Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 152 Qi Jianyuan

The Hungry Ghost Festival celebration at Wanxiang Taoist Palace cannot be compared with the Hungry Ghost Festival celebration in Yujing, but it is also very interesting.

Hoshino Lake is divided into two parts. The larger part is outside the formation coverage of Wanxiang Dao Palace and is used for taking off and landing flying boats. The smaller part is located within the formation range of Wanxiang Dao Palace and belongs to the lower part. palace. At this time, many people had already descended from the observatory, came to the lakeside, and put the river lanterns that had been prepared into the lake.

For a moment, the lake was dotted with lights and reflected the stars in the sky. It was almost impossible to tell the difference between the two, and even the boundary between the sky and the water became blurred. It seemed that the lake was connected to the stars in the sky.

If you can go boating on it, it will probably be the artistic conception in the ancient poems: "When you are drunk, you don't know that the sky is on the water, and the boat is full of clear dreams that overwhelm the stars."

A busy man like Qi Xuansu naturally didn't have time to make river lanterns, so he just admired the river lanterns on the observatory. At this moment, someone brought food. Even though the food in Zhenyuan was thin, old and tender, the vegetables were uncooked and the rice was hard, the food provided to the assistants was very exquisite, and the cooking skills in the Taiping Inn were just like this. It can be seen that these people are not unable to do it, but there is something fishy about it.

Qi Xuansu took advantage of Sun Hewu and was given a plate of soy sauce beef, which was paired with not-so-intoxicating rice wine. He felt satisfied.

Although white wine has become very popular in recent years, rice wine is still the mainstay at upper-class banquets. More than a hundred years ago, baijiu was scornfully called "stinky wine". Even the name "baijiu" was only decided in recent decades. In the past, it was never on the market. Only people at the bottom drank it, or they had to drink it to keep out the cold. , so liquor will also be popular among the border guards. Only in the past hundred years has the trend changed, and the status of liquor has been raised again and again, and it has become a household name.

The word "wine" in countless poems, including the word "wine" in one hundred poems about the fight between immortals and poets, actually refers to rice wine.

The direct reason is also very simple. Not to mention the taste, liquor is too easy to get drunk. If you don't drink a lot, it is easy to make a fool of yourself at the banquet. Rice wine, on the other hand, is not the case. As long as it is drunk in moderation, it is easy to get drunk, but it will not make you unconscious. Because of this, literati can write many famous poems handed down from generation to generation when drunk. If you are drunk, you will become a puddle of mud. , let alone writing poems and compositions, I am afraid that I don’t even know who I am, and I might even resort to drinking to become crazy, which has nothing to do with elegance.

Furthermore, rice wine is too expensive. The taste of newly brewed rice wine is completely different from that of rice wine that has been stored for ten years. And because the brewing technology is immature, there are too many impurities in the wine, and the cost of filtering out the impurities is very high. With the distinction between "sake" and "turbid wine", nobles drank "sake" and ordinary people drank "turbid wine". This also caused difficulties in storage. Many rice wines have deteriorated in less than ten years, which is even more common. Vintage rice wine is so precious. In addition, there is also a distinction in color. Yellow wine that is as red as amber is the best.

Liquor is not the same. While it is easy to store, the aging effect is not great. Therefore, in the past, only rich families liked to drink rice wine, while ordinary people preferred cheap liquor.

When Qi Xuansu traveled around the world, he drank mostly white wine. Its spicy taste made him dislike drinking. Fortunately, thanks to the development of wine-making technology, Qi Xuansu could now taste the fine yellow wine and red wine that only wealthy families could taste in the past. Like amber, it is clear to the bottom, and only then do you know the beauty of wine.

As for Zhang Yuelu, she is an expert in this field. She is not limited to a certain kind of wine. She can accept rice wine, white wine, Western red wine, and various fruit wines. It’s just that she prefers spirits recently. Doesn’t that mean She has always been like this. As for her favorite "Drunken Life and Dreams of Death", it is already difficult to define what kind of wine it is. It is even close to "medicated wine" because of too many medicinal materials.

Even if Qi Xuansu didn't deliberately dispel the power of the wine, due to Wu Fu's physical condition, a pot of rice wine would only make him slightly drunk, but it was enough for him to start chatting with Sun Hewu.

In terms of knowledge, Qi Xuansu is naturally far inferior to Sun Hewu, but Qi Xuansu also has his advantage, which is experience in the world. Sun Hewu is an old scholar who has been studying in his study all his life. He has never seen the world of the world with his own eyes. It is only through paper that he realizes it briefly. He knows that this matter must be practiced. Even if he cannot practice it himself, he can listen to the personal accounts of those who have experienced it. It is also better than the words in books.

Sun Hewu listened to Qi Xuansu talking about all kinds of slang and unwritten rules in the world. Although they sounded vulgar, they contained various wisdoms and had their own reasons. He couldn't help but clapped his knees and praised them every time.

Qi Xuansu likes to get along with this old master very much, but he is also a little selfish. He wants to know something about divine power from his mouth. After all, in terms of incense and will power, the Taoist sect that occupies the world's orthodoxy is the real big one. With the Taoist sect, In comparison, other secret societies are small businesses and not worth mentioning.

The old man and the young man were chatting enthusiastically, enjoying each other's drinks, but Yao Pei next to him was indifferent, and even disliked the two people's noisy, so he took the initiative to distance himself from the two of them, sat alone in an uninhabited corner, and talked to Tonight The lively atmosphere was out of place.

It was already dark at this time, and Yao Pei took out a storybook from Xumiwu. Thanks to her good eyesight, she enjoyed reading under the starlight.

However, all kinds of joys and sorrows in the book, no matter how clever the writing is, can't make her have any emotional ripples.

Without compassion, there is no empathy.

Yao Pei in this state has lost any popularity.

At this moment, a person flew over quickly, and finally landed on the observatory. It was a man with a beautiful tree in the wind, wearing a simple Taoist robe and regular clothes, and carrying a long sword on his back.

Flying is strictly prohibited in the Wanxiang Dao Palace. Although the observatory is only the periphery of the Wanxiang Dao Palace, not strictly inside the Wanxiang Dao Palace, it is very presumptuous to dare to fly in the sky here. Fortunately, it was already dark at this time, and everyone's attention was on Hoshino Lake and the celebration, so no one paid too much attention.

Although the man was handsome, his expression was cold, and his whole body exuded an aura that would keep strangers away.

He looked around and walked straight towards Yao Pei.

Qi Xuansu just glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and continued drinking with the old man.

The man came to Yao Pei, who was sitting alone in the corner. After setting up a restriction, he asked straight to the point: "How did you find out what the master told you?"

Yao Pei didn't seem to hear, he just looked down at the script spread on his lap.

If it were in the Wanshou Chongyang Palace or in Jade Capital, even if a man casually chatted with him, he would be able to flatter many Taoist nuns. It is said that there are also many arrogant and arrogant women who are deeply in love with him, and even have their hearts set on him.

It's just that Yao Pei is not among the ranks of these Taoist nuns, and he doesn't even bother to raise his head to look at him. It seems that his handsome face is not as interesting as the bloody stories in the storybook.

However, the man was accustomed to Yao Pei's attitude and didn't take it seriously. His eyes fell on the storybook: "It seems that you didn't take Master's words to heart."

Yao Pei then closed the notebook on his lap and said calmly: "Master said that this matter must be kept secret, but you entered the Wanxiang Dao Palace openly and flew through the air, and even talked about it with me on this occasion, for fear that Don’t others know? Should I assign you a eunuch and shout that Qi Gaogong has arrived?”

Yao Pei did not hide the sarcasm in his words.

Just as Zhang Yuelu has a senior sister named Bai Yingqiong, Yao Pei also has a fellow senior fellow apprentice. The person in front of her has the same surname as Jianyuan and is her senior fellow apprentice.

In terms of Taoist grade, Qi Jianyuan is not as good as Bai Yingqiong. He is only a third-grade Youyi Taoist. However, he has a great advantage, that is, he is young. He is almost as different from Li Tianzhen and older than Zhang Yuelu, Yao Pei, Qi Xuansu and others. Now he is Erli year.

Qi Jianyuan was born in the Qi family of Quanzhen Taoism. The head of Shuzhou Taoist House, Zhenren Qi Jiao, was his uncle, and he became a disciple of Zhenren Donghua.

As Shi Bingyun said, Master Donghua doesn't like mediocre people in office. Even his own brother Pei Xiaolou failed to enter Ziwei Hall, but Qi Jianyuan became the ninth deputy head of Ziwei Hall, only from In terms of position and rank, he was not inferior to Zhang Yuelu, but because he was much older than Zhang Yuelu, he was overshadowed by Zhang Yuelu, and because of Yao Pei's existence, he was not able to get the title of Ziweitang Xiaozhangtang.

But no matter what, this is a figure that cannot be underestimated.

After the Wanxiang Taoist Palace was closed, no one could enter or exit, but he was able to enter the Wanxiang Taoist Palace at this time, which also explains the problem.

Qi Jianyuan had long been used to the changes in his junior sister's temperament, so he did not feel dissatisfied and said: "I have found out that those people are here just for Xingye Lake, so we can close the net."

Yao Pei remained silent and did not comment.

Qi Jianyuan continued: "Master said, this is our Quanzhen Taoist's own business. The family scandal should not be made public. It is best not to involve Zhengyiyi and Taiping Tao, let alone Tiangang Hall and Beichen Hall."

Yao Pei finally said: "Then you go and close the net. I have no objection and I will not share the credit with you."

Qi Jianyuan finally said helplessly: "Junior sister, I am not completely sure. If something goes wrong, it will be inconsistent with Master's original intention. Moreover, the fewer people who know the inside story of this matter, the better. It is not good to send too many people in." It’s not easy to inform Wanxiang Dao Palace directly, so I can only help me as you happen to be studying in the upper palace.”

Yao Pei said: "What if I don't want to?"

Qi Jianyuan stopped talking and frowned, seeming more helpless and a little annoyed.

Qi Xuansu looked towards Yao Pei out of the corner of his eye and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Sun, is that person here to cause trouble for Yao Pei?"

Sun Hewu just glanced at it and said: "Although our Wanxiang Taoist Palace belongs directly to Yujing, its foundation is still on the territory of Quanzhen Tao. Who dares to cause trouble for the daughter of the Yao family on the territory of Quanzhen Tao? I recognize that boy. I also came here to study a few years ago. My surname is Qi, and I am a disciple of Pei Xuanzhi, who is also Yao Yatou’s senior brother.”

Qi Xuansu thought of Bai Yingqiong and said, "Is it possible that senior brother and junior sister are at odds with each other over the position of Master Donghua?"

Sun Hewu was startled for a moment and touched the beard on his chin: "It's not impossible."



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