Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 130: Discussing Tao (Part 2)

Everyone's eyes were focused on Qin Lingge, and they heard Qin Lingge say unhurriedly: "If you abandon wisdom, the people will benefit a hundred times; if you abandon righteousness, the people will return to filial piety; if you abandon wisdom, there will be no thieves."

Zhang Yuelu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Just in terms of the difficulty of using the allusion, the use of this allusion in Qinling Pavilion is not uncommon. Even a person with ordinary knowledge can know the source. But the more well-known a classic it is, the greater the propositions it involves. Even if a learned master came, he would not be able to explain it all. For thousands of years, learned people of all ages have continued to supplement and improve it, giving it a generally accepted interpretation direction, which is difficult to make tricks. When choosing this type of question, the competition is who understands it better. It seems that Qin Lingge wants to defeat Zhang Yuelu from the front, rather than opportunistically.

As for this classic, it comes from the Five Thousand Words of the New Taishang Taozu.

Yes, Taishang Taozu's Five Thousand Words is divided into two versions: the old and the new. The old version is also called the original version. It was spoken by Taishang Taozu himself, while the new version was compiled by later generations of Taoist disciples in order to adapt to the development and changes of the world. Some fixes and changes.

The old version of Taishang's Five Thousand Words should be: "If you abandon arrogance with absolute wisdom, the people will benefit a hundredfold. If you discard the benefits of cleverness, thieves will perish. If you abandon hypocrisy and worry, the people will be restored to their original state."

The reason why it became a new version of Juesheng Abandoned Wisdom is because of the disputes between Confucianism and Taoism, which were added by later generations.

This has to mention the allusion between the most sage teacher of Confucianism and Robber Zhi. Robber Zhi once scolded the sage teacher of Confucianism for manipulating public opinion in the world and using it to educate the common people. His pretentious words, hypocritical behavior, and confusion Monarchs and emperors who seek wealth and honor in vain are the greatest thieves in the world. The thieves will continue until the saints die.

When Emperor Daxuan Gaozu had not yet proclaimed himself emperor, he had a discussion about saints and thieves with the last queen mother of the former Wei Dynasty.

The last empress dowager of the Wei Dynasty believed that the winner was the king and the loser was the bandit. Now I have become a prisoner of the subordinates. Whether I am killed or imprisoned is all at your discretion. But if you want to judge my crime, I am afraid you are not qualified. We are just two people. There is no difference between a robber and a robber. A robber can kill a robber, but a robber is not qualified to judge another robber.

Emperor Daxuan Gaozu, who was the leader of Beidao Sect, fought back with the views of the Confucian sub-sage, and finally sentenced the Empress Dowager who actually controlled the government in the late Wei Dynasty to Mingzhengdian punishment instead of causing her to die inexplicably. , in order to show the legitimacy of Daxuan replacing Dawei.

In any case, this was originally a Taoist sect attacking the Confucian sect, but now Qin Lingge, who is a member of the Confucian sect, took the initiative to bring it up. If the Taoist sect loses, it will be a big shame.

Ning Lingge frowned slightly, but still followed the rules and said to Zhang Yuelu: "Qingxiao, it's your turn to solve the problem."

According to the rules, "yongdian" is to determine the theme of this discussion.

"Breaking the topic" means to determine the scope of the discussion based on the classics cited by the other party. First of all, you need to understand the meaning of the other party, point it out in one sentence, and let onlookers understand the intentions of both parties.

Zhang Yuelu nodded slightly, and also quoted a classic to break the topic: "The river is exhausted but the valley is empty, the hills are flat but the deep is real. When the saint is dead, the thieves cannot afford it, and the world is peaceful for no reason. If the saint is not dead, the thieves will not stop. Although it is heavy When a sage governs the world, he is a person who values ​​profits and steals the soles of others."

This is what Nanhua Daojun said. Nanhua Daojun used the box as a metaphor for the country, and the rope and key as a metaphor for the saint's laws of benevolence and righteousness. Those thieves who took away the boxes and cabinets stole the country, and also stole the benevolence and righteousness laws. The thief of the country.

Nanhua Daojun mentioned Taizhi who refuted Confucian saints face to face more than once. Thief Zhi's disciples asked him if there was any way to steal. Robber Zhi's answer was: "The one who knows what good things are in the house is holy; the one who takes the lead and sneaks into the house first is brave; the one who retreats after stealing and saves others is righteous; the one who knows the plan to steal successfully is wisdom. When the spoils are divided in the end, being able to distribute them reasonably is benevolence. "Sage, benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, and courage, it makes perfect sense to apply the Confucian approach to thieves. This is the so-called "thief also has a way." Confucianism advocates benevolence, justice and propriety, but it fails to influence the thieves to be good. Instead, the thieves seize "benevolence and justice" as the program of theft.

What Taishang Daozu and Nanhua Daojun opposed was not benevolence and morality per se, but the promotion of the promotion of saints and benevolence. Once advertised and people found it profitable, they would whitewash themselves as if they were chasing fame and fortune, pretending to be saints, The Holy Mother and the Holy Son are actually doing the things of thieves.

This is the answer given by Master Nanhua to the question "Saints and Thieves", so Zhang Yuelu directly quoted Master Nanhua's words, which can be regarded as breaking the topic.

Everyone turned their attention to Qin Lingge again, waiting for him to ask first. Qin Lingge asked directly without any foreshadowing: "What is Confucianism?"

The one Tao Zhi refuted in person was the Confucian sage, and the one he scolded was also the Confucian sect, so the Taoist sect kept using this matter to attack the Confucian sect. Now Qin Lingge used this reason to ask what Confucianism was, and he had to admit that this was It is an extremely grand proposition, and it is also a very difficult proposition to control. It is like asking what is Tao? What is Buddha? There are countless famous debates triggered by such propositions, and even the leaders of the three religions personally participated in them.

Moreover, such propositions are quite dangerous, because there is only a thin line between explanation and deconstruction, and there is only a thin line between deconstruction and denial.

As for why Qin Lingge didn't ask "what is Tao", it was probably because Zhang Yuelu was well-known and was one of the most talented young people in the world. Qin Lingge was not sure of victory, so for the sake of stability, he chose a field in which he was better at.

Qin Lingge's voice was not loud or high-pitched, but it rang clearly in everyone's ears.

Everyone's expressions were solemn.

Even the three Master Shenzhi, who had remained calm all this time, showed expressions of interest.

There was a hint of surprise on Zhang Yuelu's face. To others, it seemed that she did not expect Qin Lingge to ask such a question, but only Zhang Yuelu knew that she was actually surprised by her good luck.

She actually hit the mark on the question.

Because the preparation time was too short, it was impossible for Zhang Yuelu to cast a wide net and could only attack certain contents in a targeted manner. She thought about it and found out that since the decline of Buddhism in the Central Plains and the focus of Buddhism moved to the Western Regions, Buddhism is no longer known for being good at debates, but more of a hands-on role. On the contrary, after Confucianism lost its status as the co-leader of the world, it could not control the right to speak about ethics and ethics, and the trend of empty talk and mysticism revived again, always playing the role of talking, so Zhang Yuelu finally decided to focus on Confucianism.

Zhang Yuelu slowly replied: "The integration of family and country is Confucianism."

The faces of Master Donghua and Master Qingwei showed expressions of approval at the same time.

Cihang is relatively reserved, like many parents, without expressing much.

Qin Lingge's face became more solemn and he said, "Please explain."

If an immortal discusses the Tao, while asking questions and answering questions, he will also spread his spiritual thoughts and pour all his thoughts into the minds of others. They can be understood without words. In addition, the realm of the immortal is already extremely high, and often a little bit. It's just clear and doesn't need to be explained too much, so the immortal's discussion seems to be mysterious and mysterious, often only saying a few words, leaving people confused.

Because Zhang Yuelu and Qin Lingge are not yet at this level, and their status has not reached that level, it is impossible to just say a few words and let everyone think about what their words mean, so they still need to explain.

Zhang Yuelu said in a deep voice: "For Confucianism, the country is an enlarged home, and the family is a reduced country. Handle family affairs as a king, let the children treat their fathers and ancestors with the attitude of kings, and kneel down at every turn. If you are disobedient, you should maintain your morality with the law. As a father, you should handle state affairs, and then let the subjects treat the king with the same attitude as their fathers and ancestors. The king's kindness is like the grace of childbirth. He knows that he should repay his kindness. He has to be careless and maintain the law with morality. Law. Therefore, Confucianism advocates governing the world with loyalty and filial piety."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the Confucian sect's chief priest changed.

Regardless of whether it is correct or not, this is no longer an explanation, but a deconstruction.

Zhang Yuelu, however, had no intention of stopping here and continued: "The so-called king and father, the so-called parents and officials all embody the concept of 'loyalty and filial piety'. The king is the father and the minister, the king is to the minister, and the father is to the son. It can be seen that the king is a minister." The king is the father of the people, and the ministers and officials are the parents of the people who govern them, so the kings are the ancestors of the people. In this way, a country becomes a family. The king is the grandfather who is the head of the family, the ministers are the father, and the people are the grandchildren. , since it is a family, then the father must love his son, and the grandfather must love his son and grandson. This is the 'benevolence' of Confucianism."

"The most sage is called benevolence, and the less sage is called righteousness. This has to mention the Mohist school, the once great enemy of Confucianism. The Mohist school advocates benevolence rather than aggression, and Confucianism also talks about benevolence. Why are the two incompatible with each other like water and fire? Just because The benevolence of Confucianism is only benevolence from top to bottom. Only grandfathers have always doted on their grandchildren, and fathers have doted on their sons, but there has never been a son who doted on his father or a grandson who doted on his grandfather. It is not benevolent to be rich. Even if the poor want to be benevolent, who can be benevolent? Mohism advocates mutual benevolence, which violates the Confucian hierarchy, or ethics, which is the Confucian etiquette."

"The so-called thunder, rain, and dew are all God's grace. If it is decided in the name of father and son, even if the father does something wrong, the son cannot resist. If the son resists, it is unfilial. Unfilial piety means moral deficiencies, and unrighteousness means loss of righteousness and no righteousness. Then people's hearts turn against him. As for the father punishing his son, it is all for the son's good and is inherently righteous."

"The father is unjust. As the patriarch, the grandfather wants to punish his father and uphold justice for his grandson. This is why the people always look forward to the reign of Mingjun. But if the grandson dares to directly resist his father's unjustness, even if the father is at fault, First, it was also Sun Tzu’s fault.”

"Because of this, as long as a country is regarded as a family, there is no fairness at all, because morally speaking, a son is born unequal to his father and owes his father. A man who is unfaithful has no nurturing grace. A woman's reputation will be ruined, but her son's rebellion against his father will lead to eternal infamy! Therefore, he only listens to loyalty and filial piety, but not to justice."

"The so-called 'loyalty, filial piety', and the so-called 'benevolence' are only the 'properties' that outline ordinary human relations. This is the foundation of Confucianism. Heaven and earth are infinite, and there is a time for people to die. The tools of time are held in the infinity, and suddenly there is no difference. Those who are afraid of passing through gaps cannot express their will and longevity, and they are all non-passengers. The so-called ethics and education are crazy and deceitful, and they cannot be completely true. "



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