Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 153 Divine Power

Qi Xuansu just said casually and was not really worried about Yao Pei. With Yao Pei's family background, it was not his turn to worry about it. Regardless of his family background and family background, Yao Pei's level of cultivation is still above him, and there are semi-immortal objects such as the "Gong Candle Staff" that are much more powerful than him.

Qi Xuansu's attention is now focused on divine power. Divine power comes from the power of incense and wishes, just like blood comes from body essence and blood, and magic power comes from soul and spirit. On this point, he does not beat around the bush, but directly raises the question.

Probably because Qi Xuansu was too straightforward and undisguised, Sun Hewu didn't even think much about it. He just regarded the young man as eager to learn and answered the questions directly: "The power of incense and wish are the same as the power of magic. They both come from the human spirit. The difference is The reason is that the power of wishes comes from the spirit of others, and the magic power comes from one's own spirit. The blood of a martial artist is condensed from the essence and blood. The essence and blood of a person can be seen and touched, so the blood and energy of a person are real. The spirit cannot be seen or touched, so the power of mana and the power of wishes are false.”

"The reason why the Qi Refiner is called the orthodoxy of the Taoist sect is because he can take care of both, refining Qi and transforming Qi into God, step by step, emphasizing both virtuality and reality, yin and yang. As for banishing immortals, you can think of it as a more As a high-level Qi Refiner, you can also regard the Sanren as a low-level Qi Refiner. The appearance of these three are very different, but their inner essence is the same. This is why the Sanren can be completed as a banished immortal. ”

Qi Xuansu said: "Junior Qi Refiner, Intermediate Qi Refiner, Advanced Qi Refiner."

"That's more or less what it means." Sun Hewu brought the topic back, "Speaking of the power of wish, it involves the issue of how to use the spirit of others for one's own use. The strength of the power of wish is related to one's own cultivation level, and also related to Whether it has something to do with obsession or piety, the power of ordinary people's wishes is actually very scattered and weak. After it is dispersed, it will quickly dissipate between heaven and earth. If you want to actively collect it, it will be time-consuming unless you are an ancient immortal level witch. It's a waste of effort, but the gain is not worth the loss. For the top witches, collecting wandering wishes is similar to the heavenly beings drawing energy from the world. Apart from people in retreat, have you seen any witches who meditate all day long? It’s impossible to collect willpower all the time, so an intermediate medium is needed.”

Qi Xuansu listened very carefully and said thoughtfully: "The so-called medium is an object that can collect and store the power of wishes?"

"Children can be taught." Sun Hewu smiled and nodded, "As the saying goes, if force is directed in one place, wish force is also force. How to make wish force gather in one place? In fact, it is worshiping God, but how can mortals see the true God? In the end, it is still worship. It's just a clay puppet. So we set up Taoist temples in various places. There are statues of Taishang Taozu in Taoist temples. Zhang San worshiped this statue, and Li Si also worshiped this statue. Their wishes have been concentrated on the statue since ancient times. , burning incense helps to restore the spirit, so the smoke of burning incense also helps to condense the will power born from the spirit, and can even be used as the carrier of the will power to slow down the dissipation of the will power. Therefore, while worshiping gods, you must also pray to the gods. Incense and wish power are also called incense and fire wish power.”

"You pour a cup of water on the table, and the area becomes larger, and it will dry up quickly. But if the water is all in the cup, there is only a small area at the mouth of the cup, but it can exist for a long time. The same is true for will power. , when they gather in one place, they are not easy to dissipate, and the statue is naturally the cup, which is very suitable for storing the will power. In this way, we do not need to waste time and effort to collect the wandering will power, as long as we take it regularly. It’s enough to take the ‘water in the cup’ approach.”

"Of course, this is just a very basic method. The top wizards can also use the medium of statues without the help of statues. As long as believers recite their names silently in their hearts, the power of their wishes will naturally be obtained by them. For example, if a wizard preaches in a dream, it is The same principle. But those are very profound methods. Just like a top martial artist can eat a dragon in one meal, its external performance is different. There is no difference between eating a dragon and eating cattle and sheep. They are all about strengthening oneself. The methods of Qi and Blood are the same as Wu Zhu’s. These are still too far away for you. You just need to know that there is such a thing and don’t delve too deeply into it.”

"When it comes to statues, we have to mention the 'consecration'. Buddhism is an expert in this way, and even our Taoist sect follows the same pattern as the Buddhist sect. What Buddhism says is very mysterious. Only after the 'consecration' can we invite the real Buddha. If If it is not consecrated, evil spirits will occupy the Buddha statue and enjoy the incense. It is not that complicated. How can the Buddha or Bodhisattva enter this small statue? The so-called consecration is actually a lock, or a lock. This formation isolates the inside and outside. As long as it is locked, ghosts, ghosts and evil spirits cannot enter the statue to steal the power of wishes. "

"This has to talk about the problem of guarding and stealing. Since it is a lock, it naturally has a key. Of course it is not a real key. It may be a mantra, a talisman, or even some invisible channel. This key is in your possession. In the hands of Taoist priests, how to prevent self-stealing has always been a problem, just like how to prevent corruption of Taiping money."

Sun Hewu glanced at Qi Xuansu: "You have participated in the second major Jiangnan case, you should know the dangers involved."

Jinque has already characterized the Zixian Mountain case and the Jinling Mansion catastrophe, and officially named them the "Second Jiangnan Case", which is regarded as a continuation of the first Jiangnan Case. Including the real person in charge of Jiangnan Daofu, as well as the chief deputy palace master Bai Yingqiong, the second deputy palace master Li Tianlan and other nine deputy palace masters, all were punished with serious demerits and ordered to conduct a deep review. The two deputy palace masters were Transferred, a deputy palace master was dismissed. From the deputy head of the palace down, twelve Taoist priests in charge and forty-three Taoist deacons were dismissed and arrested, and more than 300 people were held accountable.

Jinque has passed through Di Baoming's Taoist gate, so Sun Hewu knew it very well.

Sun Hewu continued: "We follow the example of the Immortal Sect and set up Taoist temples all over the world to collect the power of wishes from all over the world. However, these wishes are extremely impure and are mixed with chaotic thoughts such as seeking official positions, seeking wealth, and seeking blessings. If we accept them all, it will be at least as little as The mind is damaged, and in severe cases, it can lead to obsession. Incense, which is a temporary carrier of wish power, is also an impurity. It can be used to condense wish power, but it is difficult to refine it. These need to be filtered, purified, refined, and refined with heaven and man. It’s the same principle as when a scholar refines the vitality of heaven and earth into his own true energy.”

"This kind of processed pure wish power is divine power, which can be used for the armor of spiritual officials and the practice of witchcraft. Various things developed by Huashengtang are also inseparable from it. Speaking more broadly, Even the immortals who condense their golden bodies and build the Kingdom of God cannot do without this kind of good stuff, which is even more precious than gold.”

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and asked: "Then how can we obtain divine power?"

"It's hard to say it's hard, and it's easy to say it's simple." Sun Hewu knew everything and said it incessantly. "You can preach on your own. That's what those secret societies do. This is where the word 'evil cult' comes from. Come. You can also look for some special objects, such as totems and sacrificial artifacts from ancient witchcraft. If you are lucky, there should be residual will power or divine power. There are many relics of ancient witchcraft in southern Xinjiang, but Wuluo It is also easy to encounter demons from the Lingshan Witch Cult, which is a bit dangerous. You can also visit the tomb. Emperors of the past generations received incense offerings from their descendants, and many things in the tomb also have the power of incense. "

"By the way, it is said that divine power or unprocessed incense will also be sold in the black market. You can try your luck, but you have to prepare peace of mind. Although I have not bought it, and I don't know the specific price, but according to the Taoist internal regulations, I roughly estimated the price of the divine power. The amount of divine power that is enough for a Guizhen shaman to become a heavenly being would cost tens of thousands of Taiping. It would be better for you to prepare 10,000 Taiping and then try your luck on the black market."

The more Qi Xuansu listened, the uglier his face became.

He robbed himself, secretly preached under the pressure of the Taoist sect, took food from the mouth of Wu Luo, risked being killed by various mechanisms and formations, stole the emperor's tomb, and spent money to buy it.

Apart from spending money to buy, the rest of the behavior is like seeking death. As for spending money to buy it, where can he find 10,000 Taiping? Qiniang did have it, but it belonged to Qiniang. She still remembered Qiniang once said that unless she died, her money had nothing to do with Qi Xuansu. In other words, if Qiniang dies unfortunately, she will leave some inheritance to Qi Xuansu, but before that, Qi Xuansu still needs to be self-reliant. But no matter how short of money Qi Xuansu is, he will not hope that something unexpected will happen to Qiniang. If he really dares to think so, he will lose his liver, lungs, and humanity.

To put it bluntly, he was still hoping that Qiniang would attain immortality so that he could follow the chickens and dogs to heaven. In today's world, if one hopes that his son or husband will become a dragon, why should he not be allowed to hope that his mother will become a dragon? I can also take Zhang Yuelu with me, hoping that his wife will become a dragon. There is no conflict between self-reliance and self-improvement and hoping that my mother will succeed and my wife will succeed. It is the good wind that sends me to the blue clouds by virtue of its strength. Everyone can borrow from each other.

But the joke is a joke after all. Immortality is too far away after all. With Qiniang's temperament, even if she becomes an immortal, it is easy to change the country and hard to change the nature. Qi Xuansu should have no money. Zhang Yuelu is generous, but like Qi Xuansu, she doesn't have much money, and water from afar cannot quench her thirst.

At this time, you can see the importance of Taiping Money. A penny can stump a heroic man. No wonder so many high-ranking Taoist priests are trying their best to make money. It is true that money can communicate with ghosts and gods.

Qi Xuansu murmured: "The Taoist priest of the fourth grade of Ziweitang can have a monthly allowance of 200 yuan of Taiping money, plus various subsidies, the total is 300 yuan of Taiping money, which is 3,600 Taiping money a year. If I don't eat, drink or spend money, I have to save for three years, which may not be enough. If I need tens of thousands of peacetime, I will have to save my life for ten years. "

If the former Qi Xuansu knew that he could become a heavenly being within ten years, he would definitely not feel that it was too slow, but that it was too fast. But now Qi Xuansu is too ambitious and is no longer satisfied with this speed. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Sun Hewu shook his head and said nothing.

In the Taoist sect, every step is slow, and every step is slow. After Zhang Yuelu became a heavenly being, Yao and Li wanted to become a heavenly being one after another, even if they disrupted their own plans. They were afraid of taking one step slower, so it was difficult to persuade him.



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