell, I can roughly restore the last sight of this eye."

"What is it?" This time it was Lei Xiaohuan who asked in person.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Because the eyeballs are not intact, the restored scene is very blurry. It is difficult to distinguish the direction and distance. There are also many misplaced double images. After rough identification, it seems to be a fist."

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief.

A fist filled the field of vision. With blur and no reference, it was difficult to tell whether the fist was too big or too close.

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