Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 108 Xu Zhenren

During the Daqi period of the Li royal family, Longmen Mansion was called the Eastern Capital, and it was called the Second Capital together with Xijing Mansion. The key to determining whether the two were far or close was that they had to pass through Beiman Mountain. For Quanzhen Taoism, Beimang Mountain is second only to Difei Mountain and Tiancang Mountain in importance.

Qi Xuansu has already walked there once, but last time he took the land route, this time he flew directly there, saving a lot of time.

In this way, it only took two hours for the two of them to pass through Beimang Mountain and Xijing Mansion, and arrived at Difeishan Mountain.

Difei Mountain is known as the first of the seventy-two blessed places, also known as Nanshan. The so-called "blessings are as good as the East China Sea, and life is as long as Nanshan" refers to the Donghai Holy Land of Taiping Dao and the Nanshan Holy Land of Quanzhen Dao.

The fact that Difei Mountain became a famous Taoist mountain can be traced back to the time when Taishang Taoist ancestors entered the pass to preach scriptures and teach. Since then, immortals such as Mr. Xiyi, Patriarch Chunyang, Zhenjun Haichan, Zhenjun Hongmeng, etc. have lived on the mountain to practice Taoism. Later, Patriarch Chongyang and his disciples successively founded and promoted Quanzhen Taoism. The Wanshou Chongyang Palace was established as the Quanzhen Ancestral Court. It is as famous as the Yunjin Mountain where the Zhengyi Ancestral Court is located, and second only to Kunlun Mountain, which is known as the Taoist Ancestral Court.

After Xuansheng came to power, the Taoist sect was far less wealthy than it is today, and there were not so many flying boats traveling to various places. Kunlun was far away in the Western Region, and transportation was inconvenient, so it needed an alternative. Difei Mountain is located just in the middle of the world, between Penglai Island and Yunjin Mountain, making it a suitable compromise. So Xuan Sheng raised Difei Mountain to the status of the "vice capital" of the Taoist sect. For a long time, the Wanshou Chongyang Palace was occupied by the great masters, but it was better than Yunjin Mountain where Xuan Sheng had interrupted the lineage. Too much.

After entering Difei Mountain, no matter where you are or in which direction, you can look up and see the Longevity and Chongyang Palace on the top of the mountain. The palaces are majestic and layer upon layer. It feels like Mount Tai weighs the top of the mountain. People stand under it. I feel that I am insignificant. If I can't find a way to enter the Longevity and Chongyang Palace, then the Longevity and Chongyang Palace will always be out of reach.

Qi Xuansu thought that the Wanshou Chongyang Palace would be different when he looked at it from the sky, but he did not expect that it would be no different. It was still towering, majestic and solemn, like a fairy palace in the sky.

This is probably due to the folding of the formation. No matter how you look, no matter where you look, you can only see the front of the Wanshou Chongyang Palace. You will always feel that the Wanshou Chongyang Palace is high up and out of reach.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but stop and asked: "Qingxiao, how do we get in?"

Zhang Yuelu took Qi Xuansu to the ground and said at the same time: "Generally speaking, if it is your first time to go to the Wanshou Chongyang Palace, you need to apply, and then someone will be responsible for taking you in. However, the Earth Master will also issue some tokens , for high-quality Taoist priests to come and go freely. The token itself is the key, and people can be brought in depending on the authority.”

After that, Zhang Yuelu took out a token from the Xumi object. It was all black and had the two seal characters "Quan Zhen" embossed on the front.

Qi Xuansu joked: "A direct descendant of the core of Zhengyi Tao has the key to the Quanzhen Tao Holy Land. If I didn't know, I thought you should be called Shangguan Yuelu. Anyway, we are all from the same ancestor."

"Fuck you." Zhang Yuelu spat with a smile, "Don't blame me either. Quanzhen Taoism really has a Qi family."

While talking, the two of them had already fallen to the ground.

Zhang Yuelu was obviously very familiar with Difei Mountain. He led the way while Qi Xuansu lagged slightly behind.

After walking through a mountain road, Qi Xuansu didn't feel any closer to the Wanshou Chongyang Palace, which seemed to stand in the sky. However, a stone tablet and a pavilion appeared in the distance of the mountain road. When the two came to the stone monument, the mountain road at their feet came to an abrupt end. Qi Xuansu discovered that a barrier like mist appeared in front of them, blocking the way. No matter up or down, left or right, this barrier could not be seen to the end. It was like a huge cover, covering the ground. The core area of ​​Feishan is completely covered.

Zhang Yuelu raised the token in his hand and waved it. The dark token flashed with brilliance, causing ripples to appear on the fog barrier. A portal separated from it, revealing the second half of the mountain road.

"Let's go." Zhang Yuelu walked into the portal first, followed closely by Qi Xuansu.

Speaking of which, Qi Xuansu has seen a lot of things in the world. He has been to the Taiping Palace, which is full of institutions, the snow-capped Daxue Mountain Palace, the gloomy "Ghost Pass", and the Shangqing Palace in Yunjin Mountain, but none of them have such battles. , couldn't help but ask: "I saw you going to Da Zhenren's Mansion, but it wasn't that complicated."

Zhang Yuelu explained: "After all, this is the vice-capital of the Taoist sect and the headquarters of the Grand Master. How can we generalize? Moreover, Dazhenren Mansion and Zhenjing Villa are also the residences of the Zhang family and the Li family, so it is difficult to make too big a fuss. "

Because this mountain road is not the broad road that leads directly to the main entrance of the Wanshou Chongyang Palace, it is relatively remote, so there are no pedestrians. Occasionally, you can see some climatic monsters, but they are all vegetation, rather than eating human flesh and blood. Not only is it not scary, but it adds a bit of a fairy atmosphere.

After walking for half an hour, the two finally came to the end of the mountain road. There was a side entrance here. It was said to be a side entrance, but it was not inferior to the main entrance of Zhenwu Temple. I really don't know how majestic the main entrance of Wanshou Chongyang Palace was.

There were two spiritual officers in armor guarding the door. The two of them actually recognized Zhang Yuelu and took the initiative to salute. Although Zhang Yuelu is a disciple of Zhengyi Dao, her relationship with Quanzhen Dao is well known to everyone, not to mention the fact that Zhengyi Dao and Quanzhen Dao have formed an alliance.

Zhang Yuelu introduced Qi Xuansu's identity to the two of them: "This is Chief Qi of Ziweitang, a subordinate of Zhenren Lei."

After saying this, the two spiritual officials understood that there was only one Master Lei in Ziweitang, so naturally this Chief Qi was also one of Quanzhen Dao's own.

The two spiritual officers did not check the ultimatum again and simply moved out of the way.

Zhang Yuelu asked casually: "Is Assistant Xu here?"

"Yes." One of the spiritual officials replied, "Master Xu should be at Yuzhen Temple at this time."

Zhang Yuelu thanked him and led Qi Xuansu from the side door into the South Palace of the Wanshou Chongyang Palace. The Wanshou Chongyang Palace is the name of the main palace and also the collective name. There are also many palaces and temples in it, such as Wangxian Palace, Danyang Temple, and Changchun Temple. , Taiyi Temple, Sihao Temple, Yuzhen Temple, Jinxian Temple, Kaiyuan Temple, Lingquan Temple, Bailu Temple, Taiyuan Temple, Qili Temple, Huayang Palace, Taiping Temple and dozens more. Each assistant minister has his own palace, but only the Earth Master lives in the main palace of Wanshou Chongyang Palace.

Qi Xuansu was a little disappointed: "I thought I could see the Earth Master."

In any case, Earth Master had helped Zhang Yuelu more than once, and this time he also helped Qi Xuansu. Among the three Taoist peak figures, Qi Xuansu naturally had the most favorable impression of the Quanzhen Taoist leader.

"The Earth Master should not be in the Wanshou Chongyang Palace at this time, but is probably in Yujing." Zhang Yuelu said, "The three deputy masters, the Great Master, also have residences in Yujing, located in the Zixiao Palace of the Grand Master."

Qi Xuansu asked curiously: "Have you been to Zixiao Palace?"

"I've been there once." Zhang Yuelu said, "Purple Xiao Palace is the residence of the Grand Master, and it occupies a vast area. The residences of the three deputy masters and great masters are in the same place, but they are also far apart. It’s not facing you.”

Qi Xuansu sighed: "When I was your age, I didn't even know where to open the gate of Zixiao Palace, but you have already been to Zixiao Palace."

Zhang Yuelu said with a smile: "Now you know where the gate of Zixiao Palace opens?"

Qi Xuansu suddenly became speechless: "Uh... I still don't know."

Wanshou Chongyang Palace is worthy of being the former deputy capital of Taoism. It is like a city. Its layout is somewhat similar to Xuandu in Yujing. Since Zhang Yuelu chose to come here, it is naturally because this road is closest to Yuzheng Temple. , while the two were chatting and joking, they soon arrived at Yuzhen Temple.

Zhang Yuelu introduced: "After the revival of Taoism, the first owner of Yuzhen Temple was Zhenren Yuying. Before becoming a monk, this Zhenren was a princess of the Wei royal family."

Qi Xuansu said: "I remember that Master Xu Zu was also from the royal family of the Wei Dynasty."

"Yes, Master Yuying is the aunt of Tianbao Emperor Aizong of the Great Wei Dynasty and the daughter of Shizong of the Great Wei Dynasty, and Xu Zu is the brother of Shizong. From this point of view, Master Yuying is the niece of Xu Zu. Because of this , Yuzhen Temple has always been controlled by real people from the Xu family, and it has never changed." Zhang Yuelu explained slowly.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but sigh: "Aristocratic family, inherited from father to son, passed down from generation to generation."

Zhang Yuelu did not shy away from this: "Throughout the ages, there are no exceptions. Even I am where I am today thanks to my family background."

Arriving at Yuzhen Temple, after the announcement, a Taoist boy invited the two of them in, and when they arrived at a sign-in room, they saw a Taoist nun with a high bun standing up from behind the desk to greet her: "Qingxiao, you are a rare guest. "

Qi Xuansu was a little surprised. He always thought that Xu Zhenren was a man, but he didn't expect that he was a woman.

"I've seen a real person." Zhang Yuelu performed the courtesy of a junior, and Qi Xuansu followed suit.

Xu Zhenren's eyes moved to Qi Xuansu: "Master Qi, I have heard about his name for a long time. After all, there are not many young people who can be praised by Zhenren Donghua personally."

"I'm ashamed of myself." Qi Xuansu said quickly.

Xu Zhenren had no airs and said: "But the first time I heard your name was because of Qingxiao. I have to say that Qingxiao has the ability to recognize people. If you can sacrifice your life to save her, you are worthy of Donghua Zhenren." of praise.”

Qi Xuansu didn't know what to say.

Xu Zhenren was talkative. He motioned for the two of them to sit down and talk, and then asked, "By the way, I heard that you have a good relationship with Pei Zhenren and Lei Zhenren?"

"Yes." Qi Xuansu responded, "It's fate. When I took a flying boat to Yujing, I met Master Pei and Master Lei who were also going to Yujing. Master Pei wanted to read my fortune, and we got to know each other."

Xu Zhenren couldn't help but laugh: "Reading faces? It's Pei Zhenren's style. As far as I know, Lei Zhenren hates this very much, and the two of them often get into trouble because of such things."

Qi Xuansu thought about the scene when he first met Pei Xiaolou and felt deeply convinced.

After some pleasantries, Xu Zhenren finally asked: "Qingxiao, you are a busy person who always goes to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. What do you want to do here today?"

Zhang Yuelu gave Qi Xuansu a look, and Qi Xuansu took out the "Voice Talisman" and roughly explained the cause and effect of the incident, except that he concealed the fact that he killed Wan Xiuwu.

After hearing this, Zhenren Xu pondered for a moment and said: "If you ask me to frame someone for nothing, even if I have a lot of Zhenren's face, I will definitely not be able to do it. But since I have real evidence, it is easy to say, I will definitely I will give you a satisfactory explanation and there will never be any partiality.”


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