Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 65 Isolating the inside and outside

Bai Yingqiong sat behind the desk, supporting her forehead with her hands, not hiding her tiredness.

Last night, there was a fire at Zhenwu Temple. She wanted to direct the firefighting and calm the situation. She also wanted to give an explanation to her superiors, at least to clear her name. Immediately afterwards, Master Cihang, who was far away in Yujing, sent a message telling her about the Zhiming Cult and asking her to discuss countermeasures with Zhang Yuelu. She was still somewhat lucky, but after contacting Zhang Yuelu, she learned that Shuitang Now that the workshop has been lost and there are a large number of so-called "gifts", you know that doom is coming.

This is the fate of the Jinling Mansion, as well as the fate of her and the Jiangnan Dao Mansion. If it is not handled properly, it will be a huge disaster. If it goes further, thank God if it is not escorted to Yujing.

It was a matter of her own future and there was no room for carelessness, so she stayed up all night, busy discussing countermeasures with Zhang Yuelu, and contacting various yamen to make overall arrangements and make arrangements. Jiangnan Provincial Government has been in peace for a long time, but it has experienced drastic changes one after another. The top and bottom departments have not responded well, handled things improperly, and done things ineffectively. She has to personally intervene. However, the real person in charge of the palace and several deputy palace masters have not returned. She, the chief deputy palace master, has to make the decision on everything. The big and small matters are disturbed one after another, and the mental consumption is huge. It is comparable to a life and death battle. Even if she has already Even though he is a celestial being, he still feels physically and mentally exhausted.

Fortunately, around the time when she was ugly, Pei Xiaolou came back and could share some of the burden for her. Pei Xiaolou took over the follow-up matters at Zhenwu Temple.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu was still at Shuitang Workshop, leading Tiangangtang's manpower to clean up a large number of "gifts" inside Shuitang Workshop.

But there was no sign of Lei Xiaohuan and Li Tianlan.

That's it for Lei Xiaohuan. It's not that she doesn't want to come back, it's probably that she won't be able to come back.

It's just Li Tianlan, he is very free, hiding behind the scenes, making all the changes.

Bai Yingqiong couldn't help but feel a little angry. At this time, do you still want to put party struggle above state affairs?

But there was nothing she could do.

At this time, in a separate room in the Shuitang workshop, Qi Xuansu sat obediently, with his two big sleeves rolled up high, revealing his bare arms. I saw blue veins popping up on his arms, like tiny blue dragons. This was because he used too much force and injured his insides. It was not just a flesh injury, even the flesh and blood of the martial artist could not heal quickly.

Zhang Yuelu took a gourd of thick medicinal solution from Huashengtang in his hand and dissolved it with water. He first poured a little on Qi Xuansu's arm, then dipped a handkerchief in the medicinal solution and gently wiped it back and forth for Qi Xuansu.

After repeating this several times, the bulging veins were no longer as swollen as before. Qi Xuansu tried to make a fist. Except for the severed hand that had just been reattached, it could already exert normal force.

Zhang Yuelu poured out the last bit of the potion, wiped it with his hand, and patted Qi Xuansu's arm: "Okay."

Qi Xuansu carefully observed the veins on his arms, feeling a little happy like a child: "Don't tell me, it really works."

"That's natural." Zhang Yuelu put down his sleeves for him and smoothed out the wrinkles.

Speaking of which, "Taiyi Yunyi" was also entrusted to someone else. Among all the masters in the past, Qi Xuansu was the least particular one.

However, Qi Xuansu was able to forcefully close the main water gate by himself. Even Xu Lingguan was surprised and couldn't help but look at him with admiration. Speaking of which, he was also injured on the job.

At this moment, a burst of cheers came from outside. Immediately afterwards, Mu Jin opened the door and came in, not hiding her joy: "Deputy Hall Master, Xu Lingguan captured and killed the big black fish."

The big black fish was the strange fish that had attacked him when he was at Qixuansuguan sluice. After the Tiangangtang personnel arrived, according to Zhang Yuelu's instructions, they began to separately deal with the strange fish in the major reservoirs, sedimentation tanks, filtering tanks, and disinfection tanks. , Xu Lingguan was personally responsible for the big black fish.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu each led a team of people to clean up at first. Later, Qi Xuansu felt that something was wrong. It was probably because of the overdraft of strength. The soreness in both arms was also secondary. The key was that the strength was not used, and it should be injured inside. .

Zhang Yuelu led Qi Xuansu over to apply the medicine, which was a moment of leisure.

After Mu Jin, the big lantern, came in, the brief alone time came to an end.

Zhang Yuelu twisted the gourd and walked out.

Mu Jin glanced at Qi Xuansu, not hiding her jealousy, and followed Zhang Yuelu closely.

After all, the "gifts" of Zhiming Sect are from the same sect as Huashengtang. Although Zhimingjiao will launch different "gifts" every time, after the Taoist sect intercepts these "gifts", they will send samples to Huashengtang. Generally speaking, Huashengtang can be cracked quickly and the corresponding "antidote" can be developed. This is also one of the functions of Huashengtang branches established in various places.

This time was no exception. In addition to violent cleansing, Tiangangtang was also responsible for collecting samples and sending them to the Huashengtang branch in Jinling Prefecture.

Qi Xuansu got up and left the place and came outside.

This place is not far from the main sluice and the reservoir, and what you see is a huge fish carcass, which has obviously been killed in the hands of Xu Lingguan.

Qi Xuansu walked to the two of them and heard Zhang Yuelu say: "Xu Lingguan, you said that when you dived into the water, you found that the water escape in the Five Elements Escape Technique was no longer effective. I just tried it. The earth's energy was chaotic and the earth escape became dangerous. Get up, if the escape technique fails halfway, you may be buried alive in the ground. The remaining fire escape, metal escape, and wood escape are probably unreliable. "

"From a small perspective, if the Five Elements Escape Technique fails, it means that the Five Elements are disordered, the earth's energy is out of control, and the next step is the reversal of yin and yang. If the internal and external auras are isolated, I'm afraid of the 'Xun Talisman Array' or the Zimu Talisman. "

"Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. The Mingzhi Cult came prepared this time, and it is by no means as simple as spreading a curse." Xu Lingguan was also worried.

Zhang Yuelu made a fist with his right hand and lightly tapped the palm of his left hand: "This is also reasonable. Last year, when the Taoist sect went to war with the shamans, all communications were cut off immediately. It has to be said that sometimes the simplest is the most reliable. Xu Lingguan. "Yes." Xu Lingguan responded in a deep voice.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Be prepared. If you really get to that point, you can leave Jinling Mansion directly and go to Jiangning Mansion or Qiantang Mansion. The Taoist temples there also have the 'Xun Fu Array'. The whole Jiangnan cannot be isolated."

"Then...where is the deputy hall master?" Xu Lingguan hesitated. After all, he was assigned by Master Cihang to protect Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu said decisively: "At this moment, I have become a heavenly being, and I have a half-immortal creature. Even if I can't defeat it, it is not difficult to protect myself. But looking at the current situation, it may not be that easy to leave the city. Except for me and a few Real person, you are the only one who can go out with full confidence. If it were someone else, it would probably be worse than good. Let’s talk about moral principles. Compared with the millions of people in Jinling Mansion, who is more important than me, Zhang Yuelu?”

Hearing this, Xu Lingguan no longer hesitated and nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yuelu waved his hand: "Everyone performs his duties."

Everyone took orders one after another.

Only Qi Xuansu was left standing where he was.

He is the Taoist priest in charge of Ziweitang. There is no role for him in Tiangang Hall, so Zhang Yuelu can only arrange it specially.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him, smiled and said, "Just follow me."

Qi Xuansu had nothing to be unhappy about.

When it comes to realm and cultivation, whether the position is high or low, and even whether the ability is strong or weak, Zhang Yuelu is higher. Women are strong and men are weak. Of course, women should follow their husbands. It doesn’t matter whether they are afraid or not. This is an objective matter of the capable being superior and the mediocre being inferior. According to the rules, objectively it is not his turn to make the decision. It is no wonder that Qiniang said that it is more realistic for him to eat soft rice.

Zhang Yuelu walked towards the ground, Qi Xuansu followed behind.

At this time, the entire Shuitang workshop has been put under full martial law, and on the ground, there are also many spiritual officials.

Zhang Yuelu looked to the east, but there was no trace of the glow, and even the original bits of fish-belly white disappeared, and the entire sky became gray.

"This..." Qi Xuansu was taken aback.

Zhang Yuelu's face became solemn: "In another time, this time it is not just as simple as spreading a curse in the water, the Zhiming Cult has a bigger plan. When I reported to the master before, I still downplayed the situation, I'm afraid it will Let Master and others misjudge."

With that said, Zhang Yuelu took out another Zimu Talisman.

This time, the light curtain transformed by the Zimu Talisman only contained chaotic light and shadows like the interweaving of lake light, but not a single figure was visible.

Qi Xuansu subconsciously touched the Zimu talisman that contacted Qiniang.

Just when Zhang Yuelu was about to wave his hand to disperse the light screen, a figure gradually appeared on the light screen, but it was not Cihang, but a young man with a tall nose and deep eye sockets holding a dog's tail grass in his mouth.

"Master Zhang, Taoist Master Qi, I have admired you for a long time." The young man said with his fists clasped.

Qi Xuansu asked in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

The young man grinned, his smile was bright and a bit innocent, like a big boy: "My name is Situ Xinglan, and I come from the Zhiming Cult."

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