Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 37 Discussion (Part 2)

Everyone was silent.

As we all know, Feng Bo is not a martial artist, but a Qi practitioner who is good at using sword Qi instead of fists.

Then the owner of this eyeball is most likely Uncle Feng.

In other words, Feng Bo saw a fist before he died, and was then punched to pieces.

Zhang Yuelu continued: "Judging from the traces at the scene, Uncle Feng did not die from magic. If he died from sword energy, then the fractures of the corpse's remains should be smooth and regular, and not in such an irregular broken state. Therefore, we believe that Feng Bo died at the hands of a warrior. After preliminary reconstruction, it should be that the two men fought in the air, and Feng Bo was broken into pieces by a punch. Under the action of the huge force, various debris were scattered, so the body was scattered. That’s why the wreckage is so scattered, even some of the flesh and blood are more than ten miles apart.”

While talking, Zhang Yuelu handed the file she had just been reading into Lei Xiaohuan's hands.

Not only because Lei Xiaohuan was the one presiding over the discussion, but also because she was the only martial artist among the people present.

Lei Xiaohuan took the file and read it quickly. It contained a large number of photocopies, including pictures of the scene, scenes restored through magic, and rubbings made through talisman formations.

Lei Xiaohuan said slowly: "A martial artist in the Xiaoyao stage cannot fly. The fact that the two sides can fight fiercely in the air shows that he is at least a warrior in the Infinite stage. Feng Bo is only in the Xiaoyao stage, so it is reasonable for him to be beaten to death."

"A martial artist in the immeasurable stage." Li Ming subconsciously turned his head and looked at Li Mingcheng next to him.

Li Mingcheng's face was solemn: "A martial artist in the infinite stage is not a nobody, he must have a big reputation. But looking at the major secret societies, most of them are witchcraft, alchemists, and Qi refiners, and there are very few Warriors, because warriors rely the least on the power of incense, but there are many warriors among the men in black, and several admirals and general military officers are genuine warriors in the infinite stage. Could it be that someone from the imperial court took action? "

This is a very basic consensus within the Taoist sect. Warriors and secret societies are incompatible by nature, while Wu Zhu is at the other extreme.

"It's not impossible." Lei Xiaohuan said, "After all, the one who hates 'Tianting' the most is not the Taoist sect, but the imperial court."

This statement actually means something.

The relationship between the Li family and the imperial court is very good. The imperial court and the "Heavenly Court" often have conflicts. This is not a contradiction. There is no such thing as a pair of pants between the major forces. In one aspect, they have the same interests and cooperate with each other. In other aspects, they have the same interests and cooperate with each other. There is a conflict of interest in a certain aspect, and there is overt and covert fighting. Fighting without breaking up, being harmonious without breaking up, bumping into each other and compromising with each other are the norm.

Li Mingcheng and Li Mingzhi coughed lightly at the same time and did not express their opinions.

Regarding major cases within the Taoist sect, the imperial court abided by the agreement between Xuansheng and Gaozu, not to participate, not to interrogate, and to remain neutral.

Therefore, even if someone from the imperial court takes action and beats a demon from a secret society, at this time, no one will stand up and admit that they did it, so as not to cause trouble.

Zhang Yuelu suddenly said: "Although there are few warriors among secret societies, it does not mean that there are no warriors. The major secret societies are not monolithic, and they are not even considered alliances. They are also competing for territory and incense with each other. There are many grievances. It cannot be ruled out that someone from other secret societies took action.”

Lu Yushu, who had been silent for a long time, took over Zhang Yuelu's words and said: "What Deputy Hall Master Zhang said is absolutely true. When talking about secret societies, we always think of the power of incense and the will of incense. Naturally, it is the third oldest family: Lingshan. The Witch Cult, the Zhiming Cult, and the Purple Light Society. But as far as I know, there is another secret society that is powerful and may not be weaker than the above three, but it is not interested in the power of incense. "

"Which secret society?" Lei Xiaohuan looked at Lu Yushu.

Lu Yushu glanced at the files in front of Lei Xiaohuan and said, "Qingping meeting."

Qi Xuansu lowered his eyes subconsciously and wrote the words "Qing Ping Hui" on the minutes of proceedings.

Judging from Qiniang's friendship with Pei Xiaolou and Lei Xiaohuan, the Qingping Society should have some contacts with Quanzhen Taoism, just like "Tianting" and Taiping Taoism.

Who doesn’t have some shameful tricks?

Lu Yushu's words also have a specific meaning, and they point directly to the Quanzhen Tao.

Lei Xiaohuan did think about asking Zhong Kui to fight ghosts and use the power of the Qingping Society to deal with the "Tianting", but before Qiniang arrived, Uncle Feng was already dead, which was also beyond her expectation.

Even if Qingping could do it, she wouldn't recognize it, let alone if Qingping didn't do it.

Lei Xiaohuan said calmly: "Is there any evidence?"

Lu Yu wrote: "It's just speculation."

"That means there is no evidence." Lei Xiaohuan said, "If that's the case, there are also many secret societies such as Babu Zhong and Qibaofang. They can't all be involved."

Qi Xuansu kept recording in his hands and listened to everything without missing a beat. He did not expect that his wrong inference would lead to a relatively correct result.

Uncle Feng was killed by Master Wan.

But Master Wan was invited by Qi Xuansu, so it was reasonable to blame Qi Xuansu for Uncle Feng's death.

Qi Xuansu happened to be a member of the Qingping Society.

From this point of view, Lu Yushu was right.

Qi Xuansu subconsciously observed Zhang Yuelu with his peripheral vision, wanting to see her attitude towards Qingpinghui.

Although Zhang Yuelu represents Tiangang Hall, he has no intention of getting entangled in the secret society and said: "Who killed Uncle Feng is not the key."

Li Mingzhi asked: "According to Deputy Hall Master Zhang, what is the key?"

Zhang Yuelu pointed to Ye Xiu's confession: "The real person involved in the confession at the end."

Li Mingzhi took a deep look at Zhang Yuelu: "Does Deputy Hall Master Zhang mean that the investigation team invites Li Zhenren, the second deputy master of Jiangnan Daofu Prefecture, to come forward and explain some issues?"

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "Just follow the rules. If Master Li doesn't want to come, we can't force him."

At this moment, Lei Xiaohuan said: "I agree with Deputy Hall Master Zhang's proposal."

Then she said to Bai Yingqiong: "Master Bai, you are the chief deputy master of Jiangnan Daofu, and you are a colleague of Zhenren Li, who is the second deputy master. Please pass the message on your behalf and ask Zhenren Li to come."

Bai Yingqiong did not refuse, stood up and said: "Okay."

What follows is a period of waiting.

Everyone was silent.

Some people closed their eyes to rest, some were in a daze, and some were looking down at files and various documents.

Pei Xiaolou went too far. He took out a cedar box and took out a special tobacco from the New World. It was about the thickness of an adult man's finger. Because it burned as white as snow and the tobacco rolled like an eggplant, it was named " Cigar" is very vivid.

Pei Xiaolou cut one end open with his nails, and didn't bother to use any matches. He directly made a cluster of small flames on his fingertips. He rotated the cigar body over the flame regularly and lightly to roast it, and then evenly lit the cigar head.

Finally, Pei Xiaolou took a full sip, and when he exhaled, a layer of smoke immediately filled the conference room.

If it weren't for Lei Xiaohuan's gaze, he would have almost put his feet up on the table.

Maritime trade not only brought Western goods, but also Western customs, which were called "Western learning" and even those in the Taoist sect were affected.

Qi Xuansu narrowed his eyes subconsciously. He was not used to this kind of Western products because Qiniang didn't like it. Qiniang still liked smoking pots and filled the tobacco leaves by herself.

Because Qi Xuansu was closer to Pei Xiaolou, the smoke also enveloped Qi Xuansu, which gave Qi Xuansu an opportunity to stare at Zhang Yuelu openly.

At this time, Zhang Yuelu was thoughtful, looking straight ahead.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Yingqiong opened the door first and came in.

Everyone looked up.

The cigarette in Pei Xiaolou's hand also stopped there, and then he stubbed it out with his fingers.

"Zhenren Li has arrived." Bai Yingqiong said.

Lei Xiaohuan slowly stood up, and the others also stood up. After all, they were all peers, and it was polite to stand up to greet them.

After Bai Yingqiong, a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest wearing formal attire, a lotus crown, and a sword of wisdom walked in and bowed to everyone first.

Everyone, including Lei Xiaohuan, returned the favor to this person.

This Mr. Li had no expression on his face and said, "I don't dare take it seriously." He walked into the meeting place.

After the seven deputy hall masters and Master Li took their seats, the rest of the audience, including Qi Xuansu, sat down.

Bai Yingqiong and Li Zhenren are colleagues, so she introduced: "Some of you here have known Zhenren Li for a long time, such as the two deputy hall masters Li, and some are meeting for the first time, such as Junior Sister Zhang. Let me introduce you to Zhenren Li. In the Li family, I am the senior member of the Tianzi generation. I am the most beloved disciple of the family master and a talent valued by both the heavenly master and the earth master."

The two looked at each other.

Zhang Yuelu was the first to say: "I have admired you for a long time, Master Li."

Li Tianlan smiled slightly: "Nice to meet you."

There is no doubt that Li Tianlan is the kind of absolute veteran with profound qualifications. Judging from the attitude of Li Mingzhi and Li Mingcheng towards him, he is also a very important figure even in the Li family.

As for why he is only the second-in-command and Bai Yingqiong is the chief, the reason is also very simple. Jiangnan Daofu wants a balance among the three. If Li Tianlan is placed as the head of the palace or the chief, relying on his qualifications and prestige, it would be too strong. That upsets the balance. Putting him in the second position and balancing his own qualifications and authority through position suppression can create a three-way balance.

Li Tianlan and Zhang Yuelu also form a very strong contrast. One is old and the other is young. Just like changing Taoism, the younger one will always be cruel to the old ones.

However, there is a group of adults between the old and the young. Lei Xiaohuan and Pei Xiaolou are the leaders of this group. At this time, it was Lei Xiaohuan who spoke: "The reason why we invited Zhenren Li here is that Zhenren Bai must have already If you explain it clearly to Master Li, Master Li should give you some instructions.”

Li Tianlan answered slowly: "I do know this person named Ye Xiu, and he does help me manage some properties. After all, before Xuan Sheng revitalized the Taoist sect, the Li family was already a big family. As a descendant of the Li family, I rely on I have the property passed down from my ancestors, and I have some idle Taiping money to use to buy some properties in Jinling Mansion. I don’t think I have broken the rules by not stealing, occupying, robbing or being greedy, right?”

"Of course not." Lu Yushu spoke immediately. She represents Feng Xiantang and has the most say in this regard.

Li Tianlan added: "As for Ye Xiu's business and other activities with other people, I don't know anything about it and have no way to take care of it. After all, Ye Xiu is not my slave, and our Taoist sect doesn't like this kind of master-slave relationship. The relationship between me and Ye Xiu is just cooperation. He helps me manage the property, and I give him some dividends, that’s all.”

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