Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 131 Discussing Tao (Part 2)

As soon as Zhang Yuelu said this, there was an uproar in Yuxu Palace.

If Zhang Yuelu's identity hadn't been there, and her master Cihang was sitting high above, I'm afraid some Confucian disciples would have scolded Zhang Yuelu for "sensationalizing" and "his heart is to be punished", and even slapped Zhang Yuelu with a hat of "destruction" The high hat of "Confucian-Taoist relations" put him to death.

Even the four Taoist Masters looked at each other in pairs, and had to admit that Zhang Yuelu's words were not shocking and he would die.

What's more, Zhang Yuelu's explanation is still too detailed. According to the rules, even if it cannot only have a few words, it is not suitable to make a long essay. It is best to cherish words like gold.

The great master of the Confucian sect was about to explode, but he finally endured it.

Of course, because Zhang Yuelu was talking about Confucianism and had nothing to do with Buddhism, the people in Buddhism were just watching from the sidelines, just waiting to watch the show.

Qin Lingge sat up straight, without any sign of contempt, he already regarded Zhang Yuelu as his life-long enemy.

He now had to admit that there was no false scholar under his great reputation. This was just Zhang Yuelu, who ranked last among the three Taoist masters. If Li Changge and Yao Pei came, how elegant would they be?

Qin Lingge said slowly: "If a father fights with his son, he will not fall into injustice. Therefore, if there is injustice, the son cannot but fight with the father, and the minister cannot help but fight with the king. Therefore, if there is injustice, fight with him and obey the father's orders. , How can we be filial?”

This passage comes from the Confucian classic "The Classic of Filial Piety", which means: "If a father has a son who dares to speak out, he will not do unkind things. Therefore, when a father does unjust things, the son should not Instead of blindly obeying your father, you should speak out and fight against him. Similarly, when the king does something unjust, a minister should not obey the king. Likewise, a saint should speak out about filial piety, but he does not necessarily have to be obedient. If you are obedient, you should be filial and disobedient. If you blindly obey without regard to reality, it will be unfilial to your parents. "

This is undoubtedly Qin Lingge's explanation or counterattack against Zhongxiao.

You say that a son cannot resist his father, but our Confucianism school has actually provided a solution, which is definitely not just about loyalty and filial piety but not justice.

Zhang Yuelu asked, "What if it's useless to speak out and fight? What if my father doesn't listen?"

Qin Lingge was silent.

Zhang Yuelu said heartily: "My grandson can only endure it, but he still can't take up arms to resist."

"It is unfilial to resist one's parents directly with force, and it is also unfilial to trap one's parents into injustice. The final result proved that the father was wrong, but the children and grandchildren who failed to successfully speak out and resisted still watched their father and ancestors fall into an unjust situation. Then the children and grandchildren It’s still unfilial, and in the end the fault belongs to the descendants.”

"Confucianism has given us the power to speak, but the power to listen or not still lies with our ancestors. So what's the point of this power?"

Zhang Yuelu is like a sharp spear. Master Cihang asked her to be careful of the Confucian sect attacking the Taoist sect, so she used offense instead of defense and took the initiative to attack the problem of the Confucian sect.

"Essentially speaking, between the king and his ministers, and between the subjects, there is no father and son, no blood relationship, no nurturing grace. It is the people who support the king, not the king who nurtures the people. It is the people who are kind to the king, not the king. For the people. If they are not father and son, why can't they resist the king? Why is it unfair for the country to overthrow the king? "

"Because of this, when Taoism used the Dao to defeat the unprincipled, it was not against loyalty, filial piety and benevolence per se, but against the principles of monarchs, ministers, fathers and sons. Comparing oneself to the fathers and ancestors of the people of the world, and then using the morality of filial piety to rule the world, kidnapping the people of the world, is actually doing It’s the business of thieves.”

Qin Lingge's face was extremely solemn, and he said almost word by word: "Asian Sage has a saying: 'The people are the most important, the country is the second most important, and the king is the least.'"

It has to be said that the "righteousness" proposed by Yasheng and "the people are valued and the monarch is valued" have made up for the inherent shortcomings of Confucianism to a great extent. This is also the reason why Yasheng is Yasheng and his status in Confucianism. The reason is second only to the sage master who founded Confucianism.

Zhang Yuelu said: "No matter how important the people are, they are still people. No matter how important the king is, he is still a king. The essence is still the principle of monarch and ministers. Back then, the Emperor Donghuang had a wine discussion with the Confucian sect. Donghuang once asked why some people are fathers and grandfathers, and some people are just fathers and grandfathers. Can you be a descendant and be a descendant for generations? The history books have already given the answer. Is it possible for the prince and general Xiang Ning to do so?"

"It's just that after these people overthrow their fathers and ancestors, they will find that the Confucian system is the best tool for governing the world. It is still necessary to reuse Confucianism and the scholar-bureaucrats of Confucianism. Only in this way can the world be stable. . Therefore, changing the dynasty is nothing more than changing the person, but the relationship is still the relationship between father and son. "

"Confucianism doesn't care about right or wrong, it only cares about order, which is 'propriety', and etiquette cannot be abolished. When two children fight, each will fight fifty times. If a father and son conflict, it must be the son's fault. This is etiquette. In the etiquette system of Confucianism Below, each level will do its own thing without disturbing each other, so the world will be peaceful. Therefore, the core of etiquette is dignity and hierarchy."

"It's just that Confucianism has a major drawback in governing the world. It can be maintained but cannot be developed. Why did the former Wei Dynasty close the sea? If the Wei Dynasty is regarded as a family, then can the fathers and ancestors manage their descendants far away? The descendants found out After finding another way out, will you still recognize this father-in-law?"

"So there is a huge problem. There are more and more people every day, and the land is getting less and less every day. How about more people and less land? My father and ancestors were afraid that their descendants would be out of control and did not dare to expand outside. They could only advocate frugality. Their descendants have already been frugal. There is no need to be frugal, but our fathers and ancestors are still extravagant, who is willing to cut off the flesh from their own bodies? So all dynasties have to die, a world chaos, bloodshed, overthrow of the old dynasty, land redistribution, and people. There is too much land, and the cycle of reincarnation continues. What happened to the Six Dynasties? It was just a private plan, and the new dynasty had to use Confucianism to maintain its rule, and Confucianism continued to flourish. "

"It is precisely because Confucianism has been relied upon by successive dynasties that Confucianism has become arrogant and self-proclaimed. The world is always the same world. It treats the world as a piece of pie. It is always only so big and can only feed so many people. No matter how many people there are, it will only be the same." It can kill people. Not everyone is willing to repeat this reincarnation of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and must find a way out. This is why Confucianism is in decline."

"So Daomen came up with a new idea, why not make this pie bigger? There is a saying that don't ask for things from the outside, but you can only ask for this result for thousands of years. Seeking outwards, so Daomen re-creates things, develops sea trade, and seeks outwards. Today, ships travel across the four seas, and trade spreads all over the world. This is why Daomen is prosperous. "

The great master of the Confucian sect wanted to protest, but was stopped by Donghua Zhenren: "Since it is a discussion of Taoism, we have to let people talk. They are all opinions of the same family and cannot be taken seriously."

There are always two routes within the Taoist sect, one is to completely eliminate the influence of Confucianism, and the other is to unify the three religions. Zhang Yuelu's words came from the first route, not something she imagined out of thin air.

To the Confucian disciples, the extremely harsh words are actually not very harsh to the Taoist disciples, and many people even take it seriously.

Although the relationship between Taoism and Confucianism is good, the relationship between the two major forces cannot be inferred based on the relationship between people, let alone the two major forces. The Taoist sect wants to unite with the Confucian sect, but also wants to beat the Confucian sect. There is no conflict.

If Qi Xuansu were here, he would probably not have a long speech like Zhang Yuelu, but would point out the key point of Confucianism in one sentence: Whether a gentleman or a saint in Confucianism, he actually creates a standard that occupies the moral high ground, and then flexibly implements it this standard. Simply put, double standards. It’s no wonder that many people criticize Confucianism, which is full of benevolence, justice and morality, but full of male thieves and female prostitutes. They are all hypocrites.

There were a few beads of sweat on Qin Lingge's forehead. He never expected that Zhang Yuelu's spear was so sharp. It almost stabbed him through in two encounters. He was already showing his defeat. He could only force himself to say: "What if?" You said that many practices of Confucianism have deviated from the original intention of the Supreme Saint and the Lesser Saint. In fact, emperors of all dynasties used Confucianism as a tool of imperial power. Confucianism is just a sword. If someone kills someone with a sword, should the sword be blamed? "

He has dual identities as a clan member and a Confucian sect, so it is not easy for him to say these words.

Zhang Yuelu suddenly raised his voice: "Of course the person holding the knife is guilty, so they all have to die. But fellow Taoist Qin should not forget this sentence, if you have a sharp blade, you will have a murderous intention. Without this sharp blade, where would you be? What's more, the sharp blade of Daomen is also a demon knife. It not only has its own thoughts, but also can affect the thoughts of the person holding the knife. The person holding the knife is not so much the owner of the knife, but the host and puppet of the knife. Is it reasonable to only blame the sword wielder but not destroy the demon sword? "

"Because of this, Xuansheng said that Confucianism must change, abandon the dross and retain the essence."

Qin Lingge closed his eyes and stopped talking. It's not that he is irrefutable, it's just that the battle between Confucianism and Taoism has been decided, and facts speak louder than words. It doesn't make much sense for him to argue forcefully at this time.

This move is equivalent to surrendering in Go.

Ning Lingge spoke again: "Qingxiao, please dot your eyes."

There is an allusion about the finishing touch. It is said that the master of painting painted four dragons on the wall of Anle Temple in Jinling. If the eyes are not clicked, they will fly away. The people who heard it didn't believe it, so they told him to light it. As soon as two were clicked, thunder and lightning broke out and the wall was shattered. Two dragons flew up to the sky on the clouds, leaving only the other two dragons who had not clicked on the eyes.

Therefore, the finishing touch is the last step in discussing the Tao, which corresponds to the "use of allusions" at the beginning. One person "uses the allusion", and another person "makes the point". The rule is to quote a classic that has the same origin as "yongdian" as a summary and sublimation of this discussion.

Since Qin Ling Pavilion’s allusions come from Taishang Taozu’s Five Thousand Words, Zhang Yuelu also quoted Taishang Taozu’s Five Thousand Words for finishing touches.

Zhang Yuelu finally stood up, saluted all around, and then recited: "If you don't respect the virtuous, the people will not fight; if you don't value the rare goods, the people will not steal; if you don't see the desirable, the people will not be confused. This is the rule of the saints." "The heart is weak, the belly is strong, the ambition is weak, and the bones are strong. It makes the wise people dare not do anything, and everything will be cured."

This passage comes from the third chapter of Taishang Five Thousand Words. It conforms to the rules of discussing Taoism. It can also be regarded as an answer and summary given by Taishang Taozu about the difference between Confucianism and Taoism. As for whether it is right or wrong, it is a matter of opinion.

Ning Lingge did not comment much on the content of the two people's discussions, but simply said: "A family's opinions can determine the outcome of the debate, but there is no need to forcefully distinguish the right and wrong principles. The benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom. I hope all disciples will take advantage of it." Let’s use its essence. Today’s discussion ends here.”

Everyone stood up and said yes, and looked at Zhang Yuelu, the winner of this discussion.

Zhang Yuelu won this discussion for Taoism and will be honored to leave her name in the long history of Taoism. However, whether she can be remembered by future generations depends on how far she can go in the future, as well as the relationship between Taoism and Confucianism. What does the future hold.



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