Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 109: An evening photo

Xu Zhenren's real name is Xu Xiaoying, which has nothing to do with Pei Xiaolou. The reason why he was named "Xiaoying" comes from a sentence in Taishang Taozu's Five Thousand Words: "If a great success is lacking, its use will not be harmful; if a great gain is full, its use will be endless." ”

"Daying Ruochong" means: the most full thing seems to be empty.

It's just that "Xu Daying" doesn't sound good, "Xu Ruochong" looks like a male name, and "Xu Yingying" has the same name, so I named it "Xu Xiaoying". "Daying" is the fullest, and "Xiaoying" and "Xiaoying" are full and full. The meaning of contentment can also be regarded as a kind of humility. She also has an older brother named "Xu Dacheng", which means "a great success if it is missing". In this way, they happen to be one big brother and one little sister, and they can be distinguished from the big brother and the little sister by their names.

But then again, maybe this is just elegance and vulgarity. They are two names that are obviously very profound and connotative, but they always make people feel a little ordinary and tacky.

On the contrary, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, at first glance, seemed to have some meaning, but if they really wanted to explain it carefully, they didn't have so much connotation.

For example, Qi Xuansu, Xuan means black and Su means white. Translated into the vernacular, it means black and white, Qi black and white. The difference between black and white is like the difference between the sky and the abyss, so it means "tianyuan". However, this name unexpectedly fits Qi Xuansu's experience, half black and half white, with one foot in the secret societies of the world and one foot in the Taoist sect, just like stepping on the two points of Yin and Yang Pisces.

As for Zhang Yuelu, it is simply the name of Xingxiu, one of the twenty-eight constellations. There is not much to say, but there is something to say about her original name.

Xu Xiaoying did not deal with Qi Xuansu. After accepting the "Voice Talisman", she had a deep conversation with Qi Xuansu for a while and asked many details, which almost made Qi Xuansu think that Xu Xiaoying was interrogating herself.

This matter must involve the murder of Wan Xiuwu, but this case is an unsolved case. Zhang Yuelu handed over the file to Xu Xiaoying. Because Zhang Yuelu had no concrete evidence when he initially investigated the case, and it was all speculation, so Zhang Yuelu There is not much recorded in the file, but it is appended to Qin Wubing's reply letter, which involves Cuo Wenbu's affairs, the court, Shangguan Jing's death, and Beichen Hall's involvement. Anyone who reads it will be interested. Headache.

Sure enough, after Xu Xiaoying read the files, she frowned immediately. Although Shangguan Jing was her distant relative, the conclusion was already sealed at Jinque. Shangguan Jing lost his life and received honors, with great sorrow and glory. Various files were all It has been handed over to Beichen Hall. If such a case needs to be investigated again, one must first ask Jinque for instructions, and then go to Beichen Hall to review the case files.

Not to mention that Jin Que will never shame himself and overturn the previous decision. Even if there is no such thing as Jin Que, Beichen Hall is involved, and then he goes to Beichen Hall to review the case files. What is the difference between this and someone under the hall suing me?

Not to mention that Zhang Yuelu couldn't carry out the investigation, even if it were Cihang Zhenren, he might not be able to push it.

Another point is that even now, regardless of the fact that Qi Xuansu himself took the initiative to confess his "confession", Zhang Yuelu has no physical evidence to prove that Wei Wugui killed Wan Xiuwu. He can only say that it is just suspicion. It was because of suspicion that he went to investigate Wei Wugui in the first place. The origin of the ghost, and then such a thing was found out.

It can only be said that various cases are like tree stumps, and no one knows how long the roots underneath are. A major case in Jinling Mansion was brought up by a purple fairy mountain, which shocked Yujing. This case will not be a minor one.

Xu Xiaoying put the files together and pushed them in front of Zhang Yuelu: "Wan Xiuwu's matter should be investigated separately and will not be involved in Yue Liuli's case."

Her meaning was very clear, just hand over the files. She couldn't afford it if Wanshou Chongyang Palace was not involved in this matter.

Zhang Yuelu silently took the file without saying a word. She is in a high position at a young age. In addition to her family background, talents, qualifications, and support from noble people, the key lies in her willingness to do things. If you want to do something, there are two key points. One is to have the courage to take responsibility, and the other is to be capable. There is no doubt about Zhang Yuelu's ability, not only the ability to investigate cases and kill enemies, but also the ability to fight with others under the influence of so many years of experience and family education. Under the words and deeds of many elders, she also has the skills to fight with others. After all, who can do it if she is in the quagmire? Coming out of the mud but not stained?

Zhang Yuelu is not an innocent little fairy with a pure heart, nor is she an innocent little saint who cannot see the slightest bit of darkness. She is an elite Taoist priest who has been in water and fire, served in nine halls, and braved the light and shadow of swords. She is a leader of the younger generation who many people have high hopes for. How can she not have some skills? Moral saints and white lotus cannot be the great leader of a Taoist sect.

Zhang Yuelu took the initiative to give the dossier to Xu Xiaoying at this time, but actually asked Xu Xiaoying to give her attitude at that time. No matter what Xu Xiaoying's attitude is, there will be no hidden dangers in the future. Xu Xiaoying returned the file at this time and directly stated that the two cases could not be merged and that it would not be mentioned again in the future, for one.

The second is to block the road to Wuxu Palace in advance. If Wuxu Palace ties the two cases together, then in Xu Xiaoying's view, Wuxu Palace deliberately muddies the waters and ignores the overall situation, and will definitely refute it on its own initiative.

Qi Xuansu didn't realize the twists and turns at all. Even Xu Xiaoying, an old man who had been in Taoism for many years, couldn't react immediately and just thought Zhang Yuelu was doing a routine thing.

Otherwise, Zhang Yuelu was the deputy hall master, and Qi Xuansu could only be a Taoist priest in charge who listened to the orders of the deputy hall master.

Xu Xiaoying promised that she would give an answer as soon as three days or as slowly as half a month.

Qi Xuansu was extra careful and copied a "Voice Talisman" in advance to prevent any accidents. If something went wrong on Xu Xiaoying's side, he would wait for the matter between Pei Xiaolou and Lei Xiaohuan to be settled.

This matter came to an end for the time being. The two of them left Yuzhen Temple together. Qi Xuansu stretched himself and said, "A piece of my heartache has gone away."

Zhang Yuelu let out a long sigh: "Although the process is wrong, I hope the result is right. I am a person who values ​​the result more than the process. If the result is wrong, then when others judge me in the future, I will not have any complaints. "

"That day will never come." Qi Xuansu said, patting his chest, "If that day does come, I will definitely be by your side. Even if you go to the execution ground, I will be the first to go up. I have to die first before it can be your turn. I The Tantai girl.”

Zhang Yuelu smiled and said nothing.

Qi Xuansu asked: "You don't believe it?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it." Zhang Yuelu chuckled softly, "I hope neither of us will regret it when we reach the end of the journey."

Qi Xuansu suddenly had an urge to tell Zhang Yuelu everything truthfully, but he held it back.

Because of lies, he climbed onto the road to the top of the mountain. Maybe one day, he will fall into the abyss because of lies and never recover.

This is a road of no return. No one can tell whether the outcome is right or not until the end.

The two walked side by side in the Wanshou Chongyang Palace.

The setting sun stretched their backs longer and longer, as if they were about to intersect.

The two came to a cliff and stopped. Qi Xuansu looked at the sunset and said slowly: "I am a grudge-bearing person and do not know how to be magnanimous. If Wan Xiuwu dies, Feng Bo dies, Yue Liuli will get her." As a result, Monk Yanxiu and Zhao Fuan are still left."

Zhang Yuelu suddenly asked: "What about your master's revenge?"

Qi Xuansu was silent for a while, then turned to look at Zhang Yuelu, still silent.

Zhang Yuelu's face had a different kind of beauty under the sunset, which made Qi Xuansu not look away for a long time.

Zhang Yuelu also looked towards Qi Xuansu.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then each withdrew their gaze, and then invariably looked at the setting sun that was no longer dazzling.

Qi Xuansu always thought that his path to the future was clear and clear, but at this moment, he was suddenly confused and a little unsure of where to go because he was no longer walking alone.

Zhang Yuelu is right, life-long events should not be treated as trivial matters.

In the past, he was thinking about how to break away from the Qingping Society.

With Qiniang not allowing him to leave the Qingping Association, how should he take the next step now?

Are you following Zhang Yuelu's footsteps, not asking why, just asking how to do it?

Or should he seriously think about Zhang Yuelu's philosophy, understand it, and then do his part for the Taoist sect that raised him?

Zhang Yuelu opened his hands and closed his eyes, as if he wanted to embrace the sunset, or even the world.

Qi Xuansu stared at her sideways and said softly: "The enemy who killed my master is dead."

"That's good." Zhang Yuelu didn't ask deeply.

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